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w słowach kluczowych:  determination of power characteristics
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The paper presents some problems of carrying out measurements of energetic characteristics and vessel’s performance in the conditions of sea examinations. As the object of propulsion characteristic determination was selected the ship with fixed pitch propeller. In order to formulate models of power characteristics, in first, known physical aspect were taken and subsequently statistic theory was implemented. Models of propulsion performance were built basing on two theoretical methods of determination of required shaft power and torque at a hub, as the function of propeller’s revolutionary speed and sailing condition represented by dimensionless coefficients. Model number one, based on Silukov method presents function with variable power index, of shaft power in domain of revolutionary speed. The second one presents model of torque variations, based on Silovic – Fancev method. For verification of models were taken presented in available bibliography, results of researches of ship’s propulsion systems [6]. We also discuss the manner of reducing the results of measurements to the standard conditions. We present the way of preparing propulsion characteristics and the analysis of examination uncertainty for the measurement of torque. Statistical analysis of deviation of results, using three models, proposed in the paper. As a result of analysis, one point from primary data set was rejected due to its unreliability, what was resulting with higher adequacy of characteristics.
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