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Long-duration human space missions require intelligent regenerative life support systems that can recycle resources and automatically manage failures. This paper explores using Petri nets to model the reliability and complex interactions of such closed-loop systems. An architecture consisting of primary systems, backups, and consumable reserves is outlined. The automation system that controls everything is described. Petri nets can capture concurrency, failure modes, redundancy, and dynamic behavior. A modular modeling methodology is presented to develop hierarchical Petri net models that scale in fidelity. Elementary fragments represent failures and redundancy. Subsystem modules can be substituted for more detailed models. Analysis and simulation assess system reliability and failure response. This supports designing ultra-reliable systems to safely sustain human life in space.
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane z dorobku naukowego Instytutu Technicznego Wojsk Lotniczych metody oceny niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa techniki lotniczej. Badanie niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa zostało poprzedzone wdrożeniem własnego systemu informatycznego do wspomagania procesu eksploatacji, zawierającego moduły: ewidencji, banku danych i przetwarzania informacji eksploatacyjnych. System przetwarzania był wzbogacany opracowanymi modelami oraz algorytmami oceny. Ocena niezawodności i bezpieczeństwa wojskowych statków powietrznych odbywa się poprzez ewidencję uszkodzeń odpowiednio poklasyfikowanych ze względu na przyczyny i skutki, które umożliwiają wyznaczanie pewnych wskaźników i ich korelacje z incydentami oraz wypadkami lotniczymi. Istotnymi wskaźnikami oceny są parametr strumienia uszkodzeń, uszkadzalność, prawdopodobieństwo poprawnego wykonania operacji lotniczej z uszkodzeniem i bez uszkodzenia statku powietrznego. Uwzględnia się sprzyjające warunki lotu i występujące zakłócenia. Ocena korelacji między częstością uszkodzeń a prawdopodobieństwem pomyślnej operacji lotniczej pozwala ocenić związki między uszkadzalnością i bezpieczeństwem lotów.
This paper presents methods of dependability assessment and safety of aeronautical engineering selected from scientific achievements of the Air Force Institute of Technology. Studying dependability and safety was preceded by the implementation of the computer system used for the support of the operational process and consisting of the following modules: recording, database and module for processing of operational information. The processing system was provided with the developed models and assessment algorithms. The dependability and safety of military aircraft are assessed by registering defects appropriately classified into causes and effects that determine certain factors and their correlation with aircraft incidents and accidents. A significant assessment factor is a failure flux parameter, damageability, and probability of performing an aircraft operation with or without failure to the aircraft. Favourable flight conditions and the occurring disruptions are taken into consideration. Correlation assessment between failure frequency and the probability of favourable operations enables us to evaluate the relationship between dependability and flight safety.
The method of the stochastic Markov process used for the analysis of operation of a training aircraft - Diamond DA 20-C has been presented in the article. This was performed by analysing the transitional processes of the exploitation process and determining the probability of technical objects staying in particular exploitation states. Markov stochastic processes have been used as a model to determine the readiness of aircraft - Diamond DA 20-C for specific tasks. In order to find out the readiness of the explored aircraft, the probability of being in one of the investigated states has been determined. The analysed states included: standby, pre-flight service, flight, interstate service, after-flight service and hangar service. Selected and described methods, tools and methodologies as well as their application are the basic set of knowledge for the analysis and assessment of the safety condition of training aircraft.
Content available remote An integrated checklist for architecture design of critical software systems
With the advancement of digitalization, critical information infrastructures, such as intelligent energy distribution, transportation, or healthcare, have opened themselves towards intelligent technological opportunities, including automation of previously manual decision making. As a side effect, the digitalization of these infrastructures gives rise to new challenges, especially linked to the complexity of architecture design of these infrastructures, to later support necessary software quality and safeguard the systems against attacks and other harm. To support software architects in the design of these critical software systems, well structure architectural knowledge would be of great help to prevent the architects from missing some of the crucial concerns that need to be reflected with built-in architectural mechanisms, early during architecture design.Given the narrow scope of existing guidelines, with the need of browsing and combining multiple sources, this paper proposes an integrated checklist to cover the breath of architectural concerns for the design of critical software systems, covering the need for built-in mechanisms to prevent, detect, stop, recover from and analyse intentional as well as unintentional threats to system dependability. Contrary to existing guidelines that typically focus on runtime incident handling, our checklist is to be used during architecture design to ensure that the system has built-in mechanisms to either handle the incidents automatically or include the right mechanisms to support the runtime incident handling.
This chapter addresses a business continuity management (BCM) framework for the Industry 4.0 companies including the organizational and technical solutions, regarding the dependability and security of the information and telecommunication technology (ICT), and the industrial control system (ICS)/supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. These technologies and systems play nowadays important roles in modern advanced manufacturing systems and process plants due to their openness to external systems and networks using various communication channels. It gives on the one hand, some advantages in effective realization of technological and business processes, logistics and distribution of goods, but, on the other hand, makes the company assets and resources potentially vulnerable to some threats with relevant risks. The chapter outlines some ideas related to designing a business continuity management system (BCMS) based on defined processes and procedures. Such system includes planning of changes in organization/industrial company, nonconformity issues, and planning corrective actions. In a final part of this chapter the leadership importance, and staff awareness and responsibility are emphasized to create a robust and healthy corporate culture based on accepted values, properly spread among the employees. It is beneficial for shaping good organizational culture, and then safety and security culture. The BCM approach outlined in this chapter distinguishes both preventive and recovery activities regarding suggestions in selected international standards and domain publications.
W artykule opisano zadania i tryby pracy podsystemu monitorowania procesu strzelań z przeciwlotniczych zestawów rakietowych. Zaprezentowano struktury niezawodnościowe podsystemu. Scharakteryzowano wybrane zagadnienia nieuszkadzalności i obsługiwalności podsystemu monitorowania.
The article discusses the tasks and modes of operation the launching process monitoring subsystem for surface-to-air missile systems. The dependability structures of monitoring subsystem are presented. Selected issues of monitoring subsystem reliability and maintainability are characterized.
Merge sort algorithm is widely used in databases to organize and search for information. In the work the author describes some newly proposed not recursive version of the merge sort algorithm for large data sets. Tests of the algorithm confirm the effectiveness of the method and the stability of the proposed version.
One of key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies influencing the reliability, and types of redundancies related to ship power and propulsion systems are presented.
In order to ensure better availability of water resource to different users, we undertook a dependability study of system for drinking water supply. A real case study was done on the water supply network in the city of El Hadjarin Algeria. We started from the site modelling, which provided a calculation of a Hydraulic Criticality Index (HCI) in order to prioritize the importance of pipes in the network. Once the indices were calculated, a modelling procedure of reliability block diagram was applied. The objective was to study and analyse the existing network to measure the water availability problems and try to provide viable solutions. An action on the structural aspect and hardware may be required in order to ensure better availability of water and make the system more reliable. Spatial modelling is also proposed to be able to monitor different parts of the network where problems may occur.
Celem zapewnienia lepszej dostępności różnym użytkownikom do zasobów wody podjęto badania nad niezawodnością systemu doprowadzania wody pitnej. Przykładem była sieć wodociągowa w mieście El Hadjarin w Algierii. Prace rozpoczęto od modelowania, co umożliwiło obliczenie krytycznego wskaźnika hydraulicznego (ang. hydraulic criticality index – HCI) w celu ustalenia priorytetu funkcji rurociągów w sieci. Po obliczeniu wskaźników zastosowano procedurę modelowania blokowego diagramu niezawodności. Celem badań było przeanalizowanie stanu istniejącej sieci, określenie problemów z dostępnością wody i zapewnienie rozwiązań możliwych do realizacji. Działania o charakterze organizacyjnym oraz inwestycyjnym mogą być niezbędne, aby zapewnić lepszą dostępność wody i uczynić system bardziej niezawodnym. Proponuje się także wykonanie modelu przestrzennego sieci, aby umożliwić monitorowanie różnych części sieci systemu.
The paper presents dependability analysis of CLARIN-PL Centre of Language Technology (CLT). It describes infrastructure, high availability aspects and micro-service architecture used in CLARIN-PL applications. Microservices architecture improves dependability in respect to availability and reliability and to some extent safety. It is comprised of the mechanisms of reliable communication of applications, replication, recovery, and transaction processing. CLT has also a set of components for failure detection, monitoring and autonomic management, and distributed security policy enforcement.
This paper presents the main definitions relating to dependability. Basic definitions including reliability, security, maintainability, etc. are described first. They are then supplemented by additional definitions, which address to the threats of dependability (faults, errors, failures). Overlapping dependability standards, renumbering and integration can cause uncertainty when using of a certain definition. For this purpose, authors present complemented fault taxonomy for fault-tolerant real-time systems to eliminate inconsistencies and to unify existing fault taxonomies.
W artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze definicje dotyczące słowności. Podstawowe definicje w tym niezawodność, bezpieczeństwo, obsługiwalność, itp. opisane są w pierwszej kolejności. Następnie są one uzupełniane dodatkowymi definicjami, które odnoszą się do zagrożeń słowności (usterki, błędy, awarie). Nakładające się standardy słowności, renumeracja i integracja mogą spowodować niepewność przy korzystaniu z pewnych definicji. W tym celu autorzy przedstawiają uzupełnioną taksonomię usterek w tolerujących błędy systemach czasu rzeczywistego. Celem jest wyeliminowanie niespójności oraz unifikacji istniejących taksonomii usterek.
Jednym z istotnych sposobów zapewnienia wysokiego poziomu niezawodności siłowni okrętowych jest zaprojektowanie redundancji jego elementów strukturalnych, np.: nadmiarowości strukturalnej systemów generowania energii, układów napędowych itp. W niniejszym artykule omówiono zagadnienia związane z nadmiarem, jako sposobem zwiększenia niezawodności systemów generowania energii i napędu statku. W szczególności zaś zostały zaprezentowane podstawowe cechy niezawodności, główne strategie oddziaływania na niezawodność oraz rodzaje nadmiarowości w odniesieniu do systemów generowania energii i napędu statku.
One of the key ways of assuring a high level of reliability of a ship power plant is to design redundancy of its structural elements, for example redundancy of prime drivers, drivelines etc. This paper deals with issues related to the redundancy as a way increasing dependability of the ship power and propulsion systems. Especially, fundamental characteristics of dependability, major design strategies which influence reliability, and types of redundancies related to ship power and propulsion systems are presented.
W artykule opisano system monitorowania strzelań z przeciwlotniczych zestawów rakietowych. Scharakteryzowano zasady jego eksploatacji. Zaprezentowano wybrane problemy eksploatacyjne.
The paper discusses the monitoring a launching process for surface-to-air missile systems. Operation rules of the monitoring system are characterized. The examples of operation problems are presented.
Content available remote Dependability of the information flow process at an intermodal transhipment point
A container terminal is an inherent part of intermodal transport. Dependable operation of the system on an inland terminal affects the transport of integrated units in intermodal transport. Each logistics system is a distinguished parallel flow of cargo and information. Both of these flows are dependent on each other and have an impact on the correctness of performing tasks.
Terminal kontenerowy jest nieodłącznym elementem transportu intermodalnego. Niezawodne działanie systemu na terminalu lądowym, wpływa na transport jednostek w transporcie intermodalnym. W każdym systemie logistycznym wyróżniany jest równoległy przepływ ładunku i informacji. Oba te przepływy są zależne od siebie i mają wpływ na poprawność wykonywania zadań.
The publication describes an example of the energy model of change in the technical condition of aircraft power plants and space propulsion systems, which enables to shape their dependability by simultaneously ensuring the safety of flight operations and more economical operation. The approach presented in this publication has a significant research value as regards widening knowledge on shaping dependability of power plants. Further research on developing the diagnostic energy model of aircraft power plants and space propulsion systems should involve implementing in their complex structural systems the elements of artificial intelligence based on expert systems or artificial neural networks.
W publikacji przedstawiono przykładowy energetyczny model zmiany stanu technicznego lotniczych zespołów napędowych oraz napędów kosmicznych, który pozwala na kształtowanie ich niezawodności, przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa wykonywania lotów oraz bardziej ekonomicznej eksploatacji. Przedstawione w publikacji podejście posiada walor poznawczy dotyczący rozszerzenia wiedzy na temat kształtowania niezawodności zespołów napędowych. Dalsze badania nad doskonaleniem energetycznego modelu diagnostycznego silników lotniczych i napędów kosmicznych powinny wiązać się z aplikowaniem w ich złożone konstrukcyjnie systemy elementów sztucznej inteligencji opartych na systemach ekspertowych, czy też sztucznych sieciach neuronowych.
Znaczenie tematyki niezawodności systemów logistycznych oraz ich odporności na czynniki zakłócające jest niebagatelne dla działalności podmiotów gospodarczych. Wysoce niezawodne oraz odporne systemy charakteryzują się większymi zdolnościami do prowadzenia działalności z zachowaniem ciągłości realizowania procesów, niż systemy charakteryzujące się niższym poziomem niezawodności i odporności. Zrozumienie konotacji pomiędzy terminologią z zakresu odporności i niezawodności łańcuchów dostaw oraz synchronizacji procesów logistycznych może prowadzić do wzrostu skuteczności podmiotów na rynku. W artykule przeanalizowano podejścia do wyżej wymienionych pojęć oraz zaprezentowano praktyczny przykład analizy niezawodności i odporności systemu i odniesiono go do problematyki synchronizacji procesów logistycznych w przedsiębiorstwie.
Dependability and resilience of logistic systems is of fundamental importance for business entities. Highly dependable and resilient systems usually give significant advantage in business running over systems with lower level of these factors. Acknowledgment of connotation between terminology in the field of dependability, resilience and synchronization of logistics processes enables companies to grow their performance effectiveness. This article provides analysis of previously mentioned terms as well as case study of measuring system’s dependability and resilience with reference to synchronization of logistics processes in a company.
The analysis of structural dependability of technical system, especially determining the change in dependability over time, requires knowledge on density function or the understanding of cumulative distribution function of components belonging to the structure. Based on previously registered data concerning component defect, it is relatively easy to establish the average uptime of component as well as the standard deviation for this time. However, defining distribution shape gives rise to some difficulties. Usually, we do not have the sufficient number of data at our disposal to verify the hypothesis regarding the distribution shape. Due to this fact, it is a common practice, depending on the case under consideration, to apply the function of defect density. However, the question arises: Does the incorrect determination of types of distributions of components leads to the big error of estimation results of dependability and system durability? This article will not respond to this question in whole, but one will conduct a comparison of calculation results for a few cases. The calculations were conducted for the exemplary technical system.
Content available remote Dependability issues in designing warehouse facilities and their functional areas
The dependability of warehouse facility results from dependability and reliability of its functional areas and effects on the reliability of entire supply chain. The elements of dependability of warehouse facilities should be taken into account at the design stage, but this is difficult because of the complexity of these systems and the variability of qualitative and quantitative structure of material flows at the inputs and outputs. Currently used procedures in warehouse designing include the dependability as criteria to assess the solutions in simplistic terms. The paper presents attempts to systematize basic research issues related to the dependability of warehouses as elements of supply chains on one hand, and technical systems on the other. This will allow specifying reliability measures possible to determine in relation to typical parameters of warehouse facility. This will lead to generalization of the model assessing the reliability of the warehousing processes.
Niezawodność obiektu magazynowego wynika z niezawodności jego obszarów funkcjonalnych i wpływa na niezawodność całego łańcucha dostaw. Aspekty niezawodnościowe pracy magazynu powinny być uwzględniane na etapie projektu, jednakże jest to trudne ze względu na złożoność tych systemów oraz zmienność struktury jakościowej i ilościowej strumieni materiałów na wejściach. Aktualnie stosowane procedury projektowania obiektów magazynowych uwzględniają klasyczne miary niezawodności jako kryterium oceny rozwiązania jedynie w dużym uproszczeniu. W artykule podjęto próbę usystematyzowania podstawowych zagadnień badawczych związanych z niezawodnością magazynów będących elementami łańcuchów dostaw, a jednocześnie obiektami technicznymi. Na tej podstawie możliwe będzie wyspecyfikowanie miar niezawodności możliwych do określenia w oparciu o typowe parametry obiektu magazynowego. Pozwoli to na uogólnienie modelu do oceny niezawodności procesu magazynowego.
Content available Extending icinga monitoring capabilities
Nagios and Icinga are very popular IT infrastructure monitoring systems. Several commercial systems are also based on or evaluated from them. The paper presents the experiences with Icinga in the Institute of Computer Science WUT. Practical usage revealed some system shortages related to many worthless plugins, configuration problems and the Icinga modules itself. They are addressed in this paper by some extensions developed towards deeper diagnostic analysis of the monitored systems and mobile and Internet of Things systems monitoring support.
Quantification of operational availability at any moment, of cars utilized in action operations is the result of the processed information from the monitoring of use and maintenance processes. The collection of information on the monitoring processes and its structure are secondary to the applied preparedness and reliability indicators. This study, based on data from the literature and normative acts, contains the characteristics of the preparedness models used in the military transportation system and the indicators used for controlling its exploitation. The specific issue in this approach is an attempt to indicate how to assess the impact of the vehicle wear on their preparedness, reliability and availability. Not only the need, but also the possibility to account for this impact, was justified by empirical characterization of damageability of the vehicles operated with varying intensity of use. Varying intensity of use of vehicles suitable for a variety of cargo shipments, is a characteristic phenome-non in the system with action specificity like the military transportation system in the status of waiting for the full functioning. The study also attempted to utilize index, defined in the defence standards, for quantification of operational availability of vehicles utilized in the system with action characteristics, and also an attempt to identify their reliability and availability.
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