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In supply chain management, random events can occur that are difficult to predict. Once such event, the COVID-19 pandemic, affected supply chains around the world and forced companies to make sudden changes. Companies could still operate and deliver their products to customers through innovation, but also through the flexibility and innovation of transport enterprises. In the last two decades, the Polish transport industry has gained importance in the European Union. The main objective of this paper is to determine the specification of business operations under pandemic conditions, assess the impact of the pandemic on international transport SMEs in Poland, and then identify key challenges for the industry from the point of view of entrepreneurs. To this end, a literature review, desk research and snowball sampling were carried out towards the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022. The research results show that changes in the organisation of supply chains, diversification, changes in demand and other effects of the pandemic have had a positive impact on the operations of some transport companies in Poland, and the larger the company, the more these changes have been used in a positive way for the business operations of transport. This seems to be confirmed by statistical data. The biggest beneficiaries of the changes seemed to have been medium-sized and large companies. Micro enterprises, on the other hand, most often assessed the impact of the pandemic negatively. In addition, the challenges relating to the amount of fines in transport, indicated most often in our survey by the entrepreneurs, certainly also hit the micro-enterprises the hardest.
W zarządzaniu łańcuchem dostaw mogą wystąpić zdarzenia losowe, które trudno przewidzieć. Pandemia dotknęła łańcuchy dostaw na całym świecie i zmusiła firmy do nagłych zmian. Firmy nadal mogą działać i dostarczać swoje produkty klientom dzięki innowacyjności, ale także elastyczności i innowacyjności przedsiębiorstw transportowych. W ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad polska branża transportowa zyskała na znaczeniu w Unii Europejskiej. Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest określenie specyfiki funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstw w warunkach pandemii, ocena wpływu pandemii na MŚP transportu międzynarodowego w Polsce, a następnie identyfikacja kluczowych wyzwań dla branży z punktu widzenia przedsiębiorców. Korzystano z przeglądu literatury, desk research i badania metodą kuli śniegowej przeprowadzonego na przełomie 2021 i 2022 r. Wyniki badań pokazują, że zmiany w organizacji łańcuchów dostaw, dywersyfikacja, zmiany popytu i inne skutki pandemii pozytywnie wpływają na działalności niektórych firm transportowych w Polsce, a im większa firma, tym bardziej te zmiany są wykorzystywane w pozytywny sposób w działalności firm transportowych. Wydaje się, że potwierdzają to także dane statystyczne. Największymi beneficjentami zmian wydają się być firmy średnie i duże. Mikroprzedsiębiorstwa najczęściej negatywnie oceniają wpływ pandemii. Najczęściej wskazywane przez przedsiębiorców wyzwania związane z wysokością kar w transporcie z pewnością również są bardzo odczuwane przez mikroprzedsiębiorstwa.
Purpose: The issue of gender in analyzes concerning entrepreneurship is part of numerous items, most of which focus on showing the worse situation of women, often equated with discrimination. Qualitative analyzes are often directly linked to a clear predominance of men in the population of entrepreneurs. This study is of a theoretical-cognitive nature. By emphasizing the prevailing gender discrimination, structural inequalities, and lack of consensus within the scientific community, the article contributes to the ongoing discussion on women's entrepreneurship and the challenges they face. The quantitative nature of the study aims to determine the ratio of women to men engaged in entrepreneurial activities during the social, economic, and political changes that have taken place in Poland over the past three decades. The research problem was embedded in the conception of natural differences between the number of women and men as entrepreneurs wherein the criteria of sustainable development, with convergent entrepreneurial intentions of both sexes. Design/methodology/approach: The study is theoretical and cognitive in nature. The article uses statistical tools in benchmarking and regression to present a quantitative pattern of entrepreneurship in Poland. The quantitative analysis was preceded by a review of the literature. Findings: The obtained results indicate that the quantitative structure of the self-employed in terms of gender is quasi-constant. The dominance of men in the population of entrepreneurs does not change over time, and it remains in constant relative relation to the number of women entrepreneurs, regardless of changes in the external environment. Similar arrangements apply to entrepreneurs' decisions regarding liquidation, suspension, and resumption of economic activity. Research limitations/implications: The completed study has limitations related to the adopted time limit of the public reporting system. Research limitations are also present in quantitative terms that ignore the context. Practical implications: In practical terms, they constitute a considerable incentive to revise the formulated EU development strategies and the programs implemented as part of public policies that influence the Polish economy. he obtained results are part of the literature that undermines the effectiveness of interventionism, in this case related to the creation of preferences for women. Social implications: The gender issue in entrepreneurship is important. However, too often these issues are presented in public debate, where the arguments are belief, not science. The article is an important voice in current global discussions on inequality, including discrimination. Originality/value: The obtained results are supplemented by quantitative research on entrepreneurship, considering the gender of the entrepreneur. The applied research approach in the area of quantitative material and statistical tools is innovative.
International road transport is a specific service within the frame of services provided in the European Union. It is because the conditions of being active on the market are influenced by the states where businessmen operate, but services can be provided throughout the whole year in other member states of the European Union. The aim of the contribution is to highlight the existing problems in international road freight transport sector. These problems persist despite the fact that market access was exempted from the national law of individual member states and regulated directly by EU regulations. Despite the unification of market access, tax and social harmonization is not ensured in international road freight transport. An unequal tax burden on carriers and different requirements of wage regulations create a discriminatory environment among entrepreneurs. The contribution identifies the factors that deform the equal operating conditions in single market. The aim of the contribution is also to provide the readers with the answers to the questions: Is it possible under current EU conditions to harmonize tax and social conditions? What impact would this harmonization have on business environment?
Extremely important skill that the modern entrepreneur should demonstrate in face of events that are beyond his control is effectiveness in dealing with risk. Although most definitions of entrepreneurship lead to a conclusion that it involves a tendency to take risks, business practice shows that due to motivation for accomplishment company owners do not always adopt an active attitude towards risk as a phenomenon of uncertainty. This article contains a study which presents the motives behind self-employment of persons representing three sectors. The first part talks about the definition of a risk. Next parts show factors that determine person’s ability to act in risky conditions. The last part of the article presents the results of empirical research conducted in the first and second quarter of 2014 to assess whether the owners of companies in Czestochowa tend to take risks.
Określane w literaturze przedmiotu zjawisko turbulencji czy chaosu we współczesnej rzeczywistości ekonomicznej oraz zjawisko intensywnego rozwoju doktryny społecznej odpowiedzialności biznesowej (CSR) pokazały dwa strumienie przyczyn, które mogą kształtować oddziaływania menadżerskie i determinować ich zmiany w sferze działalności biznesowej przedsiębiorstwa. W przypadku turbulentnych warunków ustawicznie pojawiająca się nieprzewidywalność jest uznawana przez menadżerów za stały komponent. Na uwagę zasługuje również kwestia wdrażania całościowego zarządzania utrzymaniem ruchu w zakładach KGHM (aktualnie globalne przedsiębiorstwo wydobywcze), nazywanego w literaturze TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). Zastosowany system wprowadzający usprawnienia organizacji pracy kształtuje oddziaływania pracownika, który dzięki prostym rozwiązaniom, takim jak uporządkowanie i systematyka miejsca pracy, zwiększa jego efektywność i zarazem poprawia komfort pracy.
The literature-referred turbulence or chaos phenomenon found in modern economic reality and the phenomenon of intensive development of the doctrine of Business Social Responsibility (CSR) have shown as a consequence the two streams of reasons which may impact on managerial interactions and determine their changes in entrepreneurial activities of a company. In the case of turbulent conditions, continually appearing unpredictability is treated by managers as a permanent component. Noteworthy is also the issue of the implementation of a total maintenance management in KGHM mining plants (currently a global mining company) called in the literature TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). The implemented system introducing improvements in the organization of work shapes the interactions of an employee, who in simple solutions such as ordering and systematics of job place increases his efficiency and at the same time improves the comfort of work.
W artykule poruszono zagadnienie dotyczące ryzyka w organizacji, które jest nierozerwalnie związane z prowadzeniem działalności biznesowej na dynamicznie rozwijającym się rynku. Opisany został sposób postępowania z ryzykiem na etapie planowania systemu zarządzania zgodnie z postanowieniami projektu normy ISO/DIS 9001:2015, a także sposób zarządzania ryzykiem, analizy skuteczności podejmowanych działań dotyczących ryzyka oraz wskazano na potrzebę rozwijania i doskonalenia systemu zarządzania ryzykiem.
The article raised the question of the risk in the organization, which is inherent in the conduct of business in the rapidly growing market. It describes how to deal with risk at the planning stage quality management system based accordance with the provisions of the draft standard ISO/DIS 9001:2015 as well as the risk man-agement, analyze the effectiveness of measures taken on the risk and pointed to the need to expand and improve risk management system.
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