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w słowach kluczowych:  development regulator
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The purpose of the studies was to determine the effects of Stymjod, a growth regulator, on blue fescue (Festuca glauca) development and morphological characteristics. The experiment was an attempt to determine the effect of different concentrations of Stymjod on the leaf greenness index, the number and length of leaf blades, the length of roots, and the dry weight of roots and leaves. The plant used in the experiment, Festuca glauca, was grown in pots. The following three treatment combinations were used: spraying plants with distilled water only; with Stymjod at a concentration of 2% in the spraying fluid; with Stymjod at a concentration of 4%. Spraying was carried out four times at weekly intervals. It was found that the 2% concentration of Stymjod in the solution significantly improved most morphological. Festuca glauca treated with Stymjod was characterized by better efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus and photosynthetic activity.
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