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Content available remote Współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego młodzieży
W artykule scharakteryzowano współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego młodzieży w tzw. klasach wojskowych oraz zdiagnozowano potencjał kształcenia obronnego uczniów tych klas w Polsce. Cele te osiągnięto z wykorzystaniem metod teoretycznych, takich jak: analiza, synteza i wnioskowanie na podstawie literatury poświęconej klasom mundurowym w Polsce oraz dokumentów normatywnych dotyczących obszaru rozważań. Zastosowano również metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz technikę wywiadu i ankiety. Współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego w klasach wojskowych, syntetycznie scharakteryzowane w niniejszym studium, to: eksperyment pedagogiczny z klasami profilowanymi wojskowo (przeprowadzony w latach 1998-2003), wojskowe innowacje pedagogiczne (wprowadzane od 2002 roku), certyfikowane wojskowe klasy mundurowe (funkcjonujące od 2017 roku) oraz oddziały przygotowania wojskowego (wprowadzone w 2020 roku). Wyniki badań empirycznych pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie różnego potencjału uczniów klas wojskowych: mobilizacyjnego, społecznego i indywidualnego oraz na wskazanie możliwości jego wykorzystania w działaniach związanych z bezpieczeństwem państwa.
The aim of the article is to describe the contemporary paradigms of youth defense education in military classes. The aim of the article is also to diagnose the potential of defense education of such students in Poland. To achieve the assumed goals, theoretical methods were used, as follows: analysis, synthesis and inference based on the literature on uniformed classes in Poland and on normative documents in the discussed area. A diagnostic survey, an interview and a questionnaire were also used. Contemporary paradigms of defense education in military classes, which were synthesized in this study, are: a pedagogical experiment with military profiled classes (1998-2003), military pedagogical innovations (implemented since 2002), Certified Military Uniform Classes (in operation since 2017) and Military Preparation Units (introduced in 2020). The analysis of the results of the empirical research made it possible to distinguish various potentials of military class students, such as mobilization, social and individual ones, and allowed to indicate the opportunities for their application in activities related to state security.
Content available remote Spanish military education : army officer base line
Spain is having new winds of changes in the field of education and consequently the army is not an exception in the way this institution is adapting new teaching-learning bases. Although the 21st century is bearing to new models and procedures in pedagogy we cannot lose the track and forget how cadets are taught and how cadets are learning, and less now in this new biological atmosphere. The aim of this article is to provid an analysis of Spanish military education and overviews its evolution.
Hiszpania przechodzi nową ewolucję w dziedzinie edukacji, a w konsekwencji edukacja wojskowa nie jest wyjątkiem w sposobie, w jaki ta instytucja dostosowuje nowe bazy nauczania i uczenia się. Chociaż XXI wiek ma wpływ na nowe modele i procedury w edukacji wojskowej, nie możemy jednak zapomnieć tradycyjnego nauczania kadetów, ukazując ich obecny stan, który również dotyczy obecnej sytuacji pandemicznej. Ten artykuł zawiera analizę hiszpańskiej edukacji wojskowej i przekrojowo przedstawia jej dostosowywanie się do nowej rzeczywistości.
The report describes how simulation technologies are embedded in military education in Vasil Levski National Military University. It is more than obvious that both NATO and EU borders are surrounded by insecurity and instability. The EU and NATO countries are facing a very wide range of security challenges and threats: from state and non-state actors; from military forces and from terrorist, cyber, or hybrid attacks. Those challenges should be included in the military education programmes, giving the cadets the opportunity to study the security treats and to be trained to react to them. Simulation systems constitute an excellent tool for the creation of a number of scenarios. Based on them, we are able to train the cadets in a virtual environment, covering a variety of different training objectives.
Raport opisuje, w jaki sposób technologie symulacyjne są wbudowane w edukację wojskową na Narodowym Uniwersytecie Wojskowym im. Wasyla Lewskiego. Jest oczywiste, że obszar nieobjęty granicami państw NATO i UE cechuje niepewność i niestabilność. Kraje UE i NATO stoją w obliczu bardzo wielu wyzwań i zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa: ze strony podmiotów państwowych i niepaństwowych; mogących przybrać formę działań sił wojskowych albo ataków terrorystycznych, cybernetycznych lub hybrydowych. Wyzwania te powinny zostać uwzględnione w programach edukacji wojskowej, dając słuchaczom możliwość badania zagrożeń i szkolenia w zakresie reagowania na nie. Systemy symulacyjne stanowią doskonałe narzędzie do tworzenia wielu scenariuszy. Na ich podstawie jesteśmy w stanie szkolić słuchaczy w środowisku wirtualnym, realizując różnorodne cele treningowe.
Content available remote Diagnoza realizacji programu edukacji wojskowej studentów „Legia Akademicka”
W artykule omówiono wyniki autorskich badań teoretycznych i empirycznych programu edukacji wojskowej studentów „Legia Akademicka”. Badania zapoczątkowano w 2019 roku z udziałem grupy studentów, którzy byli szkoleni w ramach części praktycznej tego programu przeprowadzonej w Centrum Szkolenia Inżynieryjno-Lotniczego w Dęblinie. Przedstawiono ogólne informacje o założeniach i podstawach prawnych programu „Legia Akademicka” oraz najważniejsze wnioski dotyczące wyników tych badań. Dokonano również próby oceny rezultatów programu przez pryzmat jego dwóch dotychczasowych edycji, z uwzględnieniem głównie drugiej edycji, zrealizowanej w roku akademickim 2018/2019.
The authors discussed the results of their own theoretical end empirical research on the student military education program called Academic Legion (Legia Akademicka). The research started in 2019 and involved a group of students who have been trained within the practical part of this program at the Engineering-Aviation Training Centre in Dęblin. The research presents general information about the conception and legal basis of the Academic Legion Program as well as the most important conclusion regarding the results of this research. The authors evaluate the results of the program through the prism of two editions that have been conducted so far, with the main focus on the second edition accomplished in the 2018/2019 academic year.
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie założeń ewolucji edukacji proobronnej realizowanej w szkołach średnich, która ulega permanentnym zmianom programowym dostosowywanym do zmian w sposobach przygotowania młodzieży do zadań proobronnych państwa. W trakcie regulacji prawnych przedmiot edukacja wojskowa został zastąpiony przysposobieniem obronnym, a następnie edukacją dla bezpieczeństwa. Przy każdej zmianie ustawodawca zmieniał zakres wiedzy i kierunek kształcenia proobronnego. Przygotowanie dzieci i młodzieży do życia we współczesnym świecie burzliwych i wielorakich przemian nakłada na szkołę nowe, a zarazem niezmierne ważne, zadania w edukacji proobronnej. Szkoła powinna stwarzać takie warunki edukacji uczniów, aby cechowały je konsekwentne i wychowawczo pożądane zachowania, wynikające z poczucia więzi ze szkołą, najbliższym środowiskiem i krajem.
The aim of the article is to describe the evolution of the pro-defence education implemented in secondary schools, the program of which is the subject of constant changes which result from the necessity to adjust the curriculum to the changes in the way the young people are prepared to carry out pro-defence tasks. Due to the changes in law, defence education was replaced with Civil Defence Training and next with Education for Security. Each change resulted in the change of the scope of knowledge required and the aim of defence education. Preparing children and young people for the life in the contemporary world of turbulent and manifold transformations imposes new and extremely important duties on schools with regard to defence education. Schools should create proper conditions for the pupils’ education which will enable them to develop consistent and educationally desirable behaviour which stems from the bonds with the school, their closest environment and finally their homeland.
Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie zadań i znaczenia Katedry Logistyki WSOWL w systemie kształcenia kadr logistycznych na potrzeby Sił Zbrojnych RP. Aktualna działalność dydaktyczno-naukowa przedstawiona została w kontekście wcześniejszych osiągnięć zlikwidowanej Wyższej Szkoły Oficerskiej Wojsk Kwatermistrzowskich w Poznaniu, z której dorobku personalnego, dydaktycznego i naukowego czerpie Wyższa Szkoła Oficerska Wojsk Lądowych, będąc jednocześnie kontynuatorką jej tradycji, dobrych praktyk i dokonań. W artykule omówiono szczegółowo bieżące zadania dydaktyczne, osiągnięcia naukowe oraz infrastrukturę dydaktyczną Katedry Logistyki. W artykule przedstawiono również potencjał Katedry w kontekście kształcenia i szkolenia kadr logistycznych, a także jej planowany rozwój
The aim of the paper is to present the main tasks of the Department of Logistics of the General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in the system of logistics staff training for the Polish Armed Forces. The current science and didactic activities were presented in the context of earlier successes of the restructured Military Academy of Quartermaster in Poznan. The present Logistics Department is taking advantage of the scientific, didactic and personal achievements of its predecessor. In the paper there were presented in detail the current didactic tasks, scientific achievements and educational infrastructure of the Logistics Department. Additionally, the paper present the potential of the Department in the context of logistic staff education and training, as well as its planned development.
In June 2014 the last edition of six-month long Wyższy Kurs Taktyczno-Operacyjny (WKTO) was finished. Due to the fact that last four years this course has been an essential form of education for officers aspiring to the rank of major it is worth to summarizing and presenting its advantages and disadvantages. The main intent of this article is to focus not only on the course general objectives but also present selected experiences from the course administrator and tactics lecturer perspective.
Praca stanowi kontynuację zainteresowań i badań autora nad szeroko rozumianym wychowaniem dla bezpieczeństwa, a szczególnie kształtowaniem postaw moralnych podchorążych. Poza teoretycznymi podstawami edukacji etycznej i wychowania moralnego, praca odnosi się do praktyki. Opiera się na opiniach podchorążych, ich doświadczeniach z obserwacji realnej moralności współczesnych żołnierzy polskich. Autor wskazuje na znacznie szerszy aspekt kształtowania postaw moralnych żołnierzy, niż się to powszechnie uważa.
The article is an effect of author’s interests and research on widely understood education for security, and especially the military cadets moral behavior. As it is stressed out, when it comes to the education of future military professional, the topic of a military ethics does not lose any of its significance, is important and still evolving with time. Next to theoretical fundamentals for moral teaching and education of ethical standards it has also its practical sides. It discusses the opinions of cadets and examines their experience in reference to moral behavior of contemporary Polish soldiers. Author points out that even wider than typical aspect of the morality issue can be recognized when discussing moral stands of the soldiers.
The article presents the nature and assumptions of the Central European Forum on Military Education (CEFME) from the perspective of chronological order of the most important events. The authors of the article are trying to investigate whether regular participation of decision-makers in CEFME meetings has an impact on the condition of higher military education in Central European countries. A deeper insight in details of CEFME discussions allows for distinguishing multifarious areas of concern, such as contemporary challenges of military education, the Bologna Process in higher military education system, the Military Erasmus exchange scheme for students and academic staff innovations related to using advanced technologies, or proposals of joint strategic module curriculum. The wide spectrum of issues predetermines the CEFME as a unique initiative.
The author (for many years a research worker of the Academy of General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces – ASG WP) presented in the article his personal considerations and evaluations of the Academy and discussed the developments of its graduates. Analysing the first thirty years of the ASG WP history (1947-1977) the draw a conclusion that four main „schools” of military higher education contributed to the ASG WP original identity, namely the pre-war Higher War School and Higher War School in Scotland, Soviet „school”, „school” - the experiences from the Second World War, particularly of Polish military forces, the „school” of ASG WP academic ataff, its graduates in particular. A special attention was paid to positive aspects of the mentioned above „schools” especially in periods when the commandants were generals: Z. Berling, M. Bień, J. Kuropieska, B. Chocha. The author presented the graduates' inspiring activities conditioning the development of the Academy. According to the author the full symbiosis of the discussed „schools” appeared during Gen. B. Chocha's term of office with the engagement of ASG WP whole academic staff. In conclusion the author suggested appointing the Association of ASG WP and AON's Graduates at a reunion in order to ensure the integration of successive ASG WP and AON's (University of National Defence) graduates. Thus the graduates would contribute to fulfil the Commandant's, Gen. Józef Kuropieska testament.
The education and training process in warrant and non commissioned officers vocational schools prepares cadets - future warrant and non-commissioned officers, to pursue their career and fulfil a social role. It is of great importance to define the value of this process, its influence on the graduates’ personality and career situation. To what extent do the contents of education and training agree with military units real needs and concrete positions requirements? The research carried out in military environment show that there is no direct dependency between the marks received on leaving school and professional achievements. The graduates’ usefulness can be best evaluated basing on military duties’ performance (after professional adaptation period) after at least two years. The warrant and non commissioned officers’ career situation is also determined by the possibilities of promotion, personnel development, raising qualifications and professional interests. The material, social situation, conditions in the unit, the level of military training make up the notion of „success” and professional satisfaction.
Content available remote Edukacja wojskowa w NATO
The reform of national education and transformations taking place in the armed forces give an opportunity to analyse in detail the military education systems carried out in NATO countries. The idea of military education in these countries involves the fact that officers must face many challenges showing their creative thinking, critical perception and decisive actions. Officers must also effectively adopt and use the achievements of military thought developments and technical progress effects. NATO armies’ experiences and solutions applied there in the area of military education are essential for the Polish Armed Forces as a full right member of the Alliance as we are going to introduce many changes that would enable partner co-operation in all coalition activities areas.
Content available remote Zmiany cywilizacyjne a system profesjonalnej edukacji oficerów
The main tasks of armed forces and military organisations change parallelly to civilisation changes. The most important issue of officers’ professional education will be to enable the officers to understand transformations taking place in contemporary world and also defining necessary changes to be introduced in armed forces, so that they would cope with new civilisation demands. The article deals with tendencies of civilisation changes, revolutions in conducting military operations and modernisation processes taking place in western countries’ military education systems. The author has presented some proposals of changes in the Polish military education and the role of the National Defence University (AON) in these transformations.
Task and intention is the priority characteristic of all human actions. Thus making students aware of the tasks in their efforts is crucial due to psychological regularities which base human behaviour and also other conditions accompanying school achievements. In the teaching - learning process, apart from the sort of given information and its evaluation, the evaluation of students’ effectiveness to reach their successive goals is also important. The awareness of task to be achieved is particularly necessary for the learner because tasks directed into the future motivate to global and long-lasting activities and help to discover students’ own capabilities. Appropriate perception of the teaching task should be shaped in military education by revealing that the degree of achieving depends on the learner, and it is strictly co-related with the accomplishment of student’s own development potentials.
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