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The River Chief System has been examined, a model for river basin water environment management implemented in China in recent years. Through a legal perspective, the authors analyze the normative construction of this system and its potential impact on improving the quality of river water. They give an overview of the historical and legal context that led to the adoption of the River Chief System, followed by a detailed description of its structure and key features. They evaluate the system’s effectiveness in promoting compliance with water quality regulations and fostering inter-agency cooperation and conclude by identifying challenges that may hinder the system’s success such as the lack of adequate funding and the need for greater public participation in decision-making processes. The paper provides valuable insights into the normative construction of the River Chief System and its implications for water resource management in China.
Hydrological modelling is essential for improving water management and planning efficiency and sustainability. In this study, lumped conceptual models [i.e., Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier (GR4J), Génie Rural à 6 paramètres Journalier (GR6J)] and wavelet-based data-driven models [Wavelet-Genetic algorithm-Artifcial neural network (WGANN), Wavelet-based support vector regression (WSVR)] were used for daily rainfall-runoff modelling by using three gauging stations, namely Çaydere Eğirdir Göl Giriş, Kargı Ç. Türkler and Naras D. Şişeler, in semi-arid and humid areas of Antalya basin, Turkey. The Nash Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), index of agreement (d) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to evaluate the model performance. Although conceptual and data-driven models yielded a good performance, data-driven models could be more helpful, especially in semi-arid and small basins, challenging for conceptual models due to nonlinearity and complexity. The best runoff forecasting performance improvement was observed in Çaydere Eğirdir Göl Giriş with the WGANN (NSE=0.96, d=0.99, RMSE=0.5 mm/d), WSVR (NSE=0.95, d=0.99, RMSE=0.6 mm/d) against the GR4J (NSE=0.53, d=0.79, RMSE=1.8 mm/d) and the GR6J (NSE=0.49, d=0.78, RMSE=1.8 mm/d). It was also found that the GR4J and GR6J yielded a similar performance. Data denoising via wavelet transformation and input selection had a significant role in developing performance for the data-driven models. Data-driven models yielded better results for the forecasting of extreme flows. In this regard, using and integrating the useful parts of the conceptual and data-driven models could be more favourable.
In the present study, an attempt has been made through a hydrological model (SWAT – Soil and Water Assessment Tool) to simulate water cycle components over the Narmada river basin, one of the largest rivers in the Indian peninsula. The model was forced with observed as well as CFSR rainfall data to calibrate surface runoff simulated by the model. The spatial and temporal variability of the water cycle components were examined by running the SWAT model for 30 years (1984-2013) at a daily time-scale using CFSR precipitation, temperature, humidity, winds and solar radiation. It was found that there are large variations in hydrological parameters simulated by the model from sub-basin to sub-basin and year to year. During the monsoon seasons, surface runoff is maximum but during other seasons, almost no surface runoff is seen as there is almost no rain. Groundwater increase is seen after about 1 month of rainfall peaks in the basin. Evapotranspiration has two peaks, one in March-April and the other in August. Much less evaporation takes place in the basin in the month of May. These components (other than surface runoff) are also sensitive to climatic forcing (winds, relative humidity and solar radiation in addition to temperature and rainfall) applied. Evapotranspiration increases when all the climatic parameters are used, which then reduces the water availability on the surface for percolation and groundwater recharge. However, rainfall is the key parameter which decides the hydrology in the Narmada basin. The SWAT model has been able to compute water balance at basin and sub-basin scales.
Middle Miocene siltstones of the Skawina Formation that crop out at Wiślica, within the axial part of the Carpathian Foredeep in Poland, were analysed. The deposits studied contain numerous benthic and planktonic foraminifera, ostracods, echinoid spines, bryozoans, bivalves and otoliths. The fossils recognised document an early ‘Badenian’ (= Langhian in the Mediterranean area), or, more precisely, ‘Moravian’ age of the deposit. Palaeoecological analysis suggests normal-marine conditions with full salinity. The studied siltstones were deposited from middle–lower shoreface to lower–offshore, warm surface water and locally suboxic to dysoxic conditions in the sediment.
The paper presents an analysis of characteristics of changes in the slope runoff and the maximum water discharge during spring floods in small and medium river basins located in the Ural region. It has been shown that the ongoing degradation of natural catchment systems is manifested not only in the form of a reduced number of species in plant communities and their productivity, but also by transformations in the slope runoff and an increase in the maximum values of slope runoff during spring floods in river basins of different categories. This is evidenced by our longterm observations conducted at nature research stations and during long-term research expeditions. The growing human impact is accompanied by a large number of negative economic and ecological processes occurring in river basins and they should be addressed immediately. These processes are manifested in the form of erosion, riverbed deformations, as well as flooding and destruction of various objects, etc.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę aktualnego stanu środkowej oraz dolnej Wisły pod kątem lokalizacji obiektów obsługi transportu śródlądowego. Rozwój użytkowania systemu transportu wodnego śródlądowego, zarówno ruchu turystycznego, jak i obsługi handlowej wymaga odpowiedniego zaplecza. Ze względu na ograniczenia przestrzenne możliwości obsługowych terenów nabrzeżnych wymagany jest skoncentrowany sposób ich zabudowy. W artykule zaprezentowano wielofunkcyjne obiekty turystyczne i obsługi logistycznej jako odpowiedni sposób zagospodarowania terenów nabrzeżnych. Zabudowa wielofunkcyjna ma na celu usprawnienie efektywności oraz zapewnienie dalszego rozwoju śródlądowego systemu transportu.
The article presents an analysis of the current state of the central and lower Vistula in approach to locate inland transport service buildings. Development of the inland water transport systems usage, both touristic and commercial services, requires adequate facilities. Due to space restrictions in the exploitation area there is a need to present a concentrated way of building. The paper presents the multi-purpose facilities, tourist and logistics service as a suitable way to organise and develop coastal areas. The multifunctional building is designed to improve efficiency and ensure the further development of inland transport system.
Polska, wstępując w 2004 roku w struktury Unii Europejskiej, zobowiązała się między innymi do prowadzenia gospodarki wodnej zgodnie w wymaganiami szeregu dyrektyw. Najważniejszą z nich, wskazującą główne zasady zintegrowanego gospodarowania wodami, jest dyrektywa 2000/60/WE Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 23 października 2000 r. ustanawiająca ramy wspólnotowego działania w dziedzinie polityki wodnej, zwana Ramową Dyrektywą Wodną (RDW).
The earliest ostracods from the Bohemian Massif (Central European Variscides) have been recorded from the Middle Ordovician of the Prague Basin (Barrandian area), in the upper Klabava Formation, and became an abundant component of fossil assemblages in the overlying Šárka Formation. Both early ostracod associations consist of eight species in total, representing mainly eridostracans, palaeocopids, and binodicopids. The revision, description, or redescription of all species and their distribution in the basin is provided. Their diversification patterns and palaeogeographical relationships to ostracod assemblages from other regions are discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono strukturę matematycznego modelu odpływu ze zlewni o parametrach skupionych, który zastosowano do obliczenia hydrogramu odpływu z małych zlewni w dorzeczu Krzyżówki. Dla każdej zlewni cząstkowej na etapie identyfikacji modelu określono opad efektywny uzależniony od rodzaju gleb i zagospodarowania przestrzennego oraz adekwatny do rzeczywistości liniowy model odpływu powierzchniowego. Parametry modelu estymowano w oparciu o parametry fizjograficzne i geomorfologiczne zlewni cząstkowych. Model matematyczny zastosowano do określenia wpływu różnych form użytkowania powierzchni zlewni na kulminację hydrogramu odpływu.
This paper presents a mathematical model of the structure outflow from the basin the concentrated parameters which is used to calculate outflow hydrograph from small catchments in the basin Krzyżówka. For each catchment fractional model identification stage set precipitation effective depends on the type of soil, land and adequate to reality linear model of surface runoff. Model parameters were estimated based on physiographic and geomorphological characteristics subcatchments. A mathematical model was used to determine the effect of various use the catchment area forms the culmination of the outflow hydrograph.
Lower and Middle Cenomanian ammonite assemblages have been collected on a bed-by-bed basis from localities at Vohipaly and Mahaboboka, Madagascar, as well as from outcrops around Berekata, all in the Morondava Basin, southwest Madagascar. These collections demonstrate the presence of the upper Lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras dixoni Zone and the lower Middle Cenomanian Cunningtoniceras inerme Zone of the north-western European standard sequence. These records indicate that the striking anomalies in the zonal assemblages of the classic divisions of the Madagascan Cenomanian are based on mixed assemblages, rather than a succession that differs radically from that elsewhere in the world. The dixoni Zone fauna is: Desmoceras cf. latidorsatum (Michelin, 1838), Pachydesmoceras kossmati Matsumoto, 1987, Forbesiceras sp., F. baylissiWright & Kennedy, 1984, F. largilliertianum (d'Orbigny, 1841), Mantelliceras cantianum Spath, 1926a, M. dixoni Spath, 1926b, M. mantelli (J. Sowerby, 1814), M. picteti Hyatt, 1903, M. saxbii (Sharpe, 1857), Sharpeiceras sp., S. falloti (Collignon, 1931), S. mocambiquense (Choffat, 1903), S. cf. florencae Spath, 1925, Acompsoceras renevieri (Sharpe, 1857), A. tenue Collignon, 1964, Calycoceras sp., Mrhiliceras lapparenti (Pervinquičre, 1907), Mariella (Mariella) stolizcai (Collignon, 1964), Hypoturrilites taxyfabreae (Collignon, 1964), Turrilites scheuchzerianus Bosc, 1801, Sciponoceras cucullatum Collignon, 1964, and Sciponoceras antanimangaensis (Collignon, 1964). The presence of Calycoceras in a Lower Cenomanian association represents a precocious appearance of a genus typically Middle and Upper Cenomanian in occurrence, and matches records from Tunisia. The inerme Zone yields a more restricted assemblage: Pachydesmoceras kossmati, Forbesiceras baylissi, Acanthoceras sp. juv., Cunningtoniceras cunningtoni (Sharpe, 1855) and Hypoturrilites taxyfabreae.
The Upper Jurassic carbonates exposed in the southern part of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland are well known for their significant facies diversity related to the presence of microbial and microbial-sponge carbonate buildups and bedded detrital limestone in between. Both the buildups and detrital limestones revealed differential susceptibility to compaction which, apart from differential subsidence of the Palaeozoic basement and synsedimentary faulting, was one of the factors controlling seafloor palaeorelief in the Late Jurassic sedimentary basin. The compaction of the detrital limestones has been estimated with an experimental oedometric method in which specially prepared mixtures made of ground limestones from a quarry in the village of Żary were subjected to oedometer tests. The diameters of the detrital grains and their percentages in the limestones were determined by microscopic examinations of thin sections. The diameters were assigned to predetermined classes corresponding to the Udden-Wentworth scale. The rock samples were then ground down to the grain sizes observed in thin sections. From such materials, mixtures were prepared of grain size distributions corresponding to those observed in thin sections. After adding water the mixtures were subjected to oedometer tests. Analysis of the compression of such mixtures under specific loads enabled preparation of a mathematical formula suitable for the estimation of mechanical compaction of the limestone. The obtained values varied from 27.52 to 55.53% for a load corresponding to 300 metres burial depth. The most significant effect of mechanical compaction was observed for loads representing only 2 metres burial depth. Further loading resulted in a much smaller reduction in sample height. The results of the oedometer tests cannot be used directly to determine compaction of the detrital limestones. Mainly because microscopic observations of thin sections of the experimental material show that chemical compaction was also an important factor influencing thickness reduction of the limestones.
W pierwszej części artykułu omówiono rozwój regulacji rzecznych w dorzeczu Rzeki Żółtej od starożytności do drugiej połowy XX w., a w drugiej zarysowano problemy gospodarowania wodą, jakie pojawiły się na omaiwanym obszarze w ciagu ostatnich 60 lat.
The first section of the article is devoted to the Yellow River basin regulation development from the Antiquity to the second half of the 20th century; the second part describes water management issues that have appeared in the discussed region during the last 60 years.
Artykuł analizuje najważniejsze problemy gospodarki wodnej zidentyfikowane w związku z pracami nad projektami dokumentów programowych w tej dziedzinie. Obok omówienia diagnozy dokonanej przez służby gospodarki wodnej w tekście przedstawiono propozycje uzupełnień oraz modyfikacji sposobu uporządkowania istotnych problemów.
Flooding in the northern part of The Netherlands has caused serious economic threats to densely populated areas. Therefore a project has been carried out in a pilot area to assess the retention of water in two river basins as a way to reduce flooding. The physically-based groundwater and surface water model SIMGRO was used to model the hydrology of the basins. The model was calibrated using discharges and groundwater levels. Scenarios of measures to assess the possibility of retaining water in the basin were then defined and tested. The first measure was the retention of higher discharges using culverts or gates in the upstream part of the basin. The second measure was to make the streams shallower and thereby, increase flood plain storage. The last measure was flood water storage in a designated area in the downstream part of one basin. The analysis indicates that holding water in the upstream parts of the basins proved to be feasible and can result in significant reductions of peak flows.
Powodzie w północnej części Holandii stwarzają poważne zagrożenie ekonomiczne dla gęsto zaludnionych obszarów. Dlatego też na obszarze pilotowym podjęto badania, mające na celu ocenę retencji wody jako sposobu ograniczenia powodzi w dwóch zlewniach rzecznych. Warunki hydrologiczne zlewni zobrazowano wykorzystując model SIMGRO w odniesieniu do wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych. Model kalibrowano za pomocą odpływów i poziomów wód gruntowych. Następnie zdefiniowano i testowano różne warianty sposobów oceny możliwości retencjonowania wody w zlewni. Pierwszym sposobem była retencja dużych przepływów wody za pomocą przepustów i zastawek w górnej części zlewni. Drugi sposób polegał na wypłycaniu cieków i zwiększeniu pojemności tarasów zalewowych. Ostatnim sposobem było przetrzymywanie wód powodziowych na specjalnie przeznaczonych do tego terenach w dolnej części jednej ze zlewni. Wyniki analizy dowodzą, że zatrzymywanie wody w górnej części zlewni było wykonalne i mogło spowodować znaczące zmniejszenie fali powodziowej.
Badania prowadzono w 2002 r. na obszarze zlewni górnej Narwi. Wybrano cztery cieki płynące przez tereny użytkowane rolniczo i trzy przepływające przez tereny z przewagą lasów. Próbki wody do analiz pobierano raz w miesiącu i oznaczano w nich jony wapnia, magnezu, sodu, potasu, żelaza, siarczanowe, chlorkowe oraz wartość przewodności elektrolitycznej. Analizy laboratoryjne wykonano metodą ASA, ESA, a także potencjometryczną i kolorymetryczną. Stwierdzono występowanie zależności między użytkowaniem dorzecza badanych cieków a zawartością badanych składników w ich wodach. W wodach cieków przepływających przez tereny użytkowane rolniczo wykazano większą, potwierdzoną statystycznie, zawartość makroelementów niż w wodach cieków leśnych. W wodach cieków leśnych stwierdzono istotnie większe stężenie jonów żelaza. Zanotowano również nieco wyższe wartości przewodności w wodach cieków z terenów rolniczych w porównaniu z wodami z cieków leśnych.
Studies were carried out in 2002 in the catchment basin of the upper Narew . Four rivers flowing through agricultural grounds and three rivers flowing through lands dominated by forests were chosen for analysis. Waters were sampled once a month. Concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, sulphate, chloride and conductivity were measured with the AAS and AES spectrophotometry and with potentiometric and colorimetric methods. Concentrations of analysed elements were found to be related to the type of land use. Waters running through agriculturally used lands carried higher concentrations of macroelements than those flowing through forests. The latter exhibited higher concentrations of iron. Observed differences were statistically significant. Slightly higher conductivity was found in waters from agricultural grounds as compared with those flowing through forests.
Elaboration of the water balance is the basic and indispensable operation preceeding the implementation of conditions of utilization of water from the given catchment area. In the paper there has been discussed a proposal for standardization of presentation of results of that balance. Special attention has been given to the way of presentation of results of water distribution and the excess of water determined by means of the method of statical balance for the given catchment area. The proposed method of standardization of the way of the water balance results presentation is an essential and remarkable comment in the carried on for several years discussion on the form and the substance of conditions of the use of water in the catchment area.
To solve environmental problems like a treatment and protection of waters it is necessary to determine the kind and quantity of pollutants in waters. For environment protection are used various economic tools. The significance of economic tools in the period of transition to the market economy is gradually growing, and these tools are not replacable. Without understanding the function, position and signigicance of economic tools it is not possible to archieve the objectives of environmental policy in an effective and purposefully way. Payments for dreainage of wastewaters to surface waters are aimed at effective use of water sources and protection of both surface and underground waters against pollution with wastewaters. The payments also represent a certain contribution of water users for reimbursement of the cost related to administration of water streams and water management works. They represent the income of the State Fund of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. It follows from analyses of management of the State Fund of the Environment that demands exceed each year the disposable sources of the fund.
Autor omawia początki kształtowania się pojęcia dorzecza. Wskazuje na rolę tego pojęcia nie tylko jako podstawowego elementu systemu hydrograficznego, lecz także jako podstawy przestrzennej organizacji gospodarki wodnej,jak również pojęcia kulturalnego i gospodarczego w ogóle.
The Author discusses the origin of formation of the term river basin. He points to the meaning of that term not only as a basic element of the hydrographic system, but also as the basis for spatial organization of water management and as a cultural and economic idea.
Przy rozważaniu kwestii związanych z opracowywaniem warunków korzystania z wód dorzecza w pierwszej kolejności należy zdefiniować zasięg przestrzenny czyli jednostki, dla których będą opracowywane warunki korzystania z wód dorzecza. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy taksonomicznej, zaliczanej do metod wielowymiarowej analizy przestrzennej, której celem było zbadanie czy w ramach wyznaczonych jednostek bilansowych o określonych cechach istnieje ich zbieżność warunkująca możliowść przestrzennej agregacji i wyznaczenie jednostek na potrzeby opracowywania warunków korzystania z wód dorzecza.
On setting about consideration of issues connected with determination of conditions for the use of water in a given river basin one must at first define the spatial range that is to say the units for which the mentioned conditions are to be established. The paper presents results of taxonomic analysis the purpose of which is to find whether the characteristics of determined balance units are convergent what conditiones the possibility for spatial aggregation and determination of units needed for elaboration of conditions for the use of the river basin waters.
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