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Content available remote Sposoby ograniczania przegrzewania budynku szkoły w standardzie pasywnym
Instalacja pompy ciepła wraz z wymiennikami gruntowymi korzystnie kształtuje komfort cieplny w pomieszczeniach latem. W artykule sprawdzono, czy zastosowanie w szkole w standardzie pasywnym w Budzowie modyfikacji przyjętych tam rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i lokalizacyjnych mogłoby wystarczająco ograniczyć przegrzewanie obiektu latem, eliminując w ten sposób potrzebę stosowania systemów chłodzenia. Stosując analizy symulacyjne, w programie Design Builder, rozpatrywano warunki, jakie powstają w przypadku różnych modyfikacji systemów osłon zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych zastosowanych w szkole. Analizie poddano także różne możliwości orientacji wybranej klasy względem stron świata. Dokonano obrotu modelu budynku szkoły, odpowiednio o 90°, 180° i 270°. Symulacje przeprowadzono w okresie dwumiesięcznym, tj. 01.05 - 31.06. Zaprezentowane w artykule wyniki wykazały, iż system wentylacji mechanicznej skutecznie ogranicza przegrzewanie pomieszczeń latem jedynie w połączeniu ze źródłem chłodu w formie gruntowego wymiennika ciepła i pompy ciepła. Pozostałe sugerowane modyfikacje budynku nie są tak efektywne jak chłodzenie gruntowe. W celu obiektywnej oceny warunków komfortu, w artykule zaproponowano odmienny i bardzo prosty sposób szacowania miary dyskomfortu, związanej z przegrzewaniem.
Heat pumps together with ground heat exchangers favorably shape thermal comfort in summer. This study examines whether the use of modifications to the construction and location solutions adopted in a passive standard school building in Budzów could sufficiently reduce overheating in summer, thus eliminating the need for building services. Through simulation in Design Builder, the conditions that arise for various modifications of the exterior and interior insulation systems used in the school were considered. Also analyzed were various possibilities for the orientation of the selected classroom in relation to the cardinal directions. Rotations of the school building model by 90°, 180° and 270° respectively, were done. Simulations were carried out for the two-month period between May 1 and June 31. The results presented showed that the mechanical ventilation system, in combination with a source of cooling in the form of a ground heat exchanger and heat pump, can effectively reduce discomfort in summer on its own. The other suggested modifications to the building, were not as effective as ground cooling. In order to objectively assess comfort conditions, this study proposes a different and very simple way of estimating the measure of discomfort associated with overheating.
The aim of the study was to examine how the wording of a question about audio, visual and audiovisual stimuli can affect the assessment of the environment. The participants of the psychophysical experiments were asked to rate, on a numerical scale, audio and visual information both separately and together, combined into mixes. A set of questions was used for all the investigated audio, visual, and audio-visual stimuli. The participants were asked about the comfort or the discomfort caused by the perceived stimuli presented at three different sound levels. The results show that there are no statistically significant differences between the assessment of comfort and discomfort associated with visual samples. Actually, the comfort and discomfort ratings are equivalent to the extent that a discomfort rating can be represented as the opposite to the comfort rating, i.e. the discomfort rating is equal to the 10 minus comfort rating. In general, the results obtained for audio and audio-visual samples were the same, with only a few exceptions that were dependent on sound level. No statistically significant differences were found for the loudest stimuli, but there were some exceptions for the softener cases. Based on the results, we show that only for visual stimuli both scales are totally interchangeable. When presenting audio and audio-visual samples, only one scale should be applied – either discomfort or comfort, depending on the context and the character of the stimuli.
W artykule zaprezentowano warunki i wymagania dotyczące organizacji komputerowego stanowiska pracy wynikające z prawodawstwa polskiego i Unii Europejskiej. Wymagania zostały skonfrontowane ze stanem istniejącym na podstawie badań ankietowych 110 pracowników wykorzystujących takie stanowiska pracy. Badani określili problemy i sposoby ich rozwiązanie oraz określili swoją wiedzę na temat innowacyjnych metod i sposobów eliminacji uciążliwości występujących na stanowiskach komputerowych.
Paper presents conditions and demands for computer workplace resulting from Polish Law as well as Laws of European Union. Requirement was confronted with actual state on a basis of survey of 110 workers using so called computer workstations. Surveyed workers described the problems and solutions as well as their knowledge of innovative methods used to reduction of such discomfort occurred on computer workplaces.
Content available Work management process in a cold environment
The article have been identified and characterised factors affecting work comfort in cold environment, taking into consideration protection methods resulting from legal regulations in force. Employees working in conditions of thermal stress have been analysed quantitatively and the territorial distribution of cold stores in Poland has been presented. Work characteristic of a selected cold store in the area of Szczecin has been performed. The negative results of excessive work in conditions of being affected by inconvenient factors have been determined, with simultaneous observation of the essential effect of thermal deprivation on the human organism. It has been found that work in low temperature affects not only the effectiveness and quality of work, but also the employees’ mood, form and health. The determination of thermal impression is a difficult, multifaceted process and largely depends on subjective features.
W artykule zidentyfikowano i scharakteryzowano czynniki wpływające na komfort pracy w środowisku zimnym, uwzględniając metody ochrony wynikające z obowiązujących przepisów prawnych. Przeprowadzono analizę ilościową pracowników zatrudnionych w warunkach stresu termicznego oraz przedstawiono terytorialne rozmieszczenie chłodni w Polsce. Dokonano charakterystyki pracy w wybranej chłodni mieszczącej się na terenie Szczecina. Określono negatywne skutki ponadnormatywnej pracy w warunkach oddziaływania czynników uciążliwych z jednoczesną obserwacją istotnego wpływu deprywacji termicznej na organizm człowieka. Stwierdzono, iż praca w niskiej temperaturze wpływa nie tylko na efektywność i jakość pracy, ale także na samopoczucie, formę i zdrowie pracowników. Określenie wrażeń cieplnych jest trudnym, wieloaspektowym procesem i zależy w dużej mierze od cech subiektywnych.
Content available Dyskomfort lokalny na stanowisku pracy
Parametry zmienne, badane standardowo do oceny komfortu cieplnego środowiska wewnętrznego człowieka, to temperatura powietrza wewnętrznego, temperatura promieniowania (średnia temperatura przegród otaczających),wilgotność względna powietrza, prędkość powietrza, aktywność człowieka i izolacyjność cieplna jego odzieży. W przypadku występowania w pomieszczeniu parametrów odbiegających od uznawanych za komfortowe, ludzie mogą odczuwać dyskomfort cieplny, co powoduje obniżenie wydajności ich pracy. Komfort cieplny człowieka oceniany jest najczęściej za pomocą wskaźników PMV i PPD, opracowanych przez Fangera [3] i dotyczących ciała całego człowieka. Wskaźnik PMV oznacza przewidywaną średnią ocenę komfortu cieplnego, zaś wskaźnik PPD przewidywany odsetek osób niezadowolonych. Pomimo korzystnych wartości wskaźników komfortu cieplnego, człowiek może jednak odczuwać tzw. dyskomfort lokalny, który wywołany może być przez następujące czynniki [4]: przeciąg (rozumiany jako stan opisany w [3]), zmianę temperatury powietrza wraz z wysokością pomieszczenia, zbyt zimną lub ciepłą podłogę, asymetrię promieniowania, czyli występowanie w pomieszczeniu przegród o temperaturze różnej od temperatury powietrza.Norma ISO 7730 [4] podaje sposób wyznaczania wskaźników komfortu oraz sposób obliczania odsetek osób niezadowolonych na podstawie warunków termicznych odczuwanych przez całe ciało i osób odczuwających dyskomfort lokalny.
Maintenance of proper conditions at the work station is of a particular importance as it is proved by results of several different researches saying that in many cases indoor thermal conditions set outside of the recommended range, have an influence on the results of human's work. The paper discusses the human thermal comfort conditions, indoors, with particular focus on the work stations in the large volume halls. The human thermal comfort is usually evaluated by the means of PMV and PPD index. Both of them refer to the entire human body. PMV index describes the predicted mean evaluation of the thermal comfort and PPD index expresses the predicted percentage of dissatisfied persons. Despite favorable values of the thermal comfort indexes, human may however, feel so-called local discomfort, which may be caused by: draft, vertical temperature gradient inside a room, too cold or too warm floor, radiant temperature asymmetry caused by walls with temperature different then temperature of the air. The paper presents the procedure of the comfort indexes determination and also the calculation procedure for the percentage of dissatisfied people, based on the technical conditions sensed by the entire body and persons feeling the local discomfort. The paper includes also the description of the research post designed for the research of thermal conditions at the work station heated with the radiant ceiling panel installed in the high volume room. The research results have been presented with the calculation of radiant temperature and radiant temperature asymmetry. The local discomfort index has been determined as a value derived from the radiant temperature asymmetry. The research results were the basis for the formulation of the rules for the radiant ceiling panel installation over the work station in order to maintain the evenly distributed thermal field.
The study presents results of investigations carried out in the course of driving a motorcar by a person with a locomotive disability. Driving tests were conducted in road conditions, The scope of the performed analysis covered investigations concerning somatic and receptor relationships in the man - technical means system and, to a lesser extent, dealt with the psychological aspects of vehicle driving. The investigations employed selected methods of identification of expectations from direct users - questionnaire and interview. Initial investigations were carried out for one person with a locomotive disability (paraplegia). The authors used tests for the determination of subjective sensations during motorcar driving (comfort test and seat comfort). The employed questionnaire tools used verbal and point scales. The final result of initial experiments is a description of the adjustment of the vehicle with equipment (manually-operated accelerator - brake device) to the requirements of the driver with a locomotive disability on the basis of the driver 's subjective sensations of discomfort. This type of Information obtained in the form meeting the wishes or demands of the user provides the basis for the elaboration of design requirements. The results indicate that a typical driver's space designed for an able-bodied person does not fully meet the requirements of a person with a locomotive disability.
The purposes of this study were to determine which seat features/occupational demands contributed to police officer discomfort and whether an automobile seat fitted with an active lumbar system (ALS) could reduce driving discomfort. Fifty-eight officers were given questionnaires to assess driving discomfort. High discomfort levels were associated with computer use, duty belt, sidearm/radio, body armour and lumbar support interface. Discomfort was highest in the lumbar, sacrum, upper pelvis and mid-back regions. Twelve officers spent one shift each in a police vehicle seat and an ALS seat. Discomfort was assessed every 2 h during 8-h shifts. Reduced discomfort was reported with the ALS seat. Three lumbar support features, the duty belt, and the lumbar and right upper pelvis regions, showed reduced discomfort. Overall seat discomfort decreased by 47% after 8 h of exposure to the ALS. Modifying the automobile seat helps to reduce officer discomfort during prolonged vehicle usage.
The purpose of this work is to look at the expectations and actions that exist around the use of hearing protectors. Are our expectations for the performance of hearing protectors rational and is the way we expect them to be used reasonable? Perhaps we are expecting too much of hearing protectors and their ability to effectively reduce noise exposure. Better understanding of expectations and requirements along with improvements in technology and design offer the opportunity to markedly improve on the current situation.
Równość jest jednym z podstawowych czynników jakości nawierzchni. Stanowi ona charakterystykę stanu drogi, jak również bezpieczeństwa na drodze i komfortu jazdy. Nierówności podłużne powodują niedogodności w ruchu drogowym i niebezpieczeństwo zmniejszenia oddziaływania między kołami a nawierzchnią. Wymienione aspekty zostały wzięte pod uwagę w analizie poziomów klasyfikacji w ramach Słowackiego PMS. Symulacje różnych warunków brzegowych podczas diagnostyki nawierzchni miały na celu przede wszystkim zbadanie wpływu nierówności na pojazd, a co za tym idzie, na komfort jazdy. Z drugiej strony, wpływ nierówności na oddziaływanie między nawierzchnią a kołem stanowił podstawowe kryterium oceny z punktu widzenia bezpieczeństwa. Przedmiotem artykułu jest obserwacja i ocena opisanych parametrów podczas przeprowadzonych symulacji i pomiarów eksperymentalnych. Do symulacji użyto dynamicznych charakterystyk prawdziwych pojazdów.
Road evenness is one from basic factors of the pavement quality. It represents the characteristic of the road serviceability but also road safety and comfortable. The longitudinal unevenness causes the traffi c discomfort and danger of the wheel-pavement interaction decreasing. Listed aspects were taken into account for analyze of classifi cation levels in frame of the Slovak PMS. The simulations of different boundary conditions during pavement surface diagnostics were oriented above all to the response of unevenness to the vehicle and to the ride comfort consequently. On the other hand an effect of unevenness to interaction between surface and wheel was the basic criteria of evaluation from safety point of view. The paper is oriented to the observation and evaluation described parameters during realized simulations and experimental measurements. For simulations were used dynamic characteristics of real vehicles.
In India, particularly in West Bengal, preadolescents are primarily associated with agricultural work in rural areas. Owing to poor socio-economic conditions, they are compelled to carry out a considerable number of manual, rigorous tasks in agricultural fields. The main aim of this study was to investigate postures adopted by preadolescent agricultural workers during individual agricultural activities and to analyze the causes of discomfort related to those postures. Fifty male and 50 female preadolescent agricultural workers were randomly selected and a detailed posture analysis was performed with the Ovako Working Posture Analysis System (OWAS). It was observed that those workers worked continuously in awkward postures during certain agricultural activities. Consequently they suffered from discomfort in different parts of their body. Even though they were very young, they were likely to suffer from serious musculoskeletal disorders in the future.
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