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In a complex supply chain network, the production nodes, seller nodes, and buyers are connected randomly. We assume a process of joining two random nodes leading to the bivariate Poisson probability mass function. There exist two types of links - one is horizontal (H) and the other is vertical (V), which support the continuous flow of commodities through the supply chain. This induces competition among workers at a node to manage these two types of links within fixed constraints and creates bargaining to decide the optimal degree of both types of links at a node. We use the Nash security point to obtain the bargaining solution describing the optimal links. We reduce the carrying cost and ordering cost of inventory, which are contrary in their nature by introducing horizontal and vertical links, respectively. We modify the total cost function and establish a new economic order quantity (EOQ), optimal shortage quantity, and total optimal cost in terms of the optimal degree of H and V cooperation.
Background: Among the various food chain processes, inventory is regarded as the most important, complex and expensive. Inventory practically accounts for over 70% of food processing firms overall capital assets in both developed and developing economies. As such, its proper management is key to promoting the performance, growth and competitiveness of food processing firms and their supply chains. However, in developing economies notably Ghana, the strategies adopted by food processing firms in managing their inventories remains scanty and unclear. Thus, the aim of this article is to investigate the different inventory management strategies of manufacturing industries with focus on food processing firms in a developing economy in case of Ghana. Methods: The study adopted the quantitative approach, descriptive design, and backed by the theory of constraints. It collects data through structured questionnaires from 104 food processing firms in Ghana and analysis was done using descriptive statistics (i.e. mean and standard deviation). Results: The study’s results revealed that food processing firms in developing economies notably Ghana most prefer the Economic Order Quantity during inventory management; followed by Strategic Supplier Partnership and the Activity Based Costing strategies respectively. Conclusions: This study’s findings contribute largely to empirical studies on inventory management of food processing firms in developing economies. The findings also inform policies and practices associated with inventory management, while facilitating the adoption of relevant inventory management strategies in food processing industries.
Wstęp: Wśród wielu różnych procesów zachodzących w łańcuchach dostaw produktów żywnościowych, zarządzanie zapasami uznaje się za jednej z najważniejszych i najbardziej złożonych procesów. Zapasy pochłaniają ponad 70% zasobów w firmach spożywczych zarówno w krajach rozwijających się jak i rozwiniętych. W związku z tym właściwe zarządzanie tymi zapasami jest kluczowe dla zwiększenie konkurencyjności i polepszenia wyników finansowych firmy. Jednak w wielu rozwijających się krajach, między innymi w Ghanie, strategie zarządzania, stosowane przez firmy spożywcze dla zarządzania zapasami, pozostają niejasne i nieprecyzyjne. Celem tej pracy jest analiza różnych strategii zarządzania zapasami, z głównym naciskiem na firmy spożywcze, dla rozwijającej się gospodarki, na przykładzie Ghany. Metody: Zastosowano podejście ilościowe jak i schemat opisowy, oparty na teorii ograniczeń. Dane do badań zebrano przy użyciu ustrukturyzowanej ankiety od 104 firm spożywczych, działających w Ghanie. Analiza danych została wykonana przy użyciu narzędzi statystycznych ( wyliczając średnią i odchylenie). Wyniki: W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy, stwierdzono, że w krajach rozwijających się, na przykładzie Ghany, w większości przypadków preferowaną metodą postępowania w zarządzaniu zapasami jest metoda ekonomicznej wielkości zamówienia. Kolejnymi metodami, preferowanymi przez ankietowanych jest oparcie się o strategicznego dostawcę oraz strategia oparta o kalkulację kosztów. Wnioski: Wyniki uzyskane w czasie tej pracy określają empiryczne podejście w zarządzaniu zapasami w firmach spożywczych w krajach rozwijających się oraz prezentują politykę i praktycznie stosowane strategie zarządzania zapasami w tych firmach.
The paper examines the classical problem of optimization of the size of a delivery to a warehouse. Using a model developed by the author, simulations were conducted using data obtained from companies in Poland. The results revealed that the impact of this optimization on the economic efficiency of an enterprise can be considerable in some cases. It is difficult, however, to develop an appropriate mathematical formula for solving such a problem. The use of a simulation seems to be more appropriate for solving this problem than optimization models.
Acceptance sampling by attributes is a universally used statistical tool for quality control. It is a technique that deals with the decision to accept or reject a batch of goods using defined procedures. An attribute single sampling plan designed under the assumption that the number of defects has a Poisson distribution is the optimal plan whenever the chance of a defect occurring in the manufacturing process is low. This study introduces the incorporation of an attribute single sampling plan minimizing the sum of risks with an economic order quantity (EOQ) model taking into account the possibility of trade credit. The plan ensures the effectiveness of the optimal design based on the minimization of costs including the inspection costs, stock holding costs and ordering costs.
The EOQ model is one of the oldest classic production scheduling models. The EOQ mathematical models have been established within the scope of operations management to determine the optimal inventory level. The most widely used model is the EOQ model. This journal research uses descriptive research design. A survey was conducted on automotive components of a Japanese company in Indonesia. The company is one of the fastest growing industrial company among automotive component companies. The main products are copper materials used by the automotive industry for lamps, switches, electrical panel components two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheeled vehicles. The Japanese company seeks to meet increasing customer demand but on the other hand strive to obtain optimal inventory costs, as well as demand by parent companies in Japan for faster money turnover or otherwise known as Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR) and must be in quantity minimum or small. This means the goods in the order must be as required.
Inventory management is focused with ensuring that all activities involved in labor storage and stock control are carried out efficiently and economically by those working in inventory storage. Then, there is a question for management regarding the efficiency of inventory management procedures because of inconsistencies in inventory levels that cause weaknesses such as losses incurred due to end-inventory stocks, low stock inventories, failure to meet targets and poor corporate morale. As a result, the inventory storage of the company is too busy making the job a difficult supply keeper, late in issuing materials to the department and in turn producing poor inventory service delivery. In inventory management, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the number of orders that minimize total holding costs and booking costs. The EOQ model is one of the oldest classic production scheduling models. The EOQ mathematical models have been established within the scope of operations management to determine the optimal inventory level. The most widely used model is the EOQ model.
Przedstawiono matematyczny model programowania liniowego mieszanego problemu optymalizacji dostaw wyrobów budowlanych zużywanych w sposób nierównomierny. Pozwala on na analizę opłacalności stosowania wyrobów zamiennych, wyrobów wymagających wstępnego przygotowania lub obróbki przed wbudowaniem, oraz możliwych do gromadzenia w ilościach przekraczających bieżące zapotrzebowanie budowy, lecz z ograniczeniem pojemności składowisk. Model umożliwia minimalizację łącznych kosztów gospodarowania zapasami – zaplanowanie ekonomicznie uzasadnionej wielkości dostaw w kolejnych okresach realizacji budowy oraz dokonanie wyboru łańcuchów zaopatrzenia.
Authors put forward a mixed linear programming model for optimizing supplies of construction material consumed in non-uniform way. The model enables the user to consider cost implications of material substitution and selecting suppliers that offer the material at varying level of pre-processing, as well as buying to stock with limited capacity of stacking areas. The model serves finding the economic order quantities in consecutive units of time and selecting supply chains.
This study involves the implementation of an economic order quantity (EOQ) model which is an inventory control method in a ceramic factory. Two different methods were applied for the calculation of EOQs. The first method is to determine EOQ values using a response surface method-based approach (RSM). The second method uses conventional EOQ calculations. To produce a ceramic product, 281 different and additive materials may be used. First, Pareto (ABC) analysis was performed to determine which of the materials have higher priority. Because of this analysis, the value of 21 items among 281 different materials and additives were compared to the ratio of the total product. The ratio was found to be 70.4% so calculations were made for 21 items. Usage value for every single item for the years 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively, were obtained from the company records. Eight different demand forecasting methods were applied to find the amount of the demand in EOQ. As a result of forecasting, the EOQ of the items were calculated by establishing a model. Also, EOQ and RSM calculations for the items were made and both calculation results were compared to each other. Considering the obtained results, it is understood that RSM can be used in EOQ calculations rather than the conventional EOQ model. Also, there are big differences between the EOQ values which were implemented by the company and the values calculated. Because of this work, the RSM-based EOQ approach can be used to decide on the EOQ calculations as a way of improving the system performance.
W artykule przedstawiono rozwiązanie problemu ekonomicznej wielkości zamówienia w oparciu o aplikację SOLVER i programowanie nieliniowe. W oparciu o metodykę projektowania procesów zaproponowano algorytm sterowania zapasem jednorodnym w środowisku deterministycznym.
The article presents the solution of the economic size of the order based on the application SOLVER and nonlinear programming. Based on the methodology of designing process control algorithm, there is proposed a supply of uniform deterministic environment.
Applicability of a fuzzy approach to a problem originating from administrative accounting, namely to determine an economic order quantity (EOQ) in a variable competitive environment with imprecise and vague data, has been presented. For this purpose, the model of ordered fuzzy numbers developed by the first author and his two co-workers is used. The present approach generalizes the one developed within the framework of convex fuzzy numbers and stays outside the probabilistic one.
Background: This paper is concerned with the development of ameliorating inventory models. The ameliorating inventory is the inventory of goods whose utility increases over the time by ameliorating activation. Material and Methods: This study is performed according to two areas: one is an economic order quantity (EOQ) model for the items whose utility is ameliorating in accordance with Weibull distribution, and the other is a partial selling quantity (PSQ) model developed for selling the surplus inventory accumulated by ameliorating activation with linear demand. The aim of this paper was to develop a mathematical model for inventory type concerned in the paper. Numerical examples were presented show the effect of ameliorating rate on inventory polices. Results and Conclusions: The inventory model for items with Weibull ameliorating is developed. For the case of small ameliorating rate (less than linear demand rate), EOQ model is developed, and for the case where ameliorating rate is greater than linear demand rate, PSQ model is developed.
Wstęp: Praca porusza zagadnienie rozwoju modeli zarządzania zapasem dla produktów przetworzonych. Dotyczy ona produktów, których użyteczność wzrasta wraz z upływem czasu poprzez zastosowanie procesów ich obróbki ulepszania. Materiały i metody: W pracy oparto się na dwóch modelach: pierwszy z nich to model ekonomicznej wielkości zamówienia (EOQ) dla towarów, których użyteczność wzrasta zgodnie z dystrybucją Weibulla, natomiast drugi to model częściowej sprzedaży (PSQ) nadwyżek zapas nagromadzonych poprzez aktywności mające poprawę ich użyteczności i charakteryzujące się popytem liniowym. Celem tej pracy było wypracowanie matematycznego modelu dla zarządzania zapasem dla typu towarów omawianych tutaj. Praktyczne działanie modelu przedstawiono na zaprezentowanych przykładach. Wyniki i wnioski: Wypracowano model zarządzania zapasem towarów podlegających wzroście wartości Weibulla. Dla przypadku, gdy wskaźnik poprawy przybierał niską wartość (mniejszą niż wskaźnik popytu liniowego) opracowano model EOQ, natomiast dla przypadku, gdy ten wskaźnik był większy niż wskaźnik popytu liniowego, opracowano model PSQ.
Artykuł prezentuje rozważania dotyczące podstawowych czynników warunkujących skuteczne funkcjonowanie łańcuchów dostaw. Rozważania te są skupione na aspektach logistycznych współpracy. W ogólnym przypadku może być ona oparta na dominującej pozycji najsilniejszego z partnerów, dyktującego swoje warunki, albo też może być oparta na partnerstwie, w ramach którego podejmowane są różne formy kompromisów, służących korzyściom wszystkich partnerów. W pierwszym przypadku, dominujący partner, mimo że stanowi jedno z ogniw złożonej struktury, postrzega siebie jako podmiot niezależny i poszukuje możliwości ograniczania własnych nakładów, kosztem swoich dostawców lub - co gorsza -swoich klientów. W większości takich przypadków taki brak świadomości logistycznej skutkuje zwiększonymi kosztami w całym łańcuchu i niekonkurencyjną ceną oferowaną klientom. Podejście partnerskie otwiera drzwi do osiągania wzajemnych korzyści, choć wymaga to nieraz ustępstw i kompromisów. W pracy przedstawiono kilka modeli ilustrujących różne sposoby integracji - od przykładów opartych na wymianie informacji, po rozwiązania ułatwiające przepływy fizyczne dóbr. Te usprawnienia mogą być zazwyczaj wdrożone bez znaczących nakładów inwestycyjnych. W pracy zamieszczono również przykład ilościowy, którego celem jest ukazanie potencjalnych korzyści płynących ze zintegrowanego do obliczania ekonomicznej wielkości partii. Pokazano, że w wielu przypadkach wszyscy partnerzy mogą czerpać korzyści z takiego zintegrowanego podejścia, pod warunkiem, że będą gotowi - na przykład - do dzielenia się kosztami lub odmiennego podziału narzutów.
The paper presents considerations regarding some basic factors conditioning effective functioning of a supply chain. The considerations are focused on logistics aspects of the co-operation. Generally it can be based on a dominant position of the strongest partner, dictating his conditions, or it can be based on partnership, where various forms of compromises are taken for the benefit of all the partners involved. In the first case the dominant partner although being a link of a complex structure, would see itself as an independent entity, looking for opportunities of reduction of his own cost at the expense of his suppliers or - even worse -customers. In most cases such lack of logistics awareness results in excessive cost of the whole chain and non-competitive price offered to the customers. Approach based on partnership opens door for mutual benefits, although concessions and compromises are necessary in many times. Some models have been presented to illustrate various kinds of means of integration - ranging over examples of exchange of information as well as solution facilitating physical flows of goods. These improvements can usually be implemented without significant investments. A numerical example has also been included. Its aim is to demonstrate potential benefits resulting from integrated approach to establishing economic lot quantities. It has been shown that in many cases all partners can draw advantages from such integrated approach provided they all are ready - for example -to share of some costs or to agree on different mark-ups structure.
Content available remote Optimising stock management in foundries to keep the economic size of orders
Skillful stock management is one of the main conditions to raise the production output of an enterprise, foundry shop included. This article outlines modern methods of stock management using the generally available Excel calculation sheet to estimate the economic order quantity and minimum stock level required for selected auxiliary materials used in foundry production.
This article examines the relationship between a company's inventory policies and their broader strategic objectives. Rather than accepting that one fonn of inventory policy - such as Just-in- Time - is universally superior and so should feature in every company's strategy, the article uses fonnulaic definitions of different inventory policies to investigate inventory arrangements at a case study company. The article concludes by calling for an analysis of actual inventory requirement and arrangements prior to finalising strategy.
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