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w słowach kluczowych:  elevated temperature ductility reduced area
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Content available remote Changes of microstructure in CuNi25 alloy deformed at elevated temperature
Purpose: The aim of this paper was to present behaviour of CuNi25 alloy during elevated temperature tensile tests and describe changes of microstructure of material after deformation at the range of the Ductility Reduced Area (DRA) in which the phenomenon of Ductility Minimum Temperature (DMT) is situated. Design/methodology/approach: Numerous techniques were used to characterize properties of material: high temperature tensile tests, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), HRTEM, FFT. Findings: During the experimental studies the course of elongation and reduction of area curves has been determined. Morphology of material after deformation at elevated temperature was analysed. Research limitations/implications: Further studies should be undertaken in order to correlate effects, processes and mechanism existing and superimpose in material in range of Ductility Minimum Temperature phenomenon, it should help us understand high temperature properties of mentioned material. Practical implications: Knowledge about material properties during high temperature deformation leads to selection of the appropriate production parameters. Misapplication of parameters leads to multiplication of costs and often destruction of material during production or operating. Correct selection of technical and economical parameters of material production processes gives us supremacy in economic and technological competition. Originality/value: Investigations of this CuNi25 alloy complete knowledge about mechanical properties and help us develop correct parameters for more effective technologies for material production.
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