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Budowa cyfrowych bliźniaków to postępujący trend w branży konserwatorskiej. Oprócz chmur punktów czy trójwymiarowych modeli fotogrametrycznych (solid, mesh) coraz częściej tworzone są modele BIM, które dzięki przechowywaniu informacji geometrycznej i bogactwu danych niegraficznych (materiały, koszty, właściwości) są w stanie generować więcej wartości niż nieparametryczne modele 3D. Popularne modele HBIM stają się semantyczną bazą wiedzy na temat obiektu kulturowego i nie tylko mogą posłużyć do dokumentacji jego stanu zachowania, lecz także wspomóc codzienną konserwację i zarządzanie obiektem (O&M). W przypadku obiektów zabytkowych czynnikiem hamującym stosowanie HBIM są zwykle wysokie koszty skanowania i generowania chmur punktów. Artykuł omawia studium przypadku Chaty z Gawrych w Skansenie Kurpiowskim w Nowogrodzie z wykorzystaniem niskobudżetowego skanu LIDAR wykonanego iPhone’em. Zaprezentowane sposoby modelowania i dokumentowania mogą zostać wykorzystane w szerokim spektrum działań konserwatorskich.
Building digital twins is a progressive trend in the conservation sector. In addition to point clouds or 3D photogrammetric models (solid, mesh), BIM models are being created increasingly often, and are able to generate more value than non-parametric 3D models due to their storage of geometric information and wealth of non-graphic data (materials, costs, properties). Popular HBIM models are becoming a semantic knowledge base of a cultural site and can be used not only to document its state of preservation, but can also to support daily maintenance and site management (O&M). This paper presents a case study of the Gawrych Cottage located in the Kurpie Open Air Museum in Nowogród using a low-cost LiDAR scan taken with an iPhone. A digital twin of the cottage and its surroundings was built on the basis of archival plans, the LiDAR scan, field inspections and interviews with managers, in an attempt to reflect reality as closely as possible. The modeling and documentation methods presented in the paper can be used in a wide range of conservation activities.
It is becoming increasingly important to provide a solution for managing the present mission and status of autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles operating on site in large and complex port locations. More ports are implementing digital twin systems, which provide a complete 3D reconstruction of the port as well as real-time data on all objects and actions in progress. It is challenging to provide all relevant data in a way that improves situational awareness and decision-making, resulting in improved management and a faster, more effective response during an emergency. This is due to greater port areas and drones operating in the air, on the water's surface, and underneath. To solve this issue, the PASSport initiative, a project financed by the European Space Agency (EUSPA), is developing an innovative solution based on Mixed Reality (MR) technology. The solution combines real-time geo-tagged and Earth Observation data to provide end users with enhanced 3D representation of the port area via a dedicated Head Mounted Display (HMD) that records user location and movement.
Check valves are critical components of fluid systems and have various applications, including house appliances. This article presents a methodology for mapping geometry-specific constriction pressure loss as a function of flow and turbulence in a check valve. This study aimed to gain insight on which Ansys Fluent available turbulent energy dissipation model should be used for further design optimization. This methodology consists of a statistical comparison of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation results obtained using the turbulent energy dissipation models. The key components of the simulation process are discussed. The study’s main results are a comparison of empirical results among flow models’ estimated pressure loss, shown as a function of flow rate in specific geometry and identification of the most suitable model for the considered application. This study concludes that the K-Epsilon (Standard) model best represents the empirically measured behavior of naturally occurring flow energy losses in the considered geometry.
In this article, we consider the application of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) in existing facilities. Based on the literature and our own experience, the issue of structural monitoring is discussed with regard to the direction of this application in the context of further implementing digital twins in the future. The general algorithm and procedures in such a process and considers the impact of continuous monitoring on durability of the object. Building information modelling, structural health monitoring (SHM), 'Non-Destructive Testing' (NDT) are discussed. The whole is based on structures that are extremely important to the industry, such as industrial chimneys. In this article, we discuss an approach to automating the condition inspection process of existing facilities in the context of information management and the use of this information. Reference was made to examples of condition analyses of two steel chimney structures.
W artykule rozważane jest zastosowanie Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) oraz Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) w istniejących obiektach. Na podstawie literatury i własnego doświadczenia, zagadnienie monitorowania konstrukcji zostało omówione w odniesieniu do kierunku tego zastosowania w kontekście dalszego wdrażania cyfrowych bliźniaków w przyszłości. Przedstawiono ogólny algorytm i procedury w takim procesie oraz rozważono wpływ ciągłego monitoringu obiektu na jego trwałość. Omówiono modelowanie informacji o budynku, monitorowanie stanu konstrukcji (SHM), badania nieniszczące (NDT). Całość bazuje na konstrukcjach niezwykle ważnych dla przemysłu, takich jak kominy przemysłowe. W artykule omawiamy podejście do automatyzacji kontroli stanu technicznego istniejących obiektów w kontekście zarządzania informacją i wykorzystania tej informacji. Odniesiono się do przykładów analiz konstrukcji dwóch stalowych kominów.
Virtual digital representation of a physical object or system, created with precision through computer simulations, data analysis, and various digital technologies can be used as training set for real life situations. The principal aim behind creating a virtual representation is to furnish a dynamic, data-fueled, and digital doppelgänger of the physical asset. This digital counterpart serves multifaceted purposes, including the optimization of performance, the continuous monitoring of its well-being, and the augmentation of informed decision-making processes. Main advantage of employing a digital twin is its capacity to facilitate experimentation and assessment of diverse scenarios and conditions, all without impinging upon the actual physical entity. This capability translates into substantial cost savings and superior outcomes, as it allows for the early identification and mitigation of issues before they escalate into significant problems in the tangible world. Within our research endeavors, we've meticulously constructed a digital twin utilizing the Unity3D software. This digital replica faithfully mimics vehicles, complete with functioning headlamp toggles. Our lighting system employs polygons and normal vectors, strategically harnessed to generate an array of dispersed and reflected light effects. To ensure realism, we've meticulously prepared the scene to emulate authentic road conditions. For validation and testing, we integrated our model with the YOLO (You Only Look Once) neural network. A specifically trained compact YOLO model demonstrated impressive capabilities by accurately discerning the status of real vehicle headlamps. On average, it achieved an impressive recognition probability of 80%, affirming the robustness of our digital twin.
Digital twins is a digital replica of a physical object to observe its real-time performance, gather data, and recommend corrective actions if required to enhance its performance. This fascinating technological idea is now reaching the agriculture fields to transform farming, by creating digital twins of entire farms. This initiative presents an innovative strategy to enhance crop health and yield by creating a digital twin for paddy fields. The aim is to enable early detection of nutrient deficiencies and leaf blast disease, leading to a transformation in agriculture. Creating virtual replicas of plants and fields, the digital twin harnesses real-time data and advanced analytics to transform the way agricultural systems are managed. By integrating remote sensing, data analytics, and various Internet of Things devices like pH, nitrous, potassium, and phosphorus sensors, coupled with a gateway system, the digital twin provides real-time monitoring and analysis of crop health and nutrient levels. Employing advanced machine learning algorithms, notably Convolutional Neural Networks ensures precise and early detection of nutrient deficiencies and crop diseases. This ground-breaking technology provides timely alerts and actionable insights to farmers, enabling proactive decision-making for optimal crop management. This farmland digital twin represents a transformative approach towards agricultural sustainability and enhancing productivity.
Cyfrowe bliźniaki to cyfrowa replika obiektu fizycznego, która umożliwia obserwację jego działania w czasie rzeczywistym, gromadzenie danych i rekomendowanie działań naprawczych, jeśli jest to wymagane w celu poprawy jego wydajności. Ta fascynująca koncepcja technologiczna dociera obecnie do dziedzin rolnictwa, aby przekształcić rolnictwo, tworząc cyfrowe bliźniaki całych gospodarstw. Inicjatywa ta przedstawia innowacyjną strategię mającą na celu poprawę zdrowia i plonów upraw poprzez stworzenie cyfrowego bliźniaka pól ryżowych. Celem jest umożliwienie wczesnego wykrywania niedoborów składników odżywczych i zarazy liści, co doprowadzi do transformacji rolnictwa. Tworząc wirtualne repliki roślin i pól, cyfrowy bliźniak wykorzystuje dane w czasie rzeczywistym i zaawansowane analizy, aby zmienić sposób zarządzania systemami rolniczymi. Dzięki integracji teledetekcji, analizy danych i różnych urządzeń Internetu rzeczy, takich jak czujniki pH, azotu, potasu i fosforu, w połączeniu z systemem bramek, cyfrowy bliźniak zapewnia monitorowanie i analizę stanu upraw i poziomów składników odżywczych w czasie rzeczywistym. Zastosowanie zaawansowanych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, w szczególności konwolucyjnych sieci neuronowych, zapewnia precyzyjne i wczesne wykrywanie niedoborów składników odżywczych i chorób upraw. Ta przełomowa technologia zapewnia rolnikom aktualne alerty i przydatne informacje, umożliwiając proaktywne podejmowanie decyzji w celu optymalnego zarządzania uprawami. Ten cyfrowy bliźniak pól uprawnych reprezentuje transformacyjne podejście do zrównoważonego rozwoju rolnictwa i zwiększania produktywności.
Along with the concepts of “smart city” and “digital twin,” the 3D (threedimensional) city models have started to be used as a basis for many studies that have been carried out in recent years. The most important and basic components of 3D city models are the structures that are located in the cities. However, some small structures of historical importance are within the category of the buildings in a city but are often not as large as a building. Historical fountains are some of these structures. For this reason, modeling with existing 3D city model-production methods is a little more complicated and requires local measurements and detailed modeling studies. As a result, this study has designed a database scheme design in which the historical city wall fountains in Istanbul can be stored in a spatial database and modeled in three dimensions (with procedural modeling when necessary). In addition, the conveniences that this infrastructure will provide in the production of 3D structure models and some difficulties that were encountered during these studies are also discussed and examined.
The intelligent automated store warehouse (iZMS) research and development project was created to meet the expectations of a modern automatic store. The project concerns the development of the concept and pilot implementation of an automated store warehouse adapted to the autonomous and automatic sales of goods selected by retail chains. One of the aims of the iZMS project is to develop a scalable solution that allows for the simple adaptation of the iZMS to the needs of a potential customer, considering their requirements in terms of the quantity and variety of assortment offered within the iZMS. An important requirement in the use of the iZMS system is minimizing the customer waiting time for purchased products. This problem is related, among others, to the placement of products on the shelves of racks and will be solved in the optimizing process. Running optimization tasks requires a simulator that will mimic the features of a physical device faster than in real time to generate many proposals of the allocation of goods on storage racks in the shortest possible time and choose the best one, guaranteeing the shortest picking time of a representative basket of goods. A numerical simulator was developed to model the physical structures of food storage equipment and then simulate the sales process. Among the results obtained, the most important are the time parameters of individual operations,which will be used to optimize the placement of goods on storage racks. After analyzing the needs resulting from the usage of the iZMS system, we decided to develop a dynamic, deterministic simulator with discrete objects and perform the simulation with a controlled time increment and, in some cases, utilize elements of event-driven simulation, in which the flow of goods is simulated with first-in, first-out (FIFO) queues. Finally, verification of the numerical simulator with a physical model confirmed that it could be employed in optimization processes.
To improve the dynamic adaptability and flexibility of the process route during manufacturing, a dynamic optimization method of the multi-process route based on an improved ant colony algorithm driven by digital twin is proposed. Firstly, based on the analysis of the features of the manufacturing part, the machining methods of each process are selected, and the fuzzy precedence constraint relationship between machining metas and processes is constructed by intuitionistic fuzzy information. Then, the multi-objective optimization function driven by the digital twin is established with the optimization objectives of least manufacturing cost and lowest carbon emission, also the ranking of processing methods is optimized by an improved adaptive ant colony algorithm to seek the optimal processing sequence. Finally, the transmission shaft of some equipment is taken as an engineering example for verification analysis, which shows that this method can obtain a process route that gets closer to practical production.
Dynamicznie rozwijająca się branża budowlana, wychodząc naprzeciw potrzebom inwestorów, przedsiębiorców i społeczeństwa jako całości, wprowadza szereg innowacji wspomagających procesy występujące podczas projektowania, realizacji i utrzymania obiektów budowlanych. Nowoczesne technologie są podstawą automatyzacji wielu procesów. W artykule skupiono się głównie na analizie skanowania 3D, prezentując przykłady już istniejących obiektów. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność wdrożenia cyfrowego bliźniaka tychże obiektów, zarówno w aspekcie zarządzania nimi, jak i ich modernizacji czy rewitalizacji. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest akcentowanie znaczenia takiego podejścia w kontekście obiektów istniejących, zwłaszcza tych o statusie zabytkowym. Jako przykład przywołano Młyny Rothera w Bydgoszczy, których wybrane widoki skanowanych modeli zamieszczono w artykule. Artykuł przedstawia zalety skaningu 3D w modernizacji obiektów o znaczeniu historyczno-architektonicznym jako metody inwentaryzacji istniejących obiektów.
The dynamically developing construction industry, in order to meet the needs, introduces a number of innovations supporting the processes occurring during the implementation and maintenance of buildings. Modern technologies are the basis for the automation of many processes. The article focuses on discussing 3D scanning on the example of existing objects. Attention was drawn to the prospect of having a digital twin of these facilities, both in the context of facility management and their modernization or revitalization. The article aims to emphasize the essence of this solution for existing buildings, especially those of a historic nature. As an illustrative example, the article refers to the Rother's Mills in Bydgoszcz, with selected views of scanned models included. The article highlights the advantages of 3D scanning in the modernization of historically and architecturally significant objects as a method for inventorying existing structures.
Content available Facility management using Autodesk Tandem
This paper presents the possibilities of using the Autodesk Tandem platform, during the process of managing a construction facility. At the most mature stage of a building's life, i.e. operation, BIM becomes a methodology that can bring concrete benefits to individuals or organisations managing facilities. Currently in Poland, BIM is at an early stage of adoption. Facility managers are often unaware of the advantages of using BIM. With a 3D model saturated with information, effective management is possible, including planning repairs, maintenance or carrying out inspections. This paper summarises the advantages and benefits of using BIM from the perspective of a facility manager, in this case a residential, single-family, detached building with specific energy-saving solutions that require ongoing management and periodic inspection.
Przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania platformy Autodesk Tandem podczas procesu zarządzania obiektem budowlanym. Na najdojrzalszym etapie życia obiektu budowlanego, czyli eksploatacji, BIM staje się metodyką, która może przynieść konkretne korzyści osobom lub organizacjom zarządzającym obiektami. Obecnie w Polsce BIM jest na wczesnym etapie wdrożenia. Zarządcy obiektów budowlanych często nie są świadomi zalet stosowania BIM. Posiadając model 3D nasycony informacjami, możliwe jest efektywne zarządzanie, w tym planowanie remontów, konserwacji czy przeprowadzanie przeglądów. W artykule zestawiono zalety i korzyści wykorzystania BIM z perspektywy zarządcy obiektu, w tym przypadku budynku mieszkalnego, jednorodzinnego, wolnostojącego, w którym zastosowano specyficzne rozwiązania energooszczędne, wymagające bieżącego zarządzania i okresowej kontroli.
The most recent tendencies and breakthroughs in digital technologies have made it possible to implement a new model of manufacturing. By es-tablishing a digital twin of the real environment and basing their judg-ments on that twin, digital systems are able to monitor, optimize, and man-age the processes that they are applied to. This concept is predicated on the creation of a “Digital Twin” for each individual production source that contributes to the overall manufacturing process. In spite of the fact that different real-world applications of digital twin may involve different tech-nical and operational specifics, a significant amount of work was put in over the past few years to recognize and express principal properties, in addition to the primary challenges involved in the practical implementa-tion of digital twins within related industries. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the fundamental principles, ideas, and technological solutions that comprise the Digital Twin vision for production processes. As a result, the objective of this review is to provide a synopsis of the state-of-the-art regarding digital twin concepts and to analyze their most recent status in terms of their potential application and implementation.
Content available remote Cyfrowy bliźniak siłownika elektrycznego
W artykule przedstawiona została adaptacja koncepcji cyfrowego bliźniaka na potrzeby stworzenia hybrydowego symulatora siłownika elektrycznego sterującego pracą zaworu regulacyjnego. Dokonano opisu, w jaki sposób został on zaimplementowany oraz zaproponowana została metoda pozwalająca uzyskać dokładniejsze wyniki symulacji. Część badawcza poświęcona jest układowi regulacji przepływu – parametrom regulatora krokowego i ich wpływu na zachowanie się całego układu.
The article presents an adaptation of the digital twin concept to create a hybrid simulator of an electric actuator that controls the operation of a control valve. A description was given on how it was implemented and a method was proposed to obtain more accurate simulation results. The research part is focused on the flow control system - the parameters of the step controller and their influence on the behavior of the whole system.
The application of Digital Twins is a promising solution for enhancing the efficiency of marine power plant operation, particularly their important components – marine internal combustion engines (ICE). This work presents the concept of applying a Performance Digital Twin for monitoring the technical condition and diagnosing malfunctions of marine ICE, along with its implementation on an experimental test-bench, based on a marine diesel-generator. The main principles of implementing this concept involve data transmission technologies, from the sensors installed on the engine to a server. The Digital Twin, also operating on the server, is used to automatically process the acquired experimental data, accumulate statistics, determine the current technical state of the engine, identify possible malfunctions, and make decisions regarding changes in operating programs. The core element of the Digital Twin is a mathematical model of the marine diesel engine’s operating cycle. In its development, significant attention was devoted to refining the fuel combustion model, as the combustion processes significantly impact both the engine’s fuel efficiency and the level of toxic emissions of exhaust gases. The enhanced model differs from the base model, by considering the variable value of the average droplets’ diameter during fuel injection. This influence on fuel vapourisation, combustion, and the formation of toxic components is substantial, as shown. Using the example of calibrating the model to the test results of a diesel engine under 27 operating modes, it is demonstrated that the application of the improved combustion model allows better adjustment of the Digital Twin to experimental data, thus achieving a more accurate correspondence to a real engine.
In this paper, a survey of the applications of digital twins (DTs) in removal and additive machining operations performed in smart manufacturing is presented. Some representative examples of virtual modelling in these manufacturing areas at different scales and complexity, including tools, fixtures, machines, equipment and manufacturing/production systems are presented and overviewed. Current experiences of research centres and machine tools companies, which develop and implement of DT technology in the context of control and optimization of machining processes performed on CNC machine tools, are highlighted. According to the author’s opinion this comprehensive survey would encourage to undertake this important manufacturing problem to implement new virtual tools for developing the I4.0 strategy.
W artykule zaprezentowano przegląd zastosowań cyfrowego bliźniaka (DT) w skrawaniu i obróbce przyrostowej. Podano przykłady o różnym poziomie złożoności, z uwzględnieniem oprzyrządowania, maszyn, procesów i systemów wytwórczych/produkcyjnych. Omówiono doświadczenia ośrodków badawczych we wdrażaniu technologii DT w kontekście sterowania procesami obróbkowymi na obrabiarkach CNC i ich optymalizacji. Zdaniem autora artykuł powinien zachęcić do podjęcia problematyki wprowadzania nowych narzędzi informatycznych w rozwoju strategii Przemysłu 4.0.
In this paper, some important achievements in the development of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) strategy based on the concept of advanced digitalization covering smart manufacturing activities using the Internet of Things (IoT) and corresponding digital twin (DT) solutions are highlighted. Some popular definitions and their practical meanings, modelling principles and possible applications are given. Some new trends and enabling technologies in smart (intelligent) manufacturing, i.e, complete digitalization of assets (units, machines, equipment, etc.), processes and systems based on the evolutionary development of DTs are discussed. This paper should encourage industry and academia to undertake this important problem more seriously, to implement its future potential in manufacturing and enhance the I4.0 strategy.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu osiągnięć w zakresie rozwoju strategii Przemysłu 4.0, opartego na zaawansowanej cyfryzacji z wykorzystaniem internetu rzeczy (IoT) i cyfrowego bliźniaka (DT - digital twin). Podano definicje i zasady modelowania oraz przedstawiono możliwe obszary zastosowań cyfrowego bliźniaka. Omówiono trendy w inteligentnym wytwarzaniu, m.in. kompletną cyfryzację maszyn, procesów i systemów wytwórczych, oparte na ewolucyjnym rozwoju koncepcji cyfrowego bliźniaka. Artykuł powinien zachęcić do podjęcia problematyki wprowadzania nowych narzędzi informatycznych w rozwoju strategii Przemysłu 4.0.
W artykule przedstawiono definicję, budowę i możliwości wdrożenia koncepcji cyfrowego bliźniaka w obszarze zarządzania obiektem budowlanym, w tym infrastrukturą mostową. Przywołano założenia i etapy jego powstawania, wskazując na rolę badań pod próbnym obciążeniem przy weryfikacji i aktualizacji modelu obliczeniowego MES, będącego jedną z kluczowych składowych całego systemu. Posługując się przykładem rzeczywistego obiektu mostowego, opisano możliwość wykorzystania modelu BIM w procesie generowania modelu obliczeniowego, wyniki badań pod próbnym obciążeniem oraz zagadnienia kalibracji modelu MES ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli zweryfikowanych modeli BIM i MES w strukturze cyfrowego bliźniaka.
The paper presents the definition, framework, and possible implementation of the digital twin concept in the field of building asset management, including bridge facilities. The assumptions and stages of its creation are described, indicating the role of load testing in the validation and updating as one of the key components of the entire system. Using the example of a real bridge, the possibility of using the BIM model in the process of generating a computational model, the results of load tests and the process of calibration of the FEA model are described, with particular emphasis on the role of the verified BIM and FEA models in the digital twin framework.
The accident at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) in Ukraine in 1986 became one of the largest technological disasters in human history. During the accident cleanup, a special protective structure called the Shelter Object was built to isolate the destroyed reactor from the environment. However, the planned operational lifespan of the Shelter Object was only 30 years. Therefore, with the assistance of the international community, a new protective structure called the New Safe Confinement (NSC) was constructed and put into operation in 2019. The NSC is a large and complex system that relies on a significant number of various tools and subsystems to function. Due to temperature fluctuations and the influence of wind, hydraulic processes occur within the NSC, which can lead to the release of radioactive aerosols into the environment. The personnel of the NSC prevents these leaks, including through ventilation management. Considering the long planned operational term of the NSC, the development and improvement of information technologies for its process automation is a relevant task. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for managing the ventilation system of the NSC based on neuro-fuzzy networks. An investigation of the current state of ventilation control in the NSC has been conducted, and automation tools for the process have been proposed. Using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and statistical data on the NSC's operation, neuro-fuzzy models have been formed, which allows to calculate the expenses of the ventilation system using the Takagi-Sugeno method. The verification of the proposed approaches on a test data sample demonstrated sufficiently high accuracy of the calculations, confirming the potential practical utility in decision-making regarding NSC’s ventilation management. The results of this paper can be useful in the development of digital twins of the NSC for process management and personnel training.
Awaria w Czarnobylskiej Elektrowni Jądrowej (ChNPP), która miała miejsce w Ukrainie w 1986 roku, stała się jedną z największych katastrof technologicznych w historii ludzkości. Podczas likwidacji awarii zbudowano specjalną strukturę ochronną – Obiekt "Ukrycie", mającą na celu izolację zniszczonego reaktora od otoczenia. Jednak planowany okres eksploatacji sarkofagu "Ukrycie" wynosił tylko 30 lat, dlatego przy wsparciu społeczności międzynarodowej zbudowano nową strukturę ochronną – "Nowa Bezpieczna Powłoka" (NSC), która została oddana do użytku w 2019 roku. NSC jest dużym i skomplikowanym systemem, którego funkcjonowanie zapewnia znaczna liczba różnych narzędzi i podsystemów. Ze względu na zmienne temperatury i wpływ wiatru, w NSC zachodzą procesy hydrauliczne, które mogą prowadzić do uwolnienia promieniotwórczych aerozoli do otoczenia. Personel NSC zapobiega tym wyciekom, między innymi poprzez zarządzanie wentylacją. W związku z długim planowanym okresem eksploatacji NSC, istotnym zadaniem jest rozwój i doskonalenie technologii informatycznych dla automatyzacji procesów. Celem pracy jest opracowanie metody zarządzania systemem wentylacji NSC opartej na rozmytych sieciach neuronowych. Przeprowadzono badania istniejącego stanu rozwiązywania problemów zarządzania wentylacją NSC oraz wybrano narzędzia do automatyzacji procesu. Za pomocą adaptacyjnego systemu wnioskowania neuro-rozmytego (ANFIS) i danych statystycznych dotyczących funkcjonowania NSC, stworzono modele neuro-rozmyte, które pozwalają na kalkulację kosztów systemu wentylacyjnego metodą Takagi-Sugeno. Weryfikacja zaproponowanych podejść na próbce kontrolnej danych wykazała wystarczająco wysoką dokładność obliczeń, co potwierdza możliwość ich praktycznego zastosowania w procesie podejmowania decyzji dotyczących zarządzania wentylacją NSC. Wyniki pracy mogą być również przydatne przy tworzeniu cyfrowe bliźniaków NSC w celu zarządzania procesami i szkolenia personelu.
The Mongolian robe is the crystallisation of the wisdom of Mongolian people after a long period of social practice and one of the intangible cultural heritages of humanity. With the gradual disappearance of the nomadic lifestyle in the steppe, it is not easy to protect and pass on traditional Mongolian dress culture and traditional handicraft technology. This study used the digital twin concept to construct a digital twin to try on clothes for a model in a virtual environment, to realise a mirror image presentation of the target physical entity, and to use effective modern technology to protect and pass on the traditional clothing. The experiment used an AlphaM4 3D body scanner to obtain a 3D human body model, as well as reverse engineering technology to process the initial data, such as noise reduction, streamlining, hole patching and smoothing to build a personalised human body model. The traditional black cotton robe of the Nayman tribe researched in the field was mapped by the planar structure design method, and its structure and 2D samples were recovered. A 3D model of the traditional cotton robe of the Nayman tribe was established based on 3D simulation technology to achieve a 3D virtual display effect, enable better dissemination and inheritance, and give a new vitality to non-heritage clothing in the digital era. The research results can provide fresh ideas and technical support for the digital estate and development of other traditional costumes, as well as contribute to the construction of digital resources for intangible cultural heritage.
This article provides a systematic review of innovations in smart fruit-growing. The research aims to highlight the technological gap and define the optimal studies in the near future moving toward smart fruit-growing based on a systematic review of literature for the period 2021–2022. The research object is the technological gap until the smart fruit-growing. The research question of the systematic review was related to understanding the current application of vehicles, IoT, satellites, artificial intelligence, and digital twins, as well as active studies in these directions. The authors used the PRISMA 2020 approach to select and synthesise the relevant literature. The Scopus database was applied as an information source for the systematic review, completed from 10 May to 14 August 2022. Forty-three scientific articles were included in the study. As a result, the technology gap analysis was completed to highlight the current studies and the research trends in the near future moving toward smart fruit-growing. The proposed material will be useful background information for leaders and researchers working in smart agriculture and horticulture to make their strategic decisions considering future challenges and to optimise orchard management or study directions. Considering the current challenges, authors advise paying attention to decision-making, expert, and recommendation systems through the digital twin paradigm. This study will help the scientific community plan future studies optimising research to accelerate the transfer to new smart fruit-growing technologies as it is not sufficient to develop an innovation, but it must be done at the appropriate time.
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