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The research investigates the role of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in improving the decision-making processes of startups in Thailand, considering the role of perceived accuracy. The study addresses several research gaps, including how ABC influences decision-making in the Thai startup context and the significance of perceived accuracy in shaping decision processes, which need more literature investigating the problem to help startups make better decisions and ensure their sustainability. The study utilized the quantitative survey research design method, collecting primary data from the research population consisting of startup founders/CEOs and accountants in Thailand using a structured questionnaire. A sample of 190 respondents was drawn from the study population, whose responses were analyzed using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that ABC significantly influences decision-making in Thailand startups. Perceived accuracy also had a significant effect on ABC and partially mediated the impact of ABC on decision-making. The findings indicate that Thai startup owners or managers are willing to use ABC as a costing strategy if they perceive it to provide accurate information in decision-making, indicating its potential to enhance cost efficiency, competitiveness, performance, and firm survival in the startup ecosystem. ABC is a beneficial costing technique for leveraging cost efficiency, competitiveness, high performance, and firm survival for startups. Understanding this is vital for startups to navigate the turbulent business environment encumbered with uncertainties.
Badanie ma na celu określenie roli rachunku kosztów działań (Activity-Based Costing- ABC) w usprawnianiu procesów decyzyjnych start-upów tajlandzkich, uwzględniając rolę postrzeganej dokładności. Badanie wskazuje kilka luk badawczych, w tym wpływ ABC na podejmowanie decyzji w kontekście tajlandzkich startupów oraz znaczenie postrzeganej dokładności w kształtowaniu procesów decyzyjnych, oba obszary wymagają dalszych badań literaturowych w celu pomocy startupom w podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji i zapewnieniu ich trwałości. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę badań ilościowych, zbierając pierwotne dane od populacji badawczej składającej się z założycieli/dyrektorów generalnych start-upów i księgowych w Tajlandii za pomocą ustrukturyzowanego kwestionariusza ankiety. Próba licząca 190 respondentów została wybrana spośród populacji badawczej, a odpowiedzi zostały przeanalizowane przy użyciu analizy korelacji i analizy regresji wielokrotnej. Wyniki wykazały, że ABC znacząco wpływa na podejmowanie decyzji w tajlandzkich start-upach. Wyniki wskazują, że właściciele lub menedżerowie tajlandzkich startupów są skłonni stosować ABC jako strategię ustalania kosztów, jeśli postrzegają ją jako dostarczającą dokładnych informacji podczas podejmowania decyzji, wskazując na jej potencjał w zakresie poprawy efektywności kosztowej, konkurencyjności, wydajności i przetrwania firmy w ekosystemie startupów. ABC to korzystna technika kalkulacji kosztów, pozwalająca start-upom wykorzystać efektywność kosztową, konkurencyjność, wysoką wydajność i przetrwanie firmy. Zrozumienie tego jest niezbędne dla start-upów, aby poruszać się po burzliwym środowisku biznesowym obarczonym niepewnościami.
This article deals with the problem of forest fires in the province of Tizi Ouzou this tragic phenomenon which has always struck the region and which often causes degas at the same time human, social, economic, ecological and sanitary. The methodology applied to the Tizi Ouzou region aims to study the vulnerability of its territory to forest fires. The AHP-GIS integration greatly facilitates this work because in this study several qualitative and quantitative criteria come into play. The construction of this structure was based on the construction of a grid of criteria applied to the entire area of The study, using geomantic operations as integrating and generating tools. To choose the most vulnerable area, a geographic information system (GIS) was combined with an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) in order to analyze several criteria, such as land use, climatological condition and Topography. The AHP was applied to determine the importance weights of each criterion. to assess the vulnerability of areas, a simple additive weighting method was used. Each criterion was evaluated with the aid of AHP and mapped by GIS. The main advantage of such an approach is to facilitate the analysis of complex data in the form of graphical representations. In particular, this is an essential decision-making tool for elected representatives of local authorities. These results can be used effectively to plan fire control measures in advance and the methodology suggested in this study can be adopted in other areas too for delineating potential fire risk zones.
Wieloletnie wydobycie węgla kamiennego wpływa na deniwelację powierzchni terenu. Analiza zmian warunków hydrogeologicznych i stanu zagrożeń wodnych w zakładach górniczych wymusiły pracę nad nowymi możliwościami oceny i zwalczania zagrożenia wodnego. Obecnie szczególnym przedmiotem zainteresowania są zmiany morfologii terenu, zmiany stosunków wodnych, których najczęściej spotykanym przejawem są zalania i podtopienia stref najbardziej obniżonych oraz zmiana kierunków i natężenia spływu wód powierzchniowych. W publikacji przeprowadzono analizę możliwości obniżenia kosztów likwidacji nieczynnej kopalni przez modernizację funkcjonującego systemu odprowadzenia wód opadowych z bezodpływowych niecek. Analiza ujawniła główne czynniki zakłócające przebieg procesu odwadniania i wynikające z nich najważniejsze problemy. Przy pomocy analizy wielokryterialnej z grupy zaproponowanych technicznych wariantów modernizacji wybrano warianty optymalne.
Many years of hard coal mining affect the leveling of the land surface. The analysis of changes in hydrogeological conditions and the state of water hazards in mining plants forced the mine to work on new ways of assessing and combating water threats. Currently, the special subject of interest is focused on changes in the morphology of the area, changes in water conditions, the most common manifestations of which are flooding and water damages of the most depressed zones as well as changing the direction and intensity of surface water runoff. The publication analyzes the possibility of reducing the costs of liquidation an inactive mine by modernizing the existing rainwater drainage system from drainless basins. The analysis revealed the main factors interferring the dewatering process and the crucial problems resulting from them. Using a multi-criteria analysis, the optimal variants were selected from the group of the proposed technical modernization variants.
Decision-making is a process which has accompanied the human being since time immemorial and in various areas of their activity. It should result in making a choice that meets the expectations (conditions) of the decision maker to the greatest extent. Decisions can be made on the basis of information which is not always complete and reliable. Sometimes it may happen that it is incomplete and reliable or complete but unreliable. Then, it concerns ill-structured problems. The purpose of this article is to verify whether ill-structured problems can be solved/supported in a way based on an operating algorithm. In the article, a case study with complete but unreliable information as well as with complete and reliable information was used. Logical decision trees were employed in the study. The result of the study allowed for, among others, establishing that the analysis of an ill-structured problem using logical decision trees consists in performing steps which follow one another in a logical sequence creating thus a sequence of operations, and therefore an operating algorithm, which confirms that solving ill-structured problems can be supported/implemented using an algorithm.
Podejmowanie decyzji stanowi proces, który towarzyszy człowiekowi od zawsze i w różnych obszarach jego działalności. Jego rezultatem powinno być dokonanie wyboru, który w największym stopniu spełnia oczekiwania (warunki) decydenta. Decyzje można podejmować na podstawie informacji, które nie zawsze są pełne i pewne. Czasem może się zdarzyć, że są niepełne i pewne lub pełne, ale niepewne. Wówczas dotyczą one problemów słabo ustrukturalizowanych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest weryfikacja, czy problemy słabo ustrukturalizowane można rozwiązywać/wspierać ich rozwiązywanie w sposób oparty na algorytmie działań. W artykule wykorzystano analizę przypadku z informacjami pełnymi, ale niepewnymi oraz pełnymi i pewnymi. Posłużono się w niej logicznymi drzewami decyzyjnymi. Jej wynik pozwolił m.in. na stwierdzenie, że analiza problemu słabo ustrukturalizowanego za pomocą logicznych drzew decyzyjnych polega na wykonaniu kroków, które następują po sobie w logicznej kolejności. Tworząc tym samym ciąg czynności, a zatem algorytm działania, co potwierdza, że rozwiązywanie problemów słabo ustrukturalizowanych może być wspierane/realizowane za pomocą algorytmu.
Decision-making in companies is often based on the managers' personal experience. However, their consequences can have an impact on the development of the daily activities. To illustrate the managerial impact of decision-making, the biggest African power utility company based in South Africa will be analyzed. Various data such as annual productivity and energy sales were extracted over 15 years from his annual reports and two artificial neural network techniques named Levenberg-Marquardt and Scaled Conjugate Gradient used to analyze them. It emerged from the results obtained that between 2018 and 2020 the company experienced good growth which could extend until 2025 in the best-case scenario or else will drop again to reach its 2020 well-being state. Thus, the obtained results could be used to reinforce the decision-making and to determine the moment when decisions should be taken to prevent the demise of the company.
Podejmowanie decyzji w firmach często opiera się na osobistym doświadczeniu menedżerów. Jednak konsekwencje tychże decyzji mogą mieć wpływ na rozwój codziennych działań. Aby zilustrować wpływ podejmowania decyzji na zarządzanie, przeanalizowana zostanie największa afrykańska firma energetyczna z siedzibą w RPA. Różnorodne dane, takie jak: roczna produktywność i sprzedaż energii, zostały wyodrębnione z raportów rocznych z 15 lat. Do analizy wyodrębnionych danych wykorzystano dwie techniki sztucznych sieci neuronowych o nazwach: Levenberg-Marquardt i Scaled Conjugate Gradient. Z uzyskanych rezultatów badań wynika, że w latach 2018-2020 firma doświadczyła dynamicznego wzrostu, który w najlepszym przypadku może potrwać do 2025 r po czym spoadnie do poziomu z 2020 r. Uzyskane wyniki można zatem wykorzystać do wzmocnienia procesu decyzyjnego i określenia momentu, w którym należy podjąć decyzje zapobiegające upadkowi firmy.
In the digital society, states’ information security has become one of the key elements of ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of the state, guaranteeing its integrity and security in general. An important component of state security is the internal security of the state, which must ensure the personal and public safety of its citizens. Modern Ukraine is building a new system of criminal justice, which requires a new information system for risk assessment and support for optimal decision-making. Today, applied research and the development of information and analytical software for the internal security of the state have acquired a special meaning. In the paper, there is built a set of models for providing operational information for decision-making in criminal justice. This is a cluster model for creating criminal profiles of convicts, and a scoring model for identifying individual characteristics of criminals that have the greatest impact on their propensity to reoffend. The obtained models can provide reliable support for decision-making in the field of criminal justice and become part of the information support system for the internal security of Ukraine in general.
The paper aims to identify how Industry 4.0 technologies affect the quality and speed of the managers’ decision-making process across the different stages of the value chain, based on the example of the manufacturing sector. The paper adopts qualitative research, based on nine in-depth interviews with key informants, to capture senior executives’ experiences with implementing Industry 4.0 technologies in their organisations. The research is focused on three manufacturing industries: the automotive, food and furniture industries. The research shows that depending on the stage of the value chain, different Industry 4.0 technologies are more suitable for the support of managers’ decisions. Various Industry 4.0 technologies support decisionmaking at different stages of the manufacturing value chain. In the Design stage, 3D printing and scanning technologies play a crucial role. In the case of Inbound Logistics, robotisation, automation, Big Data analysis, and Business Intelligence are most useful. During the Manufacturing stage, robotisation, automation, 3D printing, scanning, Business Intelligence, cloud computing, and machine-to-machine (M2M) integration enable quick decision-making and speed up production. Sensors and the Internet of Things (IoT) optimise distribution in the Outbound Logistics stage. And finally, Business Intelligence supports decisions within the Sales and Marketing stage. It is also the most versatile technology among all particular stages. The paper provides empirical evidence on the Industry 4.0 technology support in decision-making at different stages of the manufacturing value chain, which leads to more effective value chain management, ensuring faster and more accurate decisions at each value-chain stage. When using properly selected Industry 4.0 technologies, managers can optimise their production processes, reduce costs, avoid errors and improve customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, Industry 4.0 technologies facilitate predictive analytics to forecast and anticipate future demand, quality issues, and potential risks. This knowledge allows organisations to make better decisions and take proactive actions to prevent problems.
This study investigates the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in forecasting agricultural yields in Kazakhstan, highlighting its implications for economic management and policy-making. Utilizing data from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2000-2023), the research develops two ANN models using the Neural Net Fitting library in MATLAB. The first model predicts the total gross yield of main agricultural crops, while the second forecasts the share of individual crops, including cereals, oilseeds, potatoes, vegetables, melons, and sugar beets. The models demonstrate high accuracy, with the total gross yield model achieving an R-squared value of 0.98 and the individual crop model showing an R value of 0.99375. These results indicate a strong predictive capability, essential for practical agricultural and economic planning. The study extends previous research by incorporating a comprehensive range of climatic and agrochemical data, enhancing the precision of yield predictions. The findings have significant implications for Kazakhstan's economy. Accurate yield predictions can optimize agricultural planning, contribute to food security, and inform policy decisions. The successful application of ANN models showcases the potential of AI and machine learning in agriculture, suggesting a pathway towards more efficient, sustainable farming practices and improved quality management systems.
In today's competitive industry landscape, it is crucial to assess manufacturing processes to enhance efficiency. However, identifying the critical factors that impact productivity can be a daunting task due to their intricate nature. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel approach that combines fuzzy logic with TOPSIS to comprehensively evaluate manufacturing company efficiency. The method presented by the author treats this as a complex MCDM problem and accommodates diverse factors with distinct weights, which are crucial for a thorough efficiency analysis. This approach was applied to evaluate potential manufacturing entities in Cyprus through a three-step process. Firstly, relevant criteria were curated using literature and expert insights, endowing them with linguistic terms that were then translated into fuzzy values. Next, fuzzy TOPSIS evaluated efficiency, and sensitivity analysis gauged the criteria weight impact on decisions. This article introduces a new methodology for holistic manufacturing company evaluation. The synergy of fuzzy-set theory and TOPSIS proves effective amidst the ambiguity inherent in performance measurement. By uniting these methodologies, this study advances manufacturing performance evaluation, aiding informed decision-making. The research contributes a pioneering method to enhance manufacturing efficiency assessment while accommodating uncertainty through fuzzy logic integration.
Simulations in planning logistics processes as a tool of decision-making in manufacturing companies
The intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) have a more significant contribution to describing and dealing with uncertainty. The intuitionistic fuzzy measure is a significant consideration in the field of IFSs theory. However, Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) are an extension of the IFSs. PFSs are more capable of modelling uncertainties than IFSs in real-world decision-making scenarios. The majority of PFSs research has concentrated on establishing decision-making frameworks. A similarity measure is a key concept which measures the closeness of PFSs. IFSs-based similarity measures have been proposed in the literature. This type of similarity measure, however, has a drawback since it cannot satisfy the axiomatic definition of similarity by offering counter-intuitive examples. For this study, a similarity-based on logarithmic function for Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) is proposed as a solution to the problem. A decision-making approach is presented to ascertain the suitability of careers for aspirants. Additionally, numerical illustration is applied to determine the strength and validity of the proposed similarity measures. The application of the proposed similarity measures is also presented in this article. A comparison of the suggested measures with the existing ones is also demonstrated to ensure the reliability of the measures. The results show that the proposed similarity measures are efficient and reasonable from both numerical and realistic assessments.
This research is focused on decision-making problems with redundant and incomplete information under a fuzzy environment. Firstly, we present the definition of incomplete fuzzy soft sets and analyze their data structures. Based on that, binary relationships between each pair of objects and the “restricted/relaxed AND” operations in the incomplete fuzzy soft set are discussed. After that, the definition of incomplete fuzzy soft decision systems is proposed. To reduce the inconsistency caused by the redundant information in decision making, the significance of the attribute subset, the reduct attribute set, the optimal reduct attribute set and the core attribute in incomplete fuzzy soft decision systems is also discussed. These definitions can be applied in an incomplete fuzzy soft set directly, so there is no need to convert incomplete data into complete one in the process of reduction. Then a new decision-making algorithm based on the above definitions can be developed, which can deal with redundant information and incomplete information simultaneously, and is independent of some unreliable assumptions about the data generating mechanism to forecast the incomplete information. Lastly, the algorithm is applied in the problem of regional food safety evaluation in Chongqing, China, and the corresponding comparison analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Content available Risk management in the heating industry
The heating industry plays a very important role in countries with a cold and temperate climate. Together with the power industry, it determines the energy security of these countries. That is why it is so important to study the risks that threaten the stability of heating companies. The article identifies risks divided into three groups – general economic, industry and specific risks. A risk map was drawn up and a qualitative analysis of their impact for the aforementioned companies was carried out. Such a map is a helpful tool in making decisions related to risk management and ensuring the stability of the functioning of business entities.ul information for both government and local authorities in the search for effective ways to drive the sector’s development.
Transportation appraisal has a potential important role in prioritization of transportation investment projects and other transportation measures. Appraisal practices vary much over countries and time, but these differences are not fully known. More knowledge on the variation in practices may contribute to smoother knowledge exchange between countries and more informed choices in the further development of each national practice. In this paper, we present both an updated mapping and a meta-analysis of impact coverage in national appraisal guidelines for transportation measures and spatial measures more generally. Our updated mapping of impact coverage covers 18 national and regional guideline sets and 44 sorts of impact. It shows rather similar overall impact coverage in the reviewed guidelines for economic, social and environmental impacts. The most advanced appraisal practices are found in Northern and Western Europe and Oceania. We find that supplementary quantitative analyses are most common for economic impacts, while multi-criteria analyses are most common for environmental impacts. Our meta-analysis covers ours and 15 earlier impact mappings, jointly covering 42 countries and regions. In this examination, we show how impact coverage in appraisal practices has improved over time, particularly for environmental, user and wider economic impacts. The meta-analysis also reveals that Western and Northern European and Oceanian countries and dependencies have had the widest impact coverage from 1998 to 2020, both in CB and overall. To examine what characterize countries with broad and narrow impact coverage, we have applied econometric regression models that are linear (i.e. linear least squares), quasi-linear (i.e. Tobit) and fractional response-based (i.e. fractional probit and fractional logit). In these regression analyses, we control for study-specific characteristics and clustering the standard errors on countries. Our results show that the CB impact coverage tends to increase with economic wealth, equality and population size in developed countries, while we find no such patterns for overall impact coverage.
This paper aims to examine how specific domestic social, political, and cultural motives impact national security agendas’ formation and implementation. The following assumptions drive this essay’s research rationale: Security-making processes are considered non-similar among states due to different domestic political processes, cultural discourses, and socialisation patterns. Therefore, national security agents are constantly being guided by various intrastate settings, which construct attitudes that are ultimately reflected upon policy formation and implementation through strategic behavioural manifestations. Thus, the realisation of national security is dependent on each state actor’s existent strategic culture, and given that, choices cannot be contemplated strictly under rationality. The methods of literature review and multi-layered analysis are applied throughout this study. In particular, this text’s reasoning is based on contextualisation, identification, categorisation of variables, and correlational implications. Concerning findings, the theoretical examination of the objects assessed provides adequate clarifications on the interaction among the domestic motives, decision-makers’ perspectives, and strategic cultural manifestations. Specifically, it was critically identified that the two last concepts may complementary function during security-making processes; hence, producing unique outcomes for each state actor. Consequently, this paper wishes to contribute by giving direction for future research and broader methodological implications on the role of intrastate socio-political and cultural motives as sources of strategic culture and determinants of national security-making attitudes; without ignoring that other factors can respectively affect the aforementioned schemes.
In order to strengthen public health management, the main aim of the study was to identify possible changes in alcohol consumption during the health crisis, classified according to the socio-economic status of the Slovak population. The research sample consisted of 506 respondents (33% males and 67% females), and data were collected through an online questionnaire distributed from 29th of April 2020 to 1st July 2020. A crosstabulation showed that alcohol consumption did not change in about half of the respondents, while the majority of the remaining respondents reported a decrease in alcohol consumption compared to those who reported an increase. Females were more stable in their drinking than males. Correspondence analysis showed that high-income males (2500 to 2999 EUR) were more likely to drink excessively. Conversely, high-income females reported much less alcohol consumption. Health care professionals should pay increased attention to alcohol consumption in vulnerable groups at risk of developing an addiction. The findings of this study provide valuable information for improving public policy management and for effective decision-making in public health.
W celu wzmocnienia zarządzania zdrowiem publicznym, głównym celem badania była identyfikacja możliwych zmian w spożyciu alkoholu podczas kryzysu zdrowotnego, sklasyfikowanych według statusu społeczno-ekonomicznego ludności słowackiej. Próba badawcza składała się z 506 respondentów (33% mężczyzn i 67% kobiet), a dane zostały zebrane za pomocą ankiety internetowej rozprowadzanej od 29 kwietnia 2020 r. do 1 lipca 2020 r. Tabela krzyżowa wykazała, że spożycie alkoholu nie zmieniło się w około połowie badanych, podczas gdy większość pozostałych respondentów zgłosiła spadek spożycia alkoholu w porównaniu z tymi, którzy zgłosili wzrost. Kobiety były bardziej stabilne w piciu niż mężczyźni. Analiza korespondencji wykazała, że mężczyźni o wysokich dochodach (2500 do 2999 euro) częściej nadużywali alkoholu. Z drugiej strony kobiety o wysokich dochodach zgłaszały znacznie mniejsze spożycie alkoholu. Pracownicy służby zdrowia powinni zwracać większą uwagę na spożywanie alkoholu w grupach wrażliwych, zagrożonych uzależnieniem. Wyniki tego badania dostarczają cennych informacji na temat poprawy zarządzania polityką publiczną oraz skutecznego podejmowania decyzji w zakresie zdrowia publicznego.
By discretising the stochastic demand, a deterministic nonlinear programming formulation is developed. Then, a hybrid simulation-optimisation heuristic that capitalises on the nature of the problem is designed. The outcome is an evaluation problem that is efficiently solved using a spreadsheet model. The main contribution of the paper is providing production managers with a tractable formulation of the production planning problem in a stochastic environment and an efficient solution scheme. A key benefit of this approach is that it provides quick near-optimal solutions without requiring in-depth knowledge or significant investments in optimisation techniques and software.
Mining-method selection (MMS) is one of the most critical and complex decision making processes in mine planning. Therefore, it has been a subject of several studies for many years culminating with the development of different systems. However, there is still more to be done to improve and/or create more efficient systems and deal with the complexity caused by many influencing factors. This study introduces the application of the entropy method for feature selection, i.e., select the most critical factors in MMS. The entropy method is applied to assess the relative importance of the factors influencing MMS by estimating their objective weights to then select the most critical. Based on the results, ore strength, host-rock strength, thickness, shape, dip, ore uniformity, mining costs, and dilution were identified as the most critical factors. This study adopts the entropy method in the data preparation step (i.e., feature selection) for developing a novel-MMS system that employs recommendation system technologies. The most critical factors will be used as main variables to create the dataset to serve as a basis for developing the model for the novel-MMS system. This study is a key step to optimize the performance of the model.
The paper provides a multiple-experts Fuzzy-TOPSIS decision-making model for the selection among maintenance contractors based on the quality of tendering documents. The study introduces a set of selection criteria utilizing benefit and cost criteria from literature. The proposed model aggregates subjective linguistic assessments of multiple experts that express their opinions on the degree of importance of criteria and allows multiple decisionmakers to evaluate the compliance of contractors’ documents. For a case study, the model is applied to select among contractors tendering to maintain the heavy-duty cranes of an international steel company from literature. Several decision-making scenarios are investigated, and major changes in the final decision are observed. The changes in obtained results illustrate the need to better address uncertainties in rating and tendering an overqualified contractor at a higher cost.
As one of the most important decision-making problems in fully mechanised mining, the corresponding mining technology pattern is the technical foundation of the working face. Characterised by complexity in a thin seam fully mechanised mining system, there are different kinds of patterns. In this paper, the classification strategy of the patterns in China is put forward. Moreover, the corresponding theoretical model using neural networks applied for patterns decision-making is designed. Based on the above, optimal selection of these patterns under given conditions is achieved. Lastly, the phased implementation plan for automatic mining pattern is designed. As a result of the industrial test, automatic mining for panel 22204 in Guoerzhuang Coal Mine is realised.
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