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Content available remote Pneumatic moulding sand reclamation in the linear regenerator system
This article covers the analysis of the pneumatic moulding sand reclamation, made of different types of binders. The research has been carried out for the sand with resin binder (phenolic - formaldehyde and furan resins) as well as water glass (hardened with flodur and arconite hardener). Reclamation has been carried in the pneumatic conveying system in the linear regenerator in the technical scale. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the reclamation has been made on the basis of tests determining the contents of binder's components before and after the process and on the basis of the sieve analysis.
Content available remote Method and new lance for powder injection into liquid alloys
Purpose: The pneumatic powder injection into liquid alloys is known since many years. It is use in many metallurgical processes (recarburization, alloy additions introduction, desulphurization etc.). The problem in some cases is to prevent the carrier gas introduction into liquid bath. Design/methodology/approach: The objectives were achieved by researches with laboratory injection stand. The main research method was measurement of stream parameters and computation of pneumatic injection indexes. Findings: The new injection lance was invented and analyzed and this is one of the main subjects of this paper. The lance has a construction, that makes possible even complete elimination of carrier gas introduction into liquid metal with proper particles stream range. The paper shows the results of the tests of lances with various geometrical parameters and model experiments with diphase stream force measurement. Research limitations/implications: The future research should be made with various type of powdered materials to find the question what are the limits of changing the most important parameters (grain size, stream concentration etc.). The limitation is number of values being analyzed (in powder injection processes there are many) in experimental plan. Practical implications: The lance can be used for powders pneumatic injection but only for small its quantities (e.g. microalloying) because non-immersed lance should be used with low stream concentration. The usage of that lance can decrease liquid alloy heat losses (not introducing carrier gas into liquid) and lance consumption (non-immersed in liquid bath). Originality/value: The original value of the paper is taking into account the parameter called by authors “diphase stream force” on liquid metal surface being “attacked” by particles (or carrier gas stream). Nobody (in author’s opinion) was analyzed that problem with connection in powder injection processes. The paper can be helpful for everybody who is studying pneumatic injection processes.
Content available remote Opis procesu wdmuchiwania proszków poprzez napór strumienia dwufazowego
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań siły naporu dynamicznego strumienia dwufazowego na powierzchnię ośrodka ciekłego. Przedstawione badania nie dotyczyły właściwego procesu wdmuchiwania (do ciekłego metalu), były bowiem badaniami mającymi określić jedynie wielkość oddziaływania strumienia po opuszczeniu lancy wdmuchującej. Pozwoliły one określić zasadniczy przedział zmienności wartości siły naporu oraz podstawowe parametry wpływające na jej wartość.
In the article has been presented the results of the experiments with diphase stream force on the liquid medium surface. The experiments were the first one for making descriptions of stream effect influence after outgoing the lance outlet. It has made possible to know the main value of stream force and the parameters which effect on it. On the powder injection process have influenced many parameters connected with diphase stream dynamics introduced into liquid alloy. It is very important with use of the electric crucible furnace where it is necessary to use non-immersed lance. But it may cause the small stream range in liquid. That is the reason to know every phenomenon connected with introducing of diphase stream through air-liquid alloy surface. The experiments are the part of bigger one to explain and describing those phenomenons.
Content available remote Powierzchnia strumienia dwufazowego w procesie wdmuchiwania proszków
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia modelowania fizycznego procesu wdmuchiwania sproszkowanych materiałów do ciekłego metalu. Opisano sposób realizacji badań oraz uzyskane wyniki. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wpływ parametrów strumienia dwufazowego, własności cząstek oraz własności ośrodka ciekłego na pole powierzchni oraz zasięg strumienia dwufazowego w ośrodku ciekłym o różnej gęstości.
In the paper were presented the issues of the physical modelling of the powdered materials into liquid metal. There were described the method of making the investigations and their results. A particular attention was paid on the diphase stream parameters, particles and liquid properties on the area and the range of diphase stream in liquid.
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia modelowania fizycznego procesu wdmuchiwania sproszkowanych materiałów do ciekłego metalu. Opisano stanowisko badawcze, sposób realizacji badań oraz uzyskane wyniki. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na wpływ parametrów strumienia dwufazowego i własności cząstek na zasięg strumienia w ośrodku ciekłym.
In the paper were presented the issues of the physical modelling of the powdered materials into liquid metal. There were descvibed a research stand, the method of making the investipations and the results. A particular attention was paiol on the diphase stream parameters and particles properties on the stream range in liquid.
Content available remote Obraz strumienia dwufazowego w procesie wdmuchiwania proszków do cieczy
W artykule podjęto próbę opisu strumienia dwufazowego wprowadzanego do ośrodka ciekłego. Analiza została wykonana pod kątem procesu wymiany masy przy nawęglaniu ciekłych stopów żelaza metodą pneumatyczną. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zachowanie cząstek i pęcherzy gazowych w poszczególnych obszarach strumienia.
In the article have been made an attempt to describe of diphase stream introduced into liquid. The analysis have been made from the point of view of mass transfer in recarburization of liquid ferroalloys with the help of pneumatic method. There have been paid attention to particles and bubbles behavior in individual stream areas.
Content available remote Analiza strumienia dwufazowego w procesie wdmuchiwania proszków
W artykule omówiono zagadnienia modelowania fizycznego wdmuchiwania proszków do ciekłego metalu. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki badań stanowią fragment realizowanych eksperymentów mających na celu opis strumienia dwufazowego w ośrodku ciekłym. Podjęto wstępną analizę wpływu parametrów pneumatycznego przemieszczania i właściwości wdmuchiwanych cząstek na zasięg tego strumienia i jego kształt. Badania mają na celu wyjaśnienie zjawisk zachodzących w kąpieli metalowej podczas prowadzenia procesu nawęglania metodą pneumatycznego wprowadzania pyłu grafitowego.
In the article there have been presented the problems of physical modeling of powder injection into liquid metal. The experimental results presented in the study are the fragment of the experiments which aim is a description of diphase stream into liquid medium. There have been taken a preliminary analysis of pneumatic displacement parameters influence and properties of injecting particles on stream range and its shape. The aim of the experiments is an explanation of effects into metal bath during pneumatic recarburization with a usage of graphite dust.
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