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Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the determinants of managerial competencies in the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The identification of the elements of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. and its characteristics were also performed. Design/methodology/approach: In the theoretical part, a critical literature analysis was conducted. This included international literature from major databases and Polish literature. Additionally, in order to identify research problems, a diagnostic survey method with Likert scale analysis was used. Findings: The research conducted was based on the authors' categorization of leadership competency areas. The most important competency areas were identified. Furthermore, the research results enabled the identification of criteria distinguishing a leader from a manager. Factors essential for the effective performance of the leader's role were presented. Additionally, indicators of competence within the context of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0 were highlighted. Research limitations/implications: The research is intended to be expanded in the future to include a more extensive and more diverse research sample. Practical implications: The research results and conclusions constitute implications for the development of competencies adequately matching the challenges of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. The 5.0 Leadership ecosystem brings many benefits, such as increased efficiency, cost reduction, and sustainability. For managers responsible for team creation, member selection, and work organisation, the results and conclusions of the research are deemed a valuable information source aimed at enhancing the organisation's effectiveness. Originality/value: The article proposes an original model of the Leadership ecosystem 5.0. It presents the conceptualization process and characterizes the elements of this ecosystem.
The article deals with the equivalent courses for military rank in the Slovak Armed Forces. The aim of the article is to introduce the participation of Slovak, Czech, Polish and Hungarian soldiers in The Battalion Commander Course, which refers to the knowledge applicable and not applicable to the Slovak and Czech armed forces. The main part of this course deals with the developing leadership of the commanders, the goal is to train and educate the commanders, to set a personal example and to prepare the commanders for the deployement in wide scale of operations.
W artykule przedstawiono szkolenia i kursy organizowane w Słowackich Siłach Zbrojnych, uprawniające do uzyskania poszczególnych stopni wojskowych. Omówiono szkolenie słowackich, czeskich, polskich i węgierskich żołnierzy na dowódcę batalionu (Battalion Commander Course) oraz wskazano różnice w zakresach wiedzy przekazywanej tym żołnierzom. W Słowackich Siłach Zbrojnych nacisk jest kładziony na rozwijanie umiejętności przywódczych dowódców, a także na takie wyszkolenie i edukację, by żołnierze stanowili przykład dla innych oraz byli przygotowani do udziału w różnego rodzaju operacjach.
Content available Zdzisław Filingier
Pułkownik Zdzisław Filingier to postać wybitnie zasłużona dla pożarnictwa zarówno na Opolszczyźnie, jak i w całej Polsce. Pułkownik Filingier urodził się 2 stycznia 1922 roku w Warszawie. Jego rodzina mieszkała w Międzylesiu. Tam Zdzisław Filingier spędził dzieciństwo i wczesne lata młodzieńcze. W latach 1935–1939 uczęszczał do gimnazjum w Warszawie, gdzie należał do harcerstwa. W czasie pierwszych miesięcy okupacji skończył tajną podchorążówkę Armii Krajowej oraz brał udział w wielu akcjach sabotażowych. Wstąpił do oddziału 25. pułku piechoty Armii Krajowej Ziemi Piotrkowskiej, działającego na Kielecczyźnie i w Górach Świętokrzyskich. Pod pseudonimem partyzanckim „Roszak” został dowódcą plutonu w 5. kompanii II batalionu dowodzonej przez mjr. Józefa Wyrwę, pseudonimy „Furgalski” lub „Stary”. W 1949 roku ukończył Szkołę Oficerską Pożarnictwa w Warszawie. Został instruktorem w Szkole Podoficerów Pożarnictwa w Nysie, gdzie w znacznym stopniu przyczynił się do podniesienia poziomu i wyników szkolenia wśród jej uczniów. W latach 1956–1959 pełnił funkcję zastępcy komendanta tej szkoły. Z dniem 1 maja 1968 roku objął stanowisko komendanta wojewódzkiego Straży Pożarnych w Opolu. Był uczestnikiem wielu trudnych akcji ratowniczo-gaśniczych na terenie kraju. Wśród nich należy wymienić gaszenie pożaru rafinerii ropy naftowej w Czechowicach-Dziedzicach (1971), erupcji ropy i gazu z otworu wiertniczego „Daszewo-1” koło Karlina (1980) oraz akcję usuwania skutków powodzi w województwie płockim (1982). Pułkownik Filingier wielokrotnie brał także udział w kompaniach opolskich w gaszeniu pożarów na terenie województw: częstochowskiego, katowickiego, wrocławskiego i zielonogórskiego. W akcjach tych płk Zdzisław Filingier pełnił rolę jednego z głównodowodzących. Po akcji w Karlinie uznany został za twórcę nowatorskiej metody opanowania erupcji zwanej „metodą polską”. Był również współorganizatorem pomocy dla ludności Armenii po tragicznym trzęsieniu ziemi, do której wysłano dobra materialne oraz strażaków-ratowników. Były to pierwsze doświadczenia strażaków w pomocy zagranicznej dla krajów dotkniętych trzęsieniem ziemi. Pułkownik Filingier na zasłużoną emeryturę przeszedł w grudniu 1989 roku. Za swoją walkę w obronie ojczyzny, osiągnięcia zawodowe w służbie pożarniczej, jak i wielostronną działalność społeczną został nagrodzony licznymi odznaczeniami. Swoją pracą stworzył podstawy do utworzenia Państwowej Straży Pożarnej. Pułkownik pożarnictwa Zdzisław Filingier zmarł 10 listopada 2015 roku, w wieku 93 lat.
Colonel Zdzisław Filingier rendered great service to firefighting in the Opole Region and the whole of Poland. He was born on 2 January 1922 in Warsaw. His family lived in Międzylesie, where he spent his childhood and early teenage years. In the years 1935-1939, he attended lower-secondary school in Warsaw, where he also joined the scouts. In the first months of the Nazi occupation, he completed the Home Army secret officer cadet school. He took part in many sabotage actions and was recruited for the 25th infantry regiment of the Home Army of the Piotrków Trybunalski Land, fighting in the Kielce region and in the Holy Cross Mountains. Under the pseudonym ”Roszak”, he became a platoon commander in the 5th company of the 2nd battalion commanded by Maj. Józef Wyrwa (pseudonyms ”Furgalski” and ”Stary”). In 1949, he graduated from the Firefighting Officer School in Warsaw, and became an instructor at non-commissioned officer school in Nysa. In the years 1956-1959, he was a Deputy Chief of the Non-Commissioned Fire Service Officer School in Nysa. On 1 May 1968, he was appointed Chief of the Voivodeship Fire Service in Opole. He took part in many tough fire and rescue actions in Poland, among others, extinguishing a fire at the Oil Refinery in Czechowice-Dziedzice (1971), an eruption of oil and gas from the ”Daszewo-1” subterranean well near Karlin (1980), the elimination of the consequences of a flood in the Płock Voivodeship (1982), and extinguishing fires in the Częstochowa, Katowice, Wrocław and Zielona Góra Voivodeships. Zdzisław Filingier took part in these actions as one of the commanders. After action in Karlin, he was recognised as a creator of an innovative method of overcoming eruptions, called ”the Polish method”. He also co-organised aid for Armenian populations after a disastrous earthquake. It was the first experience of firefighters’ giving foreign aid to countries affected by an earthquake. Colonel Filingier earned his retirement in December 1989. He was decorated with many medals for fighting in the defence of his country, his professional achievements in the firefighting service, and his social activities. He created the basis for the establishment of the State Fire Service. Fire Safety Colonel Zdzisław Filingier died on 10 November 2015, at the age of 93.
Content available remote Tożsamość społeczna w narracjach dowódców wojskowych
Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim stopniu pełniona przez dowódców wojskowych rola zawodowa wpływa na ich tożsamość. Wywiady przeprowadzone z generałami i admirałami Wojska Polskiego wskazują na to, że ich tożsamość społeczna ma kluczowe znaczenie dla obrazu siebie. Tożsamość społeczna jest spójna z tożsamością osobistą. Respondenci identyfikują się z wartościami etosowymi organizacji. Najbardziej istotne doświadczenia w ich życiu, definiujące kim są i do czego zmierzają, związane są z pracą zawodową.
This article aims to answer the question of how professional identity affects the individual. Specific study is centered on military commanders caring out their professional roles, with question of how they identify with it. Research is based on interviews with generals and admirals of the Polish Army. As it is indicated their social identity is crucial for self-image. Social identity, as the author claims, is consistent with the personal identity of a given individual. Hence the finding, analyzing responses to this problem, respondents in general identify with the values of an organization. This is the most significant experience in their lives, defining who they are and what aims are associated with and because of their professional military duties. Without a doubt a military ethos and interconnected values play an important role for a profession.
Autorzy w artykule podjęli próbę przedstawienia obrazu przywódcy na misji wojskowej poza granicami kraju. Autorzy zwrócili szczególną uwagę na cechy przywódcy w kontekście ryzyka podejmowania decyzji w warunkach zagrożenia życia. Artykuł oparty jest na analizie literatury i wywiadach przeprowadzonych z oficerami i podoficerami, weteranami misji w Iraku i w Afganistanie. Przybliżono również zagadnienie skuteczności dowódcy w sytuacjach kryzysowych. Opierając się na stwierdzeniu, że przywództwo jest relacją między liderem a zwolennikami oraz wizją, jaką posiada przywódca i zaszczepia wśród swoich żołnierzy, autorzy podkreślają znaczenie ryzyka w działaniach zespołów bojowych. Odpowiadają na pytania, jak na zespół wpływa brak przywódcy, jakie niesie zagrożenia dla podwładnych. Autorzy w artykule przedstawili motywacje żołnierzy do działania w warunkach misji wojskowych, a także przykłady przywództwa na misjach. Zwrócili uwagę na stresory, które występują podczas działań bojowych. W artykule poruszono również zagadnienie przywództwa w szkolnictwie wojskowym.
In the article the authors attempt to draw the picture of a leader on a military mission abroad. The authors pay particular attention to the characteristics of leaders in the context of the risk of decision-making under life-threatening conditions. The article is based on an analysis of literature and interviews conducted with officers and non-commissioned officers, veterans of the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The article also discusses the effectiveness of the commander in crisis situations. Based on the claim that leadership is a relationship between the leader and the followers, and the vision that the leader has and instills among his/her soldiers, the authors stress the importance of risk in combat teams operations. How the team is affected by lack of the leader and what threats it poses to subordinates. In the article the authors present what motivates soldiers to operate on a military mission and also present examples of leadership on missions. The authors pay attention to the stressors that occur during combat operations. The article also addresses the issues of leadership in military education.
Autorzy niniejszego artykułu prezentują niezbędne zdolności i cechy, jakie powinny posiadać profesjonalne siły zbrojne, aby sprostać prawdopodobnym zagrożeniem globalnego środowiska bezpieczeństwa XXI wieku. Prognozują charakter i przebieg przyszłych konfliktów. Podkreślają że przyszłe pole walki będzie bardzo skomplikowane, nasycone supernowoczesnymi technologiami i nowinkami technicznymi. Przedstawiają przyszłego dowódcę, żołnierza jako profesjonalistę najwyższego poziomu o ponadprzeciętnych i zczególnych cechach. Opisują również Siły Zbrojne RP do roku 2030 jako nowoczesną organizację potrafiącą rozwiązywać konflikty społeczno-militarne w strukturach narodowych i sojuszniczych.
The article presents indispensable features and abilities which professional armed forces should possess in order to face the probable threats to the global security environment of 21 st century. It predicts the character and course of future conflicts. It also emphasises the fact that the future battlefield will be very complex, filled with state-of-the-art technologies and technological innovations. Moreover, it presents the future commander, soldier, as a professional of the highest level, characterized by extraordinary and special features. lt describes the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland until 2030, a as modem organization, capable of solving social-military conflicts within the national and allied structures.
Organization of a manager’s workday has certain impact on numerous issues. No one needs to be convinced that the thesis is right. It is not only creation of own image but affecting many affairs connected with the functioning of a company or its element. A manager, due to his or her position in an enterprise, is able to significantly influence the activities of subordinates. One should also consider the fact that there is a correlation between a nature of work, specific character of a company and personality of a commander (manager). He or she is the one who choosing style of leadership is many a time determined by nature of work and issues to be decided. Remarkable feedback activity takes place between subculture of the managed and certain personal features and habits of a manager. Practice indicates that it would be good if a boss selected his or her style of leadership with respect to the subculture that can be initially found in an enterprise. There are many considerations affecting organization of a manager’s activity, his vertical and horizontal relations. It is not justifiable for a new boss occupying his or her position to destroy everything established by predecessors. In numerous literature analyses treating of management and the functioning of organization there is no direct reference to a specific company (firm, enterprise). As a rule general issues are presented and the function of a manager is defined in different ways. The subject matter that have briefly been elaborated on above show unambiguously that efficient organization of a manager’s activities is an important factor of an enterprise’s functioning efficiency. Such a statement is a result of, above all, the fact that a manager who irrationally organizes own activities may make many factual errors and have a disorganizing impact on work of direct subordinates and the whole company. A manager’s bad model may lead to a complete breakdown of institution efficiency. Even a traditional proverb, being a generalization of experience centuries old, draws one’s attention to this phenomenon by the following saying: „like master, like man”.
“Theoretical and Legal Determinants of Superior’s Disciplinary Competence in the Polish Armed Forces” is a general theoretical article concerning the fundamental spectre of factors determining the superior’s disciplinary status functioning in the Polish army. Due to conclusions drawn from the analysis of the source material, the decisive factors determining the superior's disciplinary competence in the Armed Forces include the superior’s (commander’s) general competence as well as disciplinary competence. The detailed analysis of acts of law allowed including two additional elements to the mentioned above catalogue: namely the superior’s competence in the armed forces perceived as imperiousness and organizational superiority. The science of law has provided arguments that the mentioned above determinants merge and complement each other, what means that only if they are combined, they can fully reflect the superior’s disciplinary competence towards subordinate soldiers.
Content available remote Generał broni Władysław Anders jako dowódca na frontach II wojny światowej
In the article entitled „General Władysław Andersas a Commander on the World War II Fronts” Col. Jeremiasz Ślipiec presents main aspects of commanding as the hero mentioned in the title exercised during the Second World War. Therefore this article is a historical reflection on Gen. Anders’s command in battles and campaigns during World war II. The main area of the author’s interest is the way of leadership in the armed fighting on operational and tactical level. The analysis of Gen. Anders’s commanding achievements is presented on examples of war operations, while September Campaign of 1939 and Battle of Monte Cassino (1944) are particularly exposed. While discussing the process of command, the author describes also main issues concerning changes in the art of war that took place during the Second World War. He also evaluates particular stages of fighting in this respect. To sum up, Col. Ślipiec draws a conclusion that Gen. Anders as an operational-tactical commander was able to choose the most adequate solutions to created combat situations. In the process of command, the general could find compromise solutions even when his superiors presented different views concerning the way a given battle was supposed to be waged. Cooperating well with subordinated staffs, the general looked for such ways to conduct operations to ensure reaching success while suffering minimal losses. Coming from cavalry commanders’ background who were used to manoeuvre forms of fighting, the general could also adjust to forms of operations characteristic for infantry. Therefore, he was able to command both manoeuvre operations and methodical assault carried out in difficult terrain as well.
In a military unit running its finances itself, it is necessary to establish an effective system of control and supervision apart from defining the principles of financial activities and economy. Among many different solutions and legal institutions aiming at ensuring correct public spending economy, including financial economy of military units running their own finances, there are legal and organizational institutions of financial control and internal audit. In a military unit that runs its finances itself, financial control and internal audit (should) create a coherent control and supervision system which is integrated with current military unit’s activity and affecting the budget means’ rationality, transparency and responsibility of management as well as spending and running the economy of the entrusted public property. Commanders of military units that run their finances themselves play a crucial role in this area. It is them who are responsible for the unit’s financial economy and they often make decisions how to use public means. Both financial control and internal audit create possibilities to improve the effectiveness of public spending economy of particular military units, especially in the area of increasing the efficiency of conducting tasks that public means were assigned to. Therefore skillful and competent use of these solutions and institutions will undoubtedly increase the command quality and control and effectively strengthen the position of a military unit's commander dealing with public means.
Content available remote Udział dowódcy artylerii w procesie dowodzenia dowódcy dywizji (brygady)
Introducing „Rules and Regulations of Armed Forces Operations”, which largely changes former process of command, causes an urgent necessity to work out and implement new artillery regulations. In the current discussion there is being considered the possibility of applying, through adapting to our conditions, solutions functioning in leading NATO armies, particularly in American and German ones. New artillery regulations express this trend. Moreover, proposals how to adapt procedures used in other NATO armies to our conditions arise in military staffs and units. These activities need to be evaluated as an attempt to fill in the vacuum that appeared when the old „Regulations of Artillery Tactical Operations” expired. The analysis of training materials and publications and also discussions with other artillery officers made the author of the article take positions towards the artillery process of command conducted by division commander’s commanding post. The article is based on research carried out by the author’s while working out his Ph.D. dissertation. The bibliography of the research include NATO standardisation documents, and publications concerning the problems of division, brigade and mechanised battalion command, particularly in the artillery command area.
Content available remote Nadmiarowy model kwalifikacji profesjonalnych oficera-dowódcy
The present process of officers’ education conducted in military academies and universities has to be recognised as too traditional and therefore not fully adequate to current and future social and professional challenges facing our armed forces. It is confirmed by most theoreticians and practicians, co-responsible for structural, functional and programme implementation of the current military educational and training improvement system. Therefore it requires a smart organisational and substantial re-evaluation that would agree with the Polish Republic’s defence policy priorities, directions of social educational transformations and new needs of military theory and practice. Taking this into consideration, the theory cognitive content of the article has been subordinated to an innovative outlook on the ideas and range of officers-commanders’ professional preparation. That is why an excessive model of professional qualifications, created by contemporary teaching scholars, has been used. This model can significantly raise the value of officer commanders’ present and future education. Taking into account the “excessiveness”, the following factors have been analysed: the social and moral system of values, professional knowledge, the ability of thinking and theoretical abilities and operational practical skills. I should hope that the areas and directions of changes suggested by me in professional preparation of commanding cadre would initiate discussion on the Polish officer’s image at the dawn of the 21st century.
Content available remote Kompetencje menedżerskie dowódcy
Basing on interviews with many commanders, it can be stated that one of the basic dilemmas in their work is the feeling of excessive centralisation of commanding processes. New political system conditions, democratisation of the state and economy and educational - training requirements force the necessity of a managerial approach to the commander’s profession. The commander’s managerial competence is expressed in historical or autonomic, effective, economic and responsible command (management) of the whole military (soldiers’) and non-military human resources on all command levels. An immediate expression of the commander’s managerial competence is concrete managerial abilities, in particular of conceptional, administrative, technical, social and decision taking kind. The major values of a commander - manager include, among others, fascination with commanding, decision taking mastery, leadership talents, creative approach to loyalty and discipline, fighting with mess and average, administrative effectiveness, integrity, ability to create a learning team and interpersonal talent. Developing commanders’ managerial competence depends largely on intellectual, interpersonal and organisational atmosphere that the candidates for commanding posts meet in military education. Another important factor is real formal - legal, economic and social conditions that appear in subunits, units and on higher organisational level. Thus the question arises if the climate of commanding really favours managerial commanding procedures preference and wide spreading?
Content available remote Intelektualno-sprawnościowe wyznaczniki kompetencji pedagogicznych dowódcy
Pedagogical competence of a contemporary commander is an integral component of his professional qualifications. An officer, a military academy or university graduate, becomes not only a commander and leader but also a teacher. Due to such a situation, the commander’s pedagogical competence is important and necessary as it conditions appropriate interpersonal relations and effective training and education of subordinate soldiers. Pedagogical competence entitles the officer - commander to undertake educational activities in connection with the responsibility for these activities’ results. In a structural - functional approach, the basic pedagogical competence factors include pedagogical knowledge and abilities. These two intellectual efficiency features are the subject of the author’s considerations in the article.
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