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W pracy zaproponowano metodę wyznaczania współczynnika dyfuzji. Metoda ta polega na określeniu rozkładów przestrzennych stężenia badanych związków w czasie za pomocą hiperspektralnego obrazowania cyfrowego. Następnie otrzymane rozkłady są porównywane z rozwiązaniami numerycznymi równania dyfuzji. Rozwiązania te są otrzymywane za pomocą MES. Współczynnika dyfuzji poszukuje się wykorzystując optymalizacyjne rozwiązanie zagadnienia odwrotnego. W pracy wyznaczono współczynnik dyfuzji wybranego związku w toluenie.
A method for the determination of diffusion coefficient is proposed in the paper. The method deals with finding out the spatial concentration distribution of compounds using hyperspectral digital imaging. Then, the obtained distributions are compared with numerical solutions of diffusion equation. These solutions are obtained by using FEM. The diffusion coefficient is sought applying the optimization solution of inverse problem. The diffusion coefficient of selected compound in toluene was determined.
Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu szeregowej rezystancji półprzewodnikowych detektorów paskowych oraz przewodów na parametry szumowe układu detekcyjnego. Ponadto przeanalizowano wpływ złożoności modelu zarówno detektora jak i przewodu na dokładność odwzorowania tych parametrów. Autorzy pracują nad układem scalonym do odczytu krzemowych detektorów paskowych dla potrzeb detektora STS (Silicon Tracking System) w eksperymencie CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) w ośrodku GSI (Geselschaft fuer Schwehrionenforschung) w Niemczech. Analiza będąca przedmiotem tej pracy pomoże w doborze optymalnych pod kątem szumowym konstrukcji zarówno detektora, jak i przewodów łączących elektronikę odczytu z detektorem. Na potrzeby pracy przygotowano po 3 modele detektora i przewodu różniące się stopniem złożoności. Przedstawiono modele od prostych, dyskretnych opartych o układ R-C, przez nieco bardziej złożone oparte o rozproszone sekcje R-C aż do skomplikowanych rozproszonych modeli uwzględniających budowę przestrzenną detektora czy przewodu w płaszczyźnie poprzecznej. Od strony technologicznej, przygotowano kilka wariantów możliwych do wykonania detektorów oraz przewodów. Jako układ odczytowy zastosowano model analogowego front-end'u układu TOT02. Jest to układ wykonany w technologii UMC 180 nm dedykowany do odczytu krzemowych detektorów paskowych o dużej pojemności. Wykorzystuje on metodę Time-over-Threshold do pomiaru zdeponowanego ładunku, co pozwala na obniżenie poboru mocy. Układ ten został zaprojektowany w Katedrze Metrologii AGH, jako układ prototypowy właśnie dla detektora STS.
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of series resistance of semiconductor strip detectors and wires on the noise performance of the system. Moreover, the influence of the model complexity of both detector and cable on accuracy of the simulation. The authors are also working on an integrated circuit for silicon strip detector readout ASIC for the STS (Silicon Tracking System) detector in the CBM experiment (Compressed Baryonic Matter) at the GSI (Geselshaft fuer Schwehrionenforschung), Germany. Presented analysis will help in choosing the optimal structure of both detector and cable in order to achieve the best noise parameters. For this purpose three different simulation models were prepared for both detectors and cables varying in complexity. The models present different approaches, from lumped R-C, through distributed R-C model up to complex distributed model taking into account the spatial structure of the device also in transverse plane. From technological side, several variants of detector and wire construction were prepared. As a readout circuit a model of analog front-end from TOT02 ASIC has been used. It is an integrated circuit fabricated in UMC 180 nm CMOS process dedicated for silicon strip detectors readout with large capacitance. It implements the Time-over-Threshold methodology for the charge measurement which allows for significant power consumption reduction. This circuit has been designed in the Department of Measurement and Instrumentation at the AGH-UST as a prototype ASIC for the STS detector.
Mammografia jest najbardziej czułym i specyficznym badaniem w diagnozowaniu raka sutka. Zastosowanie techniki cyfrowej CR (Computed Radiography) i DR (Digital Radiography) ma na celu poprawę jakości obrazów, a co za tym idzie poprawę wykrywalności zmian przy jednoczesnym skróceniu czasu badania i obniżeniu dawki promieniowania. Niniejsza praca przedstawia porównanie stosowanych obecnie w mammografii wybranych systemów cyfrowych pod względem jakości obrazowania, jak również stosowanych dawek.
Mammography is a most sensitive and specific examination used in the breast cancer diagnosis. Digital radiographic systems CR (Computed Radiography) and DR (Digital Radiography) offer the high quality imaging with shorter exposure times, thus lowering the radiation dose. In this paper, the comparison of frequently used mammographic digital systems in terms of the imaging quality and doses applied, is presented.
Different optical techniques were applied to describe the thermal and chemical processes that occur in a SI small engine from the ported fuel injection and in-cylinder mixture formation to the combustion process and the exhaust emission. In PFI SI engines, the atomized fuel is sprayed towards the intake valves, where it may evaporate, puddle or rebound. Furthermore, a portion of the fuel may flow directly into the cylinder or impinge upon the port walls. These phenomena occur in varying degrees and depend upon the engine design, injector location and engine operation. Potentially the fuel can enter the cylinder in a poorly atomized state, leading to an increased unburned hydrocarbon emissions. This is particularly true during cold operation, when evaporation is low. In the small-motorcycle and scooter engines the fuel injection occurs in smaller intake manifold than light-duty vehicle engines, increasing the criticism of the fuel-wall interaction. The experimental investigations were performed in a single cylinder engine constituted by an elongated optically accessible piston and equipped with the head and injection system of a reference 4-stroke engine for small vehicles. High spatial resolution imaging was used to characterize the fuel injection phase. The cycle resolved visualization was performed to follow the flame propagation from the intake spark ignition to the exhaust phase. Natural emission spectroscopy measurements were applied in the ultraviolet-visible wavelength range to identify the chemical species that are markers of the combustion process and to follow the formation of pollutants.
W pracy przedstawiono budowę i wyniki testów zintegrowanego modułu do obrazowania cyfrowego umożliwiającego pracę z promieniowaniem X o dużym natężeniu i selekcje fotonów w zależności od ich energii. Elementem detekcyjnym modułu jest paskowy detektor krzemowy, z którego informacja jest odbierana i przetwarzana przez wielokanałowe specjalizowane układy scalone o architekturze binarnej. Uzyskane wyniki pomiarów 128 kanałowego modułu potwierdzają bardzo dobrą jednorodność poszczególnych kanałów, niski poziom szumów elektroniki odczytu oraz jej poprawną pracę również w przypadku bardzo dużej częstości impulsów wejściowych.
The paper presents construction and tests of integrated module for digital X-ray imaging. This module could work with high X-ray intensity and selects photons according their energy. The module consists of silicon strip detector and ASICs of binary architecture. The measurement results of 128-channel module show its good noise parameters, uniformity of analogue parameters of multichannel ASIC and its possibility to work with high rate of input pulses.
Euler number is a fundamental topological feature of an image. The efficiency of computation of topological features of an image is critical for many digital imaging applications such as image matching, database retrieval, and computer vision that require real time response. In this paper, a novel algorithm for computing the Euler number of a binary image based on divide-and-conquer paradigm, is proposed, which outperforms significantly the conventional techniques used in image processing tools. The algorithm can be easily parallelized for computing the Euler number of an N ×N image in O(N) time, with O(N) processors. Using a simple architecture, the proposed method can be implemented as a special purpose VLSI chip to be used as a co-processor.
In the paper the author has presented the successful application of co-operation of the fast digital camera and analog-digital converters for the investigation of transient processes. The synchronization of operations of the camera and analog-digital converters enabled the author to obtain the co-relation between recorded images and variability of thermodynamic parameters (temperature, pressure, deformation). The application of the camera for tracing of trajectories of moving small particles has been presented. The charge coupled device camera (CCD camera) may also be applied to investigate pseudoperiodical phenomena for which the synchronization of the phenomenon and camera operations is not mandatory (e.g. falling drops, the splash of the liquid drop).
Content available remote Profilometria optyczna
W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie komputerowej analizy obrazu do wyznaczania przekroju poprzecznego wyrobiska kopalnianego. Obrys wyrobiska oświetlano za pomocą układu laserowych diod świecących. W celu utworzenia „linii światła”, wyznaczającej obrys wyrobiska, dołączono do diod laserowych soczewki walcowe. Następnie aparatem cyfrowym wykonywano zdjęcie. Zdjęcie poddawano komputerowej analizie, która umożliwiała wyznaczenie ilości pikseli zawartych w przekroju wyrobiska. Po wyznaczeniu skali zdjęcia (ilość pikseli przypadających na metr kwadratowy) wyliczano powierzchnię przekroju wyrobiska.
In the paper the author describes the application of the computer image analysis for the determination of cross-sections of mining works. The circumference of the works has been illuminated by means of laser diodes. In order to obtain the `illumination lines’ which emphasize the circumference the laser diodes were completed with cylindrical lens. The images were obtained applying the digital camera. Afterwards they were handled by means of the computer program to determine the number of pixels contained in the cross-sections of mining works. After the determination of the scale of each image (the number of pixels per square meter) the cross-section area has easily been computed.
New research possibilities related to recent improvements in light microscopy are discussed. New research microscopes are fully automated and motorized. All functions, such as those connected with focusing or stage positioning, can be controlled with a PC. Techniques which combine images recorded at different locations on X, Y and Z axes are presented. The first technique - combining high resolution single images, made in X and Y axes on the surface of a specimen, creates overview images of specimens. This is particularly important in quantitative materialography because the technique produces a significant decrease in the edge effect. Examples of applications of PC controlled X-Y stage and stage management software in the study of a duplex steel, made from Ni-base superalloy and welding are presented. Automatic alignment of images made in applications of this technique in the study of a zinc layer on cast iron and thermal barrier coatings on a heat-resisting alloy are shown.
Content available Image transmission system for radiotherapy planning
In this paper we present a project developed in our University in order to provide Lublin hospitals with efficient software tools for 3D medical image processing and transmission. The system covers the entire image flowpath in the Diagnostic Radiology Department (i.e. image acquisition, processing, archiving, long term storage) and allows transmission of medical images through the Metropolitan Area Network. About 22000 CT examinations have been archived using our system. Over 300 special examinations for radiotherapy planning have been sent to the Lublin's Oncology Centre.
Content available remote A Simple Architecture for Computing Moments and Orientation of an Image
In this paper, a new methodology for computing orientation of a gray-tone image by the method of moments is described. Orientation is an essential feature needed in many image processing and pattern recognition tasks. Computation of moments is accomplished by a new projection method that leads to a fast algorithm of determining orientation. Using a simple architecture, the proposed algorithm can be implemented as a special purpose VLSI chip. The hardware cost of the proposed design is significantly lower compared to that of the existing architecture.
Teleradiology is the most widely practised form of telemedicine and the necessary equipment is readily available. Dosimetrists, physicists and physicians rely heavily upon digital imaging modalities in their daily work. In the current healthcare marketplace, radiotherapy treatment planning is a field that really hinges upon digital medical imaging. The limiting technical factor is often the communication links between the two sides. As a consequence, the development of network-based radiotherapy image communication may yield a significant impact on the clinical operation of such centres. This paper describes the design and implementation of a Lublin teleradiology system to facilitate access to CT images at County Hospital and data transfer using metropolitan-area-network to Oncology Center for radiotherapy. Our system is successfully working since March 2000.
One of the motives for putting in a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is to improve efficiency and hence enhance the competitive strength of the radiology department. Department of Radiological Diagnostic at Lublin Count Hospital has been developing a hospital archiving and communication system since 1997. A personal computer-based environment was implemented to reduce costs (only $800 for each view station) and take advantage of distributed system technique. One of the critical points of a full PACS is the accessibility of images outside the radiology department. Image viewer is an attempt to solve this problem by using the ubiquitous PC as a PACS terminal. By designing an appropriate tool for displaying and manipulating medical images and linking them to existing WWW browsers, it is possible to use the existing Web for communicating and remote consultations of medical images.
The outline of a new method for a fractal analysis of fundus eye image collected in non-invasive routine ophthalmological examinations is presented. Preliminary results of its application are reported.
Content available remote Nowe możliwości analizy cyfrowej obrazów w diagnostyce laserowej
Wraz z rozwojem aparatury medycznej oraz współpracującego z nią sprzętu komputerowego obserwuje się gwałtowny wzrost dostępnego oprogramowania. Współczesne systemy operacyjne oraz wyspecjalizowane oprogramowanie do analizy i obróbki graficznej uzyskiwanych wyników badań wymagają od lekarza dużej wiedzy z zakresu informatyki, fizyki i statystyki. Dzięki opracowanej w naszym ośrodku aplikacji możliwa jest szybsza i pełniejsza analiza uzyskanych obrazów.
Together with the development of medical equipment and computer devices, one can notice impetuous increase of available software. Modern operating systems and sophisticated software for computer images analysis demand specialized knowledge in computer science, physics and statistics. Thanks to the application prepared in our center, faster and more accurate analysis of obtained images is possible.
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