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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the prospects of using distance teaching for various forms of education as perceived by teachers. The study also sought to provide feedback on how remote instruction was provided and to identify methods and forms of instructional work preferred by teachers during the period under study. Design/methodology/approach: To achieve this purpose, a quantitative method has been employed, based on a survey conducted electronically using Google tools. The survey respondents were 9,070 teachers employed in the Kuyavia-Pomerania region of Poland, who represented nearly 30% of the total teacher study population in the area. Findings: The results of the study indicate that more than 50% of the teachers recognise the significance of the potential of distance teaching, although only a small group of the teachers (less than 10%) consider it feasible to completely replace conventional classes with remote classes. The preferred methods and forms of remote instructional work are multimedia presentations (over 50%) and playback of classes in video format (33%). The overwhelming majority of the teachers (60-70%) emphasise the importance of conducting live classes. In every aspect of the study, about 30% of teachers did not express their opinions, which may suggest their lack of knowledge of distance learning possibilities. Practical implications: Results of the study may be of interest to both researchers and practitioners investigating the evaluation and development of potential applications of distance teaching in various aspects of education. The findings may serve to develop solutions that address actual challenges faced by teachers in the distance learning process more adequately, contributing to the improvement of this educational process. Originality/value: This study may contribute to the discussion on the role, benefits and challenges of distance teaching in the educational system. Concomitantly, it offers an important contribution to the debate on adjustment of national and regional distance teaching strategies to the specific needs of teachers working in different types of schools.
Pandemia COVID-19 spowodowała ogromne zmiany w funkcjonowaniu społeczeństw oraz wpłynęła na wiele aspektów życia, w tym na szkolnictwo wyższe. Wprowadzone po wybuchu pandemii obostrzenia zmusiły także wyższe uczelnie do przejścia na zdalną formę nauczania. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań dotyczących tego, w jaki sposób nauczanie zdalne wpłynęło na motywację studentów do nauki, a także jak zmieniło się postrzeganie tej formy kształcenia po powrocie do nauczania stacjonarnego. Celem nie było jednak samo ustalenie faktu, ale oprócz tego poznanie opinii badanych w tym temacie w kontekście piramidy potrzeb A. Maslowa. Do badań wykorzystana została metoda badań ankietowych, czyli technika CAWI. Badana populacja składała się z 415 respondentów – studentów uczelni. Badania przeprowadzono w grudniu 2022 r., kiedy to studenci po półtorarocznej nauce w formie zdalnej powrócili do nauki w murach uczelni. Dobór próby był losowy. Wyniki badań pokazują, że studenci uznali formę zdalną zajęć za niekorzystnie wpływającą na motywację do nauki. Po dokonaniu szczegółowej analizy przeprowadzonych badań w kontekście piramidy potrzeb A. Maslowa opracowano propozycje udoskonalenia nauczania w formie zdalnej. Na każdym z poziomów zaproponowano wskazówki, które mogą przydatne w ulepszeniu tej formy kształcenia.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused huge changes in the functioning of societies and affected many aspects of life, including higher education. The restrictions introduced after the outbreak of the pandemic have also forced higher education institutions to switch to a remote form of teaching. The aim of this article is to present the results of a study on whether and how distance learning has affected students' motivation to learn, and how perceptions of this form of education have changed after the return to full-time teaching. However, the aim was not only to establish this fact, but also to find out the opinions of the respondents on this topic in the context of A. Maslow's pyramid of needs. The survey research method used for the study was the CAWI technique. The surveyed population consisted of 415 respondents – university students. The research was conducted in December 2022, when the students returned to study within the walls of the university after a year and a half of studying remotely. The sample selection was random. The results of the study show that students considered the remote form of classes as having a negative impact on their motivation to study. After a detailed analysis of the conducted research in the context of A. Maslow's pyramid of needs, proposals were developed for the improvement of remote learning. At each level, factors and aspects were proposed that could be a guide to improving this form of education.
The article concerns the opinion on stationary and remote examinations carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, perceived from the perspective of the assessed students. The study aimed to find out about the students' perspective on remote final and midterm exams at The Maria Grzegorzewska University and to attempt to compare it with the traditional examination. The subject of the research was, among others, the forms of checking knowledge and skills, problems arising during the exams, as well as the way of taking into account the special needs of the exam-takers. The students' opinions on the above-mentioned issues and their preferences regarding the examination situation were taken into account. The research used the method of diagnostic survey. The obtained results indicate that students during remote exams declare a higher level of stress related to potential technical problems, and in the case of stationary examinations the problem is chaos, noise and distraction. Regardless of the form of the exam, a similar percentage of students declare that they do not cheat - 73.53% during full-time exams, 68.49% pass fair during remote exams. The most common form of cheating during remote examinations is the use of previously prepared notes (21.85%), and 2.52% use the help of colleagues.
The article concerns the opinion on stationary and remote examinations carried out during a pandemic, perceived from the perspective of examiners. The aim of the study was to find out about the perspective of academic teachers on remote examination at The Maria Grzegorzewska University and to compare it with the traditional, stationary exams. The subject of the research were, inter alia, the forms of checking knowledge and skills used by lecturers, the motivations driving their choice, problems arising during the exams, as well as the way of taking into account the special needs of the examinees. The research used the method of diagnostic survey. The obtained results indicate that, according to the lecturers, the students' independence during remote exams is smaller and the intensity of using unauthorized help by them is greater. Remote exams generate more problems - technical and related to the dishonesty of students. Lecturers hardly recognize and take into account the special educational needs of students during remote exams.
Purpose: The objective of the article is to present the condition of Polish universities and trends occurring in distance learning and e-learning. The results of the research conducted among students of Polish universities (N-2226), who were forced to the transition to distance learning from day to day, are presented in the article. Using well-known statistical measures, the correlations between the selected factors have been indicated. The research results on the correlations between the following variables have been presented – the opinions on the need for the transition to distance learning during the pandemic and: • gender, • age, • taking up employment in addition to studying, • an opportunity to study in a separate room. Design/methodology/approach: For the research purposes, a well-known Internet Survey Panel was utilized, which was used to create and manage the surveys as well as to collect the results. The bivariate analysis was used, the objective of which was to determine the empirical relationship between the selected variables. In the research, among others, the following were used: Chi-Square Test for Independence, Phi-Square Test for Independence, Spearman’s rank correlation test. For the data with the responses specified on the ordinal scale in the correlation analysis, Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used. Findings: The change in the teaching method which has been experienced in relation to the global pandemic may prove to be a breakthrough and give rise to changes in student education so as to educate the future staff of Industry 4.0 using distance learning. Increasing students’ involvement in the learning process may help them acquire competences useful in their professional life more effectively.
The article presents the results of the questionnaire research carried out after the first and repeated after the second semester of crisis distance education, conducted at the Academy of Special Education. Academic lecturers participating in the study indicate a significant decrease in the level of commitment, activity, the regularity of work and the quality of performing tasks presented by students. Lecturers benefit from training and technical support organized by the university. They feel an acute inability to contact students personally, but appreciate the time savings and no need to travel to work. The respondents point to the problem of controlling student integrity during remote examinations. Growing experience in remote education results in higher IT competences and conviction to this type of teaching.
The article presents the results of the questionnaire research carried out after the first and repeated after the second semester of crisis remote education, conducted at The Maria Grzegorzewska University. Students participating in the study indicate a significant increase in their IT competences and the level of remote education. They declare a similar, high level of commitment and independence during classes. They indicate that commitment, activity, contact with the lecturers, regularity and quality of work, as well as the adequacy of the grades given are better during traditional education, although their timeliness is higher during distance education. The computer equipment of students and the way of accessing the Internet have not changed significantly. 20% of respondents admitted to using unauthorized assistance during exams. In the statements of students, on the one hand, there is a desire to return to social contacts and traditional classes, and on the other hand, a desire to maintain remote education, associated with the comfort of home-based learning and independence.
W niniejszym artykule opisano przypadek wykorzystania platformy Moodle do zdalnego egzaminowania z matematyki dyskretnej na informatycznych studiach pierwszego stopnia (inżynierskich). Opisany przypadek był konsekwencją problemów wynikająacych z zaistniałej konieczności zdalnego egzaminowania, spowodowanej pandemią koronawirusa COVID-19. W odpowiedzi na te problemy, na platformie Moodle przygotowano odpowiedni zestaw zadań egzaminacyjnych, które były przeznaczone do rozwiązywania przez studentów. W tym celu wykorzystano kilka nadających się do tego celu szablonów pytań, które oferuje platforma Moodle. Po przygotowaniu zadań utworzono quiz, który został wykorzystany do egzaminowania. W pracy opisano zarówno proces tworzenia zadań egzaminacyjnych, jak i proces tworzenia quizu, a także przedstawiono wnioski wynikające z przeprowadzonego eksperymentu.
This article describes the case of using the Moodle platform for remote examination of discrete mathematics in first-cycle (engineering) studies. The described case was a consequence of problems resulting from the necessity of remote examination, caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. In response to these problems, an appropriate set of examination tasks was prepared on the Moodle platform, which were intended for students to solve. For this purpose, several suit-able question templates from the Moodle platform were used. After preparing the tasks, a quiz was created that was used for the examination. The paper describes both the process of creating examination tasks and the process of creating a quiz, as well as the conclusions resulting from the experiment.
This paper is a report in brief of the project that “Henri Coanda” Air Force Academy, in collaboration with partners from Poland and Bulgaria, carried out under the aegis of the Erasmus + program of the European Union by the end of 2018. The project was called Systems for Aerial Surveillance and Security (SASS). The project proposed the initiation of a process of uniformisation of competences necessary for the people involved in the field of aviation, namely obtaining a joint study plan for pilots, air traffic controllers, and air surveillance officers [3]. It opened the way for cooperation between the Air Force Academies that began a joint semester of study. Achieving the objectives of the project meant introducing an online teaching/learning system based on an e-learning platform. The e-learning features have been fully utilised through the introduction of a videoconference system that allows teaching/learning activities for professors/students at a distance. The completion of the project was carried out by evaluating the results obtained at different stages. The analysis was based on the feedback from the main target groups - students, teachers and beneficiaries of the graduates. Two periods of teacher and student mobility were required for evaluation and analysis. The students’ and teachers' opinions on the implementation of the curriculum by means of the e-learning platform were analysed in detail.
Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie elementow o charakterze technicznym, w tym multimedialnych, które wykorzystywane są w szkoleniach realizowanych metodą nauczania zdalnego. Celem badań było podniesienie jakości szkoleń e-learningowych poprzez znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, na jakie elementy kursu należy zwrocić szczególną uwagę, aby spełniały one oczekiwania ich uczestników? Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o dwa szkolenia specjalistów ochrony przeciwpożarowej zrealizowane w Szkole Głownej Służbie Pożarniczej. W pracy posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego przeprowadzonego techniką ankiety audytoryjnej z wykorzystaniem narzędzia kwestionariusza ankiety. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej, w tym korelacji współczynnika r-Pearsona oraz istotności rożnic międzygrupowych. Uzyskane wnioski wskazują na fakt, że większa liczba zastosowanych podczas kursu opcji o charakterze technicznym, w tym multimedialnych, pozwala na zwiększenie satysfakcji uczestnikow kursu. W świetle uzyskanych wynikow istotnym staje się problem, jak uatrakcyjnić kurs, a tym samym przekonać kursantów do możliwie częstego stosowania dostępnych opcji, takich jak np. automatyczny lektor czy możliwość wykonywania dodatkowych zadań sprawdzających wiedzę. Tego typu aktywność przekłada się na spełnienie oczekiwań uczestnikow szkolenia, a także na pozytywne postrzeganie metody nauczania zdalnego jako efektywnej metody kształcenia.
The paper is dedicated to assessing elements of a technical nature, including multimedia ones, which are generally applied in training and education implemented in the form of distance learning. The objective of the study was to enhance the quality of e-learning training by finding out to which elements of the educational course should particular attention be paid to make sure that they meet expectations of their participants. The study was carried out on the basis of two training courses addressed at fire protection specialists organised in the Main School of Fire Service. In the paper use was made of the method of diagnostic survey conducted based on the auditorium questionnaire with the use of the survey questionnaire tool. The obtained data were subjected to a statistical analysis, including the r-Pearson correlation coefficient and the significance of inter-group differences. Based on the drawn conclusions a presumption may be made that if a bigger number of options of a technical nature are offered during the training course, including multimedia ones, this considerably enhances the satisfaction of training participants. Given the obtained results it is crucial to find how to make the training more attractive to its participants, and consequently to convince tchem to use the offered options as frequently as possible, such as for example an automatic lecturer or the possibility of executing additional tests to verify one’s knowledge. This type of activity contributes to meeting expectations of training participants, and also to positive perceiving of the distance education method as one that is highly effective.
The paper is dedicated to assessing elements of a technical nature, including multimedia ones, which are generally applied in training and education implemented in the form of distance learning. The objective of the study was to enhance the quality of e-learning training by finding out to which elements of the educational course should particular attention be paid to make sure that they meet expectations of their participants. The study was carried out on the basis of two training courses addressed at fire protection specialists organised in the Main School of Fire Service. In the paper use was made of the method of diagnostic survey conducted based on the auditorium questionnaire with the use of the survey questionnaire tool. The obtained data were subjected to a statistical analysis, including the r-Pearson correlation coefficient and the significance of inter-group differences. Based on the drawn conclusions a presumption may be made that if a bigger number of options of a technical nature are offered during the training course, including multimedia ones, this considerably enhances the satisfaction of training participants. Given the obtained results it is crucial to find how to make the training more attractive to its participants, and consequently to convince tchem to use the offered options as frequently as possible, such as for example an automatic lecturer or the possibility of executing additional tests to verify one’s knowledge. This type of activity contributes to meeting expectations of training participants, and also to positive perceiving of the distance education method as one that is highly effective.
Artykuł poświęcony jest ocenie elementow o charakterze technicznym, w tym multimedialnych, które wykorzystywane są w szkoleniach realizowanych metodą nauczania zdalnego. Celem badań było podniesienie jakości szkoleń e-learningowych poprzez znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie, na jakie elementy kursu należy zwrocić szczególną uwagę, aby spełniały one oczekiwania ich uczestników? Badania przeprowadzono w oparciu o dwa szkolenia specjalistów ochrony przeciwpożarowej zrealizowane w Szkole Głownej Służbie Pożarniczej. W pracy posłużono się metodą sondażu diagnostycznego przeprowadzonego techniką ankiety audytoryjnej z wykorzystaniem narzędzia kwestionariusza ankiety. Uzyskane dane poddano analizie statystycznej, w tym korelacji współczynnika r-Pearsona oraz istotności rożnic międzygrupowych. Uzyskane wnioski wskazują na fakt, że większa liczba zastosowanych podczas kursu opcji o charakterze technicznym, w tym multimedialnych, pozwala na zwiększenie satysfakcji uczestnikow kursu. W świetle uzyskanych wynikow istotnym staje się problem, jak uatrakcyjnić kurs, a tym samym przekonać kursantów do możliwie częstego stosowania dostępnych opcji, takich jak np. automatyczny lektor czy możliwość wykonywania dodatkowych zadań sprawdzających wiedzę. Tego typu aktywność przekłada się na spełnienie oczekiwań uczestnikow szkolenia, a także na pozytywne postrzeganie metody nauczania zdalnego jako efektywnej metody kształcenia.
Lafarge Polska jest firmą, w której ochrona zdrowia i bezpieczeństwo pracowników zawsze były stawiane na pierwszym miejscu. Podejmujemy wiele trudno działań na rzecz doskonalenia stanu bezpieczeństwa pracy i maksymalnego zabezpieczenia zdrowia pracowników przed negatywnym wpływem czynników szkodliwych występujących w pracy. Mimo że bardzo wysoko podnieśliśmy poprzeczkę w zakresie bezpieczeństwa, to ryzyko niebezpiecznych zdarzeń wciąż występuje. Czy można więc odkryć nowe drogi do poprawy bezpieczeństwa? Sprawdźmy!
The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of students of The Maria Grzegorzewska University, related to crisis remote education (remote teaching and distance learning in conditions of forced social isolation caused by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic). A case study was used. The research was limited to one institution and the method of a diagnostic survey based on the questionnaire technique was used. Recommendations for further development were made, based on disclosed advantages, disadvantages, problems and opportunities connected with crisis remote education conclusions reported by students.
The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of academics working at The Maria Grzegorzewska University, related to crisis remote education (remote teaching and distance learning in conditions of forced social isolation caused by SARS-CoV-2 pandemic). A case study was used. The research was limited to one institution and the method of a diagnostic survey based on the questionnaire technique was used. Recommendations for further development were made, based on disclosed advantages, disadvantages, problems and opportunities connected with crisis remote education conclusions reported by academic teachers.
Content available remote Student na odległóść
W publikacji przedstawiono proces kształcenia online jako system zawierający: operator edukacji, produkt – utożsamiany z jakością kształcenia oraz straty oznaczające słabości i wady. System ten jest reprezentowany trzema wektorami, tj. wektorem operatora edukacji, wektorem produktu i wektorem strat. Wektorowa reprezentacja systemu daje możliwość ilościowego opisu jego działania i stanowi o metryzowalności procesu kształcenia online na uczelniach różnego typu. Pokazany model może być wykorzystany jako narzędzie analizy i ewaluacji procesów kształcenia online w uczelniach z różnymi kierunkami nauczania.
The publication presents the online learning process as a system comprised of the following: an education operator, a product – tantamount to the education quality, and losses signifying weaknesses and defects. The system is represented as three vectors, i.e. the education operator vector, product vector and loss vector. A vector-based representation of the system allows a quantitative description of its operation and determines the metrizability of the online learning process at various types of higher education institutions. The presented model can be used as a tool for analysing and evaluating online education processes in higher education institutions offering various fields of study.
Content available NAVOICA : internetowa przestrzeń edukacyjna
NAVOICA – to systemowe rozwiązanie oferujące kursy MOOC (z ang. Massive Open Online Course) w Polsce. NAVOICA została uruchomiona w październiku 2018 r. i od tego momentu oferuje możliwość bezpłatnego dostępu zarówno dla twórców, jak i uczestników kursów MOOC. Na przestrzeni pierwszych 18 miesięcy na platformie NAVOICA zarejestrowanych zostało około 6500 użytkowników, co oznacza, że platforma pięciokrotnie zwiększyła liczbę uczestników kursów MOOC w ciągu ostatniego roku. Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają platformę NAVOICA po półtora roku realizacji kursów MOOC, omawiają zarządzanie platformą, system zapewnienia jakości, zgromadzone doświadczenie oraz modyfikacje i nowe funkcjonalności. Materiał zawiera zgromadzone doświadczenie w liczbach oraz wskazuje, w jakim kierunku będzie szedł rozwój oferty o kursy, których publikacja odbędzie się już wkrótce. NAVOICA jest efektem projektu tworzącego sieć współpracy uczelni i innych uznanych podmiotów kształcących na odległość. Jest to projekt realizowany na zlecenie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego.
NAVOICA is a system for offering MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) in Poland. NAVOICA was launched in October 2018 and, from that moment on, has been offering free access to both MOOC creators and participants. Approximately 6500 users registered with the NAVOICA platform during the first 18 months, which means the platform has quintupled the number of MOOC participants over the last year. The article’s authors present the NAVOICA platform after one and a half years of implementing MOOCs, as well as discuss platform management, the quality assurance system, the experience gained, as well as modifications and new functions. The material contains the experience accumulated in numerical form and indicates the direction in which the offer is to be expanded with soon to be published courses. NAVOICA is the result of a project creating a network for collaboration of higher education institutions and other well-established bodies providing distance learning. The project has been commissioned by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
W artykule rozważa się problem podnoszenia kwalifikacji zawodowych personelu szkolnego, wsparcia w zakresie modernizacji kształcenia. Badanie innowacyjnych form i metod doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli pozwala ocenić ich skuteczność, zidentyfikować mocne i słabe strony, aby stymulować system kształcenia podyplomowego zgodnie z rzeczywistymi potrzebami szkoły i promując zaangażowanie nauczycieli, aby osiągnąć sukces w swojej działalności zawodowej.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the problem of increasing the professional skills of the workers of the supporting schools in the conditions of the modernization of education, both during the course retraining and in the intercourse activities. The study of innovative forms and methods of professional development of teachers makes it possible to assess their effectiveness, identify strengths and weaknesses, simulate the system of postgraduate education in accordance with the current needs of the school and help motivate pedagogical workers to achieve success in their professional activities.
Content available Video Streaming to Empowered Video Walls
Video walls are useful to display large size video content. Empowered video walls combine display functionality with computing power. Such video walls can display large scientific visualizations. If they can also display high-resolution video streamed over a network, they could enable distance collaboration over scientific data. We proposed several methods of network streaming of highresolution video content to a major type of empowered video walls, which is the SAGE2 system. For all methods, we evaluated their performance and discussed their scalability and properties. The results should be applicable to other web-based empowered video walls as well.
The article examines the possible forms of self-management of the teacher professional growth of the management departments in the universities of the Republic of Poland. The following forms of enhancement of the teacher professional level are analyzed as courses, studies, trainings and portfolio. Distance and open education are characterized as alternative forms of self-management of the teacher professional growth in Polish universities. It was established that teachers of management departments use information systems LMS, LCMS; digital platforms Moodle, ELIAS and USOS in the system of higher education of the Republic of Poland. The types of e-learning are described, its possibilities and influence on the teacher professional growth are characterized within the management departments in the Polish universities. The questionnaires and interviews data are analysed for teachers of management departments in the universities of the Republic of Poland, in which the ways and forms are indicated for self-management of professional growth preferred by the teachers of the management departments of Polish universities. The role of digital technologies is analysed as an integral part in self-management of teacher professional growth in the modern conditions of globalization and European integration of Polish society.
W artykule rozważono możliwe formy samorozwoju nauczycieli katedr zarządzania uniwersytetów Polski. Przeanalizowano następujące formy podwyższenia kwalifikacji nauczycieli akademickich z wykorzystaniem technologii cyfrowych: kursy, szkolenia, seminaria, treningi, kształcenie podyplomowe. Została scharakteryzowana edukacja na odległość i edukacja otwarta jako alternatywne formy wsparcia procesu samozarządzania rozwojem zawodowym nauczycieli akademickich uczelni polskich. Ustalono, że w systemie szkolnictwa wyższego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej nauczyciele katedr zarządzania najczęściej korzystają z systemów informatycznych LMS, LCMS; platform cyfrowych Moodle, ELIAS i USOS. Scharakteryzowano rodzaje e-learningu, opisano jego możliwości i wpływ na rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli katedr zarządzania uczelni polskich. Przeanalizowano dane kwestionariuszy i wywiadów wspomnianych nauczycieli akademickich, podano wskazane przez osoby ankietowane sposoby i formy samorozwoju zawodowego, preferowane przez nich. Przeanalizowano rolę technologii cyfrowych jako integralnej części samodoskonalenia się nauczycieli w nowoczesnych warunkach globalizacji i integracji europejskiej polskiego społeczeństwa.
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