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W artykule dokonano identyfikacji aktualnych zagrożeń i uwarunkowań spowodowanych czynnikami społeczno-środowiskowymi, które wpływają na kształtowanie budynków wielorodzinnych, oraz próby zrewidowania dotychczasowych zasad projektowania architektonicznego budynków wielorodzinnych na podstawie sformułowanych wytycznych metodyki, której głównym założeniem jest elastyczność funkcjonalna budynków.
The article identifies the current risks and conditions caused by socio-environmental factors that affect the design of multifamily buildings, and attempts to revise the existing principles of architectural design of multifamily buildings, based on the formulated guidelines of the methodology, in which the main consideration is the functional flexibility of buildings.
Content available Model of the city
The design and development of cities is the most complicated phenomenon in the domain of shaping space. It is the result of planned human activities related to land parcellation, building infrastructure, establishing safety rules, creating a friendly scale and aesthetics of public spaces. It is also the result of spontaneous processes that take place without strict control. It is influenced by economy, demography, environmental factors, as well as wars, conflicts, and competition between entities. In architecture, it is possible to build knowledge and competences by performing tests on a 1:1 scale. Although expensive and difficult, it sometimes brings the desired results and opens the perspective to new design techniques. In urban planning, the subject of creative activities is too complex to test final solutions. The time from design to implementation is too long to use your own experience even indirectly. The only way to test urban ideas in the conceptual phase is to create models. Both geometric and social features could be represented. The most perfect contemporary models attempt to comprise many processes of city functioning, including spontaneous activities conditioned by external and internal factors.
Proces powstawania i rozwoju miast jest najbardziej skomplikowanym zjawiskiem w obszarze zagadnień przestrzennych. Jest wynikiem planowych działań człowieka dotyczących podziału gruntu na parcele, budowy infrastruktury, tworzenia zasad bezpieczeństwa, kreowania przyjaznej skali i estetyki wnętrz publicznych. Jest także rezultatem spontanicznych procesów toczących się bez ścisłej kontroli. Mają na nie wpływ ekonomia, demografia, czynniki środowiskowe, a także wojny, spory, rywalizacja podmiotów. W architekturze możliwe jest budowanie wiedzy i kompetencji poprzez wykonywanie prób w skali 1:1. Choć kosztowne i trudne, przynosi niekiedy pożądane rezultaty i otwiera drogę ku nowym technikom projektowania. W urbanistyce, przedmiot działań twórczych jest zbyt złożony, aby testować gotowe rozwiązania. Czas upływający od projektu do realizacji jest zbyt długi, aby nawet pośrednio korzystać z własnych doświadczeń przy kolejnych próbach. Jedynym sposobem testowania rozwiązań urbanistycznych w fazie koncepcyjnej jest tworzenie modeli. Reprezentowane są w nich zarówno cechy geometryczne jak i społeczne. Najdoskonalsze współczesne modele starają się uwzględniać wiele procesów funkcjonowania miast, w tym również procesy spontaniczne uwarunkowane przez czynniki zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne.
Architektura zmienia środowisko życia. Proces ten generuje trwałe, oddalone w czasie skutki i wpływa na zagrożenia rozwoju. W artykule przedstawiono analizę wpływu metodyki modelowej na zdolność przewidywania konsekwencji związanych z projektami i realizacjami architektonicznymi. Uporządkowano kategorie zagrożeń i strategie symulacji modelowych. Na tle doświadczeń historycznych zarysowano znaczenie przełomu cyfrowego w modelowaniu oraz scharakteryzowano szanse, jakie ten przełom tworzy.
Architecture changes the environment. This process generates permanent, long-term effects and limits future development. The paper presents the impact of model methodology on the ability to predict the consequences of architectural designs and realizations. The categories of threats and model simulation strategies were ordered. The significance of the digital breakthrough in modeling is outlined in historical perspective and opportunities the paradigm shift creates are characterized.
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an adequate alternative to treat wastewater generated from fruit and vegetable processing (FVWW); likewise, in recent years, artificial wetlands (AWs) have been applied as a post-treatment process for anaerobically pre-treated wastewater. The objective of this work was to design a sustainable treatment system for FVWW composed of upflow anaerobic reactors (UASB) with phase separation and an AW system that receive the anaerobically pretreated effluent. Using the design methodologies for the UASB reactors and artificial wetlands with sub-surface flow (AW-SSF), the parameters of the combined AD-AW system that treat a wastewater flow of 300 m3∙d–1 were calculated. The UASB acidogenic system was adjusted to a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10 h and organic loading rate (OLR) of 13.84 kg COD m–3∙d–1; meanwhile, the methanogenic and cascade UASB reactors with OLRs of 10.0 and 3.0 kg COD m3∙d–1, and HRTs of 11 and 10 h, respectively, achieve a high COD removal efficiency (above 94%), and an overall biogas production rate of 1.53 m3 of biogas per m3 of reactor capacity per day. According to the results obtained with the theoretical design, anaerobic-wetland combined system achieves an overall efficiency greater than 98%. The wastewater treated by the proposed system will allow the reuse of 30% of the water used in the washing of fruits and vegetables.
Architektura i budownictwo długo pozostawały poza obszarem ścisłej, naukowej analizy. Teoria dyscypliny rozwijała się przede wszystkim w obszarze historii oraz krytyki. Metodykę projektowania kształtowano na bazie praktycznych doświadczeń: obserwacji, śledzenia procesów użytkowych, sukcesów konstrukcyjnych i katastrof. Ewolucja technik architektonicznych wiąże się ściśle z rozwojem konstruowanych modeli. Dzięki nim sztuka kształtowania przestrzeni zyskała szansę prowadzenia badań empirycznych. Początkowo modele odzwierciedlały wąski wycinek rzeczywistości, głównie jej formę geometryczną. Wraz z rozwojem nauk przyrodniczych stawały się w coraz większym stopniu reprezentatywne. W artykule przedstawiono główne etapy rozwoju modeli architektoniczno-budowlanych. Na tym tle zarysowano zmiany w metodyce prowadzące ku coraz ściślejszym formom rozumowania. Dokładnie przeanalizowano znaczenie cyfryzacji warsztatu dla poprawy jakości modeli. Ten ostatni etap ewolucji zinterpretowano w świetle funkcji cyfrowego medium, nowego elastycznego nośnika informacji o budynku.
Architecture and civil engineering have long remained outside the scope of strict, scientific analysis. The theory of discipline developed primarily in the area of history and criticism. The design methodology was established on the base of practical experience: observation, tracking processes of use, construction successes and disasters. The evolution of architectural techniques is closely related to the development of constructed models. Thanks to them, the art of shaping space gained a chance to conduct empirical research. Initially, models reflected a narrow scope of reality, mainly its geometric form. With the development of natural sciences, models became increasingly representative. The paper presents the timeline of development of architectural and engineering models. On that ground, changes in methodology have been outlined, leading to strict forms of reasoning. The significance of workshop digitization for improving the quality of models was thoroughly analyzed. This last stage of evolution has been interpreted considering the function of the digital medium, a new flexible form of information about the building.
Research was undertaken in order to examine the ways colour has been coordinated in urban design in Poland and Slovakia – especially reasons and conditions under which colour planning started and thereafter operated. The methodology employed included an analysis of archival materials, interviews with designers and public officials as well as field studies. Five colour plans were analysed from the following points of view: the circumstances of their initiation, the methodology and process of their elaboration, the method and degree of implementation and their ‘life’ over the following years. The aim of this study is to compare and analyse the impact of individual colour plans in order to get an input for strengthening the professional and scientific approach to colour planning through lessons learnt from these examples.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki analizy sposobów koordynowania koloru w architekturze i urbanistyce w Polsce i na Słowacji, w tym badania powodów i warunków, w jakich podjęto się planowania koloru w architekturze w tych krajach. Metodologia badań objęła szczegółowe zapoznanie się z materiałami źródłowymi i wywiadami z projektantami i urzędnikami oraz badania terenowe. Pięć przykładów planowania koloru przeanalizowano pod kątem okoliczności ich powstania, metod projektowania, sposobu i stopnia zastosowania. Porównanie i analiza wpływu poszczególnych planów kolorystycznych pomogły wyciągnąć wnioski, które powinny przyczynić się do rozwoju planowania i koordynowania koloru w przestrzeni publicznej.
This article attempts to solve the problem of load compensation in mesh planetary gearing, with the innovative design idea, resulting from the increased plasticity of the planet wheels (satellite). The cognitive main objective of the experimental work was carried out to identify the comparative effect of the split narrow planet gears, on the load distribution on the length of the teeth of the planet gears of the central wheel of the planetary gear. Achieving this aim, in addition to in-depth analysis, requires experimental research on a specially-built test stand and simulation tests on a solid model of the transmission using the finite element method (FEA). This article presents the concept of a novel test stand, design methodology and research on the influence of the sectional satellite wheels on the load mesh of planetary gears in mining machines.
Ship designing is a complex process, as the ship itself is a complex, technical multi-level object which operates in the air/water boundary environment and is exposed to the action of many different external and internal factors resulting from the adopted technical solutions, type of operation, and environmental conditions. A traditional ship design process consists of a series of subsequent multistage iterations, which gradually increase the design identification level. The paper presents problems related to the design of a small untypical vessel with the aid of variant methodology making use of optimisation algorithms. The computer-aided design methodology has been developed which does not need permanent reference to already built real ships and empirical-statistical relations. Possibilities were indicated for integrating together early design stages, and parallel designing of hull shape and parameters.
Dynamic development in practically all fields of science and engineering has not passed over shipbuilding . In last years, engineers got to their use computer software which makes it possible to perform strength and hydrodynamic calculations as well as to visualize design projects in 3 D space [1-4]. At their disposal they have full spectrum of modern solutions associated with the use of advanced materials and technologies [5-7]. More and more attention is also paid to impact onto the natural environment [8,9]. Every new object must influence the environment as low as possible, beginning from building phase through its service life up to final utilization – such approach is called „green-shipping”. However , not only practical reasons are important . Clients , i.e. ship owners and passengers of ships paid more and more attention to image of floating units. During decision taking on that from whom a transport service has to be ordered , the most modern ships of an attractive image matching with place and time, are often taken into consideration. Such situation has become a basis for an idea of working out a concept of a new ferryboat for National Maritime Museum. As the ferry has to navigate in „the heart of the town”, then , apart from strictly marine and engineering aspects , an important factor of its designing is its expected image - a set of significant meanings and emotions written in architecture language. The new ferryboat , like its historical predecessors , will never leave urban water routes.
The paper describes a new methodology that allows to design scalable complex control and data acquisition systems taking into consideration the additional, non-functional requirements of High-Energy Physics (HEP). Electronic systems applied in HEP often operate in difficult conditions. Access to such devices is difficult or even impossible. The HEP systems require high availability, serviceability and upgradeability. The operating conditions of these systems are even more difficult than for telecommunication devices. Therefore, a different methodology should be applied than for classical telecommunication systems, when designing electronics used in high-energy physics applications. Electronic systems also need a suitable hardware platform that not only assures high availability, simplifies maintenance and servicing but also allows to use mixed analogue-digital signals. The author made an attempt to develop a new methodology suitable for designing of complex data acquisition and control systems of HEP. The Low Level RF (LLRF) system of European Free Electron Laser (EXFEL) and Image Acquisition System (IAS) prototype developed for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak are presented as examples of complex electronic systems that were designed according to the proposed methodology.
This paper presents an originally-developed system for design and optimization of AC-DC converters dedicated in particular to operation in distributed generation systems. The proposed procedure is based on a multi-objective discrete optimization and expert knowledge of electrical engineering, especially power electronics. The required accuracy of calculations is obtained by using the database with real components, while the parameters applied in calculations are based on parameters provided by the manufacturer. The paper presents the foundations and basic system properties, the design and optimization process, and selected optimization results, obtained with a fully functional prototype of the design and optimization system (DaOS).
Content available Storage water heaters design in apartment buildings
The paper is focused on the optimization and developing of design methodologies of storage water heaters for apartment buildings determined by experimental measurements in the different apartment buildings in Slovakia. The hourly maximum consumption of hot water in different apartment houses, the average hourly maximum of domestic hot water requirements determined for one person and energy balance of the domestic hot water system were found out by experimental measurements. Design methodology is composed of two steps. The first step is volume design of storage water heater and the second step is its power requirement design. This design methodology seems to be more accurate than the methodology of domestic hot water storage design in the Slovak Technical Standard currently in force. The proposed methodology better reflects the current demands of domestic hot water preparation in apartment buildings in Slovakia.
Przedstawiono optymalizację i rozwój metodologii projektowania pojemnościowych podgrzewaczy wody dla budynków mieszkalnych na podstawie pomiarów przeprowadzonych w różnych budynkach mieszkalnych na Słowacji. Na podstawie pomiarów określono godzinowy maksymalny pobór ciepłej wody w różnych budynkach, średnie maksymalne godzinowe zapotrzebowanie na ciepłą wodę dla jednej osoby i bilans energetyczny dla systemu ciepłej wody użytkowej. Metodologia składa się z dwóch etapów. Pierwszy obejmuje projekt, a drugi obliczenie zapotrzebowania na moc cieplną. Proponowana metoda lepiej odzwierciedla aktualne wymagania związane z przygotowaniem ciepłej wody użytkowej w budynkach mieszkalnych na Słowacji.
The subject consists of two parts. The first one discusses the theoretical basis and methodology of using qualitative research in programming and design. The second part presents some examples of buildings’ assessment, with an indication of the methods and techniques of research, and discusses the main results. Theoretical grounds are based on literature studies and evaluations of dozens of objects with different functions conducted by the authors. Presented research was carried out: qualitative (in terms of technical quality, functional, organizational, behavioral, economic), observations, surveys, interviews (with users, managers, experts, investors), way-finding and participatory. Own design experiences were also used, including pre-designing study of objects with similar functions, as well as the conclusions of the assessment of designed objects. Experience gained during classes with students of architecture in the subject of qualitative research was also crucial. Authors’ views in the field of architectural design and teaching students of architecture were also presented.
Temat ujęto w dwóch częściach. Część pierwsza omawia podstawy teoretyczne oraz metodologię w zakresie badań jakościowych z zastosowaniem w programowaniu i projektowaniu. Natomiast część druga prezentuje wybrane przykłady wykonanych ocen budynków ze wskazaniem zastosowanych metod i technik badawczych oraz omówieniem najważniejszych wyników. Podstawy teoretyczne oparto na badaniach literaturowych oraz przeprowadzonych przez autorów ocenach jakościowych kilkudziesięciu obiektów o różnych funkcjach. Wykonano badania: jakościowe (w zakresie jakości technicznej, funkcjonalnej, organizacyjnej, behawioralnej, ekonomicznej), obserwacyjne, ankietowe, wywiady (z użytkownikami, zarządcami, ekspertami, inwestorami), way-finding, partycypacyjne. Wykorzystano także własne doświadczenia projektowe, w tym wykonane badania przedprojektowe obiektów o podobnych funkcjach, a także wnioski z ocen zaprojektowanych obiektów. Istotne są również doświadczenia uzyskane podczas zajęć ze studentami architektury w zakresie badań obiektów. Zaprezentowano osobiste poglądy autorów w zakresie projektowania architektonicznego i nauczania studentów architektury.
The subject consist of two parts. The first one discusses the theoretical basis and methodology of using qualitative research in programming and design. This second part presents some examples of buildings’ assessment, with an indication of the methods and techniques of research, and discusses the main results. The approach to design using research fits into the current trend associated with quality assessment in architecture known as research by design and design by research. Theoretical grounds are based on literature studies and evaluations of dozens of objects with different functions conducted by the authors. Presented research was carried out: qualitative (in terms of technical, functional, organizational, behavioral and economic quality), observations, surveys, interviews (with users, managers, experts, investors), way-finding and participatory. Based on the simplified POE method and personal experiences own methods of objects’ evaluation adapted to Polish conditions were developed. Author K. Fross mapped out a simple, quick and effective ways of pre-designing research (in 8 steps) and for building in use (in 7 Steps) for verification of design decisions. The effectiveness of the methods was examined on many examples of evaluated objects. Selected examples of research carried out on facilities with claim of applied methods and techniques were presented and the main results of the evaluations were described. Research examples were chosen to show the versatility and effectiveness of assessments for a variety of functions.
Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Część pierwsza omawia podstawy teoretyczne i metodologię w zakresie badań jakościowych z zastosowaniem w programowaniu i projektowaniu. Natomiast niniejsza część druga prezentuje wybrane przykłady wykonanych ocen budynków ze wskazaniemzastosowanychmetod i technik badawczych oraz omówieniemnajważniejszych wyników. Podejście do projektowania z wykorzystaniem badań wpisuje się w aktualny nurt tematyczny związany z ocenami jakości w architekturze zwany jako research by design oraz design by research. Podstawy teoretyczne oparto na badaniach literaturowych oraz przeprowadzonych przez autorów ocenach jakościowych kilkudziesięciu obiektów o różnych funkcjach. Wykonano badania: jakościowe (w zakresie jakości technicznej, funkcjonalnej, organizacyjnej, behawioralnej, ekonomicznej), obserwacyjne, ankietowe, wywiady (z użytkownikami, zarządcami, ekspertami, inwestorami), way-finding, partycypacyjne. Bazując na uproszczonejmetodzie POE oraz własnych doświadczeniach stworzono własnemetody oceny obiektów dopasowane do polskich warunków. Autor K. Fross opracował łatwe, szybkie i skuteczne metody badań przedprojektowych (w 8 krokach) oraz w trakcie użytkowania (w 7 krokach) dla weryfikacji podjętych decyzji projektowych. Skuteczność metod sprawdzono na wielu przykładach ocenianych obiektów. Zaprezentowano wybrane przykłady badań wykonanych na obiektach z podaniem zastosowanych metod i technik badawczych oraz opisano najważniejsze wyniki ocen. Przykłady badawcze dobrano tak aby pokazać uniwersalność i skuteczność ocen dla różnorodnych funkcji.
Podstawą optymalizacji jest układ kryteriów. W publikacji podejmuję się próbę określenia źródła kryteriów w metodologii projektowania i konstruowania maszyn. Określa się wpływ kryteriów na dwa podstawowe utwory działań inżynierskich: system i konstrukcję. System określa sposób działania, natomiast konstrukcja opisuje struktury zewnętrzne, wewnętrzne i stany przyszłego środka technicznego. Jako projektanci i konstruktorzy nowych środków technicznych jesteśmy tyle warci, ile warte są nasze kryteria.
The basis of the optimization are the criteria. The paper presents an attempt to identify the source of the criteria in the methodology design and construction. Determines the impact of the criteria on two basic pieces of engineering activities: system and construction. The system determines the method of operation, constructions describes the external structure and internal states of future technical means. As designers and constructors of new technical measures we are worth as much as worth are our criteria.
Content available The act of design : beyond the digital?
The aim of this paper is to discuss a very initial stage of architectural design. To achieve that, the way architects work at the early phase of design task is taken into consideration. For the purpose of analysing the process, two groups of designers are distinguished, viz.: novice and familiar with digital media. A few experiments are described in order to reveal a process of creative thinking and, what is more, to point out a hybrid analogue-digital environment as a preferred setting to study and deal with a design problem. However, it is difficult to assign the act of creation itself to certain rules and methodologies since it seems to exist somewhere beyond – elusive and unpredictable.
Content available remote Metodyczne przesłanki doskonalenia procesów projektowych w architekturze
Celem pracy jest określenie metodycznych przesłanek określających możliwości wykorzystania istniejącej współcześnie wiedzy z zakresu metodologii projektowania do opisu zobiektywizowanego elementów procesu projektowania architektonicznego. Problem ten podjęto na przykładach słynnych dzieł architektury współczesnej: Le Corbusiera, L. Wrighta, J. Utzona oraz S. Calatravy.
In this work defined methodical premise improved processes of design in architecture. This problem presentimented on examples moderne and present-day architecture: Le Corbusier, L. Wright, J. Utzon, S. Calatrava.
The design of Software Defined Radio (SDR) equipments (terminals, base stations, etc.) is still very challenging. We propose here a design methodology for ultra-fast prototyping on heterogeneous platforms made of GPPs (General Purpose Processors), DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) and FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Array). Lying on a component-based approach, the methodology mainly aims at automating as much as possible the design from an algorithmic validation to a multi-processing heterogeneous implementation. The proposed methodology is based on the SynDEx CAD design approach, which was originally dedicated to multi-GPPs networks. We show how this was changed so that it is made appropriate with an embedded context of DSP. The implication of FPGAs is then addressed and integrated in the design approach with very little restrictions. Apart from a manual HW/SW partitioning, all other operations may be kept automatic in a heterogeneous processing context. The targeted granularity of the components, which are to be assembled in the design flow, is roughly the same size asthat of a FFT, a filter or a Viterbi decoder for instance. The reuse of third party or predeveloped IPs is a basis for this design approach. Thanks to the proposed design methodology it is possible to port “ultra” fast a radio application over several platforms. In addition, the proposed design methodology is not restricted to SDR equipment design, and can be useful for any real-time embedded heterogeneous design in a prototyping context.
In the contribution, new ways of facilitating architectural design and enlarging its creative and technical possibilities are discussed, with applying elements of the existing knowledge of design methodology and systems knowledge. A description of selected methodological design operations in architectural design is presented, as well as of the architectural process from the point of view of design methodology. System criteria are introduced and the spatial solution (with taking into consideration variants, corrections, feedback, iterations, final choice) is discussed.
On the basis of drawings left by Le Corbusier, concerning his architectural process of designing the Carpenter Center, a methodological and systems-oriented interpretation was performed of elements of the creative process. The being analyzed elements of the preliminary (preparatory) phase of the architectural designing process of the object of the Carpenter Center of Le Corbusier constitute, indeed, elements with methodical significance. These elements concern methodical modifications of the designed spatial (cubic) form, these modifications being recorded by Le Corbusier on his drawings; they concern successive iterations of design operations as well. In the presented example of the process of designing the architecture of the building of the Carpenter Center the a priori idea appears as the first synthesized handling of earlier analyzed detailed architectural problems. This idea has been presented in his freehand sketch of the idea of the architectural spatial solution and in the spatial (cubic) solid form of the being realized Center. The a priori solution with regard to designing in architecture can be generally understood as an a priori solution, i.e. as a beforehand accepted (assumed) solution in the preliminary (preparatory) phase of the design process. The aim of the undertaken methodological interpretation of this phase of the architectural process of Le Corbusier is to improve architectural design processes, ad as a result, to improve the being realized architecture.
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