Publikacja w skrócie opisuje jak transformacja ustrojowa Polski z lat 1989-1993 i rozwiązanie Układu Warszawskiego wpłynęło na miejsce WP i system politycznym państwa. Implikacją tych procesów była zmiana usytuowania Sił Zbrojnych RP w państwie oraz przeznaczenia WP i jego struktur organizacyjnych w latach 1989-1994. W latach 1994-1999 Polska podejmuje szereg działań, prowadzących ją do NATO, opisano przy tym najważniejsze strukturalne i osobowe zmiany WP z lat 1989-2009, a także zmiany strukturalne w WP w latach 1999-2010 wynikające z wstąpienia Polski do NATO, oraz o strukturach w latach 2013-2014. Opisano też aktualne organy kierownicze WP. W tabelach statystycznych opisano: udział wydatków budżetowych MON w PKB w latach 1989-2014; ilość żołnierzy WP w latach 1989-2014; strukturę budżetów MON w latach 2000-2014; wydatki obronne nowych członków NATO w latach 2000-2003 na tle pozostałych państw europejskich Sojuszu (w przeliczeniu na 1 mieszkańca w USD).
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Finances make one of the most important ties connecting security and the system of national economy. Therefore, taking into consideration the character of contemporary armed conflicts, this statement gains more and more importance. Supporting such a stance, the author of the article wants to present synthetically the number of NATO military expenditures and changes that have undergone in this economic area, particularly in financial bases of NATO's power in the first decade of the 21st century. Such a definition of this area caused that the article raises issues of military expenditures global quota in the world, shaping tendency of defence expenditures in NATO countries and the idea of financing political and military activities undertaken by the Alliance (managing the common budget). The author shows explicitly a constant tendency of great diversification of the military expenditure levels in selected NATO countries and the lack of NATO's final consensus in reference to the system of financing future common tasks within the Alliance, what does not augur well both in the context of this organization's capabilities and management.
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Defence budget is one of the state budget components. Financial resources are included in the resources of state economic-defence potential. The basic division of the state budget and expenditures on national defence have been described. The distribution of defence expenditures in the framework of the State Defence System, the distribution of military expenditures (MoD budget) including , have been presented. These expenditures, their decreasing tendency and their share in GNP and in the state budget have been seized. For comparison reasons, the share of military expenditures in GNP of NATO countries have been given and also the forecast of military expenditures for Poland to 2012.
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This article is the first of three to present modern British defence economy. This article discusses the post war defence-economic thought, since the end of the Second World War to 1978. On the background of political, military and economic conditions, there have been characterised works of David Greenwood, Mary Kaldor and Gavin Kennedy, the most distinguished British economists of that time dealing with defence problems. The scope of respective authors’ research is different. Greenwood was interested in problems of the military priorities role in shaping the amount of military expenditures. Kaldor dealt with the relations between factors shaping defence industry potential and problems which the weapon trade creates for the importing and exporting countries economy. Kennedy analysed the defence-economic problems the most widely. The topic of his research were the considerations on the notion, scope and comparison of defence expenditures, social-economic consequences of defence expenditures, the defence industry notions and specific character, advantages from weapon trade and the division of burdens due to common alliance defence.
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The Polish Armed Forces, military economy including has been restructuring for a few years. The changes which occur require creating an efficient and effective economic system within the military. One of the most important areas of military economy requiring new qualitative systemic developments is military budgetary accountancy, taking into consideration a systematic note of charges as a standard. Implementation of systematic note of charges into the military practice needs detailed defining the aim and tasks of the note of charges, its scope and methods of development. It has to provide a complex clear and credible information necessary to evaluate functioning and managing respective military units and the whole armed forces. Taking use of the information on costs requires its appropriate grouping and presenting in adequate sections. In order to manage the military economy in a correct way, it is necessary to carry out a note of charges in the following sections: kind, calculation and due to the place of appearance. A systematic note of charge as a standard of military budgetary accountancy should at the same time make an informational standard of the military economy management process because without the knowledge of the amount of costs and their current analysis it is very difficult to conduct a rational property command and management.
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