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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to explore the role of responsible leadership in mitigating the brain drain syndrome in Nigerian healthcare service organizations. It aims to provide a conceptual model that highlights the need for responsible leadership and its impact on employee and social well-being. Design/methodology/approach: The article is based on a review of existing literature on responsible leadership, employee well-being, and social well-being in the context of healthcare service organizations. It incorporates and analyses studies that examine the causes and consequences of the brain drain syndrome and proposes responsible leadership as a solution. The conceptual model is developed by extending the role of responsible leadership and its relationship with employee and social well-being. Findings: The findings suggest that responsible leadership can positively influence organizational citizenship behaviour, innovative behaviour, commitment, job satisfaction, and overall wellbeing of medical personnel. The brain drain syndrome negatively affects employee wellbeing and social wellbeing in healthcare service organizations. The proposed conceptual model highlights the importance of responsible leadership in addressing the brain drain syndrome and promoting the well-being of medical personnel and society. Research limitations/implications: The article is based on a conceptual model of experiments undertaken by various scholars and their outcomes. The study is focused on the Nigerian context, and its findings may have limited generalizability to other countries or regions. Practical implications: The article emphasizes the need for healthcare service organizations to adopt responsible leadership practices to minimize the brain drain syndrome. It highlights the importance of providing employment opportunities and delivering innovative healthcare services to retain medical personnel and promote employee and social well-being. Originality/value: The article contributes to the literature by providing a comprehensive conceptual model that extends the role of responsible leadership in overcoming the brain drain syndrome in healthcare service organizations. The article offers a unique perspective on the role of responsible leadership in the Nigerian healthcare context and provides insights that can be valuable for policymakers, leaders, and researchers.
Content available Social welfare organisation in Poland
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze social welfare system in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and Polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: At the municipal level, the unit providing social assistance nearest to the citizen is the municipal or municipal social assistance centre. It is also the basic institution to which people in need come for help. Regional Social Policy Centres operate at the regional level, which are focused on creating social policy and promoting innovation in this area, as well as providing appropriate qualifications to social assistance staff. They are subject to Voivodship marshals. At the level of government administration, issues of social assistance belong to the Ministry of the Family, Labour and Social Policy. The scope of tasks of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy is extremely wide, therefore, some of the tasks in the field of social assistance have been delegated to local government units. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to creating and managing social welfare policy in Poland.
Content available Method of calculation of social benefits
Purpose: The aim of this publication is to present the methods currently in force in Poland for determining the amount of social benefits. Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative and quantitative secondary data analysis. Data were collected from governmental organization reports and analyzed using Excel. Findings: It can be stated that the social assistance system in Poland benefits from statistics on the prices of goods and services and the cost of living of households according to the number of households and their age. Thanks to these data, it is possible to determine the value of the minimum subsistence level, the minimum subsistence level, the WDR threshold and the Social Intervention Threshold. The values of these indicators are set in different time horizons - the minimum subsistence level on a monthly basis, and the GVA level once every 3 years. In this way, the state authorities determine the income criterion entitling individuals to receive social assistance benefits. Originality/value: Detailed calculations and summaries of the Income Support Threshold and Social Intervention Threshold for different social groups were made.
Occupational health and safety nowadays is beginning to be seen in a multi-interdisciplinary way. Man's lifestyle also contributes to safety at work and work efficiency. The employee performs tasks at a specific place and time, however, this work is also affected by elements of private life. This paper deals with the impact of private life and lifestyle on human professional work in the areas of work safety and its efficiency. The research has been conducted on the basis of the opinions of employees.
Content available remote Ekonomia dobrobytu społecznego w świetle teorii i praktyki
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie w teorii ekonomii dobrobytu problemów wynikających z nierówności społecznej. W krajach ekonomicznie silnych, z długim stażem gospodarki rynkowej, problem nierówności społecznej jest wnikliwie analizowany i różnymi sposobami neutralizowany, natomiast w Polsce zarówno w piśmiennictwie jak i w praktyce wciąż jest niedostrzegany, mimo że nierówność społeczna systematycznie narasta, o czym świadczą coraz częstsze konflikty społeczne o bardzo szerokim zasięgu.
In the article the attention has been paid to the importance of the prosperity economics theory problems resulting from social inequalities. In the economically strong countries having a long practice of market economy the problem of social inequality is clear-sightedly analysed and neutralised through different methods usage. In Poland it is still missed as in publications as in practice in spite of the fact that social inequality systematically increases what can be proved by more and more frequent social conflicts with very wide scope.
Content available remote Problem zanieczyszczenia i ochrony środowiska w teorii ekonomii dobrobytu
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie problemu zanieczyszczenia środowiska w świetle teorii ekonomii dobrobytu. Niezależnie od teoretycznych rozważań na temat funkcjonowania rynku, maksymalizacji dobrobytu oraz efektów zewnętrznych wskazano na konieczność interwencji państwa celem eliminacji negatywnych skutków zanieczyszczeń. Opisano także sposoby internalizacji efektów zewnętrznych jako jeden z możliwych sposobów maksymalizacji dobrobytu.
The main consideration of the following article is the influence of the environment' pollution onto welfare economics. The contamination of the environment causes negative! externalities what is the main reason of the market inefficiency in allocative natural resources. According to the author, lack of the best Pareto efficiency of natural resources prevents society from access to maximum welfare. There must be internalization of the efficiency arising from externalities so as to let market provide society with the highest welfare level. Four manners of internalization of the efficiency arising from externalities are known: 1) the expenses are charged to a polluter, 2) the contamination cost is paid by both a polluter and a victim, 3) the cost is paid by a victim only, 4) the expenses are charged to the government. There are various steps by which government can internalize the efficiencies arising from externalities. The best ways are market-like methods of regulation and particularly Pigou tax. There may be used also other manners limiting the production of pollution. These solutions may lead to maximum social welfare.
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