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w słowach kluczowych:  electrical parameters measurement
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Light sources and luminaires made in the LED technology are nowadays widely used in industry and at home. The use of these devices affects the operation of the power grid and energy efficiency. To estimate this impact, it is important to know the electrical parameters of light sources and
luminaires, especially with the possibility of dimming. The article presents the results of measurements of electrical parameters as well as luminous flux of dimmable LED luminaires as a function of dimming and RMS supply voltage. On the basis of the performed measurements, a model of LED luminaire was developed for prediction of electrical parameters at set dimming values and RMS values of the supply voltage. The developed model of LED luminaire has 2 inputs and 26 outputs. This model is made based on 26 single models of electrical parameters, whose input signals are supply and control voltages. The linear regression method was used to develop the models. An example of the application of the developed model for the prediction of electrical parameters simulating the operation of an LED luminaire in an environment most similar to real working conditions is also presented.
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