Wigner-Ville transform or Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) associated with quaternion offset linear canonical transform (QOLCT) was proposed by Bhat and Dar. This work is devoted to the development of the theory proposed by them, which is an emerging tool in the scenario of signal processing. The main contribution of this work is to introduce WVD and ambiguity function (AF) associated with the QOLCT (WVD-QOLCT/AF-QOLCT). First, the definition of the WVD-QOLCT is proposed, and then several important properties such as dilation, nonlinearity, and boundedness are derived. Second, we derived the AF for the proposed transform. A bunch of important properties, including the reconstruction formula associated with the AF, are studied.
This research proposes a method to enhance the payload message by embedding messages on the dilated edge areas by the Least Significant Bit (LSB) method. To add security aspects to messages, messages are not embedded directly on the LSB but encrypted with XOR operations with Most Significant Bit (MSB). The experimental results of the test in this study showed that the dilation process to some extent can increase the payload of 18.65% and the average bpp is 1.42 while maintaining the imperceptibilty quality of stego image with an average PSNR value of about 47 dB, SSIM is 0.9977 and MSE is 1.13.
The problem of dilation is discussed in the context of classical Cam-Clay model, which was developed on the basis of a specific assumption regarding the plastic work. This assumption leads to a special form of the dilation function, from which a shape of yield function is derived. The above mentioned assumption is compared with the results of the triaxial tests, performed on the model “Skarpa” sand. It is shown that the Cam-Clay approach is not realistic, as it is based on the assumption which is not consistent with experimental data. Some general considerations and discussion of this problem are also presented.
A watershed-based region growing image segmentation algorithm requires a fast watershed-based dilation implementation for effective operation. This paper presents a new way for watershed image representation and uses this representation for effective implementation of dilation. Methods for improving the algorithm speed are discussed. Presented solutions may also be used for solving other problems where fast set summation is required.
Effectively optimizing dilation and erosion is an extensively studied but not completely resolved problem. In this paper, a new optimization algorithm is proposed to improve the efficiency of dilation and erosion. Four notions are given to define the edges for any simply connected structuring element (SE). An assistant algorithm is proposed to detect these edges. Based on these notions, three iteration equations can be derived, which redefine dilation and erosion as iteration calculation. Time complexity of the new algorithm is reduced to O(n³). In addition, the new algorithm is suitable for online applications without the decomposition of SE. Simulation shows that with the same parameters, the performance of the new algorithm is better than that of Yang's algorithm.
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This paper presents a method of liquid-solid contact (wetting) angle measurement for selected textile surfaces, assuming the angles to be less than 90°. The method uses a special apparatus for acquisition of sessile drop images. Specialised image processing methods involving edge filtering, image morphology and a prior knowledge of the drop boundary location are used to extract droplet edges and the bottom line of a solid textile surface. Then ADSA profile optimisation is applied to find the liquid contact angle with respect to the bottom line. The ADSA trajectory is fitted to the drop edge data using a trust – region, nonlinear optimisation algorithm, with a proposed definition of distance error measurement. The image processing and analysis methods mentioned above are implemented in a MATLAB 7.0 environment; the results of individual measurements are shown in MATLAB windows as well.
W pracy przedstawiono metodę pomiaru kąta zwilżania na granicy ciecz - ciało stałe dla wybranych powierzchni tekstylnych, przy założeniu występowania kątów mniejszych niż 90°. Metoda ta wykorzystuje specjalistyczną aparaturę do akwizycji obrazów spoczywających kropli. W celu wyodrębnienia krawędzi kropli i linii podłoża tkaniny wykorzystano wybrane metody przetwarzania obrazu, takie jak filtracja krawędzi, procedury morfologiczne oraz informację a’priori o położeniu krawędzi kropli. W celu wyznaczenia kąta kontaktu cieczy z linią podłoża zoptymalizowano profil kropli dla modelu ADSA. Trajektorię ADSA dopasowano do danych krawędzi kropli przy wykorzystaniu nieliniowej optymalizacji „trust-region” i przyjęciu zaproponowanej miary błędu odległości od poszukiwanego minimum. Metody przetwarzania i analizy obrazu kropli zostały zaimplementowane w środowisku MATLAB 7.0; wyniki poszczególnych pomiarów są także zaprezentowane w „okienkach” MATLAB’a.
A mathematical background of solid particle shape projective description method was established in the paper. A particle was assumed to be the compact and connected subset of .R3space. The definition of contoured dilation coat was introduced. The contoured dilation function of particle projective image was defined. Properties of the function mentioned were described. A numerical form of functional characteristics for some real particle shapes was derived.
W artykule przedstawiono algorytm segmentacji obrazów jąder komórkowych roślin poprzedzający procedurę pomiaru zawartości DNA. Opiera się on o iteracyjne wieloprogowanie obrazu z odcieniami jasności, uzyskanego w wyniku wstępnego odejmowania składowych koloru w przestrzeni RGB. Odejmowanie to redukuje niewybarwione artefakty tła obrazu. Zapewniono także rozdzielanie sklejonych jąder komórkowych z użyciem metody działów wodnych w odniesieniu do transformaty odległości tych obiektów. Pokazano, że wieloprogowanie ma kluczowe znaczenie dla wyodrębnienia profilów jąder z wysoce nierównomiernym rozkładem DNA.
The paper presents an algorithm of plant nuclei image segmentation preceding the procedure of DNA contents measurement. It is based on iterative multilevel thresholding of grey-level differential image, obtained by preliminary subtraction of components in RGB color space. The subtraction reduces non-stained background artifacts. Splitting of merged cell nuclei has been provided using shape-based watershed method referred to the distance transform of the objects. It has been shown, that multilevel thresholding plays a key role in the proper discrimination of nuclei profiles with highly nonuniform DNA distribution.
Dokonano przeglądu operacji morfologii matematycznej najczęściej stosowanej w przetwarzaniu obrazów. Zademonstrowano również aplikację programową, wykorzystującą algorytm dekompozycji i detekcji obiektów obrazu oparty na jednej z operacji morfologicznych, zwanej "trafi nie trafi". Przedstawiono wyniki działania algorytmu, wskazując jednocześnie możliwości jego modyfikacji i potencjalne zastosowania. Ponadto poruszono ważną z punktu widzenia operacji morfologicznych, tematykę doboru odpowiedniego, dla określonej klasy obrazów, elementu strukturalnego.
An overview of the most frequently used mathematical morphology operations in image processing, such as has been described in the paper. Software application including algorithm of object recognition and decomposition based on "hit or miss" operation has also been demonstrated. The results of this algorithm and methods of its improvement and potential use have also been presented. Furthermore, an important issue from the point of view of morphological operations, the problem of choosing the optimal structural element for a defined class of images has been discussed.
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W pracy przedstawiono optyczną metodę testowania topografii układów elektronicznych. Metoda ta wykorzystuje morfologię matematyczną. Zaproponowano algorytm testowania połączeń, który sprawdza wymaganą minimalną szerokość ścieżek. Przedstawiono przykłady i wnioski płynące z zastosowania tej metody.
The paper presents a visual method of testing the topography of electronic circuits. The method makes use of mathematical morphology techniques. The algorithm for the testing connection, which inspects minimum conductor traces width requirement is proposed. Some examples and conclusions coming from using this method are presented.
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Mathematical morphology is a geometric approach in image processing and analysis with a strong mathematical flavor. Originally, it was developed as a powerful tool for shape analysis in binary and, later, grey-scale images. But it was soon recognized that the underlying ideas could be extended naturally to a much wider class of mathematical objects, namely complete lattices. This paper presents, in a bird's eye view, the foundations of mathematical morphology, or more precisely, the theory of morphological operators on complete lattices.
How to select a structuring element for a given task is one of the most frequently asked questions in morphology. Present work tries to give a solution for a restricted class of problems, namely shape classification. In this work an algorithm that extracts distinctive structure of each of a given set of objects is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on a new approach for computing distance transform.
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