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Content available remote Współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego młodzieży
W artykule scharakteryzowano współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego młodzieży w tzw. klasach wojskowych oraz zdiagnozowano potencjał kształcenia obronnego uczniów tych klas w Polsce. Cele te osiągnięto z wykorzystaniem metod teoretycznych, takich jak: analiza, synteza i wnioskowanie na podstawie literatury poświęconej klasom mundurowym w Polsce oraz dokumentów normatywnych dotyczących obszaru rozważań. Zastosowano również metodę sondażu diagnostycznego oraz technikę wywiadu i ankiety. Współczesne paradygmaty kształcenia obronnego w klasach wojskowych, syntetycznie scharakteryzowane w niniejszym studium, to: eksperyment pedagogiczny z klasami profilowanymi wojskowo (przeprowadzony w latach 1998-2003), wojskowe innowacje pedagogiczne (wprowadzane od 2002 roku), certyfikowane wojskowe klasy mundurowe (funkcjonujące od 2017 roku) oraz oddziały przygotowania wojskowego (wprowadzone w 2020 roku). Wyniki badań empirycznych pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie różnego potencjału uczniów klas wojskowych: mobilizacyjnego, społecznego i indywidualnego oraz na wskazanie możliwości jego wykorzystania w działaniach związanych z bezpieczeństwem państwa.
The aim of the article is to describe the contemporary paradigms of youth defense education in military classes. The aim of the article is also to diagnose the potential of defense education of such students in Poland. To achieve the assumed goals, theoretical methods were used, as follows: analysis, synthesis and inference based on the literature on uniformed classes in Poland and on normative documents in the discussed area. A diagnostic survey, an interview and a questionnaire were also used. Contemporary paradigms of defense education in military classes, which were synthesized in this study, are: a pedagogical experiment with military profiled classes (1998-2003), military pedagogical innovations (implemented since 2002), Certified Military Uniform Classes (in operation since 2017) and Military Preparation Units (introduced in 2020). The analysis of the results of the empirical research made it possible to distinguish various potentials of military class students, such as mobilization, social and individual ones, and allowed to indicate the opportunities for their application in activities related to state security.
Objective: Demonstration and analysis of the impact of the human factor on the effectiveness of the state defence system. Method: Literature research and critical analysis. Results: The research demonstrates that the human factor is the most important component of the state defence potential. This thesis is corroborated by examples from the history of Poland, and supported with philosophical, ethical and ethnographic considerations. Based on the examination of the selected research group consisting of Polish soldiers, qualities important for Poles, such as honour, righteousness and patriotism, which are at the foundation of the national character of a soldier, have been identified. On the other hand, the article also takes into account negative stereotypes and opinions presented in the literature regarding the national character of the Polish soldier. Conclusions: The conducted research and analysis prove the unquestionable domination of the human factor in state defence and military systems. It has been shown that, apart from the demographic potential and mobilisation capabilities, an important aspect of the human factor for defence is the national character and the morale of the army, which should be prioritised over material aspects. Honour, both in the axiological dimension of the sense of pride, dignity, nobility, and diligence, as well as in the sense of an ethical virtue in people's mentality and the morale of soldiers, shapes consciously determined attitudes and behaviours.
Sprawnie funkcjonujący system transportu kolejowego na terenie Polski to składowa część potencjału obronnego kraju. W kontekście obronności infrastruktura kolejowa służy realizacji szybkiego przemieszczania wojsk, a także umożliwia ewakuację mienia i ludzi. W obliczu zachodzących procesów globalizacji w wojsku poprzez istnienie sojuszy militarnych, jak na przykład NATO i wielonarodowy charakter prowadzonych misji wojskowych istotne staje się powiązanie infrastruktury kolejowej wraz z lotniczą umożliwiającą najszybszy sposób przerzutu wojsk. Odpowiedzią na to wyzwanie w Polsce jest budowa Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego i towarzyszącemu mu komponentu kolejowego. Jednak bez racjonalnego zaplanowania inwestycji z punktu widzenia obronności, wielomiliardowa inwestycja może nie przynieść poprawy potencjału obronnego kraju.
Efficient railway transportation system in Poland is the part of Polish defense potential. Railway infrastructure enables fast army’s relocation and people’s evacuation. In the face of military globalization processes through different alliances as NATO and multinational character of military missions it is important to connect railway infrastructure with aviation what may enable the fastest way of soldiers relocation all over the world. In Poland the answer for this challenge is building the Central Airport and its accompanying building new railway infrastructure. But without reasonable planning of this investment from the defense point of view it may not bring expected improvement the level of Polish defense potential.
This article attempts to assess the experience of American and European consolidation of the defence industry and to identify the essential factors that may affect such consolidation in Poland. Against this background, a draft assessment of previous activities to consolidate the defence industry in our country is being presented with original preliminary assessments and recommendations concerning the desired direction of further restructuring of this sector. Concentrating on companies from the defence sector is often perceived as the right reaction to achieve changes in the security environment, technological progress and a country’s financial opportunities. The decision on the consolidation of the Polish defence industry, establishing control over the Polish Military Group by the State Treasury, is in line with the endeavours of NATO and European Union countries.
Content available Wojna ekonomiczna i jej skutki społeczne
W artykule zaprezentowano kwestie definicyjne oraz cele i narzędzia związane z pojęciem wojny ekonomicznej. Podkreślono także zmiany w dotychczasowym podejściu do zagadnienia wojny ekonomicznej. Tematykę tę przedstawiono jako konflikt występujący współcześnie w stosunkach między państwami oraz państwami i innymi uczestnikami stosunków międzynarodowych. Prócz tego podjęto próbę przeanalizowania konsekwencji społecznych wynikających z uciekania się do środków wojny ekonomicznej. Dodatkowo ukazano prognozę dotyczącą przyszłych tendencji w odniesieniu do omawianego zjawiska.
The article presents definitional issues as well as the objectives and tools associated with the concept of economic warfare. It also highlights the changes in the existing approach to the issue of economic warfare. The topics presented as a conflict occurring nowadays in the relations between states and countries as well as other participants in international relations. Furthermore, an attempt was made to analyze the social consequences arising from the usage of the measures of economic warfare. Additionally, the authors show the forecast of the future trends of the issues discussed.
The article looks at issue of the “host nation support” as an element affecting national security, and makes an indication to the national economic and defense potential for use in the HNS. The importance of international cooperation, especially in the Allied system, is effective in adjusting of Polish defense system for the tasks of HNS. It shows the Polish way of integrating within NATO from the preparation of structures, normative documents including the Doctrine of the HNS, as well as practical exercises in problem solving of HNS. The article also recalls the “Catalogue of Possibilities” – showing the capabilities of Poland in HNS, a document submitted to the key institutions of NATO and of the National Representatives of NATO at SHAPE, showing scope, application and fundamental principles of program state support. It presents HNS planning tasks by its major participants and shows the responsibility of the state for the organization, as well as discusses the specific tasks in the preparation of the military structures to perform the tasks. It shows HNS as being essential in complementing the opportunity to strengthen the alliance forces in operational planning and contingency plans, and specific support implemented for NATO forces and institutions based in Poland. Finally, the article stresses the importance of support functions of the host nation as part of national security.
Artykuł podejmuje temat wsparcia państwa gospodarza „HNS” i potencjału gospodarczo-obronnego w procesie HNS. Autor akcentuje znaczenie współdziałania międzynarodowego, szczególnie w układzie sojuszniczymi przybliża dostosowanie systemu obronnego RP do realizacji zadań HNS i drogę w procesie włączania się w struktury Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego. Opisuje przygotowywania struktur, dokumentacji, w tym Doktryny HNS, jak i sposób realizacji ćwiczeń. Wspomina o „Katalogu Możliwości”, przedstawiającym możliwości Polski w zakresie realizacji zadań wsparcia, dokumencie, który został przekazany również do kluczowych Instytucji Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego i Narodowych Przedstawicieli Państw NATO przy SHAPE. Przedstawia zakres i zastosowanie oraz ujmuje zasady wsparcia państwa gospodarza, planowanie realizacji zadań HNS przez jego uczestników i zwraca uwagę na odpowiedzialność instytucji państwa za organizację przygotowań. Omawiając szczegółowe zadania w procesie przygotowania wojskowych struktur państwa do realizacji zadań w obszarze HNS, akcentuje aspekty planowania, prowadzenia negocjacji i struktur realizacji. HNS postrzegany jest jako zasadnicze uzupełnienie możliwości sił wzmocnienia sojuszu w planowaniu operacyjnym, również tzw. „planów ewentualnościowych”, jak i wparcia realizowanego dla sił i instytucji NATO przebywających na terytorium Polski. Podkreśla znaczenie funkcji wsparcia gospodarza jako elementu bezpieczeństwa państwa.
The defence economy of each state and in particular its defence and economic potential make up the material basis of each country's defence system. Its level and conditions for development in connection with currently growing co-dependency of countries have become one of dominant determinants of contemporary security of the state. Therefore it seems essential to outline the contemporary perception of the economic and defence potential of the state. The aim of this article is to present a synthetic identification of the economic and defence potential of the state, its decomposition and the main components’ characteristics. In order to achieve this goal, the authors referred to the contemporary security viewpoints of our state and emerging threats against it. These opinions essentially determine both the potential identification and preparation in the defence and economic areas of the state. The second issue concentrates on the notion and factors defining the economic and defence potential of the state at the beginning of the 21th century. In the final part the authors characterised the main components of this potential, i.e. defence resources. The conclusions drawn in this area should be treated as a general theoretical explanation.
The currently growing role of money and the necessity to increase economic effectiveness in the Armed Forces causes at the same time the growth of importance and role of financial resources of the state as an essential element of the economic and defence potential. Undoubtedly, one of the most obvious needs of the society is the need to ensure independence and sovereignty of the territory. However, this requires employing necessary means and assets. Thus in order to meet the defence need, it is required to designate out of the whole national wealth a defined amount of resources, necessary to achieve this need. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that fulfilling the constitutional function, which national defence is, the state must bear costs connected with allocating public and social welfare. At the same time the state does not directly create any income. Therefore, it must reach out to other entities’ incomes taking advantage of its attribute of power and thus redistributing incomes in the state. This redistribution is conducted in a monetary form. Dealing with issues connected with the role and tasks of financial resources of the state as an essential element of the economic and defence potential, it must be stated that financial resources designed for defence are most of all monetary assets collected at bank accounts of the state budget allocated mainly for national defence and dispensed according to the needs of holders, forecasted as a plan of incomes and expenditures for a particular year and presented in nominal volumes in the Finance Act (as a defined, set apart part of the budget and as an allocated section in different parts). These volumes, making up the financial resources of the state, essentially affect defence capabilities of the country. Thus money becomes an important financial asset used to perform public tasks within shaping the economic and defence potential.
The problems of the fuel and energy sector in the context of the economic and defence potential of the state were thoroughly discussed in the article. The existing structure of world energy production and its forecasted use until 2020 were presented. Elements forming the national fuel and energy sector were differentiated and energy mass components of the economic and defence of the state potential were defined. The importance of energy carriers in the dimension of the economic and defence of the state potential were outlined. The analysis and evaluation of methods defining the economic and defence potential were made in the aspect of energy problems. Conditions that decide on fuel and energy sector strategic character in the economic and defence potential were listed paying attention to the fact that crude oil is currently the central component of the conditions’ sum of economic and military power of each state.
Content available remote Pomiar potencjału gospodarczo-obronnego
The article features the main methods of measuring the economic and defence potential of the state. This notion is extremely vague and appears also named differently, therefore a wide formula of presentation was adopted. Thus the approaches and methods relating directly to the economic and defence potential's notion as well as the notion of states ’power were discussed. Such a way of presentation agrees with the observation according to which the defence and economic potential is perceived in two ways. Firstly, as a material basis of the defence potential (as a supply system of the defence system), secondly, as a material component of the power of the state, apart from so called nonmaterial components. The whole of the material components is called hard power, whereas the whole of non-material factors is called soft power. Defence economics and the concept of the defence and economic potential have emerged on the experiences of total wars. Such a war cannot be excluded in the future, however, it is not the only paradigm. The presented models and concepts show that the traditional approach is still strong. American, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Indian and Polish concepts were discussed in the article. The complexity of the economic and defence potential notion, the power of the states including, is reflected in a certain degree by professions of the models ’ and concepts ’ creators which include political scientists, economists, servicemen and even physicists (Wilhelm Fucks).
The aim of the article is to analyse the state of human resources in Poland as an essential element of economic and defence potential. Human resources of the state are one of the basic elements of its defence capabilities. The size of population and its structure decide both on the possibilities to create an army that matches the needs (in the sense of the its number, qualifications and training) as well as ensure its logistic support. As a matter of fact, an essential factor currently is to be equipped with appropriate technology, however, it also must be implemented, employed, maintained and developed what requires qualified and appropriately prepared personnel. The human resources influence on the defence capabilities of the state is significant and has many aspects. Currently our human resources potential is quite high. However, this relations will be getting more and more disadvantageous being undoubtedly affected by negative population growth and negative migration balance. Human resources management must be strategic management, i.e. the art of such potential shaping and controlling its development so as it can effectively react to the present and future changes of the defence system of the state environment, avoid possible threats and take advantage of emerging chances in order to achieve assumed aims while keeping a dynamic balance towards the environment.
Content available remote Przełom w sztuce wojennej a polski potencjał strategiczny
Natural conditions to wage armed fighting ensure harmony between human energetic and information potentials. These conditions were matched with classical principles to conduct armed fights founded in the ancient times. Art of war was then based on using most of all non material combat force components to gain information advantage to take control over armed forces material factors. The situation radically changed at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries when appeared massive armies equipped with more effective and more powerful means of fighting. The era of material over information domination began. Many factors show that at the dawn of the 21st century we are facing another breakthrough in art of war. A significantly quick development of information potential taking place now causes the return to classical balance between energetic and information factors. Therefore, according to the author, one must get interested in pre-Clausewitz theories of armed fighting. The second part of the article is a paper delivered at the international conference on European security perspectives held in Warsaw in September 2000. Characterising the basic problems of Polish strategic potential at the dawn of the 21st century, the author concludes that its state does not differ significantly from other European countries'. Our Western partners, however, are in a better position, as they do not have to transform radically both their state systems and their armed forces. Though the directions of changes are similar everywhere: decreasing the quantity, increasing the quality. Unfortunately in Poland we have not coped with the problems for the last ten years. The reason of this is not only the difficulty to eliminate the habits shaped by past mass wars doctrines but also the lack of long-term, strategic thinking and planning.
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