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Decision-making for the refurbishment of multi-family residential buildings is a complex and computationally difficult task. Therefore, the authors have developed a model that supports modernization planning in a long-term and comprehensive manner, i.e. from assessing the building to indicating the optimal scope of modernization. The comprehensive scope of the model includes the acquisition and provision of relevant knowledge to the model. The original methods proposed for its acquisition are derived from common expert knowledge based on linguistic terms. The methods adopted are not mandatory and may be replaced by others that provide more reliable knowledge. The fundamental aim of the proposed approach, however, is to select the optimal modernization option and allocate it over the planned modernization time horizon. An innovative optimisation approach based on decision matrices is used, allowing the selection of possible scenarios of repair options at each stage. These matrices are a set of constraints written in binary variables allowing the optimisation calculus to maintain a fixed sequence of repairs. In addition, the solutions used in the optimisation modules make it possible to take into account assumptions regarding the assumed assessment of the building’s condition and financial constraints. The developed model provides a practical and versatile tool that can be used by managers at the maintenance stage of residential buildings.
W Europie coraz większą uwagę przykłada się do modernizacji budynków mieszkalnych, co ma na celu zmniejszenia niekorzystnego oddziaływania budynków mieszkalnych generujących duże ilości zanieczyszczeń środowiskowych. Modernizacja budynków stanowi kluczowy krok w kierunku dekarbonizacji istniejących zasobów mieszkaniowych. Stąd tez działania te muszą być ukierunkowane przede wszystkim na redukcję zużycia energii, wpływu na środowisko, ale również poprawę odbioru społecznego. Osiągnięcie celów zrównoważonego budownictwa jest trudnym zadaniem wymagającym zbadania dużej liczby środków modernizacji i kontrastujących celów. W obliczu wielu możliwości wyboru sposobu modernizacji budynków głównym problemem jest identyfikacja tych, które są bardziej efektywne i niezawodne w długim okresie czasu i które w największym stopniu przyczyni ą się do rozwiązywania problemów środowiskowych, ekonomicznych i społecznych. Promowanie modernizacji energetycznej w istniejących budynkach mieszkalnych jest jednym z najistotniejszych celów polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Konieczność dostosowywania budynków do nowych standardów energetycznych ma na celu ograniczenie globalnego zużycia energii i emisji gazów cieplarnianych i przyspieszenie modernizacji istniejących budynków. Zauważalne jest jednak, że przy renowacji budynków nie s ą uwzględniane w sposób kompleksowy zagadnienia holistyczne związane z realizacją celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Potrzeba zatem tworzenia bardziej zrównoważonych ekologicznie budynków, ze wskazaniem na konieczność modernizacji budynków w szerszym ujęciu, które uwzględnia również cele społeczne, takie jak poprawa jakości życia. Wiąże się to z uwzględnieniem w renowacji potrzeb związanych z: komfortem i zdrowiem, ochroną i bezpieczeństwem, funkcjonalnością i inteligentnym zarządzaniem co przekłada się na komfortowe warunki środowiska wewnętrznego – termicznego, oświetlenia naturalnego, jakości powietrza wewnętrznego oraz akustyki. Renowacja budynku powinna również uwzględniać aspekt techniczny odnoszący się do bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji, co jest szczególnie ważne z uwagi na starzejący się zasób budynków mieszkalnych. Z tego tez powodu zwraca si ę uwagę na utrzymanie odpowiednich parametrów budynku, zachowanie jego pierwotnych funkcji oraz zapewnienie odpowiedniej jakości życia mieszkańców w kontekście zrównoważonej modernizacji budynków. Biorąc pod uwagę powyższe wymagania autorzy opracowali metodę, która składa się z sześciu etapów obliczeniowych. W pierwszym dobierane są kryteria, określana jest ich ważność, a następnie dokonywana jest wielokryterialna ocena stanu budynku. W drugim etapie, na podstawie przeprowadzonej oceny stanu budynku, opracowywane są różne propozycje napraw wraz z określaniem wartości przyrostu dla ocen każdego z kryteriów. W kolejnym kroku określane są zależności technologiczne występujące pomiędzy proponowanymi naprawami i na tej podstawie określane są możliwe warianty remontu, składające się z jednej lub większej ilości napraw – w ustalonym porządku kolejnościowym. W czwartym etapie przeprowadzany jest wybór optymalnego pod względem kosztów wariantu modernizacji, którego wykonanie umożliwi uzyskanie zakładanych wartości kryteriów. W kolejnym etapie przeprowadzane są obliczenia związane z określeniem budżetu potrzebnego do przeprowadzenia napraw na poszczególnych etapach planowanej modernizacji. W ostatnim szóstym etapie, biorąc pod uwagę ograniczenia finansowe, przeprowadzana jest optymalizacja mająca na celu alokację napraw w rozpatrywanym horyzoncie czasowym. Proponowana metoda w sposób długoterminowy i kompleksowy wspomaga planowanie remontów, tj. począwszy od oceny budynku, a skończywszy na wskazaniu optymalnego zakresu modernizacji. Kompleksowy zakres proponowanej metody obejmuje pozyskanie i dostarczenie odpowiedniej wiedzy. Zaproponowano autorskie metody do jej pozyskania oparte są na powszechnej wiedzy eksperckiej bazującej na określeniach lingwistycznych. Przyjęte metody nie są obligatoryjne i mogą być zastąpione innymi, które dostarczą bardziej wiarygodnej wiedzy. Zasadniczym celem proponowanego podejścia jest jednak wybór optymalnego wariantu modernizacji i jego alokacja w planowanym horyzoncie czasu. Zastosowane nowatorskie podejście optymalizacyjne oparte na macierzach decyzyjnych, umożliwia wybór możliwych scenariuszy wariantów modernizacji na każdym jej etapie. Macierze te stanowią zbiór ograniczeń zapisanych zmiennymi binarnymi pozwalające w rachunku optymalizacyjnym zachować ustaloną kolejność wykonywania napraw. Ponadto zastosowane w modułach optymalizacyjnych rozwiązania umożliwiają uwzględnienie założeń dotyczących zakładanej oceny stanu budynku oraz ograniczeń finansowych. Opracowana metoda stanowi praktyczne i uniwersalne narzędzie, które może być wykorzystywane przez zarządców na etapie utrzymania budynków mieszkalnych.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na ważny aspekt, jakim jest modelowanie i analiza strukturalna problemów w procesie decyzyjnym. Zaprezentowane podejście systemowe na tle klasycznych wielokryterialnych metod wspomagania decyzji pozwala uwzględnić różne współzależne zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne relacje między kryteriami i wariantami decyzyjnymi, co jest istotne z perspektywy modelowanej rzeczywistości. Przedstawiono podstawowe metody modelowania i analizy struklturalnej, a całość rozważań została poparta wybranymi przykładami problemów decyzyjnych w budownictwie.
This paper notes the important aspect of the modeling and structural analysis of problems in decision making. Against classical multi-criteria decision-making support methods, the presented approach considers different co-dependent external and internal relations between criteria and decision alternatives, which is significant from the standpoint of the reality we aim to model. Essential structural modeling and analysis methods were presented, and the entire discussion was backed by samples of decision problems from the construction sector.
Probabilistic price forecasting has recently gained attention in power trading because decisions based on such predictions can yield significantly higher profits than those made with point forecasts alone. At the same time, methods are being developed to combine predictive distributions, since no model is perfect and averaging generally improves forecasting performance. In this article, we address the question of whether using CRPS learning, a novel weighting technique minimizing the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), leads to optimal decisions in day-ahead bidding. To this end, we conduct an empirical study using hourly day-ahead electricity prices from the German EPEX market. We find that increasing the diversity of an ensemble can have a positive impact on accuracy. At the same time, the higher computational cost of using CRPS learning compared to an equal-weighted aggregation of distributions is not offset by higher profits, despite significantly more accurate predictions.
Improving product quality while making decisions remains a challenge. The objective of this research was to develop a model that supports the precise enhancement of product quality through comprehensive analysis of possibilities, product incompatibilities, root causes, and recommended improvement actions. The model incorporated various tools and methods such as the SMARTER method, expert team selection, brainstorming, Ishikawa diagram, 5M+E rule, FAHP, and FTOPSIS methods. The study demonstrated that integrating quality management tools and decision-making methods into a unified model enables the accurate prioritization of activities for product quality management. This integrated approach represents the novelty of this research. The model was evaluated using a mechanical seal made of 410 alloy. The research findings can be valuable to enterprises seeking to enhance product quality at any stage of production, particularly for modified or new products.
The article presents the potential for using artificial neural networks to support decisions related to the rebonding of green moulding sand. The basic properties of the moulding sand tested in foundries are discussed, especially compactibility as it gives the most information about the quality of green moulding sand. First, the data that can predict the compactibility value without the need for testing are defined. Next, a method for constructing an artificial neural network is presented and the network model which produced the best results is analysed. Additionally, two applications were designed to allow the investigation results to be searchable by determining the range of values of the moulding sand parameters.
This article presents the issue of using decision support tools to select the variant of organization of urban transport system. Two scenarios for the use of electric vehicles were compared, considering not only their emissions and fuel consumption but also the limited accessibility of conventional vehicles to the city. The authors assume that the development of urban traffic organization must go hand in hand with the challenges of planning sustainable urban mobility and reducing harmful exhaust fumes. Furthermore, decision-makers should be equipped with simple decision support tools to generate the best option considering the expectations of transport users. The PTV VISUM tool was used to analyse and visualize two different organization scenarios for a selected city in Poland.
Purpose: The basic purpose of research was to determine the causes of making the decision that manufacturers on their way to improve the quality of their products. Design/methodology/approach: The research method applied in article is mainly standardized survey research making based on survey conducted in contact and remote way conducted in 78 enterprises in south-eastern Poland. The research process also accompanied analysis of thesource documentation. Findings: It was concluded that decision during improving quality of the product were making mainly in simultaneously with considering customers' requirements of the customers about the quality of the products and the impact of products on the natural environment. Research limitations/implications: Most of the verified enterprises from SMEs are tried integrating qualitative-environmental actions as part of improving the quality of products. This is a favorable condition for further research, so that it is possible to adjust the quality and environmental approach when improving the quality of products in SMEs. Practical implications: Discussion of the results of research have a series of practical implications mainly for product management staff. Especially in organizations that designed new products or also in significant modification of these products. Social implications: Building awareness improves not only quality of products, but also simultaneously in line with sustainable development, including in improving environmental aspects. Originality/value: The article has cognitive value for development of knowledge, science, quality, and environmental in the area of management of products.
Purpose: The purpose was to develop an approach to predict product quality considering current customers' expectations. Design/methodology/approach: The approach includes integrated techniques, i.e.: SMART(-ER) method, a questionnaire with the Likert scale, brainstorming (B&M), WSM method, and Naïve Bayes Classifier. This approach refers to obtaining customers' expectations for satisfaction from the current quality of products and the importance of these criteria. Based on the satisfaction of customers, the quality of the product was estimated and classified. Then, the quality of the product was predicted for current customers. Findings: It was shown that it is possible to predict product quality based on current customer expectations, and so based on the current existing product. Research limitations/implications: The proposed approach does not include the possibilities of determining the expected quality of the product. The approach focuses on predicting customers' satisfaction with the current quality of the product. Therefore, if there is a need for improvement actions, further analyzes should be carried out to determine which criteria should be modified and how. Practical implications: The presented approach can be used for any product. Therefore, it is a useful tool for any kind of organization, which strives to meet customer satisfaction. Despite the possibility to predict the quality of the product, the proposed approach can indicate at an early stage to the organization that it is necessary to make improvement actions. Social implications: It is possible to reduce the waste of resources by predicting that improvement actions are necessary. Moreover, the approach supports an entity (e.g., expert, enterprise, interested parties) in predicting current customers' satisfaction. Originality/value: Originality is predicting product quality based on current customers' expectations. A new combination of quality management techniques, decision support, and machine learning was implemented.
Wybór proponowanych do realizacji projektów infrastrukturalnych, które zapewnią osiąganie celów rozwojowych, jest jednym z kluczowych zagadnień planowania. W Polsce, w obszarze strategicznego planowania rozwoju infrastruktury transportowej, metody wspomagania decyzji nie są kompleksowo stosowane. Artykuł ten ma na celu wypełnienie tej luki za pomocą modelu decyzyjnego rozwoju transportu z zastosowaniem logiki rozmytej. Zaprezentowana metoda umożliwia ocenę projektów kolejowych i drogowych względem grupy kryteriów odpowiadających głównym paradygmatom rozwoju, tj. zrównoważonemu rozwojowi i jakości życia. W celu praktycznego zastosowania logiki rozmytej wykorzystano moduł Fuzzy Logic Toolbox dostępny w pakiecie MATLAB. Model rozwoju obejmuje definicję zmiennych lingwistycznych odpowiadających kryteriom decyzyjnym, funkcje przynależności, reguły wnioskowania oraz ocenę wyników. Model został zastosowany do oceny dwóch rzeczywistych projektów infrastrukturalnych w zakresie linii kolejowej i drogi. Rozważania przeprowadzone w tym artykule wskazują na przydatność logiki rozmytej do wspomagania decyzji w planowaniu rozwoju transportu.
The selection of infrastructure projects proposed for implementation that will ensure the achievement of development objectives is one of the key planning issues. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making, are currently not applied comprehensively. The article aims to address this gap with Fuzzy Logic-based Decision Model for Transport System Development. The presented method allows to assess infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport against a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria, membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. Model was applied in two real-life project evaluation cases of rail and road infrastructure projects. The deliberations described in this paper indicate the applicability of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development.
European Union Global Critical Infrastructure Safety Management System (EUSAFEGLOBE) will develop new modelling and assessment methods and tools to create novel comprehensive and coherent methodology for safety and resilience analysis of critical infrastructure with ageing dependent assets under outside extreme events impact. Project results and tools validated in real case studies will be integrated into sectorial safety management systems and risk reduction and accident consequences mitigation management systems for process industry, energy and transport. On the basis of created sectorial management systems and developed systemic approach to critical infrastructure cybersecurity the Early Warning System (EWS) will be designed. Created sectorial management and warning systems and systemic approach to critical infrastructure cybersecurity and training tools developed in the form of Critical Infrastructure Safety and Resilience Training System (CISRTS) will be integrated into the European Union Global Critical Infrastructure Safety Management System (EUGCISMS). EUGCISMS will be provided with clear for users instructions of its applications in all of any-sector critical infrastructures and will be placed at the developed during project implementation the internet interactive platform, to create its final form the European Union Global Critical Infrastructure Safety Internet Interactive Platform (EUGCISIIP). EUGCISIIP will be tested and approved for common use and placed at created the European Union Global Critical Infrastructure Safety Management Centre (EUGCISMC). EUGCISMC will carry permanent education, dissemination and consultancy services to various industry and administration sectors including seminars, conferences, training courses and fully operational interactive internet service as the main gate to all critical infrastructures safety related resources and knowledge and it is planned to be exploited as a validated methodological approach and integrated component for strategic level decision making though the whole EU.
Współczesne rozwiązania wykorzystywane w środowisku wojskowym oparte są o model architektury korporacyjnej rozumianej jako zbiór właściwości danej organizacji. Ramy architektury korporacyjnej proponowanej do zastosowania w omawianym środowisku wyznacza architektura korporacyjna NATO Architecture Framework w wersji 4. Celem NAFv4 jest zapewnienie standardu opracowywania i opisywania architektury korporacyjnej na potrzeby wojskowe. W artykule zaprezentowano praktyczną implementację NAFv4 w opracowaniu architektury systemu wspomagania decyzji o ewakuacji medycznej, którego ideą jest monitorowaniu parametrów życiowych żołnierza oraz wykorzystanie rozszerzonej świadomości sytuacyjnej do wsparcia procesu decyzyjnego w zakresie skutecznej ewakuacji poszkodowanych nie tylko na polu walki.
Contemporary solutions used in military environment are based on Enterprise Architecture model understood as a set of properties of a given organization. The framework of enterprise architecture proposed for use in this environment is specified by NATO Architecture Framework version 4. The purpose of NAFv4 is to provide a standard for developing and describing enterprise architecture for military purposes. The paper presents practical implementation of NAFv4 in development of decision support system architecture for medical evacuation, which idea is to monitor vital signs of a soldier and use extended situational awareness to support decision making process in effective evacuation of casualties not only on the battlefield.
W artykule przedstawiono model wspomagający decyzje związane z długoterminowym planowaniem utrzymania budynku mieszkalnego. Zaproponowano sposób kwantyfikacji stanu budynku i algorytm optymalizacji maksymalizujący korzyści działań naprawczych i modernizacyjnych (wyrażone zwiększeniem oceny stanu budynku) przy założeniu minimalizacji kosztu tych działań. Model uwzględnia praktyczne ograniczenia związane z założeniami budżetowymi, kolejnością prac oraz terminami, wspomagając alokację działań w planowanym horyzoncie czasowym. Opracowana metoda została zaimplementowana do postaci komputerowego systemu i może stanowić użyteczne narzędzie wspierania procesu podejmowania decyzji na etapie utrzymania wielorodzinnych budynków mieszkalnych.
The article presents a model to support decisions related to long-term planning of housing maintenance. A method of quantifying the building condition and an optimization algorithm were proposed, maximizing the benefits of repair and modernization activities (expressed by the increment of the building condition assessment) with the assumption of minimizing the cost of these activities. The model takes into account practical constraints related to budget assumptions, sequence of works and deadlines, supporting the allocation of activities in the planned time horizon. The developed methodology was implemented in the form of a computer system and can be regarded as a usefultool for supporting the decision-making process at the maintenance stage of multifamily residential buildings.
Aquaculture is an important industry in certain coastal areas. Focusing on farming of salmon and trout, an operational planning problem arises with the goal of allocating supply of fish to demand expressed through customer orders. This paper provides a conceptual model of such a planning problem, defines a corresponding bi-objective mathematical programming model. The problem is novel with respect to the structure of the transportation of fish, and the rules for satisfying customer orders with respect to fish size, quality, certification, and health status. Computational experiments are conducted to gain further insights into the use of the provided model to provide support for planners involved in the operational decision making. Results indicate that the bi-objective optimization model can be useful in situations where supply is insufficient to cover all the demand within a given planning horizon.
Deliberations on transport development indicate that planning is its most significant aspect. One of the key issues in planning is selecting infrastructure projects for completion that will contribute to achieving the development objectives. The important functions of planning, as well as its complexity, indicate the need to use solutions in the decision-making support field. In Poland, in the area of strategic planning of infrastructure development, methods of supporting decision-making aimed at selecting infrastructure projects, taking into account their degree of compliance with strategic goals, are currently not applied comprehensively. The paper aims to address this gap with MCDA solution basing on review of literature combined with the authors’ experience in transport planning. Therefore, authors presented a proposed tool for supporting decision-making in planning transport development on a strategic level. The presented method allows for assessing infrastructure development projects in road and rail transport. Such assessments take into account a number of criteria corresponding to the main development directions, i.e. sustainable development and quality of life. Due to the method of formulating development objectives, it has been decided that it will be advantageous to apply fuzzy logic, which enables using natural language in decision-making support systems. To allow practical application of fuzzy logic, the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package available in the MATLAB environment has been employed. The developed model contains a structure along with defined linguistic variables reflecting the decision-making criteria; also, it includes membership functions, inference rules as well as assessment results. The paper also defines the algorithm of decision-making support procedure. For verification purposes, the decision support model was applied in several real-life project evaluation cases, including a variety of projects in construction, development, and renovation of rail and road infrastructure. The deliberations de scribed in this paper indicate the usefulness of fuzzy logic for supporting decision-making in planning transport development. It’s beneficial that the defined criteria can be applied in the case of projects in early preparation phase, enabling their practical application. Implementation of the solution in the MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox enables achieving fast results of the assessment of decision-maker preference level.
At NTNU in Norway an 8-year research project has been established to (among other things) research the interaction between humans and unmanned, autonomous ships. The human will become even more important when ship operator will be located remotely in shore control centers ashore. This concept paper will take a closer look on remote decision-making by operators monitoring several ships. How can interface design help them to get quickly into-the-loop when something unexpected suddenly happens? I will in this paper suggest keeping a copy of the AI expert-system controlling the ship, updated and running in parallel in the control center to keep the operator’s situation awareness during short communication glitches. Also, to design a “quickly-getting-into-the-loop-display” which automatically will appear in an alarm situation, allowing the operator just-in-time and simple-to-understand information. I will also stress the important of the concept automation transparency.
The paper outlines the recent trends in the evolution of Business Process Management (BPM) – especially the application of AI for decision support. AI has great potential to augment human judgement. Indeed, Machine Learning might be considered as a supplementary and complimentary solution to enhance and support human productivity throughout all aspects of personal and professional life. The idea of merging technologies for organizational learning and workflow management was first put forward by Wargitsch. Herein, completed business cases stored in an organizational memory are used to configure new workflows, while the selection of an appropriate historical case is supported by a case-based reasoning component. This informational environment has been recognized in the world as being effective and has become quite common because of the significant increase in the use of artificial intelligence tools. This article discusses also how automated planning techniques (one of the oldest areas in AI) can be used to enable a new level of automation and processing support. The authors of the article decided to analyse this topic and discuss the scientific state of the art and the application of AI in BPM systems for decision-making support. It should be noted that readily available software exists for the needs of the development of such systems in the field of artificial intelligence. The paper also includes a unique case study with production system of Decision Support, using controlled machine learning algorithms to predictive analytical models.
W artykule przedstawiono najnowsze trendy w ewolucji zarządzania procesami biznesowymi – zwłaszcza zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji do wspomagania decyzji. Sztuczna inteligencja ma ogromny potencjał, by wzmocnić ludzki osąd. Uczenie maszynowe może być uważane za dodatkowe i uzupełniające rozwiązanie zwiększające i wspierające produktywność ludzi we wszystkich aspektach życia osobistego i zawodowego. Idea łączenia technologii uczenia się organizacji i zarządzania przepływem pracy została przedstawiona przez Wargitscha. Ukończone sprawy biznesowe przechowywane w pamięci organizacyjnej służą do konfigurowania nowych przepływów pracy. Wybór odpowiedniego przypadku historycznego jest poparty komponentem wnioskowania opartym na przypadkach. To środowisko informacyjne zostało uznane na świecie ze względu na znaczny wzrost wykorzystania narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji. Istnieje duża liczba kwalifikujących się do użycia i łatwo dostępnych algorytmów na potrzeby rozwoju systemów sztucznej inteligencji wspierającej procesy biznesowe. W tym artykule omówiono także, w jaki sposób można zastosować techniki automatycznego planowania (jeden z najstarszych obszarów AI), aby umożliwić nowy poziom automatyzacji i wsparcia przetwarzania. Wdrożenie sztucznej inteligencji wykazuje znaczące wyniki, szczególnie w celu uzyskania wyższego zysku. Autorzy artykułu postanowili przeanalizować ten temat i omówić stan wiedzy naukowej oraz zastosowanie sztucznej inteligencji w systemach BPM do wspomagania decyzji. Artykuł zawiera także unikalne studium przypadku z systemem produkcji wspomagania decyzji, wykorzystujące algorytmy kontrolowanego uczenia maszynowego do predykcyjnych modeli analitycznych.
The Negotiation Support Systems often implement multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA) techniques for building a negotiation scoring system. Those formal models should meet the needs, motivations, expectations, and cognitive abilities of users. In this paper, we try to explore the effects of decision maker’s subjective perception of ease of use, time requirements, interface, preference representation, and efficiency of a particular MCDA method on the choice regarding the future use of this method. The multinomial logistic regression model is built and analysed. The analysis is based on data from online decision making experiments, where three MCDA methods were implemented, i.e. AHP, SMART, and TOPSIS. The study provides several interesting findings, concerning the behavioural aspects of multiple criteria decision aiding in software support systems. Most of the users recommended TOPSIS as the best one for supporting decisions in the future. This is a fast technique, for which we used an attractive graphical interface, suggesting that these factors play a crucial role in the users’ choices. However, the causative regression model showed that the user’s positive experience in using a particular method, i.e. its effectiveness in solving an exemplary numerical case, has the highest impact on the method’s choice for future use. The second most important factor is the adequacy in representing the user’s preferences by this method. We show, however, that the strengths of effects and their significance may vary across the methods. Understanding the decision maker’s evaluations of the MCDA techniques may help build a cognitive negotiation support system that satisfies the user’s expectations.
Inspired and led by Dr. Gregory E. Kersten, a number of research projects have been conducted at the InterNeg Research Centre. This paper intends to acknowledge Dr. Kersten’s unique role as a pioneer in e-negotiation research, particularly in exploring and integrating various elements in e-negotiations. From the design science research perspective, this paper reviews a series of relevant research works in e-negotiation modeling, system design and development, and experimental studies. This provides an integrative view of interconnected elements in this field, and also helps framing the various studies into different aspects and stages of e-negotiation research. The paper then suggests several guidelines and directions for future design science research in e-negotiations.
Current advances in high-throughput and imaging technologies are paving the way next-generation healthcare, tailored to the clinical and molecular characteristics of each patient. The Big Data obtained from these technologies are of little value to society unless it can be analyzed, interpreted, and applied in a relatively customized and inexpensive way.We propose a flexible decision support system called IntelliOmics for multi-omics data analysis constituted with well-designed and maintained components with open license for both personal and commercial use. Our proposition aims to serve some insight how to build your own local end-to-end service towards personalized medicine: from raw data upload, intelligent integration and exploration to detailed analysis accompanying clinical medical reports. The high-throughput data is effectively collected and processed in a parallel and distributed manner using the Hadoop framework and user-defined scripts. Heterogeneous data transformation performed mainly on the Apache Hive is then integrated into a so called ‘knowledge base’. On its basis, manual analysis in the form of hierarchical rules can be performed as well as automatic data analysis with Apache Spark and machine learning library MLlib. Finally, diagnostic and prognostic tools, charts, tables, statistical tests and print-ready clinical reports for an individual or group of patients are provided. The experimental evaluation was performed as part of the clinical decision support for targeted therapy in non-small cell lung cancer. The system managed to successfully process over a hundred of multi-omic patient data and offers various functionalities for different types of users: researchers, bio-statisticians/bioinformaticians, clinicians and medical board.
The presented article concerns the issue of supporting the ADI cast iron product manufacturing process and presents an IT system dedicated mainly to designers and technologists. Designers can be supported at the stage of selecting types of materials and technologies (including ADI cast iron) to produce products with required properties. Technologists can obtain support in determining the parameters (temperature and chemical) of the ADI cast iron manufacturing process in order to obtain products with specific properties. The system also contains an information resources (standards, documentation, examples) concerning ADI cast iron and products made of it. Examples of use by individual system users are presented as a case study.
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