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w słowach kluczowych:  depositional system
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This study reports on a new set of sedimentological data and related interpretations of the Santonian–Campanian siliciclastic deposits in the Western Flysch Carpathians based on natural outcrops in the uppermost Godula Formation and lowermost Istebna Formation. The rationale was to confront the characteristics of this flysch succession with current controversies and state of knowledge on deep-water clastic sedimentation. The sedimentological analysis of the field data allowed for multi-scale synthetic classifications of the depositional components in the investigated flysch. The hierarchical and practical nature of the suggested classification schemes allows for their application to similar deposits in other regions. The siliciclastic deposits are products of gravity-driven terrigenous sediment redeposition via submarine slumps, debris flows, and turbidity currents. Sediment reworking by tractional bottom currents is considered as an accompanying factor. Point-sourced turbiditic fan lobe fringes from the submarine piedmont ramp and linearly supplied debritic covers along the slope apron are proposed as dominant. The innovative linking between the textural-structural descriptive features of the deposits and the critical determinants of specific sediment gravity-flow processes and architectural elements of the deepwater clastic depositional systems is a significant contribution to this research field.
The study focuses on Upper Cretaceous - Palaeocene deposits from the Beskid Śląski mountain range in southern Poland constituting the Istebna Beds. The Istebna Beds, also referred to as the Istebna Formation, are part of the Silesian tectonic unit, which forms the Outer Carpathian fold-and-thrust belt (part of the Alpine-Carpathian system). The results of qualitative and quantitative lithological-sedimentological studies were the basis for the interpretation of lithofacies types, sedimentary processes and palaeoenvironment as well as for the reconstruction of the architecture of the depositional system. The analysis conducted on the basis of field description of the deposits shows the prevalence (nearly 70%) of siliciclastic strata representing a sandstone-conglomerate association (S-C), which is the main subject of this work. The S-C lithofacies: sandstones, gravelly sandstones, sandy conglomerates and conglomerates constitute the deposits formed mostly by mass gravity-flows such as sandy-to-gravelly debris flows. The distribution of the coarse-clastic material indicates a sediment supply from southerly directions and implies the presence of an active source area in the rear part of the Silesian Basin. A succession of the sandstone-to-conglomerate deposits with the secondary participation of other lithofacies, with a thickness of approximately two thousand metres, indicates temporary increased diastrophic activity in the Silesian Ridge (source area) and the intense denudation of this area. The uplift of the alimentation area and its destruction coinciding with enforced relative regression and the uncovering of the proximal depositional zone of the basin led to resedimentation of the older intrabasinal material and repeated mass deposition together with delivery of extraclasts of pre-existing rocks and minerals. The lithofacies development of the sandstone-to-conglomerate debrites and the related sedimentary palaeotransport directions suggest an accumulation domain in the form of a linear apron depositional system developed in a deep-water setting. Experimental modelling of subaqueous sandy flows has contributed to a better understanding of the complex genesis of deep-water sediment gravity flows developing in depositional systems rich in sand material.
Analiza profili otworów Ostałów 1, Szwejki IG 3, Lisów 1, Bąkowa IG 1 i Niesiołowice IG 1 pozwoliła na opracowanie szkieletu litostratygraficznego górnej części sukcesji dewońskiej na obszarze radomskim basenu łysogórsko-radomskiego, obejmującej górny ems do najniższego franu. Analiza sedymentologiczna profili dała podstawę do wyróżnienia zdarzeń i systemów depozycyjnych zdominowanych przez węglanowo-terygeniczne facje otwartego zbiornika. Rozwój sedymentacji został zrekonstruowany na podstawie korelacji lito- i biostratygraficznej oraz zdarzeniowej. Maksymalną miąższość około 1500 m badane osady osiągają w rejonie Ostałowa i Bąkowej. Szybka akumulacja osadów, częściowo nieregularne następstwo zdarzeń i szczegóły architektury depozycyjnej przemawiają za znaczną rolą synsedymentacyjnych ruchów blokowych podłoża. Ich znaczenie zmalało u schyłku żywetu i we wczesnym franie, kiedy przewagę w basenie uzyskał system platformy węglanowej. Porównanie badanych osadów obszaru radomskiego z równowiekową sukcesją regionu łysogórskiego ujawnia szereg analogii w rozwoju subsydencji i sedymentacji, które uzasadniają łączenie obu obszarów w jeden basen łysogórsko-radomski. Północna, radomska strefa basenu, sąsiadująca od SW z basenem lubelskim, charakteryzuje się w porównaniu z regionem łysogórskim silniejszym dopływem osadów klastycznych, a także okresowym rozwojem platform węglanowych i węglanowo-terygenicznych. Wynika to z bardziej proksymalnego usytuowania względem obszarów lądowych na wschodzie i północy.
Present study is focused on thick Devonian successions in the Ostałów 1, Szwejki IG 3, Lisów 1, Bąkowa IG 1 and Niesiołowice IG 1 boreholes. It allowed to establish lithostratigraphic framework of the upper Emsian to lowermost Frasnian of the NE part of the Łysogóry-Radom Basin. Based on sedimentological analysis of the sections it was possible to define depositional events and systems, the latter dominated by carbonate-terrigeneous sediments of an open-marine shelf. Depositional development was reconstructed basing on a litho-, bio- and event correlation. The Middle Devonian sediments attain maximum thickness of ca. 1500 meters in the area of Ostałów and Bąkowa. Rapid sediment accumulation, partly irregular pattern of depositional events and certain details of the basinal architecture confirm a considerable influence of synsedimentary basement-block movements. Their significance decreased by the end of the Givetian and in the early Frasnian, when carbonate plat-form system prevailed in the basin. Comparison of the investigated sediments with the coeval deposits from the Łysogóry Region(northern Holy Cross Mts.) reveals number of analogies in subsidence and depositional development. These similarities support in-clusion of both the areas into a single Łysogóry-Radom Basin. Thenorthern, Radom part is neighboured from NE by the Lublin Basin. Itis characterised, unlike the Łysogóry part, by a stronger terrigeneous input as well as temporary development of carbonate and carbonate-terrigeneous platforms. This is due to more proximal position relative to a continental area in the east and north.
Detailedanalysis of lithofacies and their distribution in the Magura Beds in 11 transects in the eastern part of the Siary zone, revealed 16 facies and 6 associations of genetically and spatially related facies. The facies spectrum evidences deposition from a variety of mass gravity processes and subordinately by hemipelagic rain. The facies associations reveal depositional patterns of submarine fans and include: channels, channel-levees, channel-lobe transitions, depositional lobes and slump bodies. Correlation results (9 sections) and facies distribution together with paleocurrent directions suggest that the deposition of this part of Magura Beds took place in a submarine ramp/apron hybrid setting fed from a multipoint source. The depositional pattern of the Magura Beds in the study area records a two-stage development, which began with the emplacement of a sand/mud-rich type system and was followed by a mud-dominated system.
The studied section of the upper Narew river is an example of an anastomosing system. It consists of a network of interconnected channels and interchannel areas covered with peat-forming rush and reed vegetation. The channels have low longitudinal gradient, are laterally stable, relatively deep, they have sandy bed and strongly overgrown banks. There are no natural levees built of clastic sediment. Straight-type channels dominate in the channel system. Meandering reaches lack discernible point bar topography. Vegetation plays an important role in the evolution of the anastomosing system of the Narew.
Badany odcinek Narwi jest przykładem systemu rzeki anastomozującej. Składa się on z sieci rozdzielających się i ponownie łączących się koryt oraz z obszarów pozakorytowych, porośniętych roślinnością torfotwórczą. Koryta mają mały spadek, są stosunkowo głębokie i lateralnie stabilne, a ich brzegi są silnie zarośnięte. Większość koryt ma stosunkowo niewielką krętość, ale podrzędnie występują także odcinki kręte, typu meandrującego, pozbawione jednak dostrzegalnych łuków przyrostowych, charakterystycznych dla topografii odsypów meandrowych. Brak jest wyraźnie rozwiniętych wałów przykorytowych zbudowanych z materiału klastycznego. Roślinność odgrywa znaczącą rolę w rozwoju omawianego systemu.
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