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Content available Recykling chemiczny tworzyw sztucznych
Plastics are currently used in almost every branch of industry. Their popularity is due to excellent mechanical properties, durability combined with low weight. Global production of plastics in 2020 reached 387 million tons and a great amount of waste from plastics is generated as they are usually non-biodegradable and often are used only once before disposal. Since the 1970s, the problem of plastics pollution started to be noticed, and then the first regulations on their production, limiting and management options were introduced. There are several methods preventing the plastics waste going to landfill. Among the plastics management methods are mechanical recycling, solvent based purification, chemical recycling, energy recovery and biodegradation (Figure 1). Mechanical recycling is the reprocessing of the plastic waste to its original form (polymer) using simple physical operations like grinding, separating, extruding. This option is the most popular for thermoplastics as they are easily reprocessed and the cost operations are low. During solvent based purification the plastics products are purified from different additional compounds like colorants, antioxidants, fillers to obtain original polymer. Biodegradation is available only for some polymers. Energy recovery process releases the energy contained within plastics through combustion and is suitable only for materials which are difficult to recycle. Nowadays chemical recycling of plastic waste is the most noteworthy polymers recovery technique as it is complementary to mechanical recycling. Chemical recycling can be divided into two main processes: chemical and thermal depolymerization (Figure 2). Thermal depolymerization processes are conducted using heat and in the absence of oxygen, or with limited access to oxygen or other compounds (H2, CO2). It converts plastics into monomers or basic chemical (hydrocarbons, oil, H2O) and is typically used for polyolefins, PMMA, PS. During chemical depolymerization plastics are broken down into oligomers or monomers as a result of a chemical reaction with a low molecular weight agent (H2O, alcohols, amines, glycols, acids) and usually refers to condensation and addition polymers (PET, PC, PA, PU). Chemical recycling enables for multiple recycling of plastics to its monomers, which can be polymerized to produce the original polymer. The manuscript presents a literature review on chemical recycling of commonly used plastics such as vinyl polymers, polycondensation polymers, thermosets and polymer blends.
Purpose: This paper aims to prepare depolymerized polyethylene terephthalate (DPET) powder from recycled plastic water bottles. Adding this DPET powder to the cement mortar was also studied. Design/methodology/approach: The adopted PET depolymerization process includes the usage of both ethylene glycol (EG) as solvent and nano-MgO as a catalyst. A bubble column reactor was designed for this process. Five different mortar groups were made; each has different DPET content of 0%, 1%, 3%, 6% and 9% as a sand replacement. The flexural strength testand the water absorption measurement are done after two curing periods: 7 and 28 days. Findings: The research finding demonstrated that the flexural strength of mortar was reduced by increasing the DPET powder percentage and the maximum dropping was 15% when 9% of DPET was added. The ability of the mortar to absorb the water was reduced by 14.5% when DPET powder was 9%. The mortar microstructure is featured with fewer cavities and porosity. Research limitations/implications: This work’s employed bubble column technique is limited only to the laboratory environment and needs to be scaled up within industrial mass production. For future research, it is suggested to decrease depolymerization time by using smaller pieces of plastic water bottle waste and trying other types of nanocatalyst. Practical implications: The modified mortar can be utilized in areas where moisture, rainfalls, and sanitation systems exist. Originality/value: The article claims that depolymerized waste PET improves chemical process efficiency by lowering reaction time and improving mass and heat transfer rates. Besides, this approach saves money. It is found out that the depolymerized plastic waste is much more functional due to its high cohesion capability than being used as small PET pieces.
Naukowcy odkryli enzym, który w 10 godzin przetwarza plastik. Według badania, rozwój nowego enzymu może utorować drogę do prawdziwego przejścia na gospodarkę o obiegu zamkniętym. W badaniach naukowych wykorzystano zoptymalizowany enzym do rozbicia tony zużytych plastikowych butelek i w ciągu 10 godzin osiągnięto minimum 90% depolimeryzacji. Następnie naukowcy wykorzystali ten materiał do stworzenia nowych plastikowych butelek.
Dokonano krytycznej analizy strategii zapobiegania powstawaniu odpadów tworzyw polimerowych i ich zagospodarowania zgodnie z Pakietem Gospodarki o Obiegu Zamkniętym (GOZ). Wskazano na słabe punkty tej strategii, wynikające ze sprzeczności założeń z kryteriami ekonomicznymi, termodynamiką, rzeczywistymi celami ochrony środowiska i oczekiwaniami społecznymi, a także z niezależności struktury dominujących na rynku europejskim artykułów codziennego użytku oraz o zastosowaniach przemysłowych. Przeprowadzono ocenę rzeczywistych możliwości realizacji recyklingu odpadów tworzyw polimerowych, zgodnie z nadrzędnym celem GOZ, jakim jest powrót do strumieni surowcowych, pozwalający na ograniczenie zużycia surowców mineralnych. Wykazano, że najbardziej realistycznym rozwiązaniem jest powrót do monomerów na drodze zgazowania (ko-zgazowania) odpadów „plastików” (poliolefiny) i przerobu metanolu zsyntetyzowanego z jego produktów lub na drodze depolimeryzacji chemicznej i termicznej (w wypadku polimerów podatnych na te procesy, np. PET, PUR).
The critical analysis of the strategies of the prevention of the rise and accumulation of polymeric wastes was performed and the proposals for their processing according to the Packet for the Circular Economy have been presented. The weak points of these strategies resulting from contradictions with economic criteria, thermodynamics rules, real aims of the environment protection and the community expectations, finally also from the knitted influence of the EU administration onto structure of household and industrial articles dominating on the European market were demonstrated. The estimation of the real chances of the polymeric wastes recycling according to the principal goal of the CE, which is the come-back to the row material streams allowing the reduction of the crude oil and other mineral sources consumption have been also carried out. It was shown that the most realistic resolutions of the problem are: the return to the monomers on the way of gasification (or co-gasification) of plastic wastes (polyolefins) and processing of methanol synthesized from syngas by MTO or MTP methods and by the thermal or chemical depolymerization carried out in the case of susceptible to these processes (e.g. PET or PUR).
Zbadano przebieg depolimeryzacji modelowych pektyn cytrusowo-jabłkowych przebiegającej w warunkach hydrotermalnych i ustalono wpływ podstawowych parametrów reakcji (temperatura i czas trwania) na skład ciekłej frakcji produktów. Określono także wpływ produktów hydrolizy pektyn modelowych zawartych w uzyskanej frakcji ciekłej na wzrost bakterii kwasu mlekowego Lactobacillus plantarum MILab393, wykorzystując metodę pomiaru zmian impedancji elektrycznej.
Model citrus-apple pectins were depolymerized under hydrothermal conditions to study the influence of basic reaction parameters (temp., hydrolysis time) on the compn. of the liq. fraction. Effect of liq. fraction-contained hydrolysis products on the growth of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum MILab393 was also studied by measuring the changes of elec. impedance.
W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono akty prawne z zakresu gospodarki odpadami. Dokumenty te obligują do redukcji ilości składowania odpadów, poprzez ich przetwarzanie na cele energetyczne. Opisano proces katalitycznej niskociśnieniowej depolimeryzacji, który umożliwia przetwarzanie odpadów komunalnych, w tym także odpadów pochodzenia biologicznego, na olej napędowy. Na podstawie dostępnych danych technologicznych procesu KDV przedstawiono wytyczne do obliczenia poziomu emisji GHG.
In the article the legal acts in the field of waste management have been presented. These documents require, to reduce the amount of landfill wastes, by among other things, through processing them for energy purposes. The KDV process for producing gas oil from municipal and biological wastes have been described. Based on the available KDV technological data, guidelines for calculation of the GHG emission factor were presented.
Content available remote Glycolysis of polycarbonate wastes with microwave irradiation
Polycarbonate contained in waste compact discs have been glycolized with ethylene glycol using microwave irradiation in the presence of sodium hydroxide as catalyst in order to obtain bisphenol A (BPA) as the sole product. The influence of various parameters such as the concentration of the alkali metal catalyst and microwave irradiation power on product yield was studied in detail. The recovered BPA was analyzed with spectroscopic methods (1H NMR, 13C NMR, FT-IR) and the obtained results compared with standards.
Poliwęglanowe (PC) odpady, pochodzące z płyt kompaktowych, poddawano glikolizie przy użyciu wodorotlenku sodu jako katalizatora oraz glikolu etylenowego (EG) w charakterze czynnika glikolizującego, pod wpływem działania promieniowania mikrofalowego (MW). Głównym produktem prowadzonego procesu był bisfenol A (BPA). Oceniano zależność wydajności reakcji glikolizy od zastosowanych, zmiennych warunków: zawartości katalizatora w układzie, czasu reakcji oraz mocy promieniowania (tabele 1-3). Otrzymany bisfenol A badano metodami spektroskopowymi (1H NMR, 13C NMR, FT-IR, rys. 1-3).
Microwave assisted ester bond breaking of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) to terephthalic acid (TPA) was performed by using glycerin, diethylene glycol (DEG) or monoethanolamine (MEA) as transesterification reagents and KOH or NaOH as the catalysts and results were compared with PET degradation by conventional heating method. Comparisons of reaction times showed significant enhancement of reaction rates in the microwave assisted experiments in comparison with the process going with use of conventional heating. In addition, collected data cleared the intense dependence of the recycled TPA recovery on the catalyst concentration and the minimum time observed for 1.3 mol L-1 of KOH and 1.9 mol L-1 of NaOH, respectively.
Przedmiotem badań była degradacja poli(tereftalanu etylenu) (PET) do kwasu tereftalowego (TPA) prowadzona pod wpływem mikrofal (MW). Jako czynniki solwolizujące stosowano glicerynę, glikol dietylenowy (DEG) lub monoetanoloaminę (MEA), a katalizatorem był wodorotlenek sodu bądź potasu. Przebieg takiego procesu porównano z przebiegiem rozpadu PET w warunkach ogrzewania konwencjonalnego (tabele 1-3). Wykazano, że czas potrzebny do całkowitej degradacji polimeru z wykorzystaniem MW jest wielokrotnie krótszy. Zbadano również wpływ mocy promieniowania MW oraz stężenia katalizatorów na szybkość przebiegu omawianego procesu (rys. 1-5). Skuteczniejszym katalizatorem okazał się wodorotlenek potasu: minimalny czas niezbędny do całkowitego odzyskania TPA z PET odpowiada stężeniu KOH wynoszącemu 1,3-1,5 mol/l a NaOH - 1,9 mol/l.
Aqueous suspensions of normal corn, waxy corn and potato starches were illuminated for 5-50 h with linearly polarized light (LPL) of 480-560nm (green) and 600-680nm (red). Similarly as with white LPL, depolymerization followed by repolymerization of starch polysaccharides, that is amylose and amylopectin, resulted from such illumination. Quantitative effects caused by illumination with the green and red LPL depended on the botanical origin of starch but qualitative effects were similar to those observed on illumination of those starches with white LPL.
Wodne zawiesiny skrobi kukurydzianej, kukurydzianej woskowej i ziemniaczanej naświetlano w ciągu 5-50h liniowo spolaryzowanym światłem (LPL) długości 480-560nm (zielonym) i 600-680 nm (czerwonym). Na podstawie wyników oceny produktów metodami DSC (kinetyka żelowania), spektrofotometrycznie oznaczanego zabarwienia w reakcji z jodem (BV), granicznej liczby lepkościowej ([?]), dyfraktometrii rentgenowskiej oraz badania kinetyki ?-amylolizy (tabele 1 i 2, rys. 1 i 2) ustalono, że podobnie jak zastosowane we wcześniejszych pracach białe LPL - barwne LPL powodowało depolimeryzację, a następnie repolimeryzację polisacharydów, tj. amylozy i amylopektyny. Ilościowe efekty naświetlania zielonym i czerwonym LPL są na ogół niezbyt wielkie i zależą od botanicznego pochodzenia skrobi, natomiast jakościowy charakter zmian pod wpływem kolorowego LPL jest taki sam jak w przypadku białego LPL.
Content available remote Modelowanie reakcji enzymatycznej depolimeryzacji metodą Monte Carlo
Enzymatic processes of polymer decomposition can be very accurately modelled using both stochastic methods and deterministic methods. The main aim of this paper is to analyse various aspects of the use of both methods. The problem of expressing the concentration of each set of substrates and products as an explicit function of time, in the case of the multisubstrate system, is considered through an example of amylolytic starch hydrolysis. The second part of this paper presents the basic concept and outline of the Monte Carlo method adopted to describe processes of enzymatic polymer degradation has been shown. The presented iteration model is probably the simplest algorithm which allows to describe both multienzymatic and multisubstate reactions giving concentration evolution of all participants in the investigated system. Action of various kinds of inhibition, enzyme inactivation, reverse reaction, single and multiple chain reactions can be accurately simulated. This method can be applied to obtain a product with desired properties. In addition, the model can be used to predict hydrolysis patterns of starch by different amylases, too. To check the validity of the model against the experimental data the process of starch hydrolysis by mixture of three amylolytic enzymes has been simulated and the results presented. Agreement between simulated and experimental data through the course of the reaction was excellent in all the reaction stages.
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