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In this paper, a fragile ecological area in the Western Tianshan National Nature Reserve of China was selected as the research region, and Picea schrenkiana, which is sensitive to climate change, was selected as the research object. The mean minimum temperature in the growing season of the previous year (May to September) was the main limiting factor for tree radial growth based on an analysis of the relationship between chronological series and climatic factors during 1959–2012 (r = –0.792, p < 0.05). Moreover, the relationship was stable, which showed that tree rings can be used as alternative materials for climate reconstruction. Therefore, the mean minimum temperature of the previous year in 1680–2012 was reconstructed, and the explained variance of the reconstruction equation was 62.7% (R2adj = 62.0%, F = 85.8). The 31 dramatically altered years were found via characteristic year analyses, and extreme changes occurred most often under relatively warm conditions. The mean minimum temperature in the reconstruction shows a clear warming trend by the 11-year moving average of the reconstructive series since the 1950s (the temperature increase: 0.341°C/decade). The driving factors of the mean minimum temperature were influenced mainly by the interaction of solar activity and large-scale atmospheric–oceanic variability, especially the westerly circulations.
Climate-growth relationships in Quercus robur chronologies for vessel lumen area (VLA) from two oak stands (QURO-1 and QURO-2) showed a consistent temperature signal: VLA is highly correlated with mean April temperature and the temperature at the end of the previous growing season. QURO-1 showed significant negative correlations with winter sums of precipitation. Selected climate variables were used as predictors of VLA in a comparison of various linear and nonlinear machine learning methods: Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Model Trees (MT), Bagging of Model Trees (BMT) and Random Forests of Regression Trees (RF). ANN outperformed all the other regression algorithms at both sites. Good performance also characterised RF and BMT, while MLR, and especially MT, displayed weaker performance. Based on our results, advanced machine learning algorithms should be seriously considered in future climate reconstructions.
Metasequoia glyptostroboides is considered to be a species highly resistant to harmful environmental factors. For this reason it has been introduced to the cities. The climate of Krakow differs from that in its natural range in China. The research was focused on 40-year-old trees, planted in Kraków on fertile alluvial soils with a low level of ground water, in the vicinity of the steelworks. During the period of the highest level of air pollution in the 1970s and 1980s, the radial increment of investigated trees showed an increasing trend. At the end of the 1980s, when the emissions were reduced, a decreasing trend in radial growth was recorded. Throughout the entire period of their life the investigated trees have shown high homogeneity of short-term growth reactions. The sensitivity chronology of the trees was characterized by a high representativeness and a strong high-frequency signal. This may indicate that the investigated trees have shown a large sensitivity to climatic factors.The positive effect on the radial growth of Metasequoia had a cold September in the previous year, and also a cold January, April and May in the year of ring formation. Positive impact on the growth of trees had also the high precipitation occurring in April and August, as well as high air humidity in the spring of the year of ring formation. In the period 1974–2011 fifteen signature years were found. The analysis of the climatic conditions in these years confirms the results of the statistical analyses.
Content available remote Oak decline in a southern Finnish forest as affected by a drought sequence
We investigated the decline of a pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) forest growing on shallow soil at the northern distributional limit of the species in southern Finland, using the dendro-climatic approach. About 200-year-old trees in three vigour classes – healthy, declining and dead – were sampled in 2008. Annual tree-ring, earlywood and latewood widths were measured and chro-nologies were established. The tree-ring data were correlated with monthly and seasonal climate data. Radial increment of oaks was positively related to the June and July precipitations. This was ex-pressed especially in total ring width and latewood width, whereas the earlywood was more influ-enced by the warmer winter and spring. Furthermore, the correlation between the current year ear-lywood width and the preceding year latewood width was higher than between the earlywood and latewood of the same year. The analyses showed that the dead oaks and part of the declining oaks had ceased growing during 2005-2007 after a decade-long summer drought series. This indicates a time lag in the oak dieback. The radial growth of the declining and the dead oaks had dropped already since the 1990s, while the healthy oaks had better long-term growth and higher adaptive capacity to climate variation.
Extracting cores from a tree using an increment borer has been standard practice in dendrochronological studies for a long time. Although empirical rules exist regarding how many samples to take and which methodology to apply, comparatively few studies provide quantification of the similarity of relative tree-ring-widths (TRW) around the stem circumference. The aim of this study was therefore to precisely measure the similarity of standardised TRWs around the stem circumference and to provide objective suggestions for optimal core sampling of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst. [L.]) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) growing in Central European temperate forests. A large sample of crosssectional discs was used from Norway spruce and European beech trees growing on various slopes, at different altitudes and biogeographic regions across the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The similarity of TRWs measured in different coring directions was analysed by testing the relativized TRW around the trunk (rTRW). Comparison of rTRWs revealed no significant differences between coring directions, indicating that the relative increment was the same around the radius. The results also showed the high similarity between the rTRWs to be independent of both slope inclination and altitude. Moreover, the reconstruction of proportional tree diameters and basal areas backward in time from one core sample and one measurement of tree diameter (basal area) at the time of sample extraction is possible with reasonable precision.
X-ray based tree-ring data of maximum latewood densities (MXD) was combined for south-eastern Finland. This data originated from subfossil and modern pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) materials comprising a continuous dendroclimatic record over the past millennium. Calibrating and verifying the MXD chronologies against the instrumental temperature data showed a promising opportunity to reconstruct warm-season (May through September) temperature variability. A new palaeotemperature record correlated statistically significantly with the long instrumental temperature records in the region and adjacent areas since the 1740s. Comparisons with tree-ring based (MXD and tree-ring width) reconstructions from northern Fennoscandia and northern Finland exhibited consistent summer temperature variations through the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age, and the 20th century warmth. A culmination of the LIA cooling during the early 18th century appeared consistently with the Maunder Minimum, when the solar activity was drastically reduced. A number of coolest reconstructed events between AD 1407 and 1902 were coeval to years of crop failure and famine as documented in the agro-historical chronicles. Results indicate an encouraging possibility of warm-season temperature reconstructions using middle/south boreal tree-ring archives to detail and enhance the understanding of past interactions between humans, ecosystems and the earth.
In order to assess the response of the radial growth of Pinus pinea L. to climatic variability in Central Italy, dendrochronological and dendroclimatological analyses were carried out on five different populations scattered along the Tyrrhenian coasts of the peninsula. The aim of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the ecological demands of this species, particularly in the study area. For each site total ring, early-, and late-wood width chronologies were developed. Multidimensional analyses were performed for the three tree-ring datasets in order to analyze the rela-tions between sites chronologies. Both Principal Component Analyses and hierarchical classifications highlighted an important difference of one site in respect to the other, probably due to site characteris-tics. Correlation functions were performed to infer the main climatic factors controlling the radial growth of the species. For a comparative study, we limited our attention to the common interval 1926-2003 (78 years) in which the response of the tree-ring chronologies to climate at both local and regional scale was investigated. Positive moisture balance in the late spring-summer period of the year of growth is the climatic driver of P. pinea radial growth in the study area. Moreover, this study shows how low summer tempera-tures strongly favor the radial growth of the species.
The current paper presents investigation of the response of silver firs growing near Kartuzy in the Kaszubskie Lakeland (northern Poland) to climate conditions. Tree-ring width series covering the period of 1914-2006 were built and correlated with mean monthly temperature and precipitation. Dependence of the growth of analysed firs on winter, early spring and summer temperature was observed. Significant relation to moisture availability was detected only for January. Analysis of pointer years revealed similar driving forces that were obtained by correlation and response function investigation. Reaction of firs from the Kaszubskie Lakeland to the extreme climate conditions is analogous to the exhibited at other sites of this species localised outside distribution range. Investigated silver firs seem to have found favourable growth conditions in the studied area and further cultivation of that species in northern Poland may turn to be successful.
Seven different tree-ring parameters (total tree-ring width, earlywood width, latewood width, maximum latewood density, minimum earlywood density, average earlywood density, and average latewood density) were obtained from Schrenk spruce in the Urumqi River Basin, China. The chronologies were analyzed individually and then compared with each other. The relationships between the different tree-ring parameters and climate data (Daxigou) are also presented. Earlywoodrelated parameters (earlywood width, minimum density, and earlywood density) were more sensitive to climate than those of latewood. Temperature (July) was found to be the most strongly related to the earlywood density. Based on the results of climate response analysis, the potential of tree-ring chronologies from this species to provide climate reconstructions in the Urumqi River Basin has been established. This study demonstrates that the use of tree-ring density data can increase the climate information obtained from tree-ring and should lead to improved paleoclimate reconstructions in Central Asian.
The studies aiming at construction of long incremental patterns for two coniferous tree species, Pinus sylvestris and Abies alba, from the Małopolska region were initiated at the Dendrochronological Laboratory of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków in the mid-1990s. These studies, successfully finished, resulted in two regional chronologies: 916-year pattern for the pine (1091-2006 AD), and 896-year fir chronology, covering the period 1109-2004 AD. Both these chronologies, exhibiting high similarity to the regional chronologies from the adjacent areas, are being used for dating wood from archaeological sites, architectural objects or mining excavations. Except for the primary goal, i.e. absolute dating of wood samples, they were also used as the proxy data in the prediction of the temperatures December-March (fir) and February—March (pine) for the last 900 years. In this way, the distinguished periods of cooling and warming fit in the general pattern of the long-term climate changes: the Mediaeval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age, and the Recent Global Warming. Some of the cool phases are convergent with the Wolf, Sporer, and Maunder Minima of the solar activity (sunspot populations). Short-term, but drastic changes of the climatic factors are marked in the chronologies newly constructed as the positive or negative signature years. The response function analysis demonstrated the positive dependence of the annual increments of the pine on the temperatures of two winter months (February—March) and the fir on the temperatures of the entire winter peńod, from December till March.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących dendrochronologii i denroklimatologii sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) i jodły pospolitej (Abies alba Mill.) z obszaru Małopolski. Wynikiem tych badań było zestawienie dwóch 900-letnich regionalnych standardów obejmujących następujące okresy czasu: 1109-2004 AD dla jodły i 1091-2006 AD dla sosny. Analizą objęto około 3000 prób drewna, które pochodziło z wykopalisk archeologicznych, obiektów architektonicznych, wyrobisk górniczych kopalni soli w Wieliczce i Bochni, a także z drzew rosnących. W trakcie prac nad konstrukcją standardów uzyskano datowania bezwzględne licznych obiektów. Datowania te wskazywały lub potwierdzały czas ich budowy, przebudowy czy napraw. Wśród tych obiektów były liczne zabytkowe kościoły z województwa małopolskiego i świętokrzyskiego. Dzięki przeprowadzonym badaniom uzyskano daty wznoszenia konstrukcji dachowych kościołów w Czerwonym Chotlu (1449 AD), Zborówku (1458 AD), Chrobrzu (1547 AD), Krzcięcicach (1538 AD), Strzelcach Wielkich (1784 AD), Grabiach (1736 AD), czy kościele kolegiackim w Wiślicy (1355 AD). Datowania dendrochronologiczne pozwoliły też określić daty przeprowadzania remontów konstrukcji dachowych w kościołach w Szańcu (1657 AD), Kossowie (1776 AD), Małogoszczy (1658 AD), Dobrowodzie (1762 AD), Nowym Korczynie (1776 AD), Jędrzejowie (1827 AD), Górce Kościelnickiej (1689 AD) i Wiślicy (1443 AD). Poza datowaniami obiektów architektonicznych zestawione standardy umożliwiły datowanie bezwzględne artefaktów pochodzących z wykopalisk archeologicznych, np. zabudowań drewnianych na Rynku w Krakowie, po zachodniej stronie Sukiennic. Pozostałości podwalin dawnych budynków o konstrukcjach szkieletowych czy fragmenty ruchomych stoisk, straganów, elementy studni i rur wodociągowych pochodzą z końca XIII i połowy XIV w. Jednymi z najstarszych badanych elementów drewnianych pochodzących z wykopalisk archeologicznych okazała się studnia zlokalizowana niedaleko Krakowa w Zakrzowcu, która została wykonana w latach 30-40. XIII w. Inne obiekty drewniane wydatowane dendrochronologicznie, a pochodzące z wykopalisk archeologicznych prowadzonych na Rynku w Bytomiu, Starym Mieście w Rybniku, czy na Starym Mieście w Wodzisławiu Śląskim są młodsze. Dzięki przeprowadzonym badaniom określono czas ich wznoszenia, przebudowy, a także rozbudowy. Stare kramy na Rynku w Bytomiu, a także nawierzchnia Rynku zostały wybudowane w końcu XIII w. Młodsze są konstrukcje budynków mieszkalnych na Rynku w Rybniku pochodzące z połowy XVI w. (1555 AD). W Wodzisławiu Śląskim zabudowa Starego Miasta i fragmenty drogi reprezentują szeroki przedział czasu: od 1658 r. aż do początków XIX w. (1816 AD). Wiele datowań dendrochronologicznych uzyskano dla drewna występującego w kopalniach soli w Bochni i Wieliczce. Te zabytkowe kopalnie powstałe w XIII w. na starych poziomach eksploatowanych w średniowieczu zawierają drewno z tamtych czasów, które zachowane jest w wyrobiskach górniczych jako elementy obudowy, bądź jako urządzenia i sprzęt górniczy. Przeprowadzone analizy dendrochronologiczne drewna z obu kopalń pozwalają nie tylko określić czas ścinania drzew, których drewno użyto do budowy obudów czy urządzeń, ale także określić czas ich przebudów czy napraw. Najstarsze drewno w obudowach górniczych stwierdzono w komorze Dusząca (1387, 1390, 1405, 1422 AD) i szybie Goryszowski (1485— 1495 AD) w kopalni soli w Wieliczce. Komora Dusząca jest przykładem wyrobiska, gdzie mamy drewno pochodzące z różnego czasu, świadczące o naprawach obudowy około 1422 roku, 1480, 1630, 1692, 1817 i 1905 r. W wielu przypadkach datowanie dendrochronologiczne drewna występującego w wyrobiskach jest zgodne z czasem ich powstawania, jak na przykład komory Stanetti w kopalni soli w Bochni (1824-1858 AD) czy podsadzka w koszu Rabsztyn (1721, 1728, 1738 i 1740 AD). Datowanie dendrochronologiczne uzyskały również zabytkowe narzędzia i urządzenia górnicze, np. kierat Ważyński w kopalni w Bochni (1673, 1702 AD). Przedstawione przykłady datowania materiału badawczego różnego pochodzenia świadczą o szerokich możliwościach zastosowania nowo utworzonych standardów w datowaniach różnych obiektów: począwszy od obiektów architektonicznych, poprzez wyrobiska górnicze, aż po artefakty występujące w wykopaliskach archeologicznych. Utworzone chronologie regionalne dla Małopolski wykazują wysoką zbieżność z chronologiami regionalnymi z obszarów sąsiednich. Małopolski standard jodłowy najwyższe podobieństwo wykazał z chronologią austriacką (t = 20.079) i niemiecką zestawioną dla Saksonii i Turyngii (t = 19.928), nieco niższe natomiast ze wzorcem przyrostowym z południa Niemiec (t = 18.568) i Czech (t = 17.348). Niższe wartości podobieństwa uzyskała Małopolska chronologia sosnowa, t około 12, ze standardem kujawsko-pomorskim i środkowoniemieckim, t= 10.789. Z pozostałymi porównywanymi standardami chronologia małopolska uzyskała niższe wartości t w granicach 6: standardy północnopolski, warmińsko-mazurski, suwalski, gotlandzki. Chronologie małopolskie są nie tylko precyzyjnym narzędziem datującym, ale także naturalnym archiwum klimatycznym mającym zastosowanie w rekonstrukcji klimatu w przeszłości. Ekstremalne zdarzenia pogodowe, takie jak: mroźne, długotrwałe zimy, gorące i suche lata, późne przymrozki czy powodzie identyfikowane są jako lata wskaźnikowe. W czasie ostatnich 900 lat w chronologii jodłowej wyróżniono 120 lat wskaźnikowych pozytywnych i negatywnych, z przewagą lat negatywnych. Najwięcej lat wskaźnikowych wystąpiło w XIII w. (21). Znacznie mniej zidentyfikowano lat wskaźnikowych w chronologii sosnowej, tylko 57; aż 12 z nich wystąpiło w XVI w. W relacjach przyrost roczny — klimat funkcja odpowiedzi wykazała zdecydowany wpływ temperatury miesięcy zimowych, w przypadku jodły całego okresu zimowego: od grudnia do marca, natomiast u sosny najważniejszą rolę odgrywa koniec okresu zimy (luty, marzec). Opady u obu gatunków miały mniejsze znaczenie W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach w przyrostach rocznych jodeł i sosen obserwuje się redukcje szerokości ich przyrostów. Są one wywołane w głównej mierze wpływami zanieczyszczeń przemysłowych powietrza. Zanieczyszczenia te powodują zmiany w zależnościach przyrost roczny — klimat. U sosny wpływ na szerokość słojów obok temperatury lutego i marca ma również temperatura grudnia. Natomiast u jodły obok temperatur miesięcy zimowych (XII—III) dodatkowo pojawia się wpływ temperatury lipca i sierpnia. W przypadku opadów w okresie wzmożonego oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń przemysłowych nie obserwuje się ich znaczącego wpływu i nie odgrywają one większej roli. Zależność przyrostu rocznego od średnich miesięcznych temperatur 4 miesięcy zimowych (XII, I, II, III) u jodły i dwóch (II, III) u sosny została wykorzystana do rekonstrukcji tych temperatur w ostatnich 9001atach w Małopolsce. Obie nowo zestawione chronologie małopolskie zostały wykorzystane jako predyktor. Na ich podstawie wyznaczono okresy występowania niskich temperatur w całym okresie zimy (chronologia jodłowa) i pod koniec okresu zimowego (chronologia sosnowa). Niskie temperatury w całym okresie zimowym wystąpiły w latach: 1200-1320, 1350-1450, 1490-1530, 1560-1595, 1630-1780, 1820-1920, natomiast chłodne okresy końca zim (II—III) zidentyfikowano w latach: 1140-1190, 1220-1320, 1365-1405, 1570-1780, 1830-1920 i 1959-1990. Niektóre z wymienionych okresów chłodnych korelują się z okresami mniejszej aktywności Słońca. Minimum Wolfa zaznaczające się na przełomie XIII i XIV w. (1280-1350) powiązać można z zaznaczającym się epizodem chłodnych miesięcy zimowych XII—III u jodły i II—III u sosny w 1280-1320 w długotrwałym, ponad stuletnim okresie ochłodzenia 1200-1320. Chłodny okres zaznaczający się na przełomie XV i XVI w. (1490-1530) skorelować można z minimum Sporera (1460-1550), a 150-letni okres chłodnych zim w XVII i XVIII w. (1630-1780) z minimum Maundera (1645-1715). Przeprowadzone rekonstrukcje temperatur zimowych w Małopolsce i wyznaczone na ich podstawie fazy cieplejszych i chłodniejszych zim znajdują odzwierciedlenie w schemacie długookresowych zmian klimatycznych: Średniowiecznym Okresie Ciepła, Małej Epoce Lodowej i Współczesnym Okresie Ocieplenia. Okresy występowania wyższych temperatur (XII- III) w 1130-1200 w przypadku jodły i (II—III) w 1100-1140 w przypadku sosny można powiązać z końcową fazą Średniowiecznego Okresu Ciepła. Natomiast długotrwały okres występowania niekorzystnych temperatur zim rozpoczynający się około 1560/1570 r. interpretować można jako początek Małej Epoki Lodowej, której zakończenie na obszarze Małopolski przypada na lata 20. XX w. Ostatni z wyróżnionych długookresowych zmian klimatu, Współczesny Okres Ocieplenia; zaznacza się w przeprowadzonych rekonstrukcjach w trzeciej dekadzie ubiegłego wieku. Wyniki analiz dendrochronologicznych drewna sosnowego i jodłowego z Małopolski i opracowanie 900-letnich standardów regionalnych w znaczący sposób uzupełnia zestaw polskich standardów dendrochronologicznych. Zestawione chronologie dla Małopolski są drugimi w Polsce, tak długimi wzorcami przyrostowymi dla drewna tych gatunków (po chronologii północnopolskiej dla sosny autorstwa A. Zielskiego i południowopolskiej chronologii jodłowej opracowanej przez autorkę).
Dendroclimatic studies were carried out in the experimental stands composed of many tree species situated in the Polish part of the Baltic sea-coast. Increment cores were taken from a 100- years old trees of 2 native species: Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and 3 nonnative species: Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) and Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.). Thirty trees of each species were cored. The relationships between the diameter increment and the thermal and pluvial conditions during the period from 1925 to 2005 were analyzed on the basis of standardized tree-ring chronologies and climatic data. It was found that precipitation and temperature of the growing season and months preceding that season affected the annual diameter increment of all investigated tree species. The current year winter and early spring temperatures as well as February and August precipitation had a similar effect on the variation of diameter increment of trees. On the other hand thermal and pluvial conditions of the current year June differentiated the increment rhythm of individual species. A very strong negative effect on diameter growth of trees was observed in the case of winter and early spring frosts. Norway spruce turned out to be a species most resistant to low temperatures. The investigated tree species, especially Norway spruce, was susceptible to water deficiency in the soil during spring and summer. In the case of Scots pine a high precipitation in June stimulated its growth. The diameter increments of Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, Scots pine, and Silver fir were more strongly connected with air temperature than with precipitation. So called all-species chronology of tree-ring width, constructed during this study, permitted to verify the factors having a similar effect on growth response of the investigated tree species. It reflected the mutual characteristics of diameter increments of trees of various species.
A total of 47 trunk sections from Holm Oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota Desf) trees growing at two different sites at the Extremadura region (SW Spain) were considered in the computation of a regional tree-ring chronology useful to interpret the tree-ring/Mediterranean climate relationships. This is the first dendroclimatological research of Holm Oaks conducted to reveal its potential use as a climatic proxy. The obtained tree-ring chronologies were compared with climatic parameters based on monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall, and monthly maximum, minimum and average temperature. The best correlations were obtained with maximum temperatures during the period between previous winter and early spring. Influence of rainfall was less relevant. Growth of this species indicates a typical bimodal (spring and autumn) strategy that avoids low winter temperatures and summer drought. Despite some technical difficulties recognizing tree rings in Holm Oaks, its good sensitivity to climate variability and its wide distribution and longevity (∼ 800 years), allow us to consider this species as a good candidate for temperature reconstructions in the Mediterranean Basin.
This paper presents results concerning climatic conditions affecting diameter growth of Sitka spruce introduced to Baltic Pomerania (Sławno Forest District). A relatively high homogeneity of tree-ring series permitted to construct on their basis the tree-ring chronology of Sitka spruce. A significant positive correlation was found between radial increments of Sitka spruce and air temperatures of winter and spring months (January-April) and a negative relationship between radial increments and temperature of May. This study also showed a distinctly positive correlation between diameter growth and precipitation in July and November of the previous year, and precipitation in February and in summer season (June-August) of the current year. During years with low precipitation in summer or low temperatures in winter and spring all trees produced narrow tree-rings. The proportion of air temperature and precipitation in variation of radial increment of Sitka spruce, expressed by the coefficient of multiple determination, was 52%.
In 2004-2006, 50 trees of downy oak (Quercus pubescens), pedunculate oak (Q. robur) and sessile oak (Q. petraea) were sampled in the Bielinek Nature Reserve. The following chronologies were established from their tree-ring series: OMS of 212 years (1793-2004) for downy oaks well as D10 of 183 years (1817-1999) and D13 of 211 years (1789-1999) for the two indigenous oak species pedunculate and sessile oak, respectively. These chronologies were used for signature years and response function analyses. All three chronologies were highly similar, which points to identical responses to the ambient meteorological conditions. The radial increment of downy oak depends primarily on the amount of precipitation. A high annual sum of precipitation, copious rain in springsummer in particular, results in wide tree rings. Precipitation in form of rain and snow in winter, too, enhance tree growth by raising the groundwater level and improving the water supply in the habitat during the subsequent spring. Droughts in spring and summer, coupled with high air temperature, result in narrow rings. The tree-ring width/climate relationships at the two indigenous oak species are very similar to those of downy oak. Responses are, however, more distinct and with a higher statistical significance.
In Poland, 50 sites of Douglas fir were selected for which tree-ring chronologies were computed. Douglas fir in different parts of Poland has a specific increment rhythm, on the basis of which the four homogeneous dendrochronological zones were distinguished. The first zone (I) comprises Pomerania, Baltic coast, Warmia, and Mazuria (lowlands of northern Poland), the second zone (II) - Great Poland, Lower Silesia (lowlands of central Poland), the third zone (III) - the Sudetes and the Carpathian mountains, and the fourth zone (IV) - foothills of the Carpathians Mts., Roztocze, and the Świętokrzyskie Mts. (uplands of southern Poland). These areas are called the dendroclimatic zones because different thermo-pluvial conditions of the summer season were a cause of diversification of the Douglas fir increment rhythm, and in consequence of its chronology. A high similarity of site chronologies of a given region permitted to construct regional tree-ring chronologies for respective zones. Thermal conditions of the winter season (February - March) were the factor most strongly and similarly affecting radial increment of Douglas fir populations in the entire territory of Poland. This factor caused that all chronologies showed many similar traits in their progress. This fact permitted to construct the supra-regional (all-Polish) tree-ring chronology for this tree species. It comprises the period from 1900 to 2000, and it is a good standard for dating Douglas fir wood samples originating from the area of Poland.
The paper deals with the influence of varying climatic conditions on radial growth of Scots Pine in the area of Western Pomerania. The research was aimed to evaluate the influence of air temperature and precipitation on dimensions of radial growth of the analysed tree species. The investigations demonstrated high dependence of the annual growth width upon temperature in winter and the beginning of spring. Precipitation influenced the annual growth in summer months, particularly in June and July. In the site with high level of ground water (very humid forest habitat) the rainfall had a negative effect on the annual growth width - contrary to the other analysed sites.
Analiza dendroklimatyczna, przeprowadzona na podstawie sekwencji przyrostów dębów z Małopolski (1590-1997 AD) i zarejestrowanych w Krakowie w ostatnim stuleciu danych klimatycznych wykazała, że na szerokość przyrostów rocznych dębów wpływa przede wszystkim wielkość opadów na przełomie wiosny i lata (maj? - czerwiec - lipiec), a w mniejszym stopniu - także temperatura późną wiosną (maj). Mimo silnego tłumienia tego wpływu przez czynniki nieklimatyczne można z krzywej dendrochronologicznej odczytać przybliżone okresy występowania wilgotniejszych i cieplejszych miesięcy wiosenno-letnich oraz okresy występowania mniejszych opadów i niższych temperatur późną wiosną i wczesnym latem. Wiarygodność takich interpretacji potwierdzają obliczenia dla okresów, dla których istnieją dane klimatyczne
Dendroclimatical analysis, carried out on the basis of growth patterns of oaks from the area of Małopolska (1590-1997 AD) and the climatic record registered in Cracow in the last century, indicate that the annual growth widths mostly depend on amount of rainfall at the turn of spring and summer (May? - June - July), and in a lesser degree - on temperatures in late spring (May). In spite of heavy extinguishing of climatic influences by other factors, the dendrochronological curve enabled to determine approximate periods of more humid and warmer spring-summer months, as well as periods characterized by lower rainfall and temperatures in late spring and early summer. Credibility of this interpretation is confirmed by data for periods with registered climatic record
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