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Purpose: The aim of the article is to present an analysis of selected elements of Lean Management - barriers in management systems and methods of improvement on the example of public universities in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: The article is a theoretical and empirical study presenting selected results and an analysis of the survey results. The study was conducted on a group of 58 public universities in Poland in 2021-2022. Findings: The analysis of the research results presents the characteristics of selected barriers in the management systems of the analyzed universities. The answer to the existing barriers is the presentation of selected methods of improvement undertaken by the managers of the surveyed universities in order to minimize or eliminate them. Research limitations/implications: The limitations relate to the conducted study and result from the selection of selected barriers in university management systems for the study and the ways of improving these systems. Therefore, some of the barriers or ways of improvement may have been omitted, which will be taken into account in subsequent research and articles. Practical implications: The results of the study show the barriers in management systems in the surveyed universities, which are often a source of waste and other problems. As part of the study results, university managers indicated which improvement methods they take to counteract the existing barriers. Originality/value: The added value of the article is a study conducted on a group of public academic universities in Poland in the field of implementation of selected elements of Lean Management.
Purpose: The primary purpose of the article is to present a study whose subject was the assessment of the quality policies implementation in selected enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The deliberations are based on the related subject literature and an analysis of the long-term survey results. The practical results of the research described in this article are based on a survey of supervisory employees and middle managers, who represented the enterprise by filling out a single survey sheet. The survey was conducted in 2015-2022 among 240. enterprises operating in Poland. During the survey, independence in setting quality policy was identified for 237. enterprises. These were manufacturing and service enterprises from various industries. Enterprises were selected on the basis of proposals issued to conduct a survey. The surveyed group does not have the character of a research sample. When analyzing the survey results, no parameter estimation was made on the population of Polish enterprises. The quality policy survey sheet described 35. aspects (behaviors) characteristic of a strongly quality-oriented organization, close to the TQM philosophy (The article contains results for only 10 aspects). Respondents indicated how the behavior described in the survey is characteristic of the organization where they work. The described aspects were rated by respondents on a scale of 1 to 5. The scale adopted reflects the strength of the similarity of the behavior described in the survey to the situation in each organization. Findings: In close to every studied Quality Policy aspects, higher score was received by companies where the standards are imposed by foreign management boards. This is connected obviously not just with standards but also with the governance. The reasons for this should become a subject of further analyses. A certain potential can be observed for national companies relating to the foreign good practice implementation. Originality/value: Knowledge of quality management issues has been increased. The article raises the issue of implementing quality policies in companies. The quality policy was characterized by selected aspects. An evaluation of these aspects in selected enterprises was carried out, and differences dividing quality policies among independent and dependent enterprises in the implementation and supervision of quality standards were identified.
Quality control is a system that facilitates companies make certain that their products or services meet specific first-rate requirements. Quality is defined as the diploma of excellence or superiority that a products or services possesses, whilst control is the method of tracking, inspecting, and comparing products and services to ensure they meet unique necessities. Quality control is the system of mixing these two standards to make sure that products and services meet the preferred level of quality. This article examines the role of quality control in improving service or product quality. It provides definitions of quality, control, and quality control and explains the different types of control and quality control that organizations can use to improve the quality of their products or services. There are various sorts of control, which includes direct control, technical control, and bureautical control, and every kind focuses on different aspects of the quality control technique. Also, there are different types of quality control, which include internal and external quality control. By implementing quality control measures, organizations can perceive and deal with quality issues earlier than they come to be primary issues. This article also high- lights the benefit of quality control, including increased customer satisfaction, improved efficiency and reduced cost. It also addresses the challenges and limitations of quality control, and the need for continuous evaluation and improvement. At the end, quality control is an important tool for organizations looking to improve the quality of their products or services, increase customer satisfaction, and maintain a competitive advantage in the market.
Kontrola jakości to system, który umożliwia firmom upewnienie się, że ich produkty lub usługi spełniają określone wymagania jakościowe. Jakość definiuje się jako stopień doskonałości lub wyższości, jaką produkt lub usługa posiada, podczas gdy kontrola to metoda monitorowania, badania i porównywania produktów i usług w celu zapewnienia, że spełniają one określone wymagania. Kontrola jakości to proces łączenia tych dwóch kryteriów w celu zapewnienia, że produkty i usługi spełniają pożądany poziom jakości. W tym artykule omówiono rolę kontroli jakości w poprawie jakości usług lub produktów. Przedstawiono definicje jakości, kontroli i kontroli jakości oraz wyjaśniono różne rodzaje kontroli i kontroli jakości, których organizacje mogą użyć do poprawy jakości swoich produktów lub usług. Istnieją różne rodzaje kontroli, w tym bezpośrednia kontrola, kontrola techniczna i kontrola biurokratyczna, a każdy rodzaj skupia się na innych aspektach procesu kontroli jakości. Istnieją również różne rodzaje kontroli jakości, w tym wewnętrzna i zewnętrzna kontrola jakości. Dzięki wdrożeniu działań kontroli jakości organizacje mogą wykryć i rozwiązać problemy jakościowe, zanim staną się one poważnymi kwestiami. Artykuł ten podkreśla korzyści wynikające z kontroli jakości, w tym zwiększoną satysfakcję klientów, poprawę efektywności i zmniejszenie kosztów. Przedstawia również wyzwania i ograniczenia kontroli jakości oraz potrzebę ciągłej oceny i poprawy. W końcu, kontrola jakości jest ważnym narzędziem dla organizacji, które szukają sposobów na poprawę jakości swoich produktów lub usług, zwiększenie satysfakcji klientów i utrzymanie konkurencyjnej pozycji na rynku.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the benefits of using selected Lean Management elements in the production process on the example of a company producing mechanical seals. Design/methodology/approach: The article is theoretical and empirical in nature and is based on the analysis of a selected case. In the empirical part, the analysis concerns selected elements of the production process in the examined enterprise. Findings: The results obtained in the article refer to the benefits of using Lean Management in the production process in the analyzed enterprise. The use of identification and elimination of waste and standardization of activities at workplaces (introduction of job instructions) in selected areas of the production process allowed for the improvement of its parameters, which was presented in the article. Research limitations/implications: The limitations in the empirical area could be the reference only to selected aspects of Lean Management and the analyzed process. Future research will cover the broader scope of Lean Management and other companies. Practical implications: The results of the case study show the direct impact of Lean Management on the parameters of the analyzed production process. Thanks to the use of Lean Management, the process parameters have improved, which is an important factor in the context of the effectiveness of the company's functioning as a system. Originality/value: The added value of the article is the practical presentation of the use of Lean Management to improve the parameters of the production process.
The economic progress of recent years has contributed to the fact that both the quality of products and services offered and ISO standardization have become priority criterion that determines the success of manufacturing enterprises. Therefore, the monitoring and supervision of processes carried out in manufacturing companies is a key issue. These aspects support the achievement of key economic and quality objectives. The paper presents the results of a study on manufacturing enterprises in the context of process monitoring maturity. The research objective of the study was to determine the level of maturity in the use of process monitoring techniques and methods in manufacturing enterprises. The subject of the research were the techniques and methods used by the surveyed enterprises in such areas as: production management, machinery park management, warehouse management, transport management, inventory and supply management and IT tools. In order to determine the level of maturity, the author’s model was used, according to which the level of maturity of a manufacturing enterprise in the area of process monitoring depends on the instrumentation that is used in it.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest ocena skuteczności systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem żywności funkcjonujących w wybranym zakładzie z sektora owocowo-warzywnego na podstawie wyników z audytów wewnętrznych. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Badania zostały zrealizowane w jednym z zakładów z sektora owocowo-warzywnego na podstawie udostępnionej dokumentacji. Analizie poddano 16 procesów opisanych w procedurach opracowanych w ramach systemu zarzadzania bezpieczeństwem żywności według normy ISO 22000. Poszczególne działania były poddawane procesowi audytu wewnętrznego raz w roku, tj. zgodnie z planem audytów wewnętrznych. Wyniki/wnioski: W ramach badań dokonano analizy obserwacji i niezgodności najczęściej stwierdzanych podczas audytów wewnętrznych przeprowadzonych w latach 2018-2019. W okresie objętym badaniami wyznaczono tylko jedną niezgodność, która dotyczyła procedury Nadzorowanie procesu produkcji, oraz 20 obserwacji. Należy podkreślić, iż w drugim roku badań stwierdzono mniejszą liczbę uchybień, co wynikało niewątpliwie z zastosowania się przez zakład do zaleceń i wprowadzenia działań poaudytowych. Pozytywnie należy zatem ocenić rolę przeprowadzonych audytów wewnętrznych w procesie doskonalenia systemu, jak również funkcjonowania całej organizacji. Ograniczenia: Ograniczenia mogą dotyczyć dostępu jedynie do raportów z audytów wewnętrznych przekazanych przez badaną organizację. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Podstawą każdego systemu zarządzania, w tym bezpieczeństwem żywności, jest ciągłe doskonalenie. Wyniki audytów wewnętrznych stanowią znaczący element w tym zakresie, dostarczając każdej organizacji cennych informacji i wskazówek na temat funkcjonowania systemu. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Przedstawione w artykule wyniki dotyczą organizacji z sektora owocowo-warzywnego.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of food safety management systems operating at a selected plant in the fruit and vegetable sector on the basis of the results of internal audits. Design/methodology/approach: The study was carried out at a plant in the fruit and vegetable sector on the basis of documentation that was made available. Sixteen procedures developed within the safety management system in accordance with ISO 22000 were analysed. Individual procedures were subjected to internal audit once a year, in accordance with the internal auditing plan. Findings/conclusions: The analysis included identification of the most frequent errors and inconsistencies in the years 2018-2019. Only one inconsistency was identified during this period, concerning the procedure ‘Oversight of the production process’, as well as 20 observations. It should be emphasized that in the second year of the study, a smaller number of inconsistencies was found, which undoubtedly resulted from the company’s compliance with the recommendations and the implementation of post-audit measures. Therefore, the role of internal audits in the process of improving the system and the functioning of the entire organization should be positively assessed. Limitations: Limitations may only apply to access to internal audit reports provided by the audited organization. Practical implications: The basis of an management system, including food safety, is a continuous improvement. The results of internal audits constitute a significant element in this respect, providing each organization with valuable information and guidance on the functioning of the system. Originality/value: The results presented in the article concern organizations from the fruit and vegetable sector.
Cel: Zaakcentowanie miejsca i znaczenia kategorii doskonałości w zarządzaniu instytucjami szkolnictwa wyższego oraz określenie uwarunkowań towarzyszących jej zastosowaniom. Projekt badania/metodyka badawcza/koncepcja: Wykorzystano metodę studium literatury wg koncepcji zaproponowanej przez J. Creswella. Wnioski i rekomendacje płynące z rozważań oparto, przede wszystkim, na podejściu indukcyjnym. Wyniki/wnioski: Przedstawiono czynniki determinujące skuteczność wprowadzania i realizacji zasady doskonalenia przy uwzględnieniu charakterystycznych cech tych instytucji, w tym ograniczeń i zagrożeń towarzyszących ich działalności. Obok korzyści i zalet wskazano negatywne konsekwencje nieprzemyślanego posługiwania się pojęciem doskonałości w kontekście funkcjonowania szkolnictwa wyższego. Ograniczenia: Wybrano jedynie niektóre aspekty dotyczące zagadnienia doskonałości w odniesieniu do szkolnictwa wyższego. Badania mają charakter ograniczony do studium literatury światowej i obserwacji własnych. Zastosowanie praktyczne: Wskazane w artykule czynniki wspierające i bariery oraz typowe problemy związane z realizacją działań doskonalących wynikają z wielu praktycznych doświadczeń i powinny być uwzględnione przez personel uczelni odpowiedzialny za doskonalenie w ramach konkretnych projektów. Oryginalność/wartość poznawcza: Artykuł porządkuje wiedzę dotyczącą kategorii doskonałości i doskonalenia w szkolnictwie wyższym i wskazuje czynniki, które powinny być przedmiotem dociekań w tym zakresie.
Purpose: To emphasize the role and importance of the category of excellence in the management of higher education institutions and specify the conditions accompanying its use. Design/methodology/approach: The literature review method was used according to the concept proposed by J. Creswell. Conclusions and recommendations resulting from the considerations were based, above all, on the inductive approach. Findings/conclusions: Factors determining the effectiveness of the introduction and implementation of the improvement principle were presented, ta king into account the characteristic features of these institutions, including the limitations and threats accompanying their activities. In addition to the benefits and advantages, the negative consequences of ill-considered use of the concept of excellence in the context of the functioning of higher education are indicated. Research limitations: Only some aspects of excellence in higher education have been selected. The research is limited to the study of world literature and own observations. Practical implications: The supporting factors and barriers indicated in the article, as well as typical problems related to the implementation of improvement activities, result from many practical experiences and should be considered by the university staff responsible for improvement within specific projects. Originality/value: The article organizes knowledge about the category of excellence and improvement in higher education institutions and indicates the factors that should be the subject of further research in this area.
The paper presents a case study of the practical use of BOST surveys to identify problems that are the most important in production process. The research object is company from electrical industry. It was made the identification and of areas geneating problems from the second Toyota’s management principle point of view. Analysis of the research results was presented in the form of tables, histograms, radar chart and some statistical tools. Some production workers of the company with the help of BOST questionnaire survey showed, which factors are the most important. The aim of the analysis is to present which factors are the most important by building the significance sequences of obtained results. The results obtained for the type of small and medium-sized enterprises overlap with the results of tests verified in other enterprises.
Determining the parameters of the production system as well as the choice of the type of manufactured elements flow shall appoint the level of effectiveness of the manufacturing process. The article presents an example of implementation the simulation verification process of the production flow, taking into account system constraints. The basic stages of developing a simulation model in this process are discussed, taking into account the necessary information and input data. The results show the impact of the application selected flow scenarios on the level of generated costs and the duration of the manufacturing process. The process of assessing individual variants of the organization production was performed on the basis of the results obtained by computer simulation in the FlexSim simulation software.
High demands on the aesthetics of the final product as well as sophisticated packaging shapes make the labeling process an operation that requires more and more precision and quality of workmanship. The quality of the labeling process is influenced mainly by the technology used, i.e. machinery and equipment, the knowledge, skills, and experience of operators, organization and working methods used, and by aspects related to proper maintenance. This article is a case study on the analysis and evaluation of the technology used in the process of labeling glass packaging and its impact on quality and work safety. The article aims to answer the question: does the labeling machine used by the surveyed company, due to the current portfolio of modernity of its parts and subassemblies, guarantee the realization of the labeling process at a high quality level and work safety. The article discusses in depth the factors influencing the quality of the process of labeling glass packaging in the studied company, paying attention to the issues related to the applied technology. ABC technology method was used to assess technology level and also indirectly safety level and Ishikawa diagram, L shape matrix diagram and affinity diagram to analyze and improve quality level. The article ends with a list of specific improvement actions to be taken to achieve the ultimate goal of managing the technology of glass packaging labeling - high quality of the final product resulting from the labeling process.
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a visual Lean Manufacturing tool for graphically illustrating material and information flows in processes, on production lines, and even across a factory. It makes it possible to identify activities that do not generate added value, and thereby creates opportunities for improvement by reducing or completely eliminating waste. This paper explores a real-work case study of the production process for an air handling unit. Thus, after analysing the activities undertaken in an enterprise operating in the HVAC (Heating Ventillation Air Conditioning) industry, a current state map was drawn that shows the actual flow of the value stream. Then, a future state map was developed with suggestions for eliminating the root causes of waste and those for improving processes. The proposed improvements allow for shorter lead time and faster order processing, which may increase competitiveness.
The paper presents an analysis of an innovative method based on the principles of the Toyota Production System - BOST survey, which was carried out in 8 selected production companies from the plastics processing industry operating in the Silesian Voivodeship. Each question in the BOST survey relates to a given Toyota Rule and the Toyota House Roof. Thanks to this survey, you can learn the opinion of the surveyed employees on many areas of the functioning of a given enterprise, which may be an important hint to the operational and strategic activities of the enterprise. In the study, 1 question was selected for analysis, containing a set of factors (areas) closely related to process improvement and personal characteristics of the respondents was analyzed. The result of the work is to determine the position of quality in the continuous improvement process according to the surveyed employees and to propose improvement activities for selected companies.
The paper presents the results of qualitative analysis and improvement of the printing process with UV inks on glass packaging with the use of selected quality management tools and methods. The research was carried out in a glass factory located in the Silesian Voivodeship in Poland. The qualitative analysis included the risk assessment related to the printing process with UV inks, print quality, and the type of nonconformities occurring during printing. Based on the conducted analyses, proposals for improving the printing process with UV inks were determined. As part of the analyses, such methods and quality tools as fault tree, FMEA analysis, Pareto-Lorenz diagram, and tree diagram were used. It was found that the most common nonconformity of printing with UV inks on glass packaging is smearing of the emulsion covering the glass vessel and that most of the nonconformities resulted from errors made by employees, which were caused by non-compliance with the instructions for individual activities by people employed in production positions and quality inspection employees. It was proposed to implement employee training at individual workplaces, in particular the implementation of instructions for performing specific activities, as well as the introduction of additional employee supervision and implementation of changes in the management of the printing process and quality inspection of the decorated products.
The article is a case study of the use of snapshot observation to analyse the factors causing time losses at selected laser burner stations, and to propose changes that will increase the effective utilization of working time. The purpose of this paper is to determine the best and worst utilization of working time at the examined workplaces, analyse the amount of time lost and identify the causes of losses, and propose solutions that will improve the utilization of working time. According to the snapshot observation, procedure 2 main - work and non-work - time fractions and 10 detailed time fractions in the working day were distinguished, and their percentage share for the analysed workstations was calculated. Analyses of the working day time utilization depending on the type of machines, days of observation, single shifts were done and selected results were averaged. The paper indicates that organizational and technical aspects, as well as the employees' faults, were the main reasons for time losses. Research has shown that the generally examined group of workstations was characterized by a high utilization level of working time. An unfavourable phenomenon was the ratio of the main time to the auxiliary time, the high share of the maintenance time fraction of the workstations, and incorrect organization of the interoperation transport, low workers motivation, rush, and routine. It was found that further improvement of work efficiency and reduce time losses requires paying attention to the optimization of employees' working conditions, training, motivation systems, and implementation of lean concept tools and MES/CMMS solutions into production.
Celem artykułu jest wykazanie związków praw harmonii z wybranymi aspektami doskonalenia podejścia procesowego. W realizacji celu wykorzystano metody badawcze: analizy piśmiennictwa, analizy i konstrukcji logicznej. Artykuł przedstawia współczesny kontekst praw harmonii Karola Adamieckiego w podejściu procesowym. Przedstawiono wybrane definicje procesu oraz zarys charakterystyki podejścia procesowego. Wyjaśniono związki podejścia procesowego z zarządzaniem procesami. Wskazano główne determinanty podejścia procesowego. Omówiono pojęcie doskonalenia, jak i jego aspekty w ujęciu organizacji. Stwierdzono, że wszystkie prawa harmonii znajdują uzasadnienie we współczesnym podejściu do doskonalenia procesów w organizacji, tym samym są jedną z teoretycznych podstaw zarządzania procesami w ujęciach: operacyjnym (podejście procesowe), strategicznym (podejście systemowe) oraz doskonalenia.
The aim of the article is to show the relationship between the laws of harmony and selected aspects of improving the process approach. In order to achieve the goal, the following research methods were used: literature analysis, analysis and logical construction. The article presents the contemporary context of Karol Adamiecki’s laws of harmony in a process approach. Selected process definitions and an outline of the process approach characteristics are presented. Relationships between the process approach and process management were explained. The main determinants of the process approach were indicated. The concept of improvement was discussed, as well as its aspects in terms of organization. It was found that all the laws of harmony are justified in the modern approach to process improvement in the organization, thus they are one of the theoretical foundations of process management in terms of: operational (process approach), strategic (system approach) and improvement.
This article summarizes the arguments within the scientific discussion on the issue of performance management of processes in Industry 4.0 as a basic prerequisite for improvement of processes, eliminating waste, introducing innovations, gaining competitive advantages. The main purpose of the research was to examine impact of process diagrams to the possibilities of improvement of the processes in order production aimed at increasing the quality of orders. Methods of research were focused on using flowcharts for individual processes for some order. In research was used indicator of process efficiency, limit values of indicator, compare analysis. The object of research was process of order productionin area of construction. The relevance of the decision of this scientific problem was connected with the the quality of orders. The paper presents the results point to significant improvements in the selected company in individual processes and increasing the level of quality of services provided after using flowcharts for processes. In area of human resorces and budgeting of order was the efficiency coefficient decreased, the other processes increased. Flowcharts in process management are very effective instruments for the improvement of processes. The results can be useful for the evaluation of the performance of processes in order production in various area of industry.
W artykule podsumowano argumenty w dyskusji naukowej na temat zarządzania wydajnością procesów w Przemyśle 4.0 jako podstawowego warunku doskonalenia procesów, eliminacji marnotrawstwa, wprowadzania innowacji, zdobywania przewag konkurencyjnych. Głównym celem badań było zbadanie wpływu diagramów procesów na możliwości doskonalenia procesów w produkcji zamówień w celu podniesienia jakości zamówień. Metody badawcze koncentrowały się na wykorzystaniu schematów blokowych dla poszczególnych procesów dla pewnego zamówienia. W badaniach wykorzystano wskaźnik efektywności procesu, wartości graniczne wskaźnika, analizę porównawczą. Przedmiotem badań był proces realizacji zamówienia w obszarze budownictwa. Trafność rozstrzygnięcia tego problemu naukowego była związana z jakością zamówień. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wskazujące na znaczące usprawnienia w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie w poszczególnych procesach oraz podniesienie poziomu jakości świadczonych usług po zastosowaniu schematów blokowych dla procesów. W obszarze zasobów ludzkich i budżetowania zamówień obniżył się współczynnik efektywności, a pozostałe procesy wzrosły. Schematy blokowe w zarządzaniu procesami są bardzo skutecznymi instrumentami doskonalenia procesów. Wyniki mogą być przydatne do oceny wydajności procesów w produkcji zleconej w różnych dziedzinach przemysłu.
Kształtowanie środowiska pracy w przestrzeni produkcyjnej to bardzo ważny aspekt z punktu widzenia zarówno bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, jak i efektywności czy ciągłości procesów produkcyjnych. Modelowanie warunków na stanowisku pracy odnosi się przede wszystkim do przestrzegania zapisów prawnych i minimalizowania oddziaływania różnych czynników na pracownika. W świetle nowoczesnych technik zarządzania pełen pakiet rozwiązań do doskonalenia środowiska pracy zawiera koncepcja lean management, wspierana przez narzędzia, metody i koncepcje, takie jak: metoda 5S, kaizen czy ciągłe doskonalenie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mających na celu określenie poziomu zrozumienia podstawowych zasad lean management przez pracowników przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych.
Shaping the working environment in the production space is a very important aspect both from the point of view of occupational health and safety, as well as efficiency and production processes continuity. Modeling conditions at the workplace relates primarily to compliance with legal provisions and minimizing the impact of various factors on the employee. In the light of modern management techniques, the full package of solutions for improving the work environment includes the concept of lean management supported by tools, methods and concepts, such as the 5S method, kaizen, continuous improvement. This paper presents the results of research aimed at determining the level of the lean management basic principles understanding by employees from manufacturing companies.
Celem artykułu jest przeprowadzenie badań i wykazanie różnic w wytrzymałości opakowań z tektury falistej z różnymi przebiegami perforacji oraz wykazanie różnicy w wytrzymałości opakowania produkcyjnego względem wzorów ploterowych i poddaniu ich analizie. Badania przeprowadzone były na prasie BCT w przedsiębiorstwie produkującym opakowania z tektury falistej. Badania poprzedzają teoretyczne wyliczenia wytrzymałości opakowania do których również odniosą się wyniki badań na prasie BCT. W celu rozwiązania problemów związanych z jakością opakowań z perforacją utworzono diagram pokrewieństwa oraz przedstawiono przykładowe działania doskonalące w celu poprawy jakości badanych opakowań.
The aim of the article is to conduct research and demonstrate differences in the strength of corrugated cardboard packaging with different perforation courses and to show the difference in the strength of the production packaging in relation to plotter patterns and subject them to analysis. The research was carried out on the BCT press in a company producing corrugated packaging. The research is preceded by theoretical calculations of the strength of the packaging, which will also be referred to by the results of tests on the BCT press. In order to solve problems related to the quality of perforated packaging, a kinship diagram was created and examples of improvement activities were presented to improve the quality of the tested packaging.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki w zakresie wykorzystania wybranych metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością – klasycznych i nowoczesnych – w celu analizy niezgodności spawalniczych w konstrukcjach stalowych na przykładzie wybranego elementu – członu powtarzalnego B = 2250. Artykuł wykazuje potencjał wykorzystania metod i narzędzi zarządzania jakością w służbie analizy i doskonalenia jakości. Przeprowadzono analizy ilościowe, ilościowo-jakościowe oraz jakościowe (opisowe) w celu udoskonalenia jakości konstrukcji stalowych. Wykazano, że dwie główne niezgodności spawalnicze, które najczęściej występują w spoinach w badanej konstrukcji stalowej to pory i pęcherze. Zidentyfikowano potencjalne przyczyny źródłowe problemów z jakością oraz zaproponowano działania doskonalące. Wykazano, że takie czynniki, jak wysoka jakość materiałów podstawowych i dodatkowych do spawania oraz odpowiedni ich dobór, optymalna temperatura spawanego elementu, napięcie łuku, natężenie prądu spawania, jakość przygotowanych powierzchni przeznaczonych do spawania, wykwalifikowany i kompetentny personel, mają duży wpływ na przeprowadzenie procesu spawania w sposób prawidłowy w przypadku badanej konstrukcji stalowej. Określono, że działania usprawniające pracę spawaczy powinny polegać na zatrudnianiu spawaczy o wysokich kwalifikacjach i uprawnieniach, zwróceniu uwagi na poziom szkolenia przyszłych spawaczy oraz lepszym motywowaniu pracowników.
The article presents the results of the use of selected methods and quality management tools - classic and new - in order to analyze welding nonconformities in steel structures on the example of a selected element - the repeating element B = 2250. The article shows the potential of using quality management methods and tools in the service of quality analysis and improvement. Quantitative, quantitative-qualitative and qualitative (descriptive) analyzes were carried out in order to improve the quality of steel structures. It has been shown that the two main welding nonconformities that most often occur in the welds in the tested steel structure are pores and bubbles. Potential root causes of quality problems were identified and improvement actions were proposed. It has been shown that factors such as high quality of basic and additional materials for welding and their appropriate selection, optimal temperature of the welded element, arc voltage, welding current, quality of the prepared surfaces to be welded, qualified and competent personnel, have a large impact on the process correctly welding in the case of the tested steel structure. It was determined that actions to improve the work of welders should consist of employing welders with high qualifications and qualifications, paying attention to the level of training of future welders and better motivating employees.
Content available Analiza i ocena jakości serka homogenizowanego
Artykuł dotyczy wykorzystania wybranych narzędzi jakości w celu analizy i oceny jakości serka homogenizowanego produkowanego przez badaną Okręgową Spółdzielnię Mleczarską. Zastosowano takie narzędzia jakości, jak: histogram, diagram Ishikawy, diagram relacji, oraz diagram systematyki w celu analizy i oceny danych liczbowych oraz problemów jakościowych i poszukiwania rozwiązań. Dokonano oceny stabilności masy netto badanego produktu, w tym celu użyto kart kontrolne, oraz oceny zdolności jakościowej procesu przy wykorzystaniu wskaźników Cp i Cpk. Wykazano, że proces dozowania jest statystycznie ustabilizowany, natomiast tego procesu nie można uznać jako zdolnego jakościowo. Wykazano także, że na jakość produktu mają wpływ różnorodne czynniki, które są związane z wystąpieniem niezgodności oraz posiadają wzajemne powiązania między sobą. Określono, aby udoskonalić proces produkcyjny oraz poprawić jakość produktu spożywczego należy zapewnić szkolenia dla pracowników, poprawę warunków ich pracy oraz odpowiednio ich motywować. Należy zwiększyć także częstotliwość dokonywania przeglądów linii produkcyjnej, a także jak najlepiej dopasować ustawienia maszyn wykorzystywanych przy produkcji.
The article concerns the use of selected quality tools to analyze and evaluate the quality of homogenized cheese produced by the examined District Dairy Cooperative. Quality tools such as a histogram, Ishikawa diagram, interrelationship diagram, and tree diagram were used to analyze and evaluate numerical data and quality problems and search for solutions. The stability of the net mass of the tested product was assessed, for the purpose control cards were used, and the qualitative capability of the process was assessed with the use of Cp and Cpk indices. It has been shown that the dosing process is statistically stabilized, but this process cannot be considered qualitatively capable. It has also been shown that the quality of the product is influenced by various factors that are related to the occurrence of non-conformance and are related to each other. It was determined that in order to improve the production process and improve the quality of the food product, it is necessary to provide training for employees, to improve their working conditions and to motivate them accordingly. The frequency of inspections of the production line should also be increased, as well as the best adjustment of the settings of machines used in production.
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