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Groundwater is a vital resource that provides drinking water to over half of the world's population. However, groundwater contamination has become a serious issue due to human activities such as industrialization, agriculture, and improper waste disposal. The impacts of groundwater contamination can be severe, including health risks, environmental damage, and economic losses. A list of unknown groundwater contamination sources has been developed for the Wang-Tien landfill using a groundwater modeling system (GMS). Further, AI-based models have been developed which accurately predict the contamination from the sources at this site. A serious complication with most previous studies using artificial neural networks (ANN) for contamination source identification has been the large size of the neural networks. We have designed the ANN models which use three different ways of presenting inputs that are categorized by hierarchical K-means clustering. Such an implementation reduces the overall complexity of the model along with high accuracy. The predictive capability of developed models was assessed using performance indices and compared with the ANN models. The results show that the hybrid model of hierarchical K-means clustering and ANN model (HCA-ANN) is a highly accurate model for identifying pollution sources in contaminated water.
Groundwater quality study was conducted in the Drini basin situated in the northern part of the Albanian territory. The objective of this study was to identify the quality of groundwater in four different well-defined monitoring sites. Groundwater is vital for the population and is considered to be subject to continuous exploitation with high growth intensity, and permanent risk of pollution from natural and human activities. Contamination of groundwater occurs when synthetic products such as gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the groundwater and return it unsafe and unfit for human use. Groundwater monitoring was carried out according to a network, which aimed to include mainly the most intensive areas of exploitation and distribution in the aquifer. Samples were collected in two different months of June and October in four monitoring drilling sites and were analysed for those key indicators defined by the rules and procedures for the drafting and implementation of the national programme of environmental monitoring in Albania. The study results reveal that geological formation, human activities as well as environmental conditions affect groundwater quality. Complete chemical analysis revealed that the groundwater in this area results in medium hardness, has good physico-chemical properties, local pollution is encountered, and there is no massive pollution of the basin. They are waters with low mineralisation. Further, they are neutral waters, which meet the allowed norm for drinking water. The pollution displayed is occasional, as the presence of NH4+ and NO2- are isolated cases, manifested mainly by the non-application of areas of strictness and sanitary protection around the drill and the small cover of the subaxillary layer. The analysis performed for microelements shows that the content of some heavy metals is below the maximum allowed amount; this demands serious future attention to the density of the network and the monitoring frequency in this basin. The risk of pollution in the Drini basin is high due to the small protective cover, especially in the source of Dobrac. Intensive exploitation can lead to the mixing of fresh water with water with high mineralisation. The concentration of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr, Cd, Na+, K+ and Cl− in the water samples known as the major pollutants from the urban transport sector, has shown that the values are within the water quality standard. The low concentration of these pollutants was due to the distance of the drilling sites from the roads in these areas.
Content available remote Effects of human activities in the coastal zone of Laizhou Bay
The serious destruction of resources and environment in Laizhou Bay has attracted extensive attention of researchers. This study mainly analysed the changes of fish structure and environment in the coastal zone of Laizhou Bay caused by human activities. By consulting literatures and field measurements, the changes of dominant fish species, coastline and sea water intrusion were analysed. The results showed that dominant fish species in Laizhou Bay change from high-economic species to low-economic species under the influence of human activities, and the coastline erosion was serious, and the area of sea water intrusion was also increasing year by year. It is concluded from the research results that human activities had a significant impact on the structure of fish school and the environment. It is necessary to arrange human activities in an appropriate amount to reduce the overexploitation of resources in order to restore the fishery resources and environment in Laizhou Bay.
Geostatistics was used in a typical alluvial fan to reveal its applicability to spatial distribution analysis and controlling mechanisms of groundwater chemistry. Normal distribution test and optimal geostatistical interpolation models for various groundwater quality indicators were discussed in this study. The optimal variogram model of each indicator was determined using prediction error analysis. The infuences of human activities and structural factors on the groundwater chemistry were also determined by variability intensity and the sill ratio. The results showed that nitrate content can be served as groundwater quality indicator, which was most sensitive to human activities. The nitrate concentration of both shallow and deep groundwater showed a decreasing trend from the northwest to the southeast. In addition, the spatial distribution of groundwater nitrate was associated with the land-use type and the lithological properties of aquifer. Rapid urbanization in the northwestern part intensifed groundwater extraction and aggravated the pollutant input. The central area showed little increase in nitrate content in the shallow and deep groundwater, and the efect of lateral recharge from the upstream water on the deep groundwater in the central area was greater than that of the vertical recharge from shallow groundwater. The present study suggests that geostatistics is helpful for analyzing the spatial distribution and distinguishing the infuences of anthropogenic and natural factors on groundwater chemistry.
Environmental changes have led to a growing conflict between water supply and demand in Qinjiang River. This paper used the data of monthly rainfall, runoff, evaporation and air temperature during the period from 1956 to 2016 and combined 3-year running mean, linear regression method, Mann–Kendall test and R/S analysis method to analyze the change trend of each factor, combined Mann–Kendall test, cumulative anomaly method and slide t test to analyze the variation of each factor and combined Morlet continuous wavelet analysis to identify periodic oscillations. In this paper, the influences of climate change and human activities on the runoff of the Qinjiang River were qualitatively assessed from the aspects of trend, variation and periodicity and the contributions of climate change and human activities to runoff reduction were quantitatively assessed using evaporation difference method and an improved comparative method of the slope changing ratio of cumulative quantity (SCRCQ).The following results were obtained: (1) From 1956 to 2016, the rainfall showed a weak increasing trend, whereas the runoff depth and the evaporation exhibited significant decreasing trend and the air temperature exhibited a significant increasing trend. The rainfall and air temperature will continuously increase, whereas runoff and evaporation will continuously decrease in the future. (2) Rainfall exhibited no significant variation, whereas there were two variation points (1986 and 2003) in the runoff, three variation points (1974, 1986 and 2011) in evaporation and one variation point (1996) in air temperature. (3) Features of rainfall exhibited similarities to periodic changes in runoff, whereas rainfall exhibited significant difference with evaporation and air temperature. (4) Human activities contributed mainly to the runoff reduction. The contribution of human activities to runoff reduction increased from 43.78 to 61.17% in BR period (1983–2003) and increased from 61.17 to 72.66% in CR period (2004–2016). This indicated that the contribution of human activities to runoff reduction increased continuously. The impact of human activities on the reduction in runoff in the Qinjiang River Basin is mainly due to the irrigation, industrial and urban residents’ water use, which is caused by the growth of population and the growth of economic index.
Understanding the factors affecting the species richness of alien and native plant is a key issue for predicting the spread of alien species and protecting rare and endangered native species in nature reserves. To investigate the factors affecting alien and native species richness in temperate nature reserves of China, we used a database of 25 nature reserves in Shandong Province of northern China, and studied the relationship of alien and native plant species richness with climatic and anthropogenic factors, as well as area and elevation range. We found that most of the nature reserves in Shandong Province have been invaded by alien plant species. The distribution of alien and native species responds to the same climatic factors, and temperature and precipitation exert strong effects on both groups. Alien and native plant species richness are positively correlated. Human activity is more effective for explaining richness of alien than for native species. Simultaneously, human activity has stronger effects on alien herbaceous than on alien woody plants. Our results suggest that native species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors, whereas alien species richness is mainly explained by climatic factors and human activity together.
In recent years, brown bear Ursus arctos populations in Iran have experienced a clear trend of reduction and the species is now officially listed as threatened under provincial legislation. Anthropogenic habitat alteration and increasing human access to previously remote landscapes are potential source of stress for this species in Iran. Therefore, land cover changes in the Chelcheli protected area were mapped for 1991–2013 using time sequential Landsat TM and ETM at 30 meters resolution. Moreover, Maximum entropy (MaxEnt) modeling was used to investigate habitat selection of brown bear. The results showed that suitable patches overlapped with forest areas (Hyrcanian forest) and rivers. Our results also indicate that the brown bear habitat suitability is negatively influenced by human disturbance (e.g., roads, settlements). Increased human disturbance in brown bear habitat in recent decades may cause bears to avoid the disturbed areas. Therefore, the management plans should focus on reducing the human infrastructures around brown bear habitat. A suggestion is to place the core secure areas for brown bear inside the suitable habitat close to rivers where the human access is restricted. Promoting awareness of biodiversity conservation among tourism should also be one of the major focuses of management plans.
W opracowaniu porównano strukturę użytkowania ziemi począwszy od 1954 (gospodarka centralnie sterowana) po 2009 (gospodarka wolnorynkowa). Przeanalizowano także wpływ zmian użytkowania ziemi na przebieg procesów geomorfologicznych i zmianę zbiorowisk roślinnych. Wykazano zmniejszenie powierzchni gruntów ornych o ponad 90%, przy wzroście powierzchni leśnej. Spowodowało to spadek natężenia erozji na stokach oraz wzrost natężenia erozji wgłębnej w korytach potoków Jaszcze i Jamne, która wynosi 1 cm na rok. Zmiany użytkowania ziemi przyczyniły się do powstania bardziej mozaikowego krajobrazu porolnego, a także zmian w charakterze zabudowy – zanik szałasów związanych z gospodarką pasterską i pojawienie się budownictwa agroturystycznego.
The study compared the structure of land use from 1954 (socialist economy) to 2009 (the free market). The impact of land use change on the geomorphological processes and changing plant communities were also analyzed. Results indicate a reduction in arable land above 90%, with an increase in forest area. This contributed to a decrease in the intensity of soil erosion on the slopes and an increase in the intensity of incision in the beds of Jaszcze and Jamne streams, which is 1 cm per year. Changes in land use have caused a more mosaic landscape, as well as changes in the character building – the disappearance of highland house connected with pastoral economy and the appearance of agritourism buildings.
Istotnym problemem w rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii jest inżynieria bezpieczeństwa obiektów antropogenicznych do realizacji różnorodnych potrzeb człowieka – obejmujący szereg teoretycznych i praktycznych zagadnień dotyczących bezpieczeństwa człowieka w następujących obszarach: technicznym, ekonomicznym, prawnym, organizacyjnym i logistycznym. Wszystkie procesy w zakresie projekto wania, wytwarzania, dystrybucji i eksploatacji obiektów antropogenicznych dotyczą kwestii bezpieczeństwa. Ze względu na szerokie ujęcia problemu sformułowanego w tym artykule, autor podjął próbę wyjaśnienia szeregu ważnych pojęć związanych z kwestią inżynierii bezpieczeństwa obiektów antropogenicznych, takich jak ochrona środowiska, potrzeby człowieka, konsumenta, przedmiotu, działalność człowieka, bezpieczeństwo, zagrożenie, inżynieria bezpieczeństwa.
An important problem in the development of modern technology is safety engineering of anthropogenic objects to implement a variety of human needs – covering a range of theoretical and practical security issues concerning manmade objects in the following areas: technical, economic, legal, organizational and logistical. The processes of designing, making, distribution and operation of facilities anthropogenic object all involve safety issues. Due to the wide recognition of the problem formulated in this paper, the author has made an attempt to clarify a number of important concepts involving the issue of safety engineering of anthropogenic objects, such as the environment, human needs, the consumer, the object of human activities, security, threat, security engineering.
Zmiany użytkowania terenu w dolinach potoków Jaszcze i Jamne nasiliły się w okresie transformacji gospodarczej kraju po 1989 r., przynosząc zmiany źródła utrzymania mieszkańców i rozwój turystyki rekreacyjno-wypoczynkowej. Konsekwencją przemian jest wzrost powierzchni leśnej (w Jaszcze o 11,5%, a w Jamne o 18,5%) kosztem zmniejszenia udziału gruntów rolnych i użytków zielonych. Zmniejszeniu powierzchni pól ornych sprzyja niekorzystne ukształtowanie terenu, a szczególnie duże nachylenie stoków oraz szkieletowość gleb. Stwierdzono przyrost powierzchni leśnej wraz ze wzrostem wysokości, będący skutkiem wycofania się pasterstwa z polan beskidzkich. Bezpośrednim wyrazem dawnej działalności człowieka w dzisiejszym krajobrazie dolin Jaszcze i Jamne są formy antropogeniczne, takie jak drogi i terasy polne. Pomimo znacznego ograniczenia rolniczego użytkowania ziemi w zlewniach potoków Jaszcze i Jamne drogi polne stanowią nadal ważny element środowiska przyrodniczego. Gęstość dróg użytkowanych uległa zmniejszeniu z 6,97 km km-2 w 1981 r. do 4,3 km km-2 w 2008r. Najwięcej dróg nieużytkowanych występuje na stokach o nachyleniu powyżej 15 centigrade, co stanowi 95% wszystkich dróg nieużytkowanych w zlewni Jaszcze, a 80% w zlewni Jamne. Najpowszechniej zachowanymi formami antropogenicznymi obok dróg są terasy rolne, które mają często nieciągły charakter, zanikają na kilkumetrowych odcinkach lub są modelowane przez płytkie ruchy masowe.
Socio-economic transformations taking place in the Jaszcze and Jamne catchments are typical for the Beskides in the western Polish Carpathians. These changes have increased after the year 1989, during the period of economic transformation in our country. They manifest themselves in the increase of the total forest area (Jaszcze catchment for 11.5% and Jamne for 18.5%), parallel to the decrease in the participation of arable lands and grass lands. Unfavourable relief, especially the large inclination of slopes and skeletalness of soils favour the decrease of the arable lands area. It was found that the increase of the forest area was proportional to the rise of altitude, which was the result of the shepherding withdrawing from the glades in the Beskides. The dominating source of maintenance for the inhabitants during the recent years has been becoming the activity outside agriculture. In spite of the considerable decrease of agricultural lands in the Jaszcze and Jamne catchments, the cart-roads are still an important and durable elements of the natural environment. These roads transformed mostly by the linear erosion, modify pattern of the natural outflow of water from the slopes and supplement the natural hydrographical network. The density of cart roads has decreased from 6.97 km km-2 in 1981 to 4.3 km km-2 in 2008, but the road density is still higher than the natural outflow network. Most abandoned cart roads appear on the slopes with the inclination of more than 15°. They constitute 95% of all unused cart-roads in the Jaszcze catchment and 80% in the Jamne.
Jednym z czynników wpływających na powstanie potrzeb transportowych jest rozmieszczenie działalności kulturalnej i terenów rekreacyjnych. Inicjatywy klastrowe mają za zadanie integrowanie w jednym obszarze geograficznym różnego typu podmiotów działających w pokrewnych sektorach. W literaturze dokonano podziału klastrów na zdecentralizowane i scentralizowane. Dodatkowo w podanych grupach wyodrębnia się specyficzne modele, związane z miejscem ich występowania. Zalety współpracy klastrowej można wykorzystać w działalności agroturystycznej. Przykładem takich działalności jest klaster okopski, wzorowany na modelu koncentrycznym. Modele systemów przepływu dóbr stosowane w działalności produkcyjnej i handlu mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w klastrze agroturystycznym. Można zastosować jednocześnie kilka systemów, uzależniając użycie od warności przepływu dóbr i informacji oraz konieczności angażowania koordynatora.
One of the factor that has influence on creation of transportation needs is the location of cultural and recreational terrains movements. The clusters initiatives are to integrate many diffrent objects in one geographic area. There was a division of concentrated and decontrentrated clusters in literature. In adition, in separate groups one can include specific models, related to its habitat. The advantages of clusters cooperation can be used in agrotourism enterprize. The example of these enterprizes is Okopy cluster, based on concentrated model. The system models of goods flow, used in production and trade can be found handy in agrotourism cluster. One can use multiple sytems silmutanously, conditioning the use versus validity of the goods and information flow and necessity of coordinator arangement.
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Niniejsze opracowanie poświęcone jest roślinom naczyniowym prawnie chronionym w Polsce. Jego celem jest porównanie gatunków ze względu na stopień przekształcenia siedlisk, na których mogą one występować oraz wpływ działalności człowieka na liczebność ich stanowisk. Z 395 gatunków roślin naczyniowych objętych ochroną w Polsce (table 1), 374 znajduje się pod ochroną ścisłą a 21 pod ochroną częściową. Większość z nich spotykamy na siedliskach naturalnych lub pomaturalnych, jedynie 31 gatunków występuje spontanicznie na siedliskach sztucznych. Prawie 40% gatunków chronionych może być celowo nasadzanych przez człowieka jako rośliny ozdobne lub użytkowe, co niekiedy w znacznym stopniu wpływa na zwiększenie liczby ich stanowisk. Do różnych kategorii zagrożenia wg Polskiej Czerwonej Księgi Roślin należy 157 gatunków chronionych.
The present paper is devoted to vascular plant species under legal protection in Poland. Its aim was to compare species in relation to degree of transformation of habitats, in which they can occur as well as influence of human activity on number of their localities. Of 394 vascular species being under protection in Poland (table 1), 373 are strictly protected and 21 are partially protected. Majority of them are to be found in natural or semi-natural habitats, only 35 oceur spontaneously in man-made habitats. Almost 40% of protected species may be cultivated purposely as ornamentals what leads to inerease number of their localities. To various criteria of threat according to Polish Red Data Book of Plants 157 species were included.
The landscape structure can be analysed in different ways while using different methods, research tools and initial data. One of the effective research methods is remote sensing together with satellite imageries obtained by this method. This technology used to be successfully applied in ecology, e.g. for evaluation of forest landscape structure modifi ed by economic activity of man. In the studies carried out by remote sensing methods, it was found that the current landscape structure results from its previous states and is shaped both by man and by natural processes. Having the above statements as a starting point, an analysis of forest landscape structure was performed in the territory of the Zaborski Landscape Park, based on Landsat satellite imageries from the period 1975-2003. The NDVI was calculated for the entire park as well as for three research plots situated within the park. Squares were set up as research plots, with a side of 5040 m long. Each square encompassed 28 224 pixels of dimensions 30 x 30 m. The squares were set up in areas of different intensity of forestry and different share of secondary forests on formerly arable soils. On the basis of generated images presenting the spatial diversifi cation of NDVI, the following texture parameters were defi ned for each research plot: diversity (H), fragmentation (F), fractal dimension (FD). In calculations of the diversity index and fragmentation, the size of the matrix window amounted to 5x5 pixels. The fractal dimension was calculated with the triangular prism method described by Altobelli et al. (2001). The NDVI was also calculated for three sets, each comprising 24 or 25 test areas distributed within each research plot. Test areas were squares with a side of 300x300 metre long representing all age classes of tree stands in the habitat of fresh and dry pine forest. The completed database on subdivisions of the surface area division as well as the course of the process of deforestation and afforestation of the region during the period 1796-2003, allowed the detailed analysis of the obtained results with reference to land use history in this area. In the comparative analysis of three research plots on the basis of structure indices, the graphic method of Jentys-Szaferowa (1948) was applied and methods of numerical taxonomy. On the basis of the performed analyses, it was concluded that together with the increased human pressure on the nature, the average value of NDVI decreased together with the simultaneous increase of indices expressing the diversity, fragmentation and fractal dimension of the landscape.
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