Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical produced in large quantities for use primarily in the production of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins. As an endocrine disrupting compound, it has been included in the list of substances requiring special supervision as a very high-risk substance due to its toxic influence on reproduction. BPA with a reference value of 0.01 μg/L was included in the Drinking Water Directive revision (DWD 2018). This paper presents the results of preliminary studies aimed at identifying the occurrence of BPA in different types of water, i.a. groundwater captured with house wells or flowing wells in a selected location in southern Poland. These waters are commonly used as a source of water intended for human consumption and their quality is not regularly controlled. Additional tests were carried out for surface water, as well as water from springs used for drinking purposes. The authors also analysed tap water from various sources, i.e. surface and groundwater, as the final product of the drinking water production cycle. The results indicate the presence of BPA in water and the necessity of a detailed study on the risk of the BPA occurring in groundwater, especially in domestic wells.
Sanitary chemistry is a component of environmental chemistry, based on the issues of general, organic and instrumental chemistry. The level of chemistry development is important for the development of other scientific disciplines such as: environmental engineering or planning, design and protection of the environment. These disciplines are mentioned in the areas of technical, natural and agricultural sciences. As part of the sanitary chemistry research in two directions: the study of water and wastewater quality are conducted. The studies include an assessment of water quality of surface- and groundwater, which are the source of water supply for: population, industry and agriculture, water treatment processes and water monitoring. The wastewater research are concerning the wastewater introduced into the sewage system, wastewater treatment plants and to the receivers. The development of sanitary chemistry involves the development of analytical techniques and procedures in order to determine a greater number of pollutants in water and wastewater and enhancing the accuracy of compounds which has been already designated. Therefore, in framework of sanitary chemistry development following actions are performed: improvement of research procedures including the validation, design and construction of new measuring and control devices, automation of test equipment, including the coupled systems, determination of trace-level components: micro-pollutants, metabolic products, intermediate products, water and wastewater treatment, determination of "emerging contaminants", development of solvent-free techniques, minimization of cost, energy and the waste materials emission, the extension the scope of speciation analysis and their applications, development of biological methods in chemical analysis, introduction the continuous analysis into monitoring, improvement of the quality of chemical analysis results, statistical processing of chemical analysis, which allows on forecasting changes in water quality. Trends in the sanitary chemistry development in the world indicate a continuous improvement of analytical techniques and measurement and control appliances, the elaboration of new analytical procedures and develop existing ones.
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products represent the biggest single group of emerging environmental contaminants. Owing to growing awareness about their potential environmental impacts and vastly improved analytical procedure, they have been increasingly detected in recent times in wastewater effluent, surface waters and even portable water albeit in much lower quantities. This review paper explores the likely role of emerging environmental contaminants in the future environmental impact assessment of wastewater treatment plants in Europe. Relevant empirical research data from two European countries (Finland and Germany) examined show that there is an urgent need to take into account the environmental impacts of trace emerging contaminants in future EIA process especially with respect to water quality, ecological health and regulatory framework.
Środki farmaceutyczne i produkty do pielęgnacji stanowią największą grupę zanieczyszczeń środowiska. Dzięki rosnącej świadomości o ich potencjalnym wpływie na środowisko oraz znacznie ulepszonym procedurom analitycznym stały się one w ostatnich czasach wykrywalne w wodach odpływowych, wodach powierzchniowych jak również w wodzie pitnej, lecz w znacznie mniejszych ilościach. Referat poświęcony jest prawdopodobnej roli powstających zanieczyszczeń środowiska w przyszłości pod kątem oczyszczalni ścieków w Europie. Zbadano dane empiryczne z dwóch krajów europejskich (Finlandii i Niemiec) i pokazano, że istnieje pilna potrzeba wzięcia pod uwagę wpływu na środowisko zanieczyszczeń w odniesieniu do jakości wody, ekologicznego zdrowia oraz struktur ustawodawczych.
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