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This study analyzes vibration signals related to bearing defects using a method that reconstructs an effective signal. This reconstruction is based on the determination of the instantaneous amplitude and phase. Then, a decomposition method is applied to the amplitude and phase to obtain several simple functions. Once the functions are obtained, an evaluation of impulsivity is performed on each function using the proposed parameter. This selects functions that contain fault data. The important signal is then identified and used. After the creation of the effective signal, filtering by a morphological operator with a structuring element is applied to improve the signal quality. Finally, in the spectrum of the absolute values of this signal, the defect can be detected from the frequency of the peaks. Signals from different databases were analyzed using the proposed method, illustrating the results in the form of high-amplitude peaks in the frequency of bearing component defects.
Artykuł przedstawia opracowaną metodologię badań radiolokacyjnych w tym tłumienności elektromagnetycznej obiektów wojskowych w układzie przestrzennym w celu mapowania odbicia echa radarowego lub właściwości absorpcji. Dokonano pomiarów echa radarowego w zakresie X (4-18 GHz) obiektów badanych oraz referencyjnych. Wyznaczono wartości RCS (Radar Cross Section) dla obiektów rzeczywistych oraz własności tłumienności dla systemów maskowania. Analizie poddano także aktywne urządzenia elektroniczne pod kątem zakłóceń elektromagnetycznych i opisano sposób ich ekranowania.
The article presents the developed methodology of radiolocation research, including the electromagnetic attenuation of military objects in a spatial arrangement in order to map the radar echo reflection or absorption properties. Measurements of the radar echo in the X range (4-18 GHz) of the tested and reference objects were made. RCS (Radar Cross Section) values for real objects and attenuation properties for masking systems were determined. Active electronic devices were also analyzed in terms of electromagnetic interference and the method of their shielding was described.
The non-destructive testing methods (NDT) are gaining significant attention due to their ability to monitor the objects structure without causing their damage. In recent years, studies focused on NDT have been directed towards imaging with the use of the terahertz (THz) waves. The presented study describes terahertz imaging-based NDT method and testing results on selected military-designated materials with intentionally introduced defects. The main aim of the work was to clearly detect various discontinuities in materials interior and thus, to show the possibilities of the newly developed terahertz-based testing method in transmission mode. The results confirmed high applicability of THz waves for monitoring various materials where each implemented flaw was easily distinguished. Therefore, the presented method looks promising for real applications in everyday practice.
W prezentowanej pracy opisano zastosowanie metody obrazowania nieniszczącego przy wykorzystaniu promieniowania terahercowego. Badaniom poddano wybrane grupy materiałów kompozytowych znajdujących zastosowanie w wojsku, które miały celowo wprowadzone defekty. Głównym celem pracy było wyraźne wykrycie różnych nieciągłości we wnętrzu materiałów kompozytowych, a tym samym pokazanie możliwości nowo opracowanej metody testowania opartej na zastosowaniu promieniowania terahercowego w trybie transmisyjnym. Metoda terahercowa w trybie transmisyjnym, gdzie generator promieniowania i detektor znajdowały się po przeciwnej stronie próbki. W wyniku badań wykryte zostały wszystkie defekty celowo wprowadzone do analizowanych materiałów kompozytowych, wśród których wyróżniono: kompozyty wzmocnione włóknem aramidowym, gazogenerator, wkład do kamizelki kuloodpornej. W ramach tej pracy przedstawiono przykłady efektywnego wykorzystania promieniowania terahercowego jako metody badań nieniszczących oraz potencjalne zastosowanie w monitorowaniu materiałów o przeznaczeniu wojskowym. Wyniki dowiodły, że metoda terahercowa jest w stanie wykryć wady ukryte w kompozytach wzmocnionych włóknami aramidowymi, gazogeneratorze i wkładzie do kamizelki kuloodpornej. Wyniki przedstawione w postaci zdjęć cechowała wyższa jakość w odniesieniu do danych literaturowych.
Nondestructive and contactless online approaches for detecting defects in polymer films are of significant interest in manufacturing. This paper develops vision-based quality metrics for detecting the defects of width consistency, film edge straightness, and specks in a polymeric film production process. The three metrics are calculated from an online low-cost grayscale camera positioned over the moving film before the final collection roller and can be imple mented in real-time to monitor the film manufacturing for process and quality control. The objective metrics are calibrated to correlate with an expert ranking of test samples, and results show that they can be used to detect defects and measure the quality of polymer films with satisfactory accuracy.
Content available remote Visual defect detection methods overview
The article is a part of research related to developing a line which automatically identifies defects of workpieces together with technology of their elimination with the aid of stream abrasive treatment at automated stations in industrial conditions. The article presents an overview of visual defect detection methods, including systems based on vision sensors, laser systems, including structured light systems, photogrammetry, and thermal imaging systems. The described methods have been supplemented with examples of tests and experiments involving selected devices.
Artykuł stanowi część prac związanych z opracowaniem linii do automatycznej identyfikacji wad na elementach obrabianych z opracowaniem technologii ich usuwania strumieniową obróbką ścierną na stanowiskach zrobotyzowanych w warunkach przemysłowych. W artykule dokonano przeglądu metod wizyjnej detekcji wad obejmujące układy budowane w oparciu o czujniki wizyjne, systemy laserowe, w tym systemy światła strukturalnego. Opisane metody detekcji wizyjnej uzupełniono przykładami testów i doświadczeń z wykorzystaniem wybranych urządzeń.
Artykuł przedstawia różne sposoby otrzymywania warstw aktywnych w organicznych ogniwach słonecznych oraz metody detekcji ich defektów strukturalnych. Przedstawiono metody optyczne, gdzie etapowo określane są defekty z różną dokładnością, wykorzystujące przetwarzanie zobrazowań w zakresie widzialnym oraz w zakresie termalnym.
The article presents various methods of obtaining active layers in organic solar cells and methods of detecting their structural defects. Optical methods are presented, where defects are determined in stages with different accuracy, using image processing in the visible and thermal range.
Content available remote Evaluation of photogrammetric methods for fast identification of defects
The article is a part of research related to developing a line which automatically identifies defects of workpieces together with technology of their elimination with the aid of stream abrasive treatment at automated stations in industrial conditions. The work evaluated photogrammetric method for fast defect detection. The research included prepared sets of photos and generated 3D model images of the reference object and selected research results were presented.
Artykuł stanowi część prac związanych z opracowaniem linii do automatycznej identyfikacji wad na elementach obrabianych z opracowaniem technologii ich usuwania strumieniową obróbką ścierną na stanowiskach zrobotyzowanych w warunkach przemysłowych. W artykule dokonano oceny metody fotogrametrycznej w szybkiej identyfikacji wad. W badaniach wykorzystano przygotowane zbiory zdjęć oraz wygenerowanych obrazów z modelu 3D obiektu referencyjnego i przedstawiono wybrane efekty badań.
The article presents results of vibration tests of thin-walled plates used in shipbuilding for plating hulls of vessels. The conducted tests were aimed at determining the possibility of using measurements of vibration acceleration recorded on the tested objects as parameters enabling the detection of damages in the performed welded joints. Seven plates were compared, six of which had joints in different technical conditions, and one was a board without a weld. The quality of the welds was verified using X-ray methods. The adopted research methodology and the obtained results were presented.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań drganiowych płyt cienkościennych wykorzystywanych w okrętownictwie jako poszycie kadłubów jednostek pływających. Przeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie możliwości stosowania pomiarów przyspieszeń drgań rejestrowanych na badanych obiektach jako parametrów umożliwiających wykrycie uszkodzeń w wykonanych połączeniach spawanych. Porównano siedem płyt, z czego sześć miało spoiny w różnym stanie technicznym, a jedna była bez spawu. Jakość spoin zweryfikowana została metodami RTG. Przedstawiono przyjętą metodykę badawczą oraz uzyskane wyniki.
To achieve enhanced accuracy of fabric representation and defect detection, an innovative approach using a sparse dictionary with small patches was used for fabric texture characterisation. The effectiveness of the algorithm proposed was tested through comprehensive characterisation by studying eight weave patterns: plain, twill, weft satin, warp satin, basket, honeycomb, compound twill, and diamond twill and detecting fabric defects. Firstly, the main parameters such as dictionary size, patch size, and cardinality T were optimised, and then 40 defect-free fabric samples were characterised by the algorithm proposed. Subsequently, the Impact of the weave pattern was investigated based on the representation result and texture structure. Finally, defective fabrics were detected. The algorithm proposed is an alternative simple and scalable method to characterise fabric texture and detect textile defects in a single step without extracting features or prior information.
This research aims to propose an effective model for the detection of defective Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) in the output stage of the Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) line. The emphasis is placed on increasing the classification accuracy, reducing the algorithm training time, and a further improvement of the final product quality. This approach combines a feature extraction technique, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and a classification algorithm, the Support Vector Machine (SVM), with previously applied Automated Optical Inspection (AOI). Different types of SVM algorithms (linear, kernels and weighted) were tuned to get the best accuracy of the resulting algorithm for separating good-quality and defective products. A novel automated defect detection approach for the PCB manufacturing process is proposed. The data from the real PCB manufacturing process were used for this experimental study. The resulting PCALWSVM model achieved 100 % accuracy in the PCB defect detection task. This article proposes a potentially unique model for accurate defect detection in the PCB industry. A combination of PCA and LWSVM methods with AOI technology is an original and effective solution. The proposed model can be used in various manufacturing companies as a postprocessing step for an SMT line with AOI, either for accurate defect detection or for preventing false calls.
The work present the coupled circuit method applied to an eddy current nondestructive testing (EC-NDT) problems. The device is consisting on a conductive multilayer structure having an air gap (delamination), or a physical defect (lack of material). The purpose of the study is to identify the presence of the delamination when a physical defect can occur simultaneously. The use of Coupled Circuits Method permits to reduce the discretization to only the active parts without mesh air gap. The results obtained are compared to finite elements ones. A good agreement is observed between results. Interesting and useful conclusions are made.
W pracy przedstawiono metodę obwodów sprzężonych zastosowaną do badań nieniszczących prądów wirowych (EC-NDT). Urządzenie składa się z przewodzącej konstrukcji ze szczeliną powietrzną (rozwarstwieniem) lub wadą fizyczną (brak materiału). Celem badania jest identyfikacja obecności rozwarstwienia, gdy jednocześnie może wystąpić wada fizyczna. Zastosowanie metody obwodów sprzężonych pozwala zredukować dyskretyzację tylko do aktywnych części bez siatkowej szczeliny powietrznej. Uzyskane wyniki porównuje się z wynikami elementów skończonych. Obserwuje się dobrą zgodność wyników.
In recent years, there has been a highly competitive pressure on industrial production. To keep ahead of the competition, emerging technologies must be developed and incorporated. Automated visual inspection systems, which improve the overall mass production quantity and quality in lines, are crucial. The modifications of the inspection system involve excessive time and money costs. Therefore, these systems should be flexible in terms of fulfilling the changing requirements of high capacity production support. A coherent defect detection model as a primary application to be used in a real-time intelligent visual surface inspection system is proposed in this paper. The method utilizes a new approach consisting of nested autoencoders trained with defect-free and defect injected samples to detect defects. Making use of two nested autoencoders, the proposed approach shows great performance in eliminating defects. The first autoencoder is used essentially for feature extraction and reconstructing the image from these features. The second one is employed to identify and fix defects in the feature code. Defects are detected by thresholding the difference between decoded feature code outputs of the first and the second autoencoder. The proposed model has a 96% detection rate and a relatively good segmentation performance while being able to inspect fabrics driven at high speeds.
Content available remote Defect Detection of Printed Fabric Based on RGBAAM and Image Pyramid
To solve the problem of defect detection in printed fabrics caused by abundant colors and varied patterns, a defect detection method based on RGB accumulative average method (RGBAAM) and image pyramid matching is proposed. First, the minimum period of the printed fabric is calculated by the RGBAAM. Second, a Gaussian pyramid is constructed for the template image and the detected image by using the minimum period as a template. Third, the similarity measurement method is used to match the template image and the detected image. Finally, the position of the printed fabric defect is marked in the image to be detected by using the Laplacian pyramid restoration. The experimental results show that the method can accurately segment the printed fabric periodic unit and locate the defect position. The calculation cost is low for the method proposed in this article.
W pracy przedstawiono nową metodę wykrywania defektów materiałowych z wykorzystaniem termografii aktywnej. W celu zwiększenia kontrastu cieplnego dokonano przetwarzania wstępnego zarejestrowanej sekwencji termogramów metodami morfologii matematycznej. Do wykrywania defektów zastosowano algorytm k-średnich. W pracy zbadano wpływ miary odległości używanej w opisywanym algorytmie oraz doboru danych wejściowych na efektywność opisywanej metody. Eksperyment przeprowadzono dla próbki wykonanej z kompozytu zbrojonego włóknem węglowym (CFRP). W badaniach stwierdzono, że najmniejsze błędy wykrywania defektów za pomocą opisywanej metody uzyskuje się dla kwadratowej odległości euklidesowej.
The paper presents a new method of detecting material defects using active thermography. In order to increase the thermal contrast, preprocessing of the recorded sequence of thermograms was carried out using mathematical morphology methods. The k-means algorithm was used to detect defects. The work examined the impact of distance measure used in the described algorithm and the selection of input data on the effectiveness of the described method. The experiment was carried out for a sample made of carbon fiber reinforced composite (CFRP). Studies have shown that the smallest errors in defect detection using the described method are obtained for the square Euclidean distance.
The article presents the possibilities of detecting defect in materials using the fiber Bragg gratings (FBG). Steel belts with a thickness of 1 mm were used for the tests: one standard and the others were damaged. The damage was in the form of incisions. The FBG was glued to the sample with epoxy glue along its entire length and elongation by outside force. Based on the transmission spectrum obtained on the Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA) the processing characteristics: the main minimum on the transmission characteristics, total width of the spectrum and the full width at half maximum FWHM depending on the FBG strain was determine.
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości wykrywania defektu w materiałach przy użyciu światłowodowych siatek Bragga (FBG). Do testów użyto kilka stalowych pasków: jeden wzorcowy, pozostałe uszkodzone w różny sposób. Uszkodzenia miały postać nacięć. FBG przyklejono do próbki klejem epoksydowym na całej długości i wydłużano. Widmo transmisji uzyskane na analizatorze widma wykorzystano do określenia charakterystyk przetwarzania: główne minimum charakterystyki transmisji całkowita szerokość widma i szerokość połówkowa FWHM w zależności od odkształcenia siatki.
To develop an automatic detection and classifier model for fabric defects, a novel detection and classifier technique based on multi-scale dictionary learning and the adaptive differential evolution algorithm optimised regularisation extreme learning machine (ADE-RELM) is proposed. Firstly in order to speed up dictionary updating under the condition of guaranteeing dictionary sparseness, k-means singular value decomposition (KSVD) dictionary learning is used. Then multi-scale KSVD dictionary learning is presented to extract texture features of textile images more accurately. Finally a unique ADE-RELM is designed to build a defect classifier model. In the training ADE-RELM classifier stage, a self-adaptive mutation operator is used to solve the parameter setting problem of the original differential evolution algorithm, then the adaptive differential evolution algorithm is utilised to calculate the optimal input weights and hidden bias of RELM. The method proposed is committed to detecting common defects like broken warp, broken weft, oil, and the declining warp of grey-level and pure colour fabrics. Experimental results show that compared with the traditional Gabor filter method, morphological operation and local binary pattern, the method proposed in this paper can locate defects precisely and achieve high detection efficiency.
W celu opracowania automatycznego modelu wykrywania i klasyfikowania defektów tkanin, zaproponowano nowatorską technikę wykrywania i klasyfikowania opartą na zastosowaniu maszyny uczącej się (ADE-RELM). Proponowana metoda ma na celu wykrywanie powszechnych defektów, takich jak przerwana osnowa i wątek oraz zabrudzenia po oleju. Wyniki eksperymentalne pokazują, że w porównaniu z tradycyjną metodą filtrów Gabora, operacją morfologiczną i lokalnym wzorcem binarnym, proponowana w artykule metoda pozwala na precyzyjne zlokalizowanie defektów i osiąga wysoką skuteczność ich wykrywania.
The detection of defects in yarn-dyed fabric is one of the most difficult problems among the present fabric defect detection methods. The difficulty lies in how to properly separate patterns, textures, and defects in the yarn-dyed fabric. In this paper, a novel automatic detection algorithm is presented based on frequency domain filtering and similarity measurement. First, the separation of the pattern and yarn texture structure of the fabric is achieved by frequency domain filtering technology. Subsequently, segmentation of the periodic units of the pattern is achieved by using distance matching function to measure the fabric pattern. Finally, based on the similarity measurement technology, the pattern’s periodic unit is classified, and thus, automatic detection of the defects in the yarn-dyed fabric is accomplished.
Due to the wide range of various sheet metal grades and the need to verify the material properties, there are numerous methods to determine the material formability. One of them, that allows quick determination of sheet metal formability, is the Erichsen cupping test described in the ISO 20482: 2003 standard. In the presented work, the results of formability assessment for DC04 deepdrawing sheet metal were obtained by means of the traditionally carried out Erichsen cupping test and compared with the resultsobtained by using two advanced methods based on vision analysis. Application of these methods allows extending the traditional scope of analysis during Erichsen cupping test by determination of the necking and strain localization before fracture. The proposed methods were compared in order to dedicate appropriate solution for the industrial application and laboratory tests respectively, where the simplicity and reliability are the mean aspects need to be considered when applied to the Erichsen cupping test.
Advanced vision method of analysis of the Erichsen cupping test based on laser speckle is presented in this work. This method proved to be useful for expanding the range of information on material formability for two commonly used grades of steel sheets: DC04 and DC01. The authors present a complex methodology and experimental procedure that allows not only to determine the standard Erichsen index but also to follow the material deformation stages immediately preceding the occurrence of the crack. Accurate determination of these characteristics in the sheet metal forming would be an important application, especially for automotive industry. However, the sheet metal forming is a very complex manufacturing process and its success depends on many factors. Therefore, attention is focused in this study on better understanding of the Erichsen index in combination with the material deformation history.
W pracy zaprezentowano zastosowanie metod progowania lokalnego do wykrywania defektów z użyciem termografii aktywnej. Przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne polegające na rejestracji sekwencji termogramów powierzchni badanej próbki materiału dla dwóch wymuszeń cieplnych oraz dwóch faz procesu wymiany ciepła (faza nagrzewania i faza stygnięcia). Sekwencje termogramów uzyskane w badaniach eksperymentalnych zostały poddane binaryzacji z wykorzystaniem lokalnych metod progowania. Do oszacowania efektywności wykrywania defektów za pomocą zaproponowanych metod, zastosowano kryteria oparte na pojęciu błędu klasyfikacji w obszarze defektów i obszarze tła. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono, że największą dokładność uzyskuje się z stosując zmodyfikowaną metodę Bradleya.
The paper presents the application of local thresholding methods for defect detection using active thermography. Experimental studies were performed involving the recording of the sequence of thermograms of the surface of the tested material sample. Experiments were conducted for two different thermal excitations and two phases of the heat transfer process (i.e. heating phase and cooling phase). The thermograms from sequences obtained in experimental studies were then binarized using local thresholding methods. Three following methods were employed: modified Bradley method, median method and Gaussian weighted mean method. To assess the accuracy of defect detection using the proposed algorithms, the criteria based on the concept of classification error in the defected and non-defected areas were applied. In this work it was found that the most accurate method is the modified Bradley method.
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