The paper deals with the estimation of sensor faults for dynamic systems as well as the assessment of the uncertainty of the resulting estimates. For that purpose, it is assumed that the external disturbances are bounded within an ellipsoidal domain. This allows considering both stochastic and deterministic process and measurement uncertainties. Under such an assumption, a fault diagnosis scheme is developed with a prescribed convergence rate and accuracy. To achieve fault estimation, a conversion into an equivalent descriptor system is utilized. The paper provides a full stability and convergence analysis of the estimator including observability analysis. As a result, a set of complementary fault uncertainty intervals is obtained, which are minimized in such a way as to obtain a minimum detectable sensor fault. The final part of the paper exhibits a numerical example concerning fault estimation of a multi-tank system. The obtained results clearly confirm the performance of the proposed estimator expressed in the minimum detectable fault intervals.
The article presents a comprehensive quantitative comparison of four analytical models that, in different ways, describe the flow process in transmission pipelines necessary in the task of detecting and isolating leaks. First, the analyzed models are briefly presented. Then, a novel model comparison framework is introduced along with a methodology for generating data and assessing diagnostic effectiveness. The study presents basic assumptions, experimental conditions and scenarios considered. Finally, the quality of the model-based diagnostic estimators is assessed, focusing on their bias, standard deviation, and computational complexity. Here, several optimality criteria are used as detailed indicators of the quality and performance of the estimators in a multi-criteria Pareto optimality assessment.
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W artykule zaprezentowano metodę diagnostyki zwarć zwojowych stojana silnika PMSM, wykorzystującą sieć neuronową. Przeanalizowano sygnały prądowe i napięciowe pochodzące ze struktury sterowania, a następnie poddano je analizie w celu ekstrakcji najlepszych symptomów uszkodzeń. Wybrane cechy podano na wejście sieci neuronowej podczas procesu treningu. Badania eksperymentalne prezentują potencjał zastosowania modelowania matematycznego jako generatora wzorców symptomów uszkodzeń.
This paper presents a method for diagnosing the inter-turn short circuits of a PMSM, using a neural network. Current and voltage signals from the control structure were then analysed to extract the best fault symptoms. The selected features were given to the neural network input during the training process. The tests performed on a experimental setup demonstrate the potential of using mathematical modelling as a fault symptom pattern generator.
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Condition monitoring and problem diagnostics have drawn more attention recently in the industrial sector. One of the most crucial parts of rotating machinery are rolling-element bearings. Bearing faults are a common cause of machinery failures. To identify failing bearings early, vibration condition monitoring of rotating machinery has emerged as the preferred technique. Several signal analysis techniques can extract useful information from vibration data. The non-stationary analysis signals that are typically associated with machine defects cannot be handled by frequency-based approaches. Non-stationary signals are analyzed effectively by applying time-frequency techniques. The use of wavelet transform has increased in bearing monitoring research for the last 20 years to obtain correlated time-frequency information. This paper presents a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and energy distribution-based bearing defect diagnostic technique. The "db3" wavelet form of DWT is used to decompose vibration signals under both normal and faulty (inner race-fault and outer race-fault) bearing conditions at various frequency ranges. Due to the default, the energy distribution for every decomposition level is calculated to detect which frequency band contains the harmonics. The results obtained from healthy and defective bearings are compared. The wavelet coefficient with the highest value of the energy distribution is employed in the Fourier analysis to pinpoint the site of the fault. The monitoring results demonstrate that the suggested approach is effective in finding and analyzing faults.
Monitorowanie stanu i diagnostyka problemów przyciągnęły ostatnio więcej uwagi w sektorze przemysłowym. Jedną z najbardziej kluczowych części maszyn wirujących są łożyska toczne. Usterki łożysk są częstą przyczyną awarii maszyn. W celu wczesnej identyfikacji uszkodzonych łożysk, monitorowanie stanu wibracji maszyn wirujących stało się preferowaną techniką. Kilka technik analizy sygnału może wydobyć użyteczne informacje z danych o drganiach. Niestacjonarne sygnały analizy, które są zwykle związane z uszkodzeniami maszyn, nie mogą być obsługiwane przez podejścia oparte na częstotliwości. Sygnały niestacjonarne są skutecznie analizowane poprzez zastosowanie technik czasowoczęstotliwościowych. Zastosowanie transformaty falkowej wzrosło w badaniach nad monitorowaniem łożysk przez ostatnie 20 lat w celu uzyskania skorelowanej informacji czasowo-częstotliwościowej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono dyskretną transformatę falkową (DWT) oraz technikę diagnostyczną opartą na rozkładzie energii. Forma falkowa "db3" DWT jest używana do dekomponowania sygnałów drganiowych w warunkach łożyska zarówno normalnego, jak i wadliwego (wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego) w różnych zakresach częstotliwości. Ze względu na domyślność, rozkład energii dla każdego poziomu dekompozycji jest obliczany w celu wykrycia, które pasmo częstotliwości zawiera harmoniczne. Wyniki uzyskane z łożysk zdrowych i uszkodzonych są porównywane. Współczynnik falkowy o największej wartości rozkładu energii jest wykorzystywany w analizie Fouriera w celu określenia miejsca uszkodzenia. Wyniki monitorowania pokazują, że proponowane podejście jest skuteczne w wyszukiwaniu i analizie uszkodzeń.
Industrial high-speed rotating machines entail constant and consistent monitoring to prevent downtime, affecting quantity and quality. Complex machines need advanced intelligent fault diagnosis showing minimal errors. This work offers a MATLAB-based fault diagnosis for sugar industry machines. The vibration behavior of physical industrial machines is obtained, and the signals are provided to a MATLAB program to identify the fault. The information helps to suggest remedies to include in the maintenance schedule. The ease and comprehensible nature of the method reduce time and enhance the reliability of condition monitoring for industrial machines.
The three-phase induction motor is well suited for a wide range of mobile drives, specifically for electric vehicle powertrain. During the entire life cycle of the electric motor, some types of failures can occur, with stator winding failure being the most common. The impact of this failure must be considered from the incipient as it can affect the performance of the motor, especially for electrically powered vehicle application. In this paper, the intern turn short circuit of the stator winding was studied using Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Shor-Time Fourier transform (STFT) approaches. The residuals current between the estimated currents provided by the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and the actual ones are used for fault diagnosis and identification. Through FFT, the residual spectrum is sensitive to faults and gives the extraction of inter-turn short circuit (ITSC) related frequencies in the phase winding. In addition, the FFT is used to obtain information about when and where the ITSC appears in the phase winding. Indeed, the results allow to know the faulty phase, to estimate the fault rate and the fault occurrence frequency as well as their appearance time.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję budowy i sposób realizacji systemu diagnostycznego do oceny stanu silników indukcyjnych pracujących w układach napędowych wózków wagonów tramwajowych. Przedstawiono najważniejsze założenie, które należy przyjąć przy projektowaniu i zestawieniu układu pomiarowego oraz doborze skutecznych metod diagnostycznych do wykrywania uszkodzeń elektrycznych i mechanicznych w układzie napędowym tramwaju. Przedstawiono opis układu pomiarowego oraz sygnały, które są wykorzystywane w module diagnostycznym. Na bazie doczasowych doświadczeń autorów wybrano metody diagnostyczne, które poprzez analizę sygnałów prądów, napięć i prędkości w dziedzinie czasowo-częstotliwościowej pozwolą na skuteczne wykrywanie uszkodzeń w stanach dynamicznej pracy napędu. Reprezentatywną grupą metod diagnostycznych przedstawioną w artykule jest metoda analizy spektrogramu kurtozy. Podjęte prace są związane z poszukiwaniem nowych skutecznych metod diagnostycznych do wykrywania uszkodzeń natury elektrycznej i mechanicznej występujących w układach napędowych wagonów tramwajowych.
The article presents the concept of construction and the implementation method of a diagnostic system for the assessment of the condition of induction motors operating in the drive systems of trolley carriages. The most important assumption that should be made when designing and setting up the measurement system and selection of effective diagnostic methods for detecting electrical and mechanical damage in the tram drive system was presented. A description of the measuring system and signals used in the diagnostic module are presented. Based on the authors' past experiences, diagnostic methods have been selected which, by analyzing the signals of currents, voltages and speeds in the time-frequency domain, will allow for effective detection of failures in the states of dynamic operation of the drive. A representative group of diagnostic methods presented in the article is the method of kurtosis spectrogram analysis. The work undertaken is related to the search for new, effective diagnostic methods to detect electrical and mechanical damage occurring in the drive systems of tram cars.
Rozwój uszkodzeń wskutek obciążeń eksploatacyjnych w materiałach stosowanych w energetyce lub przemyśle motoryzacyjnym badany jest przy użyciu metod niszczących i nieniszczących. Wśród technik o charakterze niszczącym można wymienić testy zmęczeniowe lub próby pełzania, a nieniszczących metody ultradźwiękowe, magnetyczne, a ostatnio coraz częściej wykorzystywane nowatorskie techniki optyczne. W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie technik optycznych, takich jak: cyfrowa korelacja obrazu (DIC) i elektroniczna interferometria plamkowa (ESPI) do monitorowania uszkodzeń zmęczeniowych z uwagi na ich dużą przydatność w skutecznej identyfikacji miejsc inicjacji uszkodzenia i jego rozwoju.
Squirrel cage induction motors suffer from numerous faults, for example cracks in the rotor bars. This paper aims to present a novel algorithm based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) for detection partial rupture rotor bar of the squirrel cage asynchronous machine. The stator current spectral analysis based on FFT method is applied in order to extract the fault frequencies related to rotor bar partial rupture. Afterward the LS-SVM approach is established as monitoring system to detect the degree of rupture rotor bar. The training and testing data sets used are derived from the spectral analysis of one stator phase current, containing information about characteristic harmonics related to the partial rupture rotor bar. Satisfactory and more accurate results are obtained by applying LS-SVM to fault diagnosis of rotor bar.
Failure of railway signal equipment can cause an impact on its normal operation, and it is necessary to make a timely diagnosis of the failure. In this study, the data of a railway bureau from 2016 to 2020 were studied as an example. Firstly, denoising and feature extraction were performed on the data; then the Adaptive Comprehensive Oversampling (ADASYN) method was used to synthesize minority class samples; finally, three algorithms, back-propagation neural network (BPNN), support vector machine (SVM) and C4.5 algorithms, were used for failure diagnosis. It was found that the three algorithms performed poorly in diagnosing the original data but performed significantly better in diagnosing the synthesized samples, among which the BPNN algorithm had the best performance. The average precision, recall rate and F1 score of the BPNN algorithm were 0.94, 0.92 and 0.93, respectively. The results verify the effectiveness of the BPNN algorithm for failure diagnosis, and the algorithm can be further promoted and applied in practice.
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Po raz kolejny detal wysłany do klienta wrócił z reklamacją? Spadek powtarzalności produkcji zaskakuje w najmniej sprzyjającym momencie? Warto sprawdzić, co oferuje rynek pomiarów jakości wykonania i geometrii elementów. Można tylko zyskać!
Ocena stanu technicznego elementów pracujących w warunkach pełzania powinna wykorzystywać wyniki badań defektoskopowych, metalograficznych i pomiarów deformacji w zakresie zaplanowanym na podstawie retrospekcji oraz analizy warunków pracy w okresie od ostatnich badań i oceny. Wykorzystanie metod mechaniki pękania oraz zdalnej diagnostyki pozwala zarówno określić możliwość i warunki pracy uszkodzonego elementu jak również nadzorować jego bezpieczeństwo, aktualny stan techniczny w trybie on-line. W artykule przedstawiono aktualne, z lat 2019 i 2020, doświadczenia Pro Novum w zakresie identyfikacji uszkodzeń elementów grubościennych pracujących w warunkach pełzania, ich diagnostyki oraz oceny możliwości dalszej eksploatacji.
The assessment of components working in creep conditions should use the results of defectoscopy, metallographic tests and deformation measurements in scope planned on the basis of retrospection and analysis of working conditions in the period from the last tests and assessment. The use of fracture mechanics and remote diagnostics methods allows to determine the possibility and working conditions of the damaged element as well as to monitor its safety and current technical condition in on-line mode. The article presents the current, 2019 and 2020, experience of Pro Novum in the field of identification of damage to thick-walled elements working in creep conditions, their diagnostics and the assessment of the possibility of further operation.
With the needs of social development, the scale of power equipment continues to expand. Among them, the transformer, as the core equipment in the power system, plays a key role in the safe and stable operation of the power system. However, in the field where the field strength is too high, partial breakdown of insulating media, that is the partial discharge occurs, which brings certain threats and damage to the safe operation of the power system. Therefore, this article uses the kurtosis-approximate entropy variational mode decomposition (VMD) partial discharge signal denoising method is used to preprocess the UHF partial discharge signal, through the simulation analysis and the result comparison, the feasibility of the method for denoising the partial signal of the transformer is clarified, designed to improve the safety and reliability of transformer operation.
The imperative of quality and productivity has increased the complexity of technological processes, posing the problem of reliability. Today, fault diagnosis remains a very important task because of its essential role in improving reliability, but also in minimizing the harmful consequences that can be catastrophic for the safety of equipment and people. Indeed, an effective diagnosis not only improves reliability, but also reduces maintenance costs. Systems in which dynamic behaviour evolves as a function of the interaction between continuous dynamics and discrete dynamics, present in the system, are called hybrid systems. The goal is to develop monitoring and diagnostic procedures to the highest level of control to ensure safety, reliability and availability objectives. This article presents an approach to the diagnosis of hybrid systems using hybrid automata and neural-fuzzy system. The use of the neural-fuzzy system allows modeling the continuous behaviour of the system. On the other hand, the hybrid automata gives a perfect estimate of the discrete events and make it possible to execute a fault detection algorithm mainly consists of classifying the appeared defects. On the implementation plan, the results were applied in a water desalination plant.
Various approaches have been proposed to monitor the state of machines by intelligent techniques such as the neural network, fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy, pattern recognition. However, the use of LS-SVM. This article presents an automatic computerized system for the diagnosis and the monitoring of faults between turns of the stator in IM applying the LS-SVM least square support vector machine. in this study for the detection of short circuit faults in the stator winding of the induction motor. Since it requires a mathematical model suitable for modelling defects, a defective IM model is presented. The proposed method uses the stator current as input and at the output decides the state of the motor, indicating the severity of the short-circuit fault.
Introduced through policy instruments, as well as due to increase awareness of and demand for energy, alternative, renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly popular and necessary. The growing market and standards are forcing producers of renewable energy sources to constantly improve the quality of their products. Biomass trigenerators are one way of obtaining such energy, both in the form of electricity, heat and cold. These are elements generating steam by burning various solid, liquid or gaseous fuels of organic origin. Rotating machines in the form of turbines or steam engines are used to generate electricity. Unfortunately, they are particularly exposed to steam impacts associated with discontinuous work. This article presents the monitoring and prevention system for such impacts. It is based on the analysis of the frequency spectrum of vibrations of such generators and can be used to implement a trigenerator control system that will reduce the influence of such impacts. With proposed diagnostic system, the efficiency and life span of a Renewable Energy Source can increase significantly.
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The article presents an overview of methods for formulating diagnostic equations in linear analog circuits. In the case of dynamic circuits, the creation of a diagnostic equation based on the description of systems in the time domain and frequency domain is discussed. A unified and systematized description of different classes of linear circuits leads to the general test equation and allows for the use of the general procedure for solving it. The proposed methodology allows locating and identifying single and multiple parametric faults. For illustraton of the method the diagnosis of a linear electronic circuit is discussed.
W artykule przedstawiono przegląd metod formułowania równań diagnostycznych w liniowych układach analogowych. W przypadku obwodów dynamicznych omówiono tworzenie równania diagnostycznego na podstawie opisu układów w dziedzinie czasu i częstotliwości. Ujednolicony i usystematyzowany opis różnych klas obwodów liniowych prowadzi do ogólnego równania diagnostycznego oraz pozwala na zastosowanie ogólnej procedury jego rozwiązywania. Zaproponowana metodologia umożliwia lokalizację i identyfikację pojedynczych oraz wielokrotnych uszkodzeń parametrycznych. Działanie metody zilustrowano na przykładowym układzie elektronicznym.
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It is difficult to diagnose a three-phase matrix converter using a mathematical model, because a matrix converter consists of nine switches with various nonlinear factors. Since a neural network does not require any mathematical system model, it is a suitable technique for fault classification in matrix converters. In this manuscript, a fault diagnostic system for three-phase to three-phase matrix converters using a neural network is proposed to detect a fault and identify its location. The proposed diagnostic system can detect faults using just one phase current waveform which is very efficient in terms of cost of sensors and system complexity. This method was evaluated using simulation and experimental data sets in two scenarios. The results confirm that in different normal and abnormal situations the system achieves performance levels in excess of 98%.
The use of condition monitoring techniques in wind energy has been recently growing and the average unavailability time of an operating wind turbine in an industrial wind farm is estimated to be less than the 3%. The most powerful approach for gearbox condition monitoring is vibration analysis, but it should be noticed as well that the collected data are complex to analyse and interpret and that the measurement equipment is costly. For these reasons, several wind turbine subcomponents are monitored through temperature sensors. It is therefore valuable developing analysis techniques for this kind of data, with the aim of detecting incoming faults as early as possible. On these grounds, the present work is devoted to a test case study of wind turbine generator slip ring damage detection. A principal component regression is adopted, targeting the temperature collected at the slip ring. Using also the data collected at the nearby wind turbines in the farm, it is possible to identify the incoming fault approximately one day before it occurs.
W artykule przedstawiono zaprojektowany i wykonany przez autorów system pomiarowo-diagnostyczny przeznaczony do diagnozowania stanu uzwojeń wirnika i wyznaczania parametrów pracy takich, jak prędkość obrotowa i moment elektromagnetyczny w oparciu o strumień unipolarny (poosiowy) silnika indukcyjnego, wychwytywany przy użyciu cewki pomiarowej. System składa się z dwóch niezależnych od siebie modułów, z których jeden przeznaczony jest do rejestracji i archiwizacji wartości True RMS pełnych i odfiltrowanych napięć pochodnych strumienia silnika w celach porównawczych stanu wirnika w czasie i wyznaczania momentu. Drugi służy zaś do rejestracji przebiegów czasowych i analizy widmowej w celu określenia aktualnego stanu wirnika i prędkości obrotowej na podstawie amplitud składowych poślizgowych widma i zawiera kartę pomiarową oraz komputer z oryginalnym oprogramowaniem i jest dodatkowo przystosowany do akwizycji sygnałów wyładowań niezupełnych, drgań i hałasu. W artykule zawarto przykłady analiz silników wykonanych w przemyśle przy użyciu systemu.
The article presents the measuring diagnostic system designed and made by the authors, dedicated to diagnose the condition of the induction motor rotor windings and determination of its operating parameters based on the axial flux captured by the measuring coil. The system consists of 2 independent modules. One of them is dedicated to recording and archiving the True RMS values for full and filtered voltages – the derivatives of the motor flux, for comparative purposes of the rotor condition over time and determination of the torque, while the other one – to recording timelines and spectral analysis to determine the current rotor condition and the motor speed on the basis of the amplitudes of the slip components in the spectrum, and contains among others a measuring card and a computer with original software and is additionally adapted to acquisition of partial discharges signals, vibration and noise. The article contains examples of some motors analyzes performed in industry with use of the designed system.
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