The term “ergonomics” means practical learning which determines the conditions for the optimal adjustment of tools, equipment, technology and organizational structures to meet the needs of employees. In an age of scientific-technological progress systematic research on human work supported by technology is indispensable. Technical civilization is not the “non-humanistic” world. Its creators enter into ethical relationships with recipients. The process of work humanization must be considered on three cognitive levels: theoretical, axiological and practical. This approach is neither contradictory nor competitive to the traditional understanding of ergonomic tasks, but is complementary to it. It is significant as it teaches how to use the achievements of knowledge wisely to facilitate and take human life to a higher level, also in moral terms.
We wprowadzeniu autor omawia okoliczności zachęcające do dyskusji problemu określonego tytułem artykułu. Następnie charakteryzuje specyfikę głębinowych kopalń i górnictwa węgla kamiennego w aspekcie warunków zarządzania. Omawia pojęcia, funkcje i czynności formujące fundament zarządzania. Rozpatruje rozwiązania, którymi w epoce PRL i w ćwierćwieczu gospodarki rynkowej – w polskim górnictwie węgla kamiennego – usiłowano tworzyć warunki do ekonomizacji zarządzania. Wskazuje trzy działania, które warunkują osiągnięcie w górnictwie węgla kamiennego przełomu w zakresie ekonomizacji zarządzania.
In the introduction, the author presents the circumstances encouraging the discussion on the problem brought about in this paper. Then he characterizes the specification of deep mines and mining of hard coal in the context of management conditions. The author defines the concepts, functions and actions which comprise the basics of management. He considers solutions attempted to use in the period of PRL and the quarter-century of market economy, for the purpose of creating conditions of management economization. The author indicates three actions, determining the achievement of the breakthrough in the field of management economization in the mining industry of hard coal.
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