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Content available Comparison of openEHR open-source servers
Medical information systems could benefit from electronic health records management using openEHR. On the other hand, such a standard adds an additional software layer to the system, which might impact performance. In this article, we present an in-depth comparison of open-source openEHR servers and propose tools for testing them. Load tests for selected opensource servers were prepared using Apache JMeter. Statistics of elapsed time of requests and throughput of each solution were calculated. Results show that open-source openEHR servers significantly differ in performance and stability and prove that load testing should be a crucial part of a development process.
Accurate early prediction of heart failure and identification of heart failure sub-phenotypes can enable in-time interventions and treatments, assist with policy decisions, and lead to a better understanding of disease pathophysiology in groups of patients. However, decision making more challenging for clinicians since the available data is complex, heterogeneous, temporal, and different in granularity. Even with much data, it is difficult for a cardiologist to pre-judge a patient’s heart condition at the next visit by relying on data from only one visit. Moreover, complicated and overloaded information bewilders clinicians, bringing obstacles to the stratification of patients and the mining of disease typical patterns in subgroups. To overcome these issues, this study proposes a novel Patient Representation model based on a temporal Bidirectional neural network with an Attention mechanism deep learning model called tBNA-PR. tBNA-PR effectively models heterogeneous and temporal Electronic Health Records (tEHRs) data from past and future directions to obtain informative patient representation to realize accurate heart failure prediction and reasonable patient stratification. Additionally, this study extracts typical diagnosis and prescriptions for disease patterns exploration and identifies significant features of sub-phenotypes for subgroup explanation in the context of complex clinical settings to provide better quality healthcare services and clinical decision support. This study leverages a real-world dataset MIMIC-III database. We carried out experiments on the prediction of heart failure to investigate tBNA-PR, which obtains prediction accuracy of 0.78, F1-Score of 0.7671, and AUC of 0.7198, showing a certain superiority compared with several state-of-the-art benchmarks. Moreover, we identified three distinct sub-phenotypes in all heart failure patients in the dataset with the clustering method and subgroup analysis. Sub-phenotype I has characteristics of more long-term anticoagulants. This sub-group has more patients who have the thrombotic disease. Sub-phenotype II has features of more patients having kidney disease, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and coronary heart disease surgery history. Subphenotype III has characteristics of more patients having acidosis, depressive disorder, esophageal reflux, obstructive sleep apnea, and acquired hypothyroidism. Statistical tests show that the features, including age, creatinine, hemoglobin, urea nitrogen, and blood potassium, are significantly different among the three sub-phenotypes and have particular high importance. The resultant findings from this work have practical implications for clinical decision support.
Content available remote islEHR, a model for electronic health records interoperability
Objectives: Due to the diversity, volume, and distribution of ingested data, the majority of current healthcare entities operate independently, increasing the problem of data processing and interchange. The goal of this research is to design, implement, and evaluate an electronic health record (EHR) interoperability solution - prototype - among healthcare organizations, whether these organizations do not have systems that are prepared for data sharing, or organizations that have such systems. Methods: We established an EHR interoperability prototype model named interoperability smart lane for electronic health record (islEHR), which comprises of three modules: 1) a data fetching APIs for external sharing of patients’ information from participant hospitals; 2) a data integration service, which is the heart of the islEHR that is responsible for extracting, standardizing, and normalizing EHRs data leveraging the fast healthcare interoperability resources (FHIR) and artificial intelligence techniques; 3) a RESTful API that represents the gateway sits between clients and the data integration services. Results: The prototype of the islEHR was evaluated on a set of unstructured discharge reports. The performance achieved a total time of execution ranging from 0.04 to 84.49 s. While the accuracy reached an F-Score ranging from 1.0 to 0.89. Conclusions: According to the results achieved, the islEHR prototype can be implemented among different heterogeneous systems regardless of their ability to share data. The prototype was built based on international standards and machine learning techniques that are adopted worldwide. Performance and correctness results showed that islEHR outperforms existing models in its diversity as well as correctness and performance.
The publication of the HL7-FHIR standard offers new possibilities for integrated applications in healthcare. Although trial implementations have only recently started, the application of FHIR in context of a Personal Health Monitoring solution is worth investigating. Most of the existing telemonitoring solutions in healthcare rely on guidelines defined by the Continua Health Alliance (CHA). This paper compares the requirements of CHA and HL7-FHIR with respect to data traffic between client devices and server side applications. Therefore an existing CHA-compliant telemonitoring solution is extended towards supporting HL7-FHIR. Both approaches were simultaneously evaluated in a live system with 68 participants. The results of the evaluation show that the FHIR approach offers the possibility of reducing data traffic in comparison to the CHA solution.
This paper compares three methods of storage data of the patients in the field of dentistry: the paper dental card, a lifetime dental EHR controlled by keyboard and a lifetime dental EHR controlled by voice. The EuroMISE Center developed a pilot EHR application called MUDR Lite (multimedia distributed electronic health record). The study compares the elapsed time necessary to update/enter the information about the patient's dental status using the above mentioned three methods. The paper dental card is the most rapid method, but not the best for medical documentation and dentists.
Content available remote Biomedical informatics research for Individualized life-long shared healthcare
Aim: We developed a multimedia electronic health record MUDR and introduced it to the field of cardiology and dental medicine. We developed a graphical component called DentCross supported by automatic speech recognition connected to an electronic health record (BRR) in dentistry. Platform for semantic interoperability was designed utilizing international communication standards. Methods: Our approach consisted of three main steps. 1) Development of the multimedia distributed electronic health record MUDR, 2) Development of the interactive graphical DentCross component with automatic speech recognition connected to electronic health record in dentistry. 3) Development of minimal data model for cardiology (MDMC) as the base for studying semantic interoperability issues. Results: Dental health data for more than 100 patients were collected using EHR with the DentCross component, the DentCross component was used in forensic dentistry and for e-Iearning activities. We found that approximately 85% of the MDMC concepts are included in at least one classification system. More than 50% of MDMC are included in the SNOMED Clinical Terms. Conclusions: Structured representation of information in EHR and use of international standards, classifications and nomenclatures is a necessary prerequisite to semantic inte-roperability issues as well as to an automatic speech recognition.
Content available remote Selected problems in electronic medical records implementation
Growing use of electronic medical record (EMR) systems in Europe and the United States has been driven by the belief that these systems can help to improve the quality of health care. Decision support systems, particularly for drug order entry, are becoming important tools in reducing medical errors. Service oriented architecture (SOA) is gaining support in several industries particularly in service-oriented enterprises. There has been increasing interest in adopting the SOA style in healthcare. Areas of use include: electronic medical records, medical prescriptions, exchange of medical information including telemedicine, medical practice management including medical billing and coding and many others. Having realistic expectations about what EMR s will do for medical practice and how they’ll work is a key to eectively selecting and implementing an EMR system. But EMR also brings risk. Even in resource-rich nations, the development of EMR systems is still an uncertain and challenging task, calling for a sensitive matching of local needs to available technologies and resources.
Tendencja wdrażania systemów elektronicznych rekordów medycznych w Europie i w Ameryce wynika z przekonania, ze te systemy są istotnym elementem poprawy jakości opieki zdrowotnej. Tradycyjna papierowa dokumentacja medyczna służy niemal wszystkim istotnym aspektom opieki zdrowotnej. Stanowi ona zapis przebiegu leczenia pacjenta, ułatwia rozpoznanie problemów medycznych i jest wykorzystywana do koordynacji procesu opieki zdrowotnej. Pomimo istotnych zalet papierowej dokumentacji medycznej ma ona wiele niedogodności. Wprowadzenie dokumentacji elektronicznej ma na celu zachowanie walorów papierowej dokumentacji medycznej eliminując jej wady. W artykule pokazano przykład kompleksowego rozwiązania systemów elektronicznych rekordów zdrowia w skali narodowej na przykładzie kanadyjskiego rozwiązania EHRS Infoway (Fig.1 i 2). Kluczową sprawą dla wdrożenia systemu jest oparcie się na standardach, przy czym uznano zasadę adopcji istniejących standardów gdzie to tylko jest możliwe. Zgodnie z tym przyjęto standard komunikacyjny Health Level 7 V3 (HL7) dla wszystkich nowo opracowywanych komunikatów przekazywanych w tym systemie. Infoway opiera się na wykorzystaniu SOA dzięki czemu uzyska się wykorzystanie istniejących aplikacji jako usług w bazującej na SOA infrastrukturze elektronicznych rekordów zdrowia. Usługowo-zorientowana architektura (SOA) rozprzestrzenia się w wielu obszarach zastosowań a zwłaszcza w zorientowanych na usługi organizacjach. Obserwuje się zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem SOA w systemach opieki medycznej. Obszary zastosowań obejmują elektroniczne rekordy medyczne, wystawianie recept, wymianę informacji medycznej w tym telemedycynę, zarządzanie przychodniami w tym fakturowanie usług medycznych, kodowanie procedur i wiele innych. Koncept SOA w istocie nie dotyczy nowych technologii, ale raczej innego sposobu formowania, posługiwania się i wspólnego korzystania z aplikacji. SOA pozwala na rozdzielenie określonych usług na elementy ponownego użycia, ułatwiające efektywne wykorzystanie systemów informatycznych. Fig. 4 pokazuje przykładowe funkcje systemu opieki zdrowotnej i związane z nimi aplikacje. Choć nie jest to pełna lista funkcji czy systemów, widać tu redundancje funkcji systemu w typowym środowisku opieki zdrowotnej. Jeśli funkcje systemu są powtarzalne, wówczas można sadzić że odpowiadające im procesy biznesowe są powiązane i mogą wskazywać na możliwość rozdzielenia procesu na usługi. Systemy wspierania decyzji, zwłaszcza przy wypisywaniu recept, również odgrywają istotną rolę w ograniczaniu popełnianych pomyłek medycznych. W oparciu o elektroniczne rekordy medyczne pacjenta lekarze mogą dobierać lekarstwa bezpośrednio online, stosując reguły zawarte w klinicznych systemach decyzyjnych chroniących lekarza przed popełnieniem pewnych rodzajów pomyłek medycznych. Zagadnienie interoperacyjności systemów opieki zdrowotnej nabiera znaczenia zarówno w skali narodowej jak i międzynarodowej między innymi w postaci transgranicznej interoperacyjności systemów elektronicznych rejestrów medycznych. Realistyczna ocena tego co elektroniczne rekordy medyczne moga˛ przynieść praktyce medycznej jest kluczem do efektywnego wyboru i wdrożenia systemów EMR. Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że wdrażanie elektronicznych rekordów medycznych wiąże się z ryzykiem. Przechodzenie z dokumentacji papierowej na elektroniczną tworzy nowe problemy na dodatek do parania się ze starymi problemami. Istotne problemy wdrażania systemów EMR będą zarówno związane z kłopotami użytkowników jak też zagadnieniami natury technicznej. Nawet w bogatych krajach, rozwój systemów EMR napotyka na niejasności i problemy związanymi z właściwym dopasowaniem lokalnych potrzeb do dostępnych zasobów i technologii.
Content available remote Electronic health record
Information technologies are widely present in modern health care and in teaching medicines students. It is important to create tools that will be universal and will employ newest tech- nologies and medical standards. Creating an electronic health record application is a trial to implement such a tool in order to teach students how real life application works and how to work with medical dictionaries such as ICD-10.
Rozwiązania z zakresu informatyki są integralną częścią wspomagającą różnorodne aspekty współczesnej służby zdrowia. Powinnością projektantów i wykonawców tych narzędzi jest dbałość o to, aby tworzone były zgodnie z najnowszymi, uznanymi standardami informatycznymi oraz medycznymi. Nowoczesne nauczanie medycyny wymaga równocześnie pełniejszego zapoznawania studentów z tymi rozwiązaniami.
Shared care concepts such as managed care and continuity of care are based on extended communication and co-operation between different health professionals or between them and the patient respectively. Health information systems and their components, which are very different in their structure, behaviour, data and their semantics as well as regarding implementation details used in different environments for different purposes, have to provide intelligent interoperability. Therefore, flexibility, portability, knowledge-based interoperability and future-orientation must be guaranteed using the newest development of model driven architecture. The ongoing work for the German health telematics platform based on an architectural framework and a security infrastructure is described in some detail. This concept of future-proof health information networks with virtual electronic health records as core application starts with multifunctional electronic health cards. It fits into developments currently performed by many other developed countries. The paper introduces into the German health telematics platform and its tools based on smart card.
Croatian national health ICT implementation strategy is determined by Croatian national health strategy and plan, Croatian ICT development strategy for 21st century, and requirements specifications for the health information system. National health ICT implementation strategy components are accented: purpose of the ICT implementation strategy, information principles, needs and ICT enablement in domains of patients, healthcare professionals, policymakers and managers and public. Telemedicine and telecare positions and implementation steps are described. Based on the determinants, three organizational levels have been established - government, ministerial and project levels. General architecture of Croatian healthcare information system and respective pilot projects and results of pilot implementations as well as national ICT environmental accelerators for health ICT implementations are presented.
The telecommunications industry in last decade went through the dramatic changes motivated by mobility, wireless technologies and miniaturization. The continuous increase in the complexity and the heterogeneity of healthcare telecommunications infrastructures requires reliable methodology to assess the quality of service provision. This article presents a cost effective methodology to assess the user's perception of quality of service provision utilizing the existing Staffordshire University network by adding a component of measurement to the existing model presented by Walker. This paper offers a cost effective approach to assess the QoS provision within the University campus network, which could be easily adapted to any campus network or healthcare organization in the world.
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