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Powstawanie wad budowlanych jest problemem występującym w każdym procesie inwestycyjnym. Celem przedstawionych w artykule badań jest identyfikacja wad w oddawanych do użytkowania budynkach mieszkalnych oraz ocena stopnia ich istotności. Do oceny stopnia istotności wad zaproponowano analizę Pareto-Lorenza oraz tzw. klasyfikację ABC. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że istotnymi dla jakości budynku są wady zidentyfikowane w następujących elementach budynku: tynki, okna, posadzki, instalacje elektryczne, części wspólne, instalacje wodno-kanalizacyjne, niewłaściwe oczyszczenie elementów, drzwi i szyby.
The formation of construction defects is a problem that occurs in every investment process. The aim of the research presented in the article is to identify defects in residential buildings handed over for use and to assess their degree of significance. To assess the significance of defects, the Pareto-Lorenz analysis and the called ABC classification. Based on the research, it was found that the defects identified in the following building elements are significant for the quality of the building: plasters, windows, floors, electrical installations, common parts, plumbing, improper cleaning of elements, doors and glass.
In pursuit of increased efficiency and longer operating times of photovoltaic systems, one may encounter numerous difficulties in the form of defects that occur in both individual solar cells and whole modules. The causes of the occurrence range from structural defects to damage during assembly or, finally, wear and tear of the material due to operation. This article provides an overview of modern imaging methods used to detect various types of defects found in photovoltaic cells and panels. The first part reviews typical defects. The second part of the paper reviews imaging methods with examples of the authors’ own test results. The article concludes with recommendations and tables that provide a kind of comprehensive guide to the methods described, depending on the type of defects detected, the range of applicability, etc. The authors also shared their speculations on current trends and the possible path for further development and research in the field of solar cell defect analysis using imaging.
Using the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique, pure (ZnO) and manganese (4at%)-doped zinc oxide (ZnMnO) thin films were synthesized and treated with Ar+ sputtering in the UHV (ultra-high vacuum) system. In this regard, XRD (X-ray diffraction), XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy), PL (photoluminescence), and AFM (atomic force microscopy) techniques were applied to investigate the electronic and photonic properties of ZnO. XRD and XPS allowed us to identify the successful incorporation of Mn as a substitute for Zn, while PL and AFM images reveal a high tendency for crystalline grains on theZnMnO surface to aggregate to form small grains. However, bandgap narrowing, a redshift with considerable fluctuations in excitonic emission, and a perfect quenching of visible emission (400–640 nm) were observed. Investigations into defect-related emission in ZnMnO and ZnO compounds were conducted. The PL spectra of the prepared samples were measured and analyzed using Gaussian fitting. The PL of undoped ZnOexhibited an intense broad band with a peak at 550 nm. Two effects were shown to occur as a result of Mn doping: (i) a sharp quenching of self-activated PL with a progressive red-shift of the quenching’s spectral boundary; (ii) the appearance of a new emission band with a peak at 1.64 eV (756 nm), which dominates the PL spectrum and is noted in a band diagram; as well as a slight shift in the main line of ZnO, which is located at energy 3.275 eV (378.57nm).
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza prawna przepisów dotyczących wad stwierdzonych w trakcie odbioru lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego, ale przed przeniesieniem prawa własności na nabywcę, wprowadzonych na mocy ustawy z dnia 20 maja 2021 r. o ochronie praw nabywcy lokalu mieszkalnego lub domu jednorodzinnego oraz Deweloperskim Funduszu Gwarancyjnym (t.j. Dz.U. z 2021 r. poz. 1177). W artykule uwzględniono najnowszą literaturę przedmiotu, a rozważania dopełniają dotychczasowe poglądy doktryny i orzecznictwo.
The subject of the article is a legal analysis of the provisions regarding defects found during the acceptance of a residential premises or a single-family house, but before the transfer of ownership to the buyer, introduced under the Act of May 20, 2021 on the protection of the rights of the buyer of a residential premises or a single-family house and the Developer Guarantee Fund. (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1177). The article takes into account the latest literature on the subject, and the considerations are complemented by current views of the doctrine and case law.
In the building industry, it is a frequent cause of damage to elements at different stages: during transportation, operation, installation, etc. Since replacing an element is not always possible due to various circumstances, it entails significant financial losses, logistics, and others. For this reason, the expediency of studying the effect of damage on the bearing capacity of reinforced concrete elements is growing. This effect is dependent on its type and has significant variability. In the case of the combination of the defect and damage in reinforced concrete elements, the complexity of the research of this element increases significantly. In this article is discussed: a review of damaged reinforced concrete elements; researching the influence of the damage and additional factors on the element; developed testing methodology for bending reinforced concrete elements with damage to concrete in a compressed zone with insufficient reinforcement, when performing damage to the action of the load and during the action of the load, is presented; the influence on the deformability and bearing capacity of the variability of damage on the sample with insufficient reinforcement is reflected, taking into account the factor of change in the load at which the damage is performed; a comparison is made of the dependence of the change in the actual height of the compressed zone on the change in the load on the elements; implementation of conclusions on the result of the study.
Content available remote Uszkodzenia i awarie rur GRP
Zestawiono najczęściej popełniane błędy na etapie instalowania rur GRP podając jednocześnie możliwe ich przyczyny oraz sposoby ich unikania. Zamieszczono przykład dotyczący możliwych uszkodzeń tych rur w oparciu o ich badanie techniką CCTV w jednym z polskich miast. Badania te zostały wykonane w dwu okresach, bezpośrednio po odbiorze i 14 miesięcy później. Inwestycja ta obejmowała odcinki przewodu kanalizacyjnego o średnicach 300 i 400 mm. Zamieszczono 7 zdjęć ilustrujących zaobserwowane uszkodzenia. Podano także inne przykłady awarii rur GRP, które stwierdzono zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą.
The paper presents the most common errors made at the stage of installing pipes, together with possible causes of these errors and the ways of avoiding them. An example of possible damage to GRP pipes, which were examined using the CCTV technique, is provided. Tests were performed in one Polish city and covered two stages, immediately after the pipes were commissioned, and then again 14 months later. The investment covered sections of sewers that had a diameter of 300 mm and 400 mm. The observed damage is shown in 7 photos. Other examples of GRP pipe failures, from both Poland and abroad, are also provided in the paper.
Good quality in composite castings can be confirmed primarily by their user. The producer is obliged to create a good product that meets the user’s needs that should undergo quality control. Omission of technological procedures and improper quality control may result in various defects like porosity. This paper presents the characteristics of the casting defect, namely porosity, with a particular focus on porosity in suspension and saturated metal composites. This defect is different, specific to composite castings, making its identification very difficult. The aim of the study is to detect and describe porosity in composites with the use of microscopic and submicroscopic examinations. The assessment of the porosity of the microstructure of composite castings allowed for the formulation of the following conclusions: in addition to the porosity that occurs in castings of classic materials (cast steel, cast iron, and non-ferrous metal alloys), metal composites also distinguish between primary and secondary agglomerates, leaving the reinforcement space not filled, occluded bubbles, and separated gas bubbles.
The process of production and processing and preparation for distribution of steel products is associated with the requirements of maintaining appropriate procedures. They allow, in accordance with industry standards to avoid unforeseen problems associated with the preparation, implementation and finalization of activities aimed at achieving the intended purpose, which is a finished product of adequate quality and customer satisfaction. It is not always possible in the production process to meet all the requirements and technological, organizational and human factor recommendations. The analysis of selected problems, which includes the content of the article allows to significantly determine the factors and parameters associated with the preparation and technical implementation affecting the implementation of the intended objectives of the company, i.e. achieving an appropriate level of quality and minimizing the defects in the process of steel sheet preparation. Analysis of selected parameters was made on the basis of data obtained in the company operating on the international market Company Steel Service Poland. At the request of company representatives, the name has been changed due to the production data used in the article, which may be considered as sensitive. The article contains data based on research carried out in Steel Service Poland. Selected problems are the subject of analysis of steel sheets cutting processes with the analysis of causes of customer complaints with reference to the produced steel products. Selected steel grades and factors affecting the efficiency of the technological process are presented. The analysed set of factors translates into the level of product quality and reduction of arising defects.
Facing severely competitive global markets, managers of the modern transnational corporations must effectively integrate its intra-supply chain system to meet customers’ multiproduct demands with good quality items, minimum operating expenses, and in a timely delivery matter. Inspired by assisting current transnational firms to achieve the mission, this study builds a mathematical model to explore a multiproduct fabrication-shipment problem incorporating an accelerated rate and ensured product quality. A single machine production scheme under a common cycle policy and with random defects, rework, and an accelerated fabrication rate is considered. The speedy rate option is associated with extra setup and linear variable costs, which aims to cut short the common cycle time. Mathematical derivation is employed to find the long-run average system expense. The optimization method is used to jointly derive the decision for common length and delivery frequency per cycle for the problem. Numerical illustration is offered to confirm the applicability of the results and expose the individual/combined influences of diverse crucial system features on the problem, thus facilitate the intra-supply chain’s fabrication-shipment decision making.
The Josefův Důl embankment dam is located in the Czech Republic on the river Kamenice, about 15.5 km away from the Czech boundary with Poland. It consists of the main dam with the crown length 360 m and height 44 m above the foundation, and the auxiliary dam with the crown length 360 m and the height of 15 m above the foundation. Both dams are covered upstream with asphalt concrete (AC) lining serving as impervious membrane. As the results of permeability pressure tests did not meet the design requirements, a new asphalt layer was placed on the original AC lining just after the dam commissioning. It was placed on the entire surface of the auxiliary dam and only along a few strips at the main dam. Plastic deformations of the upper, newly added layer have occurred, mainly at the auxiliary dam. The first defects appeared in the years 2007 and 2008, when – following wetting of the mantle at the auxiliary dam – bulges appeared on considerable part of the surface. Since 2014, many significant defects have repeatedly occurred, in particular at the locations of repairs. In 2015, new cracks appeared on another considerable area of the auxiliary dam. The main damage was repaired locally with a COLETANCHE bitumen strip. In the following years, further local repairs were carried out on the damaged surfaces of the additional AC layer. The paper describes and makes an assessment of the AC lining and proposes possible variants of lining repair, listing the expected advantages and disadvantages. For provisional repairs, the authors recommend the extension of the structure’s service life by application of a protective mastic coating at both dams. At the same time, preparations for complete lining renewal should be started.
Zapora ziemna (narzutowa) Josefův Důl na rzece Kamenice jest zlokalizowana w Czeskiej Republice około 15,5 km od granicy z Polską. Składa się z zapory głównej o długości w koronie 360 m i wysokości 44 m powyżej poziomu posadowienia i zapory pomocniczej (bocznej) o długości w koronie 360 m i wysokości 15 m powyżej poziomu posadowienia. Od strony wody górnej obie zapory są wyposażone w okładzinę z asfaltobetonu (AC), która służy jako nieprzepuszczalna membrana. Jako, że testy szczelności nie spełniały wymagań projektowych, nowa warstwa asfaltu została położona na oryginalnej okładzinie asfaltobetonowej zaraz po oddaniu zapory do użytku. Zabieg ten wykonano dla całej powierzchni skarpy odwodnej zapory pomocniczej i tylko dla kilku odcinków zapory głównej. Na zaporze pomocniczej pojawiły się odkształcenia plastyczne górnej, nowo dodanej warstwy. Pierwsze usterki pojawiły się w latach 2007 i 2008, kiedy to po zwilżeniu uszczelnienia zapory pomocniczej powstały wybrzuszenia w znacznym zakresie. Od 2014 roku wielokrotnie pojawiały się poważniejsze usterki, w szczególności w miejscach napraw. W 2015 roku na zaporze pomocniczej pojawił się następny znaczący obszar z nowymi pęknięciami. Główne uszkodzenia naprawiono lokalnie za pomocą taśmy bitumicznej COLETANCHE. W kolejnych latach prowadzono dalsze lokalne naprawy uszkodzonych powierzchniach dodatkowo ułożonej warstwy AC. W artykule opisano i dokonano oceny okładziny AC wraz z propozycją możliwych wariantów naprawy wykładziny z wyszczególnieniem spodziewanych zalet i wad. W celu wykonania naprawy prowizorycznej zalecono wydłużenie żywotności poprzez nałożenie ochronnej powłoki mastyksowej na obu zaporach. Jednocześnie należy przystąpić do przygotowania kompletnej naprawy okładziny.
Ultrasonic assisted active-passive filling friction stir repairing (A-PFFSR) was proposed to repair volume defects in the metallic parts. Sound joints without interfacial defects could be achieved. Firstly, the ultrasonic was beneficial to improving material flow and atom diffusion, and then eliminated kissing bond defects compared to conventional A-PFFSR joints. Secondly, the equiaxed grains were refined by ultrasonic vibration. Lastly, the repairing passes were reduced due to the ultrasonic, which decreased softening degree of the repaired joints. The maximum tensile strength of 150 MPa was achieved. Therefore, this strategy to repair the volume defects is feasibility and potential in the remanufacturing fields of aerospace and transportation.
In this research, the quality of manufactured cast metal-ceramic foams (manufactured using blowing gas) was tested. The causes responsible for defect formation in the composite foams and their consequences were analyzed using the FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) method, which is a useful tool for minimizing losses caused by low product quality. This method involves analytically determining correlations between the cause and consequences of potential product defects, and it takes into account the criticality factor (risk). The FMEA analysis showed that pore breaks were the most "critical defect" (with the highest number of effects on the product, the Risk Priority Number, affecting the quality of the composite foam). The second most critical defect was discontinuities in the foam frame structure. Destruction or damage to the foam structure (although very rare) deprived the composite foam of its primary function, which is to reinforce the product. The third most critical defect was non-uniform foam pore size.
Most of machine breakdowns relate to bearing failures thus it is very important to diagnose bearing conditions. The main purpose of the study was to classify the condition of bearings and identify defective ones based on visual inspection and the values of classic parameters of the acceleration signal vibration, such as Peak, RMS, Kurtosis. The results were compared to parameters provided by the SPM method. All vibration parameters were estimated for high pass filtered signals where filters had following cut-off frequencies 0.5; 1, 2, 5 and 8 kHz. Bearings were tested on the laboratory test bench being built at the Silesian University of Technology. Based on the signal analysis and visual inspections it can be stated that there is agreement in the assessment of the conditions between the parameters of the SPM method and the Peak and RMS parameters. It was observed that the sensitivity to the existence of low-intensity defects increases when the vibration parameters are determined for signals in the band above 2kHz.
Content available remote Enhancement of electrical performance of ZnSe thin films via Au nanosandwiching
In this work, we report the effect of sandwiching of Au nanosheets on the structural and electrical properties of ZnSe thin films. The ZnSe films which are grown by the thermal evaporation technique onto glass and yttrium thin film substrates exhibit lattice deformation accompanied with lattice constant extension, grain size reduction and increased defect density upon Au nanosandwiching. The temperature dependent direct current conductivity analysis has shown that the 70 nm thick Au layers successfully increased the electrical conductivity by three orders of magnitude without causing degeneracy. On the other hand, the alternating current conductivity studies in the frequency domain of 10 MHz to 1800 MHz have shown that the alternating current conduction in ZnSe is dominated by both of quantum mechanical tunneling and correlated barrier hopping of electrons over the energy barriers formed at the grain boundaries. The Au nanosheets are observed to increase the density of localized states near Fermi level and reduce the average hopping energy by ~5 times. The conductivity, capacitance, impedance and reflection coefficient spectral analyses have shown that the nanosandwiching of Au between two layers of ZnSe makes the zinc selenide more appropriate for electronic applications and for applications which need microwave cavities.
β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders were successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method at 180 °C for 15 h whereas NiO/ZnO composite powders formed after the as-prepared powders were calcined at 800 °C for 1 h in air. The X-ray diffractometer (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-Vis spectrophotometer were used to characterize the phase, particle shape as well as size and optical properties, respectively. In this system, it was found that ZnO is a major phase while β-Ni(OH)2 and NiO are a minor phases. The altered particle shape of ZnO was influenced by addition of Ni(CH3COO)2ˑ6H2O whereas the particle shape of the minor phase was changed due to the calcination process. The optical band gap decreased when the amount of minor phase increased. For photocatalytic study, it was found that 6 mol% β-Ni(OH)2/ZnO composite powders exhibited the best decolorization of methylene blue aqueous solution.
Zaproponowano kryteria wyznaczania kategorii awarii nawierzchni ulicznych spowodowanych uszkodzeniami przewodów kanalizacyjnych. Zestawiono uszkodzenia przewodów kanalizacyjnych mające wpływ na powstawanie zapadnięć nawierzchni ulicznych. Wskazano na różnice dotyczące zapadnięć nawierzchni ulicznych w gruntach spoistych i niespoistych. Szczegółowej analizie poddano wpływ zjawiska infiltracji wód gruntowych do wnętrza kanału i eksfiltracji ścieków z kanału do gruntu. Mają one istotny wpływ na przyspieszenie zapadania się nawierzchni ulicznych.
Criteria for determining the category of road pavement failures caused by damage of sewer pipelines were proposed. Damages of sewer pipelines that impact the occurrence of road pavement collapse are listed. Differences in the collapse of road surfaces in cohesive and non-cohesive soils were indicated. The phenomenon of groundwater infiltration into the sewer and the exfiltration of sewage from the sewer to the soil were analysed in detail. They have a significant impact on accelerating the phenomenon of collapsing road surfaces.
Layered composites are materials that are widely used in industry due to their low manufacturing costs. They are used, among others, as a construction material for the construction of light aircraft, cars, wind turbine blades and the hulls of vessels. The universality of their use has contributed to the formation of a large amount of post-production and post-use waste from these composites. Layered composites, using recycled polyester and glass, or recycled composite waste, may be materials that could be used in the economy. The polyester-glass waste used in the composite was created by crushing and then grinding and sieving to obtain the appropriate granulation. Materials with a waste content of 0%, 10%, 20% and with granulation of this waste of ≤ 1.2 mm were made using the hand lamination method. Test specimens were prepared from the material plates that were obtained in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 179-1: 2010E standard (Plastics – Charpy Impact Assessment – Part 1: Non-instrumental impact test). Impact tests of samples were carried out according to the above-mentioned standards using a Zwick Roell RKP450 swinging hammer. Test bench instrumentation and software enabled the bending forces to be recorded, as well as the deflection of the samples for short time intervals and displacement, so a detailed force-deflection graph could be obtained. During the analysis, the results of the research were focused on describing the kinetics of the process where the samples were destroyed (fracture mechanics), this allowed for the initial determination of the material’s resistance to dynamic loads. The results obtained showed that the increase of the recycled content in the produced composite contributed to the lowering of the destructive force threshold in the impact tests, as well as the simultaneous increase of the plasticity of the material. The increase of the sample’s deflection with the occurrence of the maximum force resulted in the energy of the elastic state being increased (Ue).
In current economic trends, changes in construction using are required. It usually leads to changes in value and type of the working load on building structures, with the requirement to rate the technical state and replace or strengthen the elements. An important aspect of determining the residual bearing capacity of damaged bending reinforced concrete elements is the research concerning the influence of difference defects and damages on the change of strength and deformability. In the article main types of damages and defects, methods of studies of damaged reinforced concrete elements and the expediency of usage of this elements are described. However, most methods are suitable only for certain defects and damages due to the large complexity of calculations and the consideration of multifactoriality. Significant complexity of a single method for calculating damaged elements depends on the possible changing stress strain state of an element in combination with certain defects and damages, the presence of a non-complete separation where during loading or alteration of the damaged element the fractions become included in the work, reinforced concrete is the composite material which carrying complexity in calculating the joint work of its components.
Effect of annealing on the structural properties of arsenic-implanted mercury cadmium telluride film grown by molecular beam epitaxy was studied with the use of transmission electron microscopy and optical reflection. Strong influence of the graded-gap surface layer grown on top of the film on the behaviour of implantation-induced defects under arsenic activation annealing was revealed and interpreted.
The increase in the quality requirements for the pipes and the increasing needs to reduce production costs, while increasing the efficiency of the process in market of hot rolled pipes are observed. One of the cost reduction factors is the reduction of the number of defects by early detection and, if possible, the removal of non-conformities. Incompatibility is an error that can be removed in accordance with the performance standard that does not cause defects (Norma API). The defect is imperfection that is so important that it is the basis for the removal of the product or its part based on the criteria set out in the performance standards. In pipe manufacturing processes, defects and batch incompatibilities can be distinguished, which arise in the steelworks during metal solidification and roll forming in the course of metal processing. The defect may also arise as a result of removing steel material or result from rolling processes defects. The paper presents the analysis of the process of quality control of pipes manufactured using the pilgrim method on the basis of real process data. The analysis were involved 1070 pieces of ingots from 11 different melts for rolling pipes. At various stages of production, discrepancies and defects were revealed, which were caused by metallurgical or technological defects associated with rolling pipes. The total amount of discrepancies and defects eliminated 168 pieces of finished pipes. The aim of the work is to show that by means of appropriately selected methods of eliminating imperfections, it is possible to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing process.
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