Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia problematykę dotyczącą pozycji ustrojowej wybranych organów państwa (określoną głównie w Konstytucji RP z 1997 r., ale również w aktach prawnych niższego rzędu) w kontekście wykonywania przez te organy zadań w obszarze przygotowań obronnych w czasie pokoju, jak również funkcjonowania ich w sytuacji zewnętrznego zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa i w czasie wojny. Pozycja ustrojowa, w szczególności naczelnych organów państwa, jak również relacje między nimi oraz sprawowane funkcje w obszarze bezpieczeństwa i obronności państwa wynikają w dużej mierze z systemu rządów przyjętego w państwie. W świetle powyższego, niniejszy materiał stanowi podstawę do określenia, czy obecnie przyjęte rozwiązania prawnoustrojowe stwarzają właściwe warunki dla sprawnego funkcjonowania naczelnych organów państwa w sytuacji szczególnego zagrożenia.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the position of certain state bodies/authorities (as defined by the Constitution and other legal acts)in the area of defence preparation in peace, emergency and war time. The position of the state bodies in this area is determined by the adopted system of governance. The study focused on examining whether the adopted constitutional regime creates the appropriate and adequate conditions for the functioning and operating of the state bodies/authorities in the case of emergency.
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The article features the problems of the Sejm and Senate powers in the state defence and security areas. The Sejm plays the main role in this respect, whereas the Senate’s powers are limited due to the principle of asymmetric bicameralism of parliament. Particular powers of both parliamentary chambers are discussed in the context of constitutional functions performed by them. Within its legislative function, the Sejm passes bills of law defining the organization of the Armed Forces, expressing agreement to ratify or rescind international agreements that define the principles of the Armed Forces ’ engagement and deployment outside the country, as well as consequences of imposing the stales of emergency. Performing its control function, the Sejm supervises the activities of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of National Defence including, and has a civil and democratic control of the Armed Forces. The Sejm’s powers connected with its function to coordinate the policy of the state are also very important as the Sejm controls the President’s order to impose a martial law or the state of emergency, approves orders having the force of law (a statutory instrument) issued by the President during a martial time and takes a decision to declare the state of war.
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The programming of the state’s non-military defence preparations is apart of the defence planning system and remains the basic tool ofpursuing the state’s defence policy in the area of maintaining and developing its defence potential and preparing the Polish Armed Forces, government and local administration bodies to act in the conditions of external threat and war. The aim of the article is to show synthetically the process of defence preparations programming system in Poland after 1989. In order to achieve this goal, the author focuses on presenting legal and organisational conditions of non-military defence preparation programming in Poland and adjusting its principles to the system adopted in NATO and on characteristics of programs in this area. Presenting these problems in a holistic approach systemizes the knowledge concerning the place and role of programming finance and service activities in non-military structures of the state defence system carried out for the defence of the state in the time of peace51. The conclusion shows positivefeatures of the national system of defence programming and factors that decrease its effectiveness, as well as directions of this system transformation to face the 21st century challenges. Conducting a complex analysis and systemizing the knowledge in this area was possible thanks to the author’s five-year work in the Department of Strategy and Defence Planning, MoD and also due to the help and kindness of defence cells employees at the Ministries of Economy, Infrastructure, Treasure, as well as the Mazowian Province Office.
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Celem artykułu jest nakreślenie roli i znaczenia wymogów obronnych w rozwoju autostrad w naszym kraju oraz ukazanie ich aktualnego stanu. Rozwój autostrad w Polsce ma nie tylko walor społeczno-ekonomiczny, ale także obronny. Autostrady pozwalają nie tylko na szybsze przemieszczanie się ludzi oraz środków materiałowych na terytorium naszego kraju, lecz także spajają system transportu międzynarodowego. Dostosowanie przestrzenne sieci autostrad do potrzeb obronnych jest jednym z wielu wymogów ich planowania. Ponadto nacisk oraz nośność mają również swój wymiar obronny, który muszą spełniać tego typu drogi. Istniejący stan autostrad w Polsce, z punktu widzenia obronno-gospodarczego, jest dobrym zaczynem planowanego systemu tego typu sieci w naszym kraju. W planach do 2012 r. mamy mieć niecałe 2000 km autostrad, przy obecnie funkcjonujących 700 km. Dostrzega się istotne zagrożenia w realizacji tego przedsięwzięcia. Należy wzmóc działania, aby obowiązujący Program Budowy Dróg na lata 2008-2012 w tym zakresie został zrealizowany w terminie. Koniecznością powinno być zwrócenie większej uwagi na obszary wschodniej części kraju, gdyż dotychczas nie były one należycie doceniane. Wzmocni to nasze bezpieczeństwo oraz pozycję na arenie międzynarodowej.
The article outlines the main role and importance of the defensive requirements in development of motorways in our country and appearance of their current state. Development of motorways in Poland does not only have socio-economic value, but also a defensive one. They allow not only more rapid movement of people and materials throughout the territory our country, but also link international transport system. Spatial adjustment of motorway network and defence needs, is one of numerous planning requirements. In addition, the ground pressure and load capacity also has its own defensive dimension, which such type or roads must fulfil. Condition of motorways in Poland, from the defensive and economic point of view, is a proper beginning for the planned system of such network in our country. In the plans for 2012 it is stated the Poland will have had less than 2000 km of motorways, whereas currently operates only 700 km. It is easy to recognise a great risk in the implementation of this project. Taken measures should be intensified to ensure fulfilment of the running programme entitled "Construction of roads in the years 2008 to 2012", within the set time limit. Focusing greater attention on eastern region of our country is necessary, since it had not been duly appreciated. All the actions will enhance our security and position on an international level.
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The issue of defence sufficiency brings about many theoretical and practical problems. This results both from the methodological nature and pertaining to the content one as it is an interdisciplinary matter of a political, military and economic character. Each country considers this issue individually, assessing first of all the level of external threats, the level of armed forces' modernity, budget situation of a given country and social attitudes and priorities. Also the membership in a military and economic alliance (community) is important. The analysis of this issue is conducted not only by the legislative and executive powers but by the whole society. In the literature on the subject there are many publications connected with general shaping of the policy under analysis in this respect, mainly due to political or military aspect. However, there is no current research on economic and defence aspect. This article is a response to this demand. Its aim is to show using statistic conclusions the regularities that appear in the area of NATO Member States’ defence sufficiency in 2000-2005.
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