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The article presents an analysis of the features of selected correlators impacting the accuracy of determining the receiver’s range and position in VHF marine environment. The paper introduces the concept of various correlators – including the double delta correlator – and describes the proposed measurement scenarios that have been designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of those components. The entire work was performed as part of the R-Mode Baltic and R-Mode Baltic 2 projects, with our goals including analyzing the impact of multipath phenomena, changes in the sampling frequency or Signac type on the determination of the received signal delay at the receiver. The measured data were processed in a signal correlation application and in a TOA-based tool in order to determine the receiver’s position. This process made it possible to compare the selected correlating devices. The results presented in this article are to be used by IALA in developing a current version of the VHF data exchange system’s (VDES) specification.
The article presents the progress of work on the e-navigation project carried out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Progress of the work on the second project carried out by the IMO is also described, related to e-navigation and involving modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). In addition to the description of these projects, their mutual relationship is also presented, as well as the timetable for implementing their stages.
This paper presents the consequences resulting from the guidelines on the display of navigation-related information elaborated by the IMO, related to ECDIS, as part of S-Mode proposal in the implementation process of e-Navigation concept. The idea to develop standard icons to control the chart display functions in ECDIS is discussed. The use of these icons will ensure that navigation information presented on ECDIS screen will be displayed in a harmonized manner on the ships’ navigational bridge. Today many function-related icons vary across different electronic chart systems and between producers. The paper provides information on icons, symbols and abbreviations that required standardization. It was necessary to develop standard icons whose consistency will allow easy and intuitive use of user interfaces of different navigation systems.
Developing new software components for ship bridges is challenging. Mostly due to high costs of testing these components in realistic environments. To reduce these costs the development process is divided into different stages. Whereas, the final test on a real ship bridge is the last step in this process. However, by dividing the development process into different stages new components have to be adapted to each stage individually. To improve the process we propose a mobile ship bridge system to fully support the development process from lab studies to tests in realistic environments. Our system allows developing new software components in the lab and setting it up on a ship bridge without interfering with the vesselʹs navigational systems. Therefore it is linked to a NaviBox to get necessary information such as GPS, AIS, compass, and radar information. Our system is embedded in LABSKAUS, a test bed for the safety assessment of new e‐Navigation systems.
Celem projektu netBaltic było pokazanie realizowalności szerokopasmowej sieci teleinformatycznej na morzu, umożliwiającej wdrożenie wielu nowych usług i aplikacji, w tym aplikacji dedykowanych dla środowisk morskich, zapewniających poprawę bezpieczeństwa i efektywności żeglugi. Prace w ramach projektu były realizowane – przy istotnym finansowaniu przez NCBR w ramach Programu Badań Stosowanych – przez zespoły badawcze z Wydziału ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej, Instytutu Łączności PIB, Instytutu Oceanologii PAN oraz firm DGT LAB S.A. i NavSim Polska sp. z o. o. W trakcie prawie 3-letniego okresu realizacji osiągnięto wszystkie założone cele projektu, włączając w to poszczególne komponenty proponowanej w projekcie architektury, ukierunkowanej na uniwersalność rozwiązań i otwartość na wykorzystanie licznej grupy bezprzewodowych technik dostępowych. W szczególności zaproponowano algorytmy oceny jakości łączy (wykorzystywanych bezprzewodowych technik połączeniowych), zautomatyzowane procedury wyboru najkorzystniejszej techniki połączeniowej wraz z modułami inteligentnego przełączania i zarządzania mobilnością. Opracowano kompletny zestaw mechanizmów umożliwiających utworzenie i utrzymanie samoorganizującej się sieci o transmisji wieloskokowej, wykorzystującej oryginalne algorytmy samoorganizacji i zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa transferu danych, w tym w trudnych warunkach propagacyjnych oraz przy zmiennej topologii sieci. Ponadto opracowano protokoły i komponenty umożliwiające realizację przekazów sporadycznych w sieci o nieciągłej łączności, typu DTN (Delay-Tolerant Networking). Istotnymi wynikami projektu są także wysoce specjalizowane – dedykowane aplikacje usprawniające e-nawigację oraz bezpieczeństwo i efektywność żeglugi. Stworzono też bazy danych do gromadzenia i przetwarzania komunikatów AIS, umożliwiające zarówno bieżącą wizualizację ruchu jednostek, jak też wsparcie eksperckie przy podejmowaniu decyzji rutingowych, w szczególności w kontekście sporadycznej łączności między jednostkami i/lub stacją brzegową. W artykule przedstawiono najistotniejsze innowacyjne wyniki uzyskane w trakcie realizacji szerokopasmowego, heterogenicznego systemu do komunikacji na morzu, umożliwiającego pracę w warunkach zróżnicowanych technologicznie i topologicznie. Wskazano w nim podstawowe moduły węzłów sieci, wraz z ich funkcjonalnościami oraz pozostałe komponenty infrastruktury.
The aim of the netBaltic project was to prove possibility of realization of a broadband ICT network at sea concept, allowing implementation of a range of new services and applications, including applications dedicated to marine environments, which improve safety and efficiency of shipping. Project work was carried out with significant funding from NCRD (National Center for Research and Development) under the Applied Research Program by research teams from the ETI Faculty of the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Institute of Telecommunications, the Institute of Oceanology PAS and the companies of DGT LAB S.A. and NavSim Polska sp. z o. o. During the almost 3-year of design and implementation period, all project objectives were achieved, including the basic components of the proposed architecture, oriented towards the universality of solutions and openness to the use of a large group of wireless access techniques. In particular, algorithms for assessing the quality of links (wireless connection techniques used), automated procedures for selecting the best connection technique together with intelligent switching and mobility management modules have been proposed. A complete set of mechanisms allowing creation and operation of a self-organizing multihop network has been developed, including original algorithms for self-organization and secure data transfer, taking into account changing propagation conditions and variability of network topology. In addition, dedicated protocols and components have been developed that allow the implementation of effective transferring of sporadic messages, typical to DTN (Delay-Tolerant Networking) networks. Significant project results are also highly specialized – dedicated applications that improve e-navigation as well as safety and efficiency of shipping. Also, a database for collecting and processing AIS messages was created, allowing both the current visualization of marine traffic as well as expert support in making routing decisions, in particular in the context of sporadic communication between ships and/or shore stations. This article is a general presentation of a pioneer, broadband heterogeneous system solution, with an indication of the relevant network node modules and other infrastructure components. Subsequent articles in this issue of Telecommunications Review will show the results of the work carried out in the project, indicating also the specific features of the hardware and software used in the integration tests, in the form of an extensive system demonstrator.
Stworzenie efektywnej i niedrogiej w eksploatacji sieci komunikacji w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego umożliwiło wdrożenie wielu usług e-nawigacji, w tym usługi rutingu pogodowego. Przygotowane w ramach projektu netBaltic narzędzie do optymalizacji trasy żeglugi, model hydrometeorologiczny w połączeniu z siecią internetową stwarzają niespotykane dotąd korzyści dla sektora żeglugi morskiej. Podstawą działania wielokryteriowego modułu rutingu pogodowego są algorytmy SPEA, wyszukujące najbardziej optymalną trasę, według ustalonych przez użytkownika kryteriów (np. czas przejścia, bezpieczeństwo, konsumpcja paliwa). Z kolei dedykowany model hydrometeorologiczny generuje zestaw danych prognostycznych dla Bałtyku i dokonuje ich bieżącej aktualizacji. Sieć łączności powstała w ramach projektu netBaltic umożliwia sprawne działanie narzędzia rutingu pogodowego dzięki stworzeniu infrastruktury dostarczającej aktualne prognozy pogody na pokład jednostki.
Development of an affordable communication network for the Baltic Sea region provided the basis for an array of new e-navigation services, including weather ruting, to be implemented. As a result of the netBaltic project the maritime transportation sector can utilise the weather routing tool, a dedicate hydro-met model and an internet-based communication network. The multi-criterion weather routing module applies Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA) to determine an optimal route according to a pre-defined set of criteria (e.g. passage time, safety level, fuel consumption). Whilst a dedicated hydro-met model outputs high-resolution weather forecast for the Baltic Sea and updates them regularly. The netBaltic network assures that the latest weather forecast is delivered on-board.
This paper presents draft guidelines on the display of navigation-related information received by communications equipment elaborated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) [3]. It aims mainly to ensure that information is displayed in an efficient, reliable and consistent format, in a manner that is easily and accurately interpreted to support decision-making process. These guidelines supplement resolution MSC.191(79) Performance standards for the presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays [7] in regard to the presentation of navigation information received via communication equipment. The use of these guidelines will ensure that navigation information received via communications equipment is displayed in a harmonized manner on the ships’ navigational bridge. The availability of electronic data that enhances the safe and efficient navigation of ships necessitates that shipborne systems capable of presenting this information to the user should do so in a harmonized and readily assimilated way.
E-nawigacja oznacza integrację istniejących oraz stworzenie nowych rozwiązań elektronicznych, informatycznych, teleinformatycznych oraz usług cyfrowych mających na celu wsparcie szeroko rozumianego procesu nawigacji morskiej. Proces ten wymaga m.in. stworzenia nowych sposobów transmisji danych na morzu. Projekt Internet na Bałtyku (NetBaltic) ma na celu opracowanie koncepcji stworzenia bezprzewodowej, szerokopasmowej sieci teleinformatycznej dla akwenu Morza Bałtyckiego. W artykule przedstawiono możliwe praktyczne wykorzystanie tego typu transmisji danych na przykładzie jednej z usług e-nawigacji, tj. usługi pogodowego planowania trasy statku.
E-navigation aims at integration and creation of new electronic and computer-aided Solutions and services towards supporting navigational process as & whole. There is a require-ment, among other things, to introduce new means of data transmission on board. The NetBaltic project has been created to prepare a f ramework of a new broadband wireiess transmission nelwork for the Baltic Sea. This paper presents how such type of transmission can be utihzed by one of e-navigation services, namely the weather routing service.
Content available Koncepcja rozwoju e-nawigacji w Polsce
E-nawigacja ma głównie zapewnić bezpieczną nawigację na morzu, umożliwić niezawodną radio komunikację morską, oraz zarządzanie ruchem statków. Wprowadzenie tego projektu stawia wiele zadań przed polską administracją morską. Część z nich już została zrealizowana, inne są planowane. Do nich należy modernizacja oznakowania nawigacyjnego. Szczególnie istotne jest upowszechnienie na morzu technologii informatycznych.
E-Navigation main role is to provide safe navigation at sea, to enable reliable radio communication and ships traffic management. The implementation of this project puts many tasks ahead of the Polish maritime administration. Some of them have already been implemented, others are being planned such as modernization of navigation markings. Particularly important is spreading of information technology at sea.
The lack of proper communication between navigators is one of the many causes of dangerous situations in maritime transport. Automation of communication processes, in particular negotiation processes, can help either avoid such situations or, when they do occur, deal with them more promptly and effectively. We have characterized inference processes in maritime communication and the communication subontology used to describe these processes. The negotiating processes involving two or more parties are considered. An example is given of an encounter by three ships that requires communication (including negotiations) between the three navigators. We also present how the described communication processes can be automated using the developed subontology of communication.
According to the recommendation of the IMO Resolution MSC.252(83), “Adoption of the revised performance standards for integrated navigation system (INS)”, the INS is introduced in order to enhance navigational safety by providing integrated and augmented functions to avoid geographic, traffic and environmental hazards. Its main task is to provide ‘added value’ for the officer of the watch (OOW), ship’s captain and pilot, to plan, monitor or control the navigational safety and progress of the ship. The system should support navigational safety by combining, processing and evaluating inputs from different connected sensors and sources to provide information, giving timely warnings of dangerous situations, system failures and degradation of the integrity of delivered and presented information. An INS is defined as such if workstations provide multifunctional displays integrating at least the following navigational tasks (functions): route monitoring, collision avoidance and alert management. The output data contains a description of the subsystems and devices included in the INS, and the principles of their cooperation and presentation of data, but it does not present recommendations for interfacing the INS with the ship’s radio communications equipment or standardised rules of operation by the user and presentation of information. These restrictions limit the possibilities of using this system in e-navigation. This paper identifies the importance of these limitations with respect to the need for further development of INSs, and presents proposals to solve this problem.
One of the most significant phases for automation of communication processes in shipping is building a knowledge base for inference processes. Communication processes include: exchange of information, perception of communication and interaction between navigators. Computing with words has been used to represent inference processes covering imprecise concepts that are characteristic of natural languages. Elements of classical predicate calculus were adopted as a basic form of writing inference rules. Methods for constructing a knowledge base were chosen. The knowledge base architecture was proposed. This article also presents examples of inference rules in a knowledge base for automatic communication in shipping.
The current systems supporting navigation on board of ships are built on the classic concept for equipment: the system is developed, tested, type approved and installed; and from that time on it is used with no or little modifications. The systems are using data, but the data streams do not influence the system behavior. Looking at other industries, a regime of software and system maintenance has been established which allows more rapid updates. System development in the IT arena is moving towards a more modular approach, encapsulating individual components to ease the implementation and delivery of updates with a limited system-wide impact. This key concept is lately often referred to as the “app-concept”. In addition, more and more systems are using data to adjust system behavior to support a situational centric approach for decision support. The e-Navigation development asks for exactly that: a way to improve innovation, while ensuring system stability for the navigational components used by the navigator on the bridge, and a concept to increase situational awareness. A key aspect of the success of new systems will be the ability to convert data into information as needed in any given situation, creating the necessary knowledge for intelligent decision making and increasing the competence of a navigator. The paper will focus on the following topics: the classic monolithic equipment paradigm; modern system architecture, using components and app-concepts; advantages of using data streams to enable situational driven tool enhancements; and the app-concepts supporting the situational centric information presentation.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac nad szczegółowym przeglądem Światowego Morskiego Systemu Łączności Alarmowej i Bezpieczeństwa (GMDSS), będący etapem projektu Modernizacja GMDSS.
The article presents the results of work on a detailed review of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), which is a stage of the project Modern zation of the GMDSS.
Celem projektu netBaltic jest realizacja szerokopasmowej sieci teleinformatycznej na morzu, która umożliwi wdrożenie nowych usług i aplikacji zapewniających w szczególności poprawę bezpieczeństwa nawigacji. Prace w ramach projektu realizują zespoły badawcze z Wydziału ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej, Instytutu Łączności PIB, Instytutu Oceanologii PAN oraz firm DGT LAB S.A, i NavSim Polska sp. z o. o. Wiele propozycji projektu ma charakter nowatorski, wtaczając w to wykorzystanie danych systemu AIS, algorytmy samoorganizacji, zapewnianie bezpieczeństwa transferu danych, przekazy typu DTN, zautomatyzowane procedury przetaczania między technikami transmisyjnymi czy dedykowane aplikacje, szczególnie wobec konieczności ich realizacji w obliczu trudnych warunków propagacyjnych oraz zmiennej topologii sieci. W kolejnych artykułach w niniejszym zeszycie PTiWT przedstawiono zarówno realizowane prace jak tez wskazano na specyficzne cechy wyposażenia węzłów sieci oraz wykorzystywanych w projekcie rozwiązań protokolarnych.
The goal of the netBaltic project is realization of a maritime broadband data Communications network, which will allow implementation of a number of new services and applications able to provide, in particular, the higher safety in navigation. Tasks defined in the project are performed by teams from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, National Institute of Telecommunications, Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and companies: DGT LAB and NavSim Poland. A number of project proposals is evidently pioneering, including use of AIS system data, self-organization algorithms, providing security in the transfer of data in a marine environment, DTN messaging, automated procedures of soft-switching between transmission techniques or dedicated applications, especially in the environment where difficult propagation conditions and variable network topology are expected. Further articles presented in this issue of PTiWT show both major research works as well as address the specific characteristics of the nodes equipment (hardware and software) used in designed systems and protocols.
W pracy omówiono warstwę fizyczną naziemnego segmentu systemu VDES (VHF Data Exchange System), scharakteryzowano właściwości morskiego radiowego kanału ruchomego i przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych systemu.
In the paper a physical layer for the VDES system’s terrestrial component has been described, the properties of the maritime mobile radio channel have been characterized and the simulation results of the system functioning have been shown.
Omówiono metodologię i przedstawiono wybrane wyniki pomiarów zasięgów i parametrów jakościowych systemów komórkowych (UMTS. LTE) sieci WiFi oraz systemu WiMAX uzyskiwanych w warunkach morskich. Pomiary te wykonano na Bałtyku w ramach Zadania 1 projektu NetBaltic. Słuzyły one ocenie przydatności wybranych technologii bezprzewodowych w kontekście transmisji danych na morzu.
The following paper discusses the methodology and selected results of the measurement campaign in which the ranges and quality parameters of cellular (UMTS, LTE), WiFi and WiMAX networks were evaluated in maritime conditions. These measurements were conducted in the Baltic Sea as a part of the netBaltic project and their main purpose was to verify whether the discussed wireless technologies are suitable for data transmission at sea.
The paper deals with communication processes between ship navigators based on standard marine communication phrases. The authors consider information exchange, message perception and interactions, e.g. negotiations. For this purpose navigational information and communication ontologies have been complemented by elements of the protoform theory. The considerations include inference processes, related to additional information acquisition and negotiations. Computing with words is applied to the modelling of communication processes.
Przedstawiono pojęcie e-nawigacji, przyczyny wszczęcia przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (IMO) debaty na ten temat, stan prac nad jej rozwojem prowadzonych przez dwa podkomitety IMO: ds. Bezpieczeństwa Żeglugi (NAV) oraz Radiokomunikacji, Poszukiwania i Ratownictwa (COM-SAR), zaakceptowany w lipcu 2014 roku przez nowo utworzony Podkomitet ds. Nawigacji, Radiokomunikacji, Poszukiwania i Ratownictwa (NCSR), a także uwagi na temat możliwości spełnienia oczekiwań gospodarki morskiej w zakresie rozwoju systemów e-nawigacji w najbliższej przyszłości.
The article presents the concept of e-navigation, the cause instituted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) debate on the subject, status of work on its development carried out by the two Subcommittees IMO: on Safety of Navigation (NAV) and on Radiocommunication and Search and Rescue (COMSAR), accepted in July 2014 by the newly created Subcommittee on Navigation, Communications, Search and Rescue (NCSR), as well as comments on the ability to meet the expectations of the maritime economy in the development of e-navigation in the near future.
Przedstawiono restrukturyzację podkomitetów Międzynarodowej Organizacji Morskiej (IMO). Zaprezentowano zakres prac Podkomitetu ds. Radiokomunikacji oraz Poszukiwań i Ratownictwa (COMSAR). Omówiono także najważniejsze dokonania Podkomitetu COMSAR.
The article presents the restructuring of the sub-committees of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The cope of work of the Sub-Committee on Radiocommunications, Search and Rescue has been presented. The most important achievements of the COMSAR Sub-Committee has been described as well.
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