Ditches and drainage canals are an important element in the post-bog meadows. Their basic function is to regulate air-water relations in ecosystems, mainly in agrocenoses. The environmental functions of ditches and canals consist of maintaining a large diversity of flora and fauna species due to high humidity of these ecosystems. The study of plant communities in the ditches in the post-bog meadows habitat of the Supraśl Dolna valley structure in 2010–2020 was carried out. There were 23–27 species of plants in the ditches. Species diversity did not change significantly during this period, while changes in individual species’ coverage and viability were found. The species were classified into two rush communities: reed rush ( Phragmitetum australis) and rush ( Phalaridetum arundinaceae). As a result of the lack of maintenance of the ditches, an invasive species of flapped barbed ( Echinocystis lobata) was found. The natural valorization carried out by the Oświt method showed that plant communities in the drainage ditches are in the lowest valorization classes.
A natural and site valorization of rushes complexes of Magnocaricion was the aim of the research conducted in the Great Obra River Wetland in the years 2007-2012. The inclusion of the terrain into NATURA 2000 region imposes some limita-tion in agricultural utilization of the area which, along with the site conditioning and the characterization of Obrzanskie Channels (pl. Kanały Obrzańskie) overflow, forms rushes phytocenoses. The analysis and assessment of flora was conduct-ed on the basis of 400 phytosociological releves taken with Braun-Blanquet’s method. The complex was characterized on the basis of soil opencast, collected soil samples and with a phytoindication method. Five plant groups from Magnocaricion were identified: Caricetum ripariae, Caricetum acutiformis, Caricetum elatae, Caricetum gracilis and Phalaridetum arundinaceae. These phytocenoses developed on organic and peat soils of a diverse trophism. Floral structure was rich in spe-cies and included numerous synatrophic species from the neighbouring grasslands. Fooder value of these communities was low, yet their extensive utilization (in accordance with the outlines of the Environmental Management Scheme) allows for the maintenance of highly natural rushes phytocenoses and relatively high natural qualities. It also contributes to the protection of nest and feeding sites of water-marsh birds.
roślinnej przeprowadzono na podstawie 400 zdjęć fitosocjologicznych wykonanych metodą Braun-Blanqueta. Siedlisko scharakteryzowano w oparciu o wykonane odkrywki glebowe oraz pobrane próbki glebowe, a także metodą fitoindykacyjną. Wyróżniono 5 zespołów roślin-nych należących do związku Magnocaricion: Caricetum ripariae, Caricetum acutiformis, Caricetum elatae, Caricetum gracilis i Phalaridetum arundinaceae. Fitocenozy te wykształciły się na glebach organicznych i torfowych o zróżnicowanym trofizmie. W strukturze florystycznej zanotowano znaczne bogactwo gatunkowe, w tym wiele gatunków synantropijnych wkraczających z sąsiednich łąk. Wartość paszowa tych zbiorowisk jest niewysoka, jednak bardzo ekstensywne, ale zgodne z wymogami pakietów Programu Rolnośrodowiskowego ich użytkowanie pozwala na zachowanie dużej naturalności fitocenoz szuwarowych oraz stosunkowo wysokich walorów przyrodniczych. Przyczynia się ponadto do ochrony miejsc lęgowych i żerowisk ptactwa wodno-błotnego.
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