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Purpose: The aim of the article is to portray process improvement as a key element of contemporary organizational management, along with a detailed analysis of the economic and organizational consequences of this process. Additionally, the article aims to precisely identify the main criteria for process improvement in organizations and position this process within the context of process management systems. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives of the article were achieved through conducting thorough literature reviews, allowing for the presentation of detailed information regarding specific economic and organizational effects of process improvement. The literature analysis also facilitated the precise placement of the process of improvement within the context of process management systems, enhancing the theoretical and practical value of the presented conclusions. Findings: The author of the article outlined the impact of process improvement on the functioning of an organization and provided a detailed analysis of its economic and organizational consequences. Additionally, based on a literature review, the author identified the specific role of process improvement within the framework of process management systems. Originality/value: The originality of the article lies in its detailed focus on the specific economic and organizational effects of process improvement, while concurrently presenting a precise placement of this process within the context of process management systems.
Content available remote Managing the financial impact of cybersecurity incidents
The complex relationships of economic actors and the high dependency on information and communication technologies make it necessary for all relevant entities to develop protection. This protection should include preventive and reactive controls in a risk-proportionate manner in relation to the business value protected. We aimed to develop a solution to support cybersecurity-related business decisions with financial analytics. The risk-based approach helps management find the optimum solution with minimal costs, where protection prevents some incidents from occurring, while the risks associated with other incidents are accepted in an informed way. The security industry developed a number of apparatuses to find the optimum security controls that enforced the fiscal aspects, which typically contain solutions used in planning. However, the actual expenditure often differs from the planned budget for several reasons, one of which is the occurrence of security incidents. We used the common methodology toolset for financial analysis (NPV, NFV, risk assessment). We developed novel metrics based on these that can be used in cybersecurity management. Within the framework thus defined, the article discusses the economic context of the effects of incidents involving Meta (previously Facebook) services from 2016 to 2020. This paper introduces the ‘Effect of incidents’ metric to measure the impact of unplanned incidents’ on actual expenditure compared to the planned budget and the ‘Incidence of incident recognition’ metric to measure deviations of an incident’s impact as perceived by owners relative to the effect on the value of the assets. The paper also proves the applicability of those metrics using the example of Meta.
In pursuance of the Saudi vision 2030, the Al-Hasa municipality has been allocating a total of US$ 60.1 million since 2018 to the implementation of a modern Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) management system. In addition to the improved old components, the system involves six new-engineered cells, five of which will be gradually implemented in progresses, two waste sort-out lines station, and LFG energy recovery. The present research aimed at investigating the environmental and economic impacts of this MSW management system. For this purpose, the authors applied the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Life Cycle Costs Analysis (LCCA) approaches. The main results showed that the air quality was not affected. For instance, gas emission, like carbon monoxide, was less than 0.1 ppm. However, soil and groundwater were contaminated due to leachate infiltration from the uncontrolled cell in which Chloride, Nitrate, and Sulfate exceeded the maximum limits. As for noise, it was found to be high near the sorting-out station at 71.1 Leq dBA. In terms of the financial aspect, the improved MSW management was relatively feasible despite its high costs over its revenues. Thus, the negative cash-flow could be supplemented by setting household taxes at US$ 29 per capita per year, which makes the project cost-effective. Thus, the research recommends continuing the MSW management project.
The limited supply of fossil fuels, constant rise in the demand of energy and the importance of reducing greenhouse emissions has brought about the adoption of renewable energy sources for generation of electrical power. In this paper, the impact of renewable energy generation in Nigeria is explored. A review of renewable deposits in Nigeria with a focus on Solar, Biomass, Hydropower, Pumped Storage Hydro and Ocean energy is detailed. The impact of renewable energy-based generation is assessed from three different dimensions: Economic Impact, Social Impact and Environmental Impact. In accessing economic impact; the conditions are employment and job creation, gross domestic product (GDP) growth and increase in local research and development. To analyze the social impact; renewable energy education, renewable energy businesses, ministries and institutes, renewable energy projects and investments as well as specific solar and wind projects across Nigeria were considered. Also, environmental issues were discussed. Similarly, policy imperatives for renewable energy generation in Nigeria was provided. This paper would be useful in accessing the successes Nigeria has experienced so far in the area of sustainable development and the next steps to achieving universal energy for all in Nigeria in 2030.
Ograniczona podaż paliw kopalnych, stały wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię oraz konieczność ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych pociągnęły za sobą konieczność stosowania odnawialnych źródeł energii do wytwarzania energii elektrycznej. W artykule zbadano wpływ wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Szczegółowy przegląd zasobów energii odnawialnej w Nigerii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem energii słonecznej, biomasy, energii wodnej i elektrowni szczytowo-pompowych i energii oceanicznej. Produkcja energii ze źródeł odnawialnych została przeanalizowana w trzech różnych wymiarach: wpływ na gospodarkę, wpływ na społeczeństwo i wpływ na środowisko. W aspekcie wpływu na gospodarkę wzięto pod uwagę: zatrudnienie i tworzenie miejsc pracy, wzrost produktu krajowego brutto (PKB) oraz wzrost lokalnych badań i rozwój. Analiza wpływu społecznego objęła: edukację w zakresie energii odnawialnej, przedsiębiorstwa, ministerstwa i instytuty zajmujące się energią odnawialną, projekty i inwestycje w zakresie energii odnawialnej, a także konkretne projekty dotyczące energii słonecznej i wiatrowej w całej Nigerii. Omówiono również kwestie środowiskowe. W podobny sposób przedstawiono imperatywy polityczne dotyczące wytwarzania energii odnawialnej w Nigerii. Ten artykuł wskazuje na istotny dla Nigerii cel zrównoważonego rozwoju, jakim jest odnawialna energia dla wszystkich. Celem jest osiągnięcie w tym kraju powszechnej odnawialnej energii dla wszystkich w 2030 r.
The inducted paper discusses economic effect resulting from industrial activities realized within national economy of the chosen country. The country of selection represents Poland. Economic impact is scrutinized through reflexing on gross domestic product. Industrial segment is deputized over various indicators whose scope strives to include different views on the industry field. The main point of this paper is to identify the exact relationship between dependent variable (gross domestic product) and a group of independent variables (picked industrial representatives). Such determination offers thereafter the possibility to estimate dependent variable’s value and its next forecast. What is more, the eventual sorting of involved industrial indicators is facilitated according to their importance. The multiple regression analysis is utilized as the method of investigation. Findings answer the stated questions and aims with a suggestion of an appropriate equation.
Background: Warehouse Production management systems now require IT aspects which can be automated, so that processes can be easily reviewed. During our research, we analyzed four and a half years of database and machine stock of 3 food companies. We have found that companies in this industry prefer process-based production. It is important that manufacturing companies pay close attention to the proper design of automation, the purpose of which is to acquire and maintain a competitive advantage through the efficient, rapid manufacture of products. The expansion of industrial robots has increased considerably (Figure 4.), increasing the productivity, accuracy and flexibility of manufacturing processes, and has enabled a number of business processes to be re-established and new business models brought to life. Methods: The two best time-oriented methods, the PERT and CPM analysis, were used to assess the individual stages of the production, which made estimates for the duration of the activities. When drawing the box graph, we extracted outlying data from the data set, so we obtained a more accurate statistical estimate. Using this, we made a recommendation for the expected completion of workflows, which is more accurate in determining delivery dates for sales orders. Analyzing the four-and-a-half year dataset, we determined, by using Student's t-test, that the average of the sample elements in reality is different from the estimates we made. The PERT and CPM methods have proven themselves in the past decades and continue to be of great value. The ever-changing business world and the high cost have an impact on the economy. Results: The production times of individual companies are influenced by the use of more modern machines and well developed manufacturing plans and schedules. Using PERT and CPM methods, we've helped to better define production time, making it easier to calculate delivery dates correctly. Automation does not stop all occupations, but only triggers certain activities and redefines jobs. There is no doubt that the technological development of manufacturing processes will change the organization of the industries concerned and affect the geographic location of each activity. There is a serious chance that the production of these products will go elsewhere to save on shipping costs. Conclusions: During our analysis, we have found that new technologies have an impact on productivity, employment and the transformation of the geographic structure of value-added activities, that's why their role is important both for food companies and companies operating in other industries. Automation is made possible by scientific achievements and technological advances that are used to develop industry 4.0 technologies. The huge amount of data produced in the Intelligent Production Systems (Big Data) analysis and on this basis, the continuous modification of production systems, results in significant material and labor saving, efficiency gains and productivity gains, which have an impact on employment and the transformation of geographic structures. Food processing and delivery to consumers is a key factor in the security of food supply, and therefore has an essential importance in the further development of the sector.
Wstęp: Zarządzanie magazynem produkcyjnym wymaga nowego podejścia od strony system IT, który może być zautomatyzowany i dzięki temu możliwe jest uzyskanie większej przejrzystości procesów. W czasie badań, przeprowadzono analizę w oparciu o dane z okresu czterech i pół roku dla trzech firm z branży spożywczej. Stwierdzono, ż firmy z tej branży preferują produkcję procesową. Istotne jest, że przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjne zwracają istotną uwagę na właściwe zaprojektowanie automatyzacji, której celem jest utrzymanie przewagi konkurencyjnej poprzez szybka i efektywną produkcję wyrobów. Wzrost zastosowania robotów przemysłowych jest istotny, zwiększając przy tym produktywność, dokładność oraz elastyczność procesów produkcyjnych. Doprowadziło to stworzenie i wdrożenia nowego modelu biznesowego w życie. Metody: Dwie najlepsze metody planowania projektowego, analizy PERT i CPM, zostały zastosowane dla stworzenie poszczególnych etapów procesu produkcji, które były oceniane w trakcie ich trwania. W trakcie tworzenie wykresu pudełkowego, usunięte zostały dane, mocno odbiegające od większości wyników, uzyskując dzięki temu bardziej dokładne dane statystyczne. Poprzez zastosowanie takiej metody analizy danych, uzyskano większą dokładność w określeniu dat dostawy dla zleceń sprzedaży. Analizując dane z okresu czterech i pół roku przy użyciu testu t-Studenta, stwierdzono, że średnia badanych elementów jest inna od poczynionych estymacji. Metody PERT i CPM są metodami sprawdzonymi i przydatnymi. Zmieniający się model biznesowy i wysoki poziom kosztów mają wpływ na ekonomię. Wyniki: Czasy produkcyjne poszczególnych przedsiębiorstw są uzależnione od nowoczesnych maszyn oraz dobrze wdrożonego planu produkcyjnego i harmonogramów produkcyjnych. Stosując metody PERT i CPM, możliwe jest lepsze zdefiniowanie czasów produkcji a co jest z tym związane, ułatwia obliczanie wymaganych czasów dostaw. Automatyzacja nie powoduje zaprzestania tych czynności, narzuca jedynie ich przedefiniowanie. Nie ma wątpliwości, że rozwój technologiczny procesów produkcyjnych zmieni organizację przemysłu jak również geograficzną lokalizację poszczególnych czynności. Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że produkcja tych wyrobów zostanie przesunięta w inną lokalizację w celu obniżki kosztów transportu. Wnioski: W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy, stwierdzono, że nowe technologie mają wpływ na produkcyjność, zasoby ludzkie oraz transformację struktury geograficznej aktywności zwiększających wartość dodaną. Ich rola jest istotna zarówno dla przedsiębiorstw z branży spożywczej jak i przedsiębiorstw prowadzących działalność w obrębie innych dziedzin. Automatyzacja jest możliwa dzięki postępowi naukowemu i nowych rozwiązaniom technologicznych, których wdrożenie jest częścią rozwoju technologii Industry 4.0. Duża ilość danych wytwarzanych w inteligentnych systemach produkcyjnych (Big Data) i w oparciu o nie, ciągła modyfikacja procesów produkcyjnych, umożliwia osiągnięcie istotnych oszczędności surowcowych oraz w poziomie zatrudnienia, zwiększeniu efektywności i produktywności, co ma wpływ na poziom zatrudnienia i transformację struktur geograficznych. Produkcja żywności jak i dystrybucja do klientów mają kluczowe znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa zaopatrzenia w żywność i dlatego istotny jest dalszy rozwój tego sektora.
The impact of biological invasions should be considered from ecological and economic perspective. To understand the influence of the invader, both its range and abundance should be known. Even if the range of invaders is well-known, the problem of assessing their abundance still occurs very often. In this study we report the results of an assessment of the area covered by stands of alien Solidago species in Silesia (Central Europe, south-western Poland, area ca. 30 000 km2), and estimated costs of the invaded areas recultivation. The results of field survey show that the stands of invasive Solidago species cover an area of about 130 000 hectares in S-W Poland, which is ca. 4.5% of the total area of the studied region. It was also found that the cadastral data and Corine land cover maps underestimate the area of fallowed agricultural lands. The cost of removing stands of invasive Solidago species in S-W Poland ranges from 123.24 to 266.17 million PLN, depending on the method. The method that balances reasonable costs, low environmental impact and efficiency of grassland establishment costs 180.7 million PLN for S-W Poland.
The theoretical and methodological foundations of intellectual technologies monitoring that are based on intellectual property are considered in the article. We prove that the evaluation of intellectual technologies market opportunities by the enterprise, the state of their target market, market changes on it to determine the position of the enterprise relatively goods analogs and substitute goods and identification of possible prospects and areas of intellectual development can be done very effectively using the principles and methods of economic monitoring. Methodical provision of monitoring commercial potential of intellectual property using the function of tangential economic effect is elaborated.
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