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Purpose: The article aims to analysis the essence of multinational entrepreneurship, the main currents of research conducted in this field, and in the context of the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic, which creates both economical barriers and opportunities for multinational companies, as well as to present the role of these enterprises in the economies' reconstruction. Design/methodology/approach: The article reviews national and foreign professional, scientific publications concerning economical aspects on multinational entrepreneurship and conducted an analysis based on economic data on the situation of multinational companies, as well as the flow of FDI, including the OECD, International Group of Chambers of Commerce (IGCC) and Global Entrepreneurship Monitor databases (GEM). Findings: The conducted literature and empirical studies allow us to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on multinational entrepreneurship, including changes in the activities of enterprises and attempts to adapt them to the changing and uncertain environment. The first response to the crisis for international companies is their use of available resources, followed by transformations of supply chains or changes in business models. Regarding multinational companies, the economic slowdown caused by the pandemic can be interpreted not only in terms of threats but also opportunities, as crises may also contribute to the creation of new opportunities for their development. Research limitations/implications: The COVID-19 pandemic and numerous blockages in economies worldwide have created a unique situation that does not yet have a solid theoretical grounding in the economic literature on multinational entrepreneurship (context of the emergence of a crisis), which is a challenge for researchers. Research should also use innovative research methods to a greater extent, i.e., internationalization of complex systems, visualization, computer simulations, and experiments. Practical implications: Regarding empirical research, it is worth noting that it is difficult to decide here to what extent the indicated changes are permanent. Hence there is a need for further research in this area. The existing assumptions concerning the business environment, the theory of internalization and patterns of multinational entrepreneurship, and the relations and connections between multinational entrepreneurship and international views of business and entrepreneurship also require re-analysis. Social implications: The role of international enterprises in the reconstruction of national economies was pointed out. Originality/value: The focus was on the cognitive aspects related to changes in the area of international entrepreneurship, relating to FDI flows and crisis trends caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly due to the fact that in international business research this area of research often abounds in ambiguous conclusions.
The paper presents the application of cost-based, component-importance measures for complex technical systems. A stern tube sealing system installed on a sea vessel was used as an example of a complex technical system. Selected statistics of a ship’s operation losses were calculated. Selected, known-importance measures were presented and the authors’ own approach to cost-based, component-importance analysis was shown. The following measures were discussed: the operation-interruption cost index, the maintenance potential, the simulation-based maintenance index, and maintenance and operational costs. A description of factors influencing the importance of the technical system components was provided.
Charter Party agreements underpin the relationship between ship owners and charterers. The agreement guarantees the performance of a vessel in terms of speed and fuel consumption. On this basis the charterers plan the arrival of their cargo and their profit margin. However, ship performance is degraded by age, periods between maintenance and many vessels fail to perform as expected. Moreover the performance is only warranted during the specific conditions stated in the charter party which are not always clear. These usually refer to Beaufort Force (BF) and the Douglas Sea and Swell (DSS) scale which is archaic in the age of Numerical Weather Prediction. Given these conditions, the stage is set for conflict and there are often disputes over the weather conditions experienced. Moreover ships’ often do not arrive on time because the charterer has assumed that the ship will make good its warranted speed and not taken account of the forecast weather conditions. The authors propose a new way of approaching charter agreements with the emphasis on consultation rather than confrontation facilitated by a new web based software platform.
Rozwój technologiczny akceleratorów stosowanych w technice radiacyjnej jest dobrze widoczny w dłuższej skali czasowej. Obecnie szczególnie intensywnie kontynuowane są prace mające na celu podniesienie sprawności elektrycznej akceleratorów, obniżenie ich ceny oraz podniesienie niezawodności. W niedalekiej przyszłości możliwy będzie transfer technologii z obszaru akceleratorów badawczych stosowanych w fizyce wysokich energii, co pozwali na konstrukcję innowacyjnych urządzeń poszerzających znacząco zakres możliwości technicznych i cenowych. Blisko 3000 akceleratorów elektronów znalazło do chwili obecnej zastosowanie w technice radiacyjnej, która wykorzystuje wiązkę elektronów jako narzędzie do inicjowania pożądanych reakcji chemicznych, modyfikacji materiałów, a także wykorzystuje biobójcze działanie promieniowania jonizującego. Ogromne możliwości upowszechnienia technologii radiacyjnych są związane z wykorzystaniem radiacyjnej obróbki produktów żywnościowych oraz zastosowaniem na szeroką skalę wiązki elektronów w instalacjach związanych z ochroną środowiska. Najliczniejszą grupą akceleratorów elektronów stosowanych w technice radiacyjnej są niskoenergetyczne akceleratory o działaniu bezpośrednim. Szczególną klasą urządzeń są akceleratory rezonansowe, umożliwiające uzyskanie wysokich energii oraz mocy wiązki elektronów. Znacznym osiągnięciem aplikacyjnym była konstrukcja i instalacja rezonansowego akceleratora typu Rhodotron z mocą wiązki 560 kW i energią elektronów 7 MeV, wyposażonego w konwertor wiązki elektronów na promieniowanie hamowania. Urządzenie tego typu stanowi ekwiwalent źródła gamma o aktywności 4,4 MCi gamma Co60. Niezawodność czyli prawdopodobieństwo, że akcelerator może pełnić swoje funkcje w określonym czasie w wyznaczonych warunkach, oraz dostępność czyli czas, w którym akcelerator wypełnia swoje zadania to parametry, które w zastosowaniach przemysłowych nabierają podstawowego znaczenia. Wyroby modyfikowane radiacyjnie muszą spełniać wszystkie kryteria przydatności zgodnie z oczekiwaniami rynku, a jednocześnie technologie radiacyjne muszą wykazać się lepszymi wskaźnikami techniczno- ekonomicznymi w porównaniu do konwencjonalnych technologii aktualnie istniejących. Stąd konieczność optymalizacji decyzji inwestycyjnych głównie z uwagi na wysokość kosztów związanych z zakupem akceleratora i jego eksploatacją. Konieczne jest prowadzenie nieustannych wysiłków dla zwiększenia zrozumienia przydatności technologii radiacyjnych, co może być ważnym czynnikiem wzrostu tego przemysłu. W obecnych warunkach współpraca z przemysłem staje się niezbędnym warunkiem inicjowania i rozwijania badań aplikacyjnych niezbędnych przy opracowaniu nowych technologii radiacyjnych.
The development of the accelerator technology applied in the radiation processing is well visible in the longer time scale. The current issues are improvement of the electric efficiency of accelerators, the lowering of their price and elevation of accelerator reliability. The transfer of accelerator technology from the field of high energy physics is quite possible in the near future. It will allow to construct innovative devices and offer significantly better technical capabilities and unit price. Nearly 3000 accelerators of electrons have been applied in radiation processing up to now. The electron beam is used as the tool to initiating desirable chemical reactions, materials modification, and decontamination of the medical products. Huge capabilities to increase implementation of radiation processing may create electron beam utilization for food products decontamination and use on the wide scale the electron beams in processes connected with the protection of the environment. Low energy direct accelerators are the most numerous group of the electron accelerators applied in the radiation technique. Resonance accelerators are the special class of devices capable to reach high energy and beam power. The considerable achievement is construction and installation of the accelerator Rhodotron type with the beam power of 560 kW and the energy of electrons 7 MeV. The described accelerator was equipped with the X-ray converter. This device comprises a direct equivalent of the gamma source with the activity 4.4 MCi of Co60. Reliability that is the probability, that the accelerator can function in the definite time in appointed conditions. Accessibility is the time, in which the accelerator functions properly. Both parameters are becoming important for industrial facilities exploitation. Products modified by radiation have to fulfill all criteria of usefulness according to market expectations. Radiation technologies have to simultaneously be characterized by better technical and economic ratings in comparison with conventional technologies. Hence the necessity of the optimization of investment decisions related to costs connected with the accelerator purchase and exploitation. The efforts are necessary for enlargement of the understanding of the radiation processing usefulness what can be the important factor of this industry growth in future. The co-operation with the industry becomes the indispensable condition of initiating and unrolling applied study related to new radiation technologies development.
W artykule omówiono między innymi zmiany, jakich byliśmy świadkami w ostatnim półwieczu, a także pokazano współczesne zastosowania betonu w budownictwie mostowym. Wskazano również spodziewane i oczekiwane kierunki dalszego zastosowania betonu do budowy obiektów mostowych.
The aim of the article is to discuss the changes we have witnessed in the recent half-century in the application of concrete for bridge construction. The possibilities of using new generation concretes including lightweight aggregate concrete, high performance concrete, self-consolidating concrete, fibre concrete, concrete with non-metallic reinforcement and polymer concrete are presented, as well as architectonic and self-service concrete. The trends of further development of concrete applications are indicated.
The paper presents the application of cost-based, component-importance measures for complex technical systems. A stern-tube sealing system installed on a sea vessel was used as an example of the complex technical system. Selected statistics of a ship’s operation losses were calculated. Selected, known-importance measures were presented and the authors’ own approach to cost-based, component-importance analysis was shown. The following measures were discussed: the operation-interruption cost index, the maintenance potential, the simulation-based maintenance index, and maintenance and operational costs. A description of factors influencing the importance of the technical system components was provided.
Artykuł przedstawia zastosowanie miar ważności elementów opartych na kosztach eksploatacji dla złożonych systemów technicznych. Jako przykładowy złożony system techniczny poddany analizie wykorzystano uszczelnienie pochwy wału śrubowego statku morskiego. Przedstawiono znane w literaturze ekonomiczne miary ważności oraz zaproponowano wykorzystanie wskaźników opartych na kosztach eksploatacji. W artykule omówiono: wskaźnik kosztu przerwy w użytkowaniu systemu, potencjał obsługi, symulacyjny wskaźnik obsługi, koszty obsługiwania i użytkowania. Przedstawiono czynniki wpływające na ważność elementów systemu technicznego.
W artykule podjęto próbę oceny aspektów ekonomicznych, technicznych i prawnych zastosowania części używanych w procesach napraw samochodów osobowych w Polsce. Rozważania uzupełniono o analizę cen części oryginalnych zarówno z rynku pierwotnego jak i wtórnego. Zamierzeniem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na istotę podjętej problematyki badawczej poprzez wykazanie, że obecnie obowiązujące przesłanki prawne i techniczne umożliwiają naprawę pojazdu przy zastosowaniu części używanych, co w przypadku pojazdów o dłuższym okresie eksploatacji może prowadzić do osiągnięcia wymiernych korzyści ekonomicznych dla samego użytkownika pojazdu w postaci redukcji kosztów naprawy przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu sprawności technicznej pojazdu.
The article attempts to assess the economic, technical and legal use of parts used in the process-sach repairs passenger cars in Poland. Considerations supplemented by an analysis of the prices of the original parts from both the primary market and the secondary. The intention of this article is to draw attention to the essence of the adopted research issues by demonstrating that the current legal conditions and technical enable the repair of the vehicle using used parts, which in the case of vehicles with a longer lifetime can lead to tangible economic benefits for the user of the vehicle in the form of reduction repair costs while maintaining the technical issues-ness of the vehicle.
Content available Environmental fees. Polish case study
Some economic aspects of taxes and fees for the use of the environment have been discussed. The Polish environmental charge system is taken into account as an example of the tax system. The types of charges levied for use of the environment have been indicated as well as the persons and entities that must pay, rules of payment and the legal background in Poland. The revenues generated from environmental taxes have been shown on the example of European Union countries. Based on statistical data for Poland, the most important sources of revenue derived from fees for use of the environment were identified and analyzed both in terms of the type of payment as well as the geographical distribution of the entities which are charged.
One of the issues stemming from biomass market is its transportation from consignors to consignees with a possible participation of other market participants. In the work a method of determining simple economic characteristics of such transportation network including (or not) legal rules and decisions binding the subjects participating in biomass turnover is indicated. These characteristics are optimizing barriers resulting from implementation of the rules of optimal management of biomass distribution network. These optimizing barriers constitute border values of the parameters which can be achieved by a network making use of various methods of management. The interpretation of the barriers was also provided.
Jednym z zagadnień pojawiających się w ramach rynku biomasy jest jej przesył od producentów do odbiorców z możliwym udziałem innych uczestników rynku. W pracy wskazuje się sposób wyznaczania prostych charakterystyk ekonomicznych takiej sieci transportowej z uwzględnieniem (bądź bez) reguł prawnych i ustaleń obowiązujących podmioty uczestniczące w obrocie biomasą. Charakterystyki te mają postać barier optymalizacyjnych, wynikających z wprowadzenia zasad optymalnego zarządzania siecią dystrybucji biomasy. Te bariery optymalizacyjne stanowią wartości graniczne parametrów, które może osiągnąć sieć pracując przy różnych sposobach zarządzania. Podano interpretację uzyskanych barier.
This article focuses on corporate social responsibility, understood as a moral or legal obligation to account for one's own actions, or to assume the duty to care for something or someone. It focuses on the elements that corporate social responsibility should involve, such as directing activities towards economic, environmental and ethical aspects.
Military units are located in different parts of Poland, on the territory of specific communities. Their location has a different implication on the local development, especially on its economic, social, environmental and infrastructural spheres. The restructuring of the Polish Armed Forces, as a consequence of political, economic and international changes, caused disbanding of many military units. Disbanding military units on municipality (commune) territory causes different consequences in social and economic sphere. The article presents results of research from municipalities (communes) where military units are stationed. The main purpose of this research was to define connections between military units and local society and evaluate the fact of military units’ liquidation by municipalities and ways in which local authorities use the territory after a disbanding a military base.
The new approach of sustainability assessment of buildings requires the quantification of impacts and aspects for the environmental, social and economic performance of buildings using quantitative and qualitative indicators. These indicators are included in building environmental assessment systems and tools used in different countries for evaluating the integrated building performance. The building environmental assessment system (BEAS) has been developed in Slovakia as well through the last years. BEAS as a multicriteria system includes environmental, social and cultural aspects which are incorporated in proposed main fields: site selection and project planning; building construction; indoor environment; energy performance; water management and waste management. The aim of paper is the identification and determination of weights of fields in BEAS. Eleven experts participated in the study. Consequently the order and weights of significance of main assessment fields was determined.
Nowe podejście do oceny zrównoważonego charakteru budynków wymaga obliczenia wpływów i aspektów środowiskowej, społecznej i ekonomicznej wydajności budynków z zastosowaniem wskaźników ilościowych oraz jakościowych. Zostają one włączone w systemy i narzędzia środowiskowej oceny budynków wykorzystywane w różnych krajach dla oceny zintegrowanej wydajności budynków. W ostatnich latach system środowiskowej oceny budynków (ang. BEAS) opracowywano również na Słowacji. BEAS jako system wielokryterialny obejmuje aspekty środowiskowe, społeczne i kulturowe włączane do proponowanych domen głównych, takich jak: wybór terenu budowy, planowanie projektu, konstrukcja budynku, środowisko wewnętrzne, wydajność energetyczna, zarządzanie wodą oraz odpadami. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest identyfikacja i określenie znaczenia poszczególnych czynników BEAS. W opracowaniu udział wzięło jedenastu ekspertów. W rezultacie ustalono porządek i znaczenie głównych dziedzin oceny.
Content available remote Gospodarcze aspekty rozwoju kolejnictwa w Królestwie Polskim do 1914 r.
The railways had an enormous impact on the development of industry in the Kingdom of Poland. However, putting the first Warsaw-Wien railway line into service did not influence the economic situation in the Kingdom positively. Not before building the branch Ząbkowice-Szopienice-Katowice (1859), which connected Warsaw Industrial District with Zagłębie Dąbrowskie, it brought about the development of industry in the Kingdom. Having launched the Łódź Fabryczna railway line into service (1866), one could observe a dynamic increase of production in three main centres of industry of the Kingdom of Poland - in Łódź, and Industrial District of Sosnowiec and Częstochowa. The fact of establishing the Warsaw and Petersburg (1862), Warsaw andTerespol (1866 - 1870), Moscow and Brześć (1872), and Kiev and Brześć (1873) railway lines opened a receptive Russian market for industry of the Kingdom of Poland. Since the nineties of the 19th century till the Russian Empire was exported from about 60 to 90 % of production including textile trade, metal and mechanical industry, metallurgic and pit-coal branch. A bad influence on the development of the railway system in the Kingdom had Russian strategic principles. Finally, many regions till 1914 were not permitted to build any railway lines. So it influenced their economic development negatively. Economic situation of many regions was strongly determined with building narrow-gauge railways. It was caused by a disapproval of introducing broad-gauge railways. However, it was possible after 1900, when the authorities of a province and not of the Ministry of Transport began to give permission to do that. Among others, it happened in the case of the railways of Kujawy, Lubelszczyzna and agglomeration of Warsaw and Łódź (in the neighbourhood of Łódź the narrow-gauge railways were replaced with tramways).
In this article an attempt was made to analyse and assess the processes which were taking place in the rape market in Poland during a turn-of-the-centuries decade. The time span in question covers the years from 1996 to 2005, and the year 1995 is the reference for the first year in the studied period, this was a specific time as it included both the pre-accession period and the first years following Poland's joining the European Union. The agricultural sector is closely related with other sectors of the economy, therefore while analysis the processes of changes in the rape market, the performance of the entire economy may not be neglected. Consequently, in the first part of the article the major general economic indicators were defined as well as the indicators concerning the agricultural sector, i.e. the "agricultural price scissors" index and the dynamics of the overall agricultural production. The second part of the article presents the situation observed in the rape market, including endogenic determinants thereof.
W niniejszym artykule próbowano dokonać analizy i oceny procesów jakie zachodziły na rynku rzepaku w Polsce w dekadzie przełomu wieków. Zakres czasowy dotyczył lat 1995-2005. Jest to okres szczególny, ponieważ obejmuje okres przedakcesyjny oraz pierwsze lata po wstąpieniu Polski do struktur Unii Europejskiej. Stwierdzono, iż mimo rosnącego wpływu czynników makroekonomicznych, w dalszym ciągu rynek rzepaku był determinowany czynnikami endogenicznymi. Tendencje rozwojowe rynku rzepaku w większym stopniu zależały od wielkości zasiewów i plonowania aniżeli od czynników koniunkturalnych.
Content available remote Poszukiwanie nowej jakości środowiska mieszkaniowego
Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego, Instytut Projektowania Urbanistycznego, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej 31-155 Kraków, ul. Warszawska 24 Thinking about the future we don't mean only the vision of future physical space, but also about humanity in the future. Every development of the cities regarded the process of urbanization, many urgent political, economical, cultural, technical, ecological and social processes. Cities are the space with a lot of mixed functions, forms, which fulfill human needs such as: living, buying, visiting and investing, where the goods and products become social and economical value. The urban space is place of information, knowledge, cultural flow "open" to creativity. But first of all the space is the lace of social mutual interaction. The aim of architects is to establish space values. Attention is drown onto the improvement of living conditions, saving of the housing buildings which are getting devastated, also protection of the cultural heritage, tradition and general prevention before monitoring pollution, social pathology, unemployment.
Content available Ekonomiczne aspekty krajobrazu
The beginnings of the discussion about the economical aspects of landscape came into existence with the moment of carrying out an idea in the USA according to which a landscape became common good. This discussion considers financing of landscape shaping - costs and profits coming from it. In the second half of the 19th century the first National Park in Yellowstone was created according to the Congress decision about creating National parks in areas worthless for purposes other than tourism. In the same period, in order to increase advantages of the New York landscape and creating public space, funds began to be gathered for the buyout area of the future Central park on Manhattan. The author addresses a question about the way of financing environment protection, cultural heritage and the beauty of the landscape and if the form of grant and patronage can be reconciled with the form of investment which is a business venture. Together with the increase in the well-being of society demand for beauty also increases. It becomes a source of pleasure for which they pay more and more. Successful urban and architectonic investments within a landscape increase the attractiveness of the region and because of it raise the price of the land. It can also be the opposite. The spectacular example of taking advantage of the economical value of an attractive landscape is a longstanding process of urbanite transformations of Kurytyby. Summing up, the author claims that actions within landscape cannot be based only on the system of limitations and bans. It is an action requiring costs and stabilized legal conditions, and management of ventures in this domain can bring calculable and longstanding material benefits to the public private realm.
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