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Content available remote Ocena emisji cząstek na stanowiskach pracy operatorów stacjonarnych drukarek 3D
Przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów emisji cząstek podczas drukowania przestrzennego w technologii FDM (modelowanie tworzywa osadzanego na podłożu). Badania przeprowadzono na łącznie 10 stanowiskach pracy w 3 zakładach, w których stosowane były różne typy drukarek i różne materiały wsadowe do druku. Średnie stężenie liczbowe cząstek emitowanych na badanych stanowiskach operatorów drukarek 3D mieściło się w zakresie 482-60 466 cząstek/cm³ w zależności od rodzaju wentylacji w pomieszczeniu, liczby drukarek i stosowanych filamentów.
The number concn. of particles and their size were detd. in air samples taken at the workstations of 3D printer operators working according to fused desposition modeling (FDM) technology. The study was conducted at a total of 10 workstations in 3 companies, where different types of printers and different printing input materials were used. The av. number concn. of particles emitted at the tested workstations ranged from 482 to 60466 particles/cm³, depending on the type of room ventilation, the number of printers and the filaments used.
The Euro 5 limits for L-category vehicles are applicable since 2020 and for this reason there is lack of studies examining the emissions of this category. In this study we tested a 1000 cm3 Euro 5 motorcycle over the World Harmonized Motorcycle Test Cycle (WMTC). The gaseous pollutants were approximately half of their respective limits. The cold start (first 2 minutes) contributed to the majority of the emissions. The solid particle number emissions were also 6.5 times below the limit for passenger cars, but the particles not counted with the current methodology were around 2 times higher. High concentrations of volatiles were emitted at the high speed part of the cycle.
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza drogowej emisji liczby oraz masy cząstek stałych w rzeczywistych warunkach eksploatacji z pojazdu hybrydowego. Co więcej, analizie poddano również warunki pracy badanego pojazdu oraz silnika. W tym celu wykonane zostały badania emisji cząstek stałych i parametrów eksploatacyjnych z lekkiego pojazdu samochodowego z napędem hybrydowym, wyposażonego w 104 kW silnik o objętości skokowej 1,58 dm3. Badania przeprowadzono w rzeczywistych warunkach ruchu, przestrzegając procedury RDE (Real Driving Emission). Test wykonano na obszarze aglomeracji poznańskiej, trasa obejmowała drogi o różnych dopuszczalnych prędkościach. Do badań wykorzystano mobilną aparaturę, należącą do grupy PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement System), w skład której wchodziły takie urządzenia jak: SEMTECH DS., AVL MSS (Micro Soot Sensor) oraz EEPS 3090 (Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer). Uzyskane wyniki zostały odniesione do wartości dopuszczalnych emisji zgodnie ze standardem EURO 6.
The subject of this article is the analysis of the particle number and mass road emission from a hybrid vehicle in real operating conditions. Additionally, the operating conditions of the tested vehicle and engine were also analyzed. To this end, particulate emissions and performance tests were carried out from a light hybrid vehicle, equipped with a 77 kW engine with a displacement of 1.58 dm3. The tests were conducted in real traffic conditions, following the standard RDE (Real Driving Emission) procedure. The test was performed within the Poznań agglomeration, the route included roads with different maximum speed limits. The research involved the use of mobile measuring equipment, belonging to the PEMS (Portable Emissions Measurement System) group, which included equipment such as: SEMTECH DS, AVL MSS (Micro Soot Sensor) and EEPS 3090 (Engine Exhaust Particle Sizer). The results obtained have been referred to the vehicle exhaust emission limit values in accordance with the Euro 6 norm.
Artykuł przedstawia propozycję metody określania wpływu materiałów budowlanych na klasę zanieczyszczenia powietrza pomieszczeń w budynku. Ponadto omówiono stan wiedzy oraz określanie klas czystości powietrza metodą komorową oraz za pomocą analizy bezpośredniej w obiekcie. Porównano dwie niezależne metody analityczne: mikroskopii optycznej i metodę z zastosowaniem dyskretnego licznika cząstek. Wyznaczono współczynnik korelacji liniowej wyników oraz równanie regresji w przypadku dwóch wielkości cząstek. Przedstawiono i omówiono wyniki pomiarów czystości powietrza wykonane w kilkunastu przedszkolach.
The article presents a method for determining the influence of selected construction materials on the air pollution of rooms in a building. The paper presents the state of the art and methods for defining room cleanliness classes by a chamber method and by direct analyses of the object. Two independent analytical methods were presented and compared: the optical microscopic method and the use of a discrete particle counter. The linear correlation coefficient of the methods’ results and the regression equation for the two particle sizes were determined. Air quality measurements were performed in a dozen of kindergartens.
A long service life of heavy-duty diesel vehicles results in a large number of older-technology trucks and buses of various types running on roads nowadays. Cleaning up exhaust gases of these older vehicles gives an opportunity to improve air quality at affordable costs. Retrofitting older buses with diesel particulate filters (DPF) is a cost-effective measure to quickly and efficiently reduce particulate matter (PM) emissions and contribute to mitigation of air pollution in urban conglomerates. In this paper, the milestones on a way to wide-scale retrofitting of heavy-duty vehicles with DPF are discussed on the example of Israel DPF retrofit program. Crucial importance of a balanced governmental approach combining regulation and economic incentives, together with collaboration of government, academia and vehicle operators, is underlined. Main results of the one-year pilot project focused on urban and intercity buses are discussed. Impact of DPF retrofitting on particulate emissions and engine performance and maintenance aspects of in-use diesel buses is analyzed. Very high particle filtration efficiency (in average, about 97%) together with relatively low fuel economy penalty (0.6–1.8%, depending on the bus type) are proved. Vital importance of careful monitoring and correct maintenance of DPF-equipped vehicles is underlined.
In the EU, alcohol fuels are used mostly in the form of ethanol, sold either as E85, or mixed in less than 10% concentrations into gasoline for the general fleet. This work examines the effects of extending the ethanol share to 15%. Additionally, considering the high hygroscopicity and corrosivity of ethanol, two isomers of butanol, n-butanol and isobutanol, were blended with gasoline at 25% by volume, all blends corresponding to approximately 5% oxygen by weight. These four fuels were examined in two typical spark ingition automobile engines, a Ford Focus car with a Euro 6 EcoBoost direct injection (DISI) engine, and a Skoda Fabia car with a Euro 5 multipoint injection (MPI) engine. Both cars were tested on chassis dynamometer using the Artemis driving cycle. There were no measurable effects on the emissions of hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide. The alcohol fuels increased the emissions of nitrogen oxides on the MPI engine. On the DISI engine over the Artemis cycle, the number of emitted solid particles and the emissions of elemental carbon and polyaromatic hydrocarbons were reduced relative to gasoline, by about one half for both butanol isomers, while ethanol did not yield observable effects. Particle emissions of the MPI engine were generally smaller. The results suggest that both n-butanol and isobutanol are viable fuels, which could be considered as an alternative to ethanol.
W artykule zaprezentowano zagadnienia związane z emisją cząstek stałych w spalinach silników o zapłonie iskrowym i o zapłonie samoczynnym. Przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania metody sztucznych sieci neuronowych do analizy emisji cząstek stałych. Proponowaną metodę można zastosować zarówno w odniesieniu do emisji z silników ZS, jak i ZI. Przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące toksycznych właściwości cząstek stałych oraz ich powstawania w silnikach ZI i ZS. Zaprezentowano sposób tworzenia sztucznych sieci neuronowych w oparciu o opracowaną metodykę pomiaru emisji cząstek stałych z użyciem analizatora do ciągłego pomiaru tej emisji. Przedstawiono planowany sposób weryfikacji wyników badań oraz spodziewane efekty naukowe i utylitarne.
Problems of particle matter emission in the CI and SI engines exhaust gas have been presented in the article. The way of use of neural network method for investigation of particles emission has been presented. That method enables the analysis of particle matter emission field and verification of obtained results taking into consideration many independent parameters, which are usually omitted in standard investigations. Planned experimental methodology taking into consideration the proposed method of results analysis has been also presented.
Limited and non-regulated emissions of scooters were analyzed during several annual research programs of the Swiss Federal Office of Environment (RAFU). Small scooters, which are very much used in the congested centers of several cities, are a remarkable source of air pollution. Therefore every effort to reduce the emissions is an important contribution to improve the air quality in urban centers. In the present work detailed investigations of particle emissions of different 2-stroke scooters with direct injection and with carburettor were performed. The nanoparticulate emissions were measured by means of SMPS, (CPC) and NanoMet. Also the particle mass emission (PM) was measured with the same method as for Diesel engines. Extensive analyses of PM-residuum for SOF/INSOF, PAH and toxicity equivalence (TEQ), were carried out in an international project network. Particle mass emission (PM) of 2-S Scooters consists mostly of SOF. The standard coulometric EC/OC-analysis, as well as the analyzer MEXA 1370 PM overestimate the amount of soot due to the effect of "charring", which provokes the heaviest VOC to stay in the sample during the thermal extraction and to be indicated as EC. A solution for this analytical problem is demonstrated. Wiremash Filter Catalyst (WFC) is en efficient measure to intensify the oxidation of the exhaust gas components and to reduce PM, PC, PAH, TEQ and VOC. The presented WFC needs a further development for durability and product integration. WFC is an efficient aftertreatment measure to substantially lower the toxicity of 2-S exhaust gases.
Content available remote Analysis of particle emission and smoke measurements in stationary cycles
This paper presents the results of particle emission measurements in the European Stationary Cycle (ESC) test made on the engine test bed, obtained with the use of various measuring instruments (AVL Smart Sampler - gravimetric measurement, using partial flow dilution tunnel, Horiba Mexa 1220 PM - measurement by means of double flame-ionization detector) in comparison to exhaust smoke measurements (AVL 415 - filtration smoke opacimeter, Opacimeter 439 - optical opacimeter). The results were characterized and the correlations between the results obtained presented.
Content available remote Real-time measurement of the size of air particulates
The gravimetric method of measuring PM10 particulate concentration in the air is the reference method used in Poland and in the European Union. To gain information on mass fractions of lower-diameter particulates (e.g., PM5, PM2.5 or PM1) one usually has to apply various pre-sorters (most often of the impact type). This paper presents a new device for measuring air particulate sizes in real time. The device makes it possible to classify (sort) air particulates according to size into 256 granularity classes from about 0.4 žm up to 300 žm. The tests of a device prototype were conducted in Warsaw on the turn of 2005/2006.
W Polsce i Unii Europejskiej referencyjną metodą pomiaru stężenia PM10 w powietrzu jest metoda grawimetryczna. Informację o udziale wagowym w powietrzu cząstek o średnicach mniejszych od 10 m (np. PM5, PM2,5 czy PM1) uzyskuje się zwykle, stosując różnego rodzaju rozdzielacze wstępne (najczęściej impakcyjne). W artykule przedstawiono nową metodę pomiarową umożliwiającą ocenę wielkości cząstek w powietrzu w czasie rzeczywistym. Metoda ta pozwala ocenić wielkości cząstek w 256 klasach ziarnowych począwszy od 0,4 m aż do 300 m. Badania o charakterze wdrożeniowym były prowadzone w powietrzu miejskim (Warszawa) na przełomie lat 2005/2006.
Content available remote Nuclear interferometry for two-nucleon systems (experiment E286 at GANIL)
The main points of a new experiment being prepared currently at GANIL are reported. Simultaneous measurement of two-nucleon (nn, pp, np) correlations at small relative velocities will be performed. Special attention is paid to (nn) correlations as free of Coulomb effects. The physical goal of experiment is to find the space-time properties of nucleon emission dynamics in heavy-ion collisions and to clarify some related questions: sequence of particle emission, three-body Coulomb effects, deuteron production mechanism etc.
W pracy omówiono główne przesłanki nowego eksperymentu przygotowywanego obecnie w GANIL. Mierzone w nim będą jednocześnie korelacje przy małych prędkościach względnych dla układów dwunukleonowych (nn, pp, np). Specjalną uwagę poświęcimy korelacjom (nn), na które nie mają wpływu efekty kulombowskie. Fizycznym celem eksperymentu jest zbadanie czasoprzestrzennych właściwości dynamiki emisji nukleonów w zderzeniach ciężkich jonów oraz wyjaśnienie kilku pokrewnych problemów, takich jak sekwencyjność emisji cząstek, trzyciałowe efekty kulombowskie, mechanizm produkcji deuteronów itd.
Content available remote New possibilities of interferometry in particle physics
The influence of multi-boson effects and of the source charge on determination of the space-time characteristics of particle production in heavy-ion collisions is discussed. The possibility to use the correlations of nonidentical particles for a direct determination of the relative space-time asymmetries, including the relative delays in emission of various particle species at time scales as small as 10(sup -23)s, is demonstrated.
W pracy omówiono wpływ efektów wielobozonowych oraz wpływ ładunku jądra na określanie czasoprzestrzennych charakterystyk produkcji cząstek w zderzeniach ciężkich jonów. Pokazano, że można wykorzystać korelacje cząstek nieidentycznych do wyznaczania względnych asymetrii czasoprzestrzennych, w tym również względnych opóźnień emisji różnych typów cząstek w skali czasowej aż do 10(sup -23)s.
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