Artykuł porusza problematykę egzaminu typu open book, przedstawione zostały jego cechy charakterystyczne i powody, dla których warto korzystać z tej formy egzaminowania. Zaprezentowano wnioski z ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród studentów dotyczącej ich nastawienia do tego typu egzaminu. Omówiono również wyniki egzaminu, który zawierał zadanie typu open book. Zdaniem autora, egzamin typu open book może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywany do sprawdzania efektów uczenia się w zakresie wiedzy i umiejętności, które student powinien rozumieć i potrafić właściwie wykorzystać mając dostęp do zasobów ze źródeł zewnętrznych.
The article discusses the issues of the open book exam, presents its characteristics and reasons for using this form of examination. The tasks on such an exam usually require explanation, interpretation, inference, analysis of the given problem and use of knowledge. In this kind of exam problem solving, critical thinking and creativity are supported. So, we come to the higher categories in Bloom’s taxonomy and from the mathematics didactics point of view, we consider groups B and C in Mathematical Assessment Task Hierarchy. The conclusions of the survey, conducted among students, concerning the students’ attitude to this type of examination are presented. The results of the exam, which was partially open book, are also discussed. According to the author, knowledge that an engineer should be able to use immediately - without needing to consult outside sources, should be assessed in a closed book exam. Whereas, knowledge that a student should understand and be able to apply properly with the use of reference sources, should be assessed in an open book exam. Teachers and experts decide which knowledge is to be assessed in a closed book exam and which in an open book exam. The author is convinced that an open book exam can significantly support the discovery and disclosure of the "true mathematical value" considered in the article.
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