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Theft and devastation of railway infrastructure are one of the most important factors that affect the safety of the railway transport system. In Poland, the railway transported 245.1 million passengers and 243.6 million tons of cargo in 2021, so it is extremely important to ensure the maximum possible safety standards. Theft and devastation of railway infrastructure contribute to significant material damage to railway network managers. The costs of rebuilding railway equipment are estimated at millions of zlotys every year. They also influence the proper functioning of railway traffic. Due to this phenomenon, there are delays of passenger and freight trains, the total of which amounted to over 100,000 minutes in 2021. Therefore, the effects of such hooligan acts also affect passengers and commercial customers of the railways. The article is an attempt to describe the impact of theft and devastation of railway infrastructure on its safety and the operation of railway lines in Poland. By analyzing the available statistical data and using the CSM method, as well as applying certain simplifications, it was possible to determine the approximate level of risk using techniques used in practice. Based on the adopted risk reference levels, a systematic reduction in both the probability of occurrence of negative phenomena and their consequences was observed.
The process of conversion of facilities in the maritime domain zone in Croatia has been going on for more than thirty years. Use is largely structured as a lever to justify economic exploitation. Protection of the maritime domain, although crucial, is often of minor importance. Sensitivity is particularly important to consider for environmental protection when converting buildings. The paper analyses the conversion and complexity of potential environmental devastation. The specificity of the problem is often the illegal usurpation of the maritime domain, which leads to a collision of legal provisions and the real situation on the ground. A special problem is the determination of the boundaries of the maritime domain, which is a true representation of the complexity of the environmental protection procedure during the conversion of facilities on the maritime domain. Maritime domains on the territory of Croatia occupy a fairly large area concerning the entire state territory. It has a typical Mediterranean climate, relatively lush vegetation, exceptional attractiveness, and investment potential. These characteristics are the basis of strategic development and economic growth, but also a trap in case of over-exploitation, which creates the possibility of long-term intensive devastation of the maritime domain. Negative repercussions must be avoided because otherwise the meaning of every developmental aspect is lost. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the conversion of facilities on the maritime domain and the identification of opportunities to achieve the highest standards in environmental protection. This would prevent environmental devastation.
Mija 100 lat od wybudowania w dawnej Galicji Zachodniej, dzisiejszej Małopolsce ponad 400 cmentarzy wojennych, będących pamiątką walk między armią austro-węgierską i carską. Pośród poległych znaleźli się żołnierze wielu narodowości i różnych wyznań. Przez lata cmentarze te pozostawały zaniedbane, co zaczęło się zmieniać po roku 1989. Dziś problemem jest nie tylko konserwacja ich zabytkowej substancji, ale dewastacja na tle ideologicznym. W artykule podjęta została problematyka ochrony ocalałych ponad 370 miejsc pamięci zarówno z materialnego punktu widzenia, jak i sposobów wpisania tych pomników w społeczną pamięć historyczną tak, aby stały się częścią naszej tożsamości.
It is now 100 years since the development in the former Austro-Hungarian province of West Galicia, today's Polish province of Malopolska, of more than 400 war cemeteries, which are a reminder of the fighting between the Austro-Hungarian and Tsarist armies at the time of the Great War. Among the fallen were soldiers of many different nationalities and religions. For many years, these cemeteries remained neglected, a situation which fortunately began to change only after 1989. Today, one of the problems is the conservation of their historic existence, not only the constructional decay but also the increasingly ideological devastation. The article discusses the protection of more then 370 surviving memorial sites from both the material point of view as well as the ways in which they can be added into our historical memory in order for them to become part of our national identity.
Content available remote Oddziaływania zewnętrzne na elewacje ocieplone w technologii ETICS
W artykule omówiono oddziaływania niszczące działające na ocieploną elewację. Wskazano problemy z oddziaływaniem mechanicznym, naprężeniami termicznymi i korozją mikrobiologiczną. Podkreślono rolę prawidłowego zaprojektowania i wykonania ocieplenia w technologii ETICS.
The article discusses the damaging impacts on insulated façades. Certain problems are identified relating to mechanical impacts, thermal stress, and microbiological corrosion. Special emphasis is placed on proper design and fabrication of ETICS insulation.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę szkody polegającej na dewastacji wnętrza samochodu marki Audi A5 Cabrio. Przedstawiono wycenę wartości samochodu w systemie Info Ekspert a także kalkulację naprawy pojazdu z zastosowaniem części oryginalnych i używanych. Wyniki zestawiono w formie wykresów.
The article analyzes the damage caused by the devastation of a Audi A5 Cabrio car. The valuation of the car in the Info Expert system is presented as well as the calculation of the vehicle repair using the original and used parts. Results are graphed.
W artykule przeprowadzono analizę szkody polegającej na dewastacji samochodu marki Volkswagen CC. Przedstawiono wycenę wartości samochodu w systemie Info Ekspert a także kalkulację naprawy pojazdu z zastosowaniem części oryginalnych i używanych. Wyniki zestawiono w formie wykresów.
The article analyzes the damage caused by the devastation of a Volkswagen CC car. The valuation of the car in the Info Expert system is presented as well as the calculation of the vehicle repair using the original and used parts. Results are graphed.
Autorka, odwołując się do złożonych problemów ochrony zniszczonego na skutek trąby powietrznej w lipcu 2011 r. białaczowskiego parku, porusza ważne kwestie związane z zagadnieniem ochrony autentyku w polskich ogrodach historycznych i postuluje wypracowanie metody postępowania konserwatorskiego, nie tylko w celu ratowania Białaczowa, ale także usprawnienia ewentualnych działań w analogicznych przypadkach, które niestety coraz częściej mogą się pojawiać z powodu zmian klimatycznych. W skład omawianego zespołu rezydencjonalnego w Białaczowie (woj. łódzkie) wchodzi rozległy (ponad 22 ha) park o charakterze krajobrazowo-leśnym, kształtowany na przestrzeni wieków przez wybitnych planistów (Lindauer, Stricker, Szanior, Tański). Uznawany był on do niedawna za jedno z najcenniejszych założeń ogrodowych w Polsce, charakteryzujących się wysokimi walorami zarówno kulturowymi, jak i przyrodniczo-krajobrazowymi. Po kataklizmie skala zniszczeń była nieporównywalna do jakichkolwiek, jakie do tej pory na skutek czynników naturalnych dotknęły założenia ogrodowe na terenie Polski. Po zdarzeniu tym w zasadzie natychmiast rozpoczęto prace porządkowe, jednak poza nimi do tej pory nie udało się niczego więcej zrobić, by uchronić tę cenną historyczną kompozycję przed całkowitym zniszczeniem. Sam proces rewaloryzacji założenia, poza oczywistymi trudnościami wynikającymi z charakteru i zakresu zniszczeń, z wielu przyczyn jest niezwykle skomplikowany. Przede wszystkim niezbędne jest określenie kierunku działań konserwatorskich dotychczas nie dość precyzyjnie zaplanowanych. Powinny one zmierzać do ochrony autentyku. Park jest wielowiekowym „zapisem” przemian kompozycyjnych, od zespołu o prawdopodobnie średniowiecznej metryce, po XIX-wieczną, przekształcaną jeszcze na początku XX w. rozległą kompozycję krajobrazową. Paradoksalnie, zniszczenia drzewostanów odsłoniły wiele elementów dotychczas nieczytelnych w układzie. Wydaje się niezwykle ważne, by jak najszybciej podjąć profesjonalnie prowadzone prace polegające na ochronie wszystkich elementów i odbudowie jego układu przestrzennego w oparciu o relikty historycznej kompozycji.
The author of the paper, referring to the complex issues of protection of the historic park in Białaczów destroyed by a windwhirl in July 2011, discusses important issues connected with the protection of the original in Polish historic gardens and suggests developing conservation methods not only to rescue Białaczów but also to improve such activities in similar cases which unfortunately take place more and more often as a result of climatic changes. The residence complex in Białaczów (Łódź Voivodship) includes a huge landscape and forest park (over 22 ha) formed over the centuries by eminent designers (Lindauer, Stricker, Szanior, Tański). Until recently it was considered to be one of the most valuable historic gardens in Poland with high cultural as well as natural and landscape value. The scale of damage after the disaster was incomparable to any previous natural disasters to the historic gardens in Poland. Although the cleanup work began right after the tragic event, not much more has actually been done so far in order to save the valuable historic site from a total destruction. Apart from obvious difficulties connected with the character and scope of damage, the redevelopment process itself is highly complicated for a number of reasons. First of all it is necessary to define the objective of conservation work which so far has not been precisely planned. That objective should be to protect the original. The park is a centuries-old “account” of compositional transformations from a historic complex of maybe even medieval origin, to a huge 19th-century landscape complex that was still further developed at the beginning of the 20th century. Paradoxically, the damage to the trees revealed many elements of previously unclear layout. It seems to be extremely important to begin professionally conducted work as soon as possible in order to protect all of its elements and redevelop its space layout on the basis of the original remains of that historic site.
Zniszczone lub skradzione rośliny, zdewastowana mała architektura, graffiti na budynkach i ogrodzeniach, nielegalne wysypiska śmieci… Niestety, tego typu zachowania można zaobserwować w każdym mieście. Pytanie brzmi, jak sobie z nimi radzić?
Content available Odnowa wizerunku terenów parkingowych
Along with an intensive development of individual motorization in Poland in last twenty years, appeared the requirements of new widest ways, circular railroads and highways and accompanying them it more sizeable but through greatest car parks. Many of them was built in this period on new residential housing estates and at stations, administrative, business, sports objects or other services. Unfortunately, majority field of used surface car parks does not effect on esthetics of cultural landscape positively, but on the contrary, through lack of imagination of planner and technical bad condition, it effects on its picture negatively. Areas of car parks function as dull element of grey daily landscape in consciousness of inhabitants. They are treated as all its own necessary evil, forced by structure of object they are the back of communication for. Especially fields of oldest car parks presently spoil the landscape. Theirs picture requires indispensable correction and creative intervention of architect of landscape. Hereby article is dedicated to this question and especially to the possible and checked manners of improvement in the general picture of areas of back of vehicular traffic in existing context of cultural landscape. The existing condition, actual needs, according to obligatory capacity indicators and also chances on correcting the state of esthetics of parking objects are discussed in it. They are advisable a possibilities of harmonious composing parking surfaces to the public areas as well as analysis of methods improving the visual appearance of car parks by combination them with vegetable robe and application of ecological surfaces for example. Parking areas instead to disfigure the landscape can contribute to a positive image of it.
Systems of public transport carry out their tasks on the territory of a given town and in the suburbs performing the same functions as in towns. A distinctive feature of this type of system is performance of its task for twenty four hours, in different traffic intensity conditions over an assigned administrative area. This type of variables has a large influence on occurrence of undesirable events (failure of vehicles and their devastation, collision and accidents). In the work, an attempt of identification of undesirable events occurring in the analyzed transport system has been made. Moreover, an analysis has been made which covers one day of the week, time of the day and weather conditions in which particular events took place. Another aspect of the work was to make an analysis of the vehicle driver's age, job experience and a given hour of work on the day of the event occurrence. Obtainment of such data allowed demonstrating the structure of events according to the criterion of the event type, and costs connected with bringing the damaged transport means to the state of serviceability. The obtained results of experimental tests provide a basis for taking rational decisions by decision makers employed in a given system. These decisions are supposed to reduce the number of undesirable events occurrence and costs connected with them.
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