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E-waste refers to electronic products that are of no use, not working properly, and either close to or at the end of their “useful life”. Companies generate large amounts of e-waste when they replace old and outdated IT hardware with new technologies. Disposing of this e-waste is not so simple, as it may contain a significant amount of intellectual property in the form of data. Timely elimination of these records and data is very crucial to secure it. E-waste cannot just be discarded due to associated data security, confidentiality, compliance and environmental risks and policies. Even after deleting data, it can still be prone to social engineering attacks by malicious individuals. Data leakage is the unauthorized transmission of data from within an organization to an external destination or recipient, and it can be transferred electronically or physically. Nowadays, protecting data is of upmost importance for organizations. However, organizations still fail at destroying confidential data from their end-of-life equipment. This article focuses on how to detect data leakage and try to find those responsible for doing so. Different Data Loss Prevention (DLP) techniques that are currently being used by many organizations are discussed and some suggestions are provided for developing more consistent DLP and overcoming the weaknesses prevalent in these techniques. Furthermore, this article discusses various algorithmic, logical, and methodological foundations and procedures followed for large-scale data disposal, determining when the life of data comes to an end.
Rapid development of online medical technologies raises questions about the security of the patient’s medical data.When patient records are encrypted and labeled with a watermark, they may be exchanged securely online. In order to avoid geometrical attacks aiming to steal the information, image quality must be maintained and patient data must be appropriately extracted from the encoded image. To ensure that watermarked images are more resistant to attacks (e.g. additive noise or geometric attacks), different watermarking methods have been invented in the past. Additive noise causes visual distortion and render the potentially harmful diseases more difficult to diagnose and analyze. Consequently, denoising is an important pre-processing method for obtaining superior outcomes in terms of clarity and noise reduction and allows to improve the quality of damaged medical images. Therefore, various publications have been studied to understand the denoising methods used to improve image quality. The findings indicate that deep learning and neural networks have recently contributed considerably to the advancement of image processing techniques. Consequently, a system has been created that makes use of machine learning to enhance the quality of damaged images and to facilitate the process of identifying specific diseases. Images, damaged in the course of an assault, are denoised using the suggested technique relying on a symmetric dilated convolution neural network. This improves the system’s resilience and establishes a secure environment for the exchange of data while maintaining secrecy.
Data security in cloud services is achieved by imposing a broad range of privacy settings and restrictions. However, the different security techniques used fail to eliminate the hazard of serious data leakage, information loss and other vulnerabilities. Therefore, better security policy requirements are necessary to ensure acceptable data protection levels in the cloud. The two procedures presented in this paper are intended to build a new cloud data security method. Here, sensitive data stored in big datasets is protected from abuse via the data sanitization procedure relying on an improved apriori approach to clean the data. The main objective in this case is to generate a key using an optimization technique known as Corona-integrated Archimedes Optimization with Tent Map Estimation (CIAO-TME). Such a technique deals with both restoration and sanitization of data. The problem of optimizing the data preservation ratio (IPR), the hiding ratio (HR), and the degree of modification (DOM) is formulated and researched as well.
The article is devoted to the development of an information system for automating business processes of a modern enterprise with ensuring stability and reliability, which are implemented by the applications developed by the authors. Goal is to develop improvements to the core digitalization processes of enterprises for sustainable functioning. The authors carried out a deep analysis and described the main stages of the enterprise digitalization process: the process of document approval, business processes of personnel management, etc. The architecture of the information system, a description of business processes and the principles of reliability and fault tolerance of the system being developed have been developed. The developed desktop-client application provides connection to the information system with the help of working computers of the enterprise through a local network with access to the application server. This allows you to reduce damage from accidental or deliberate incorrect actions of users and administrators; separation of protection; a variety of means of protection; simplicity and manageability of the information system and its security system.
Artykuł poświęcony jest opracowaniu systemu informatycznego do automatyzacji procesów biznesowych nowoczesnego przedsiębiorstwa z zapewnieniem stabilności i niezawodności, które są realizowane przez opracowane przez autorów aplikacje. Celem jest rozwijanie usprawnień podstawowych procesów cyfryzacji przedsiębiorstw dla zrównoważonego funkcjonowania. Autorzy przeprowadzili dogłębną analizę i opisali główne etapy procesu cyfryzacji przedsiębiorstwa: proces akceptacji dokumentów, procesy biznesowe zarządzania personelem itp. Zostały opracowane architektura systemu informatycznego, opis procesów biznesowych oraz zasady niezawodności i odporności na błędy tworzonego systemu. Opracowana aplikacja typu desktop-client zapewnia połączenie z systemem informacyjnym za pomocą pracujących komputerów przedsiębiorstwa poprzez sieć lokalną z dostępem do serwera aplikacji. Pozwala to na ograniczenie szkód wynikających z przypadkowych lub celowych nieprawidłowych działań użytkowników i administratorów; rozdzielenie ochrony; różnorodność środków ochrony; prostotę i łatwość zarządzania systemem informatycznym i jego systemu zabezpieczeń.
Budowanie oddolne, czyli transformacja energetyki w trybie innowacji przełomowej do elektroprosumeryzmu (TETIPE) wymaga integracji wielu obecnie odrębnych (silosowych) sektorów energetycznych. Są to sektory energii elektrycznej, ciepła, gazu, paliw ciekłych i stałych. Integracja realizowana w transformacji TETIPE doprowadzi do wygaszanie większości z nich, a to powoduje bardzo duży opór. W artykule proponuje się przeprowadzić transformację z wykorzystaniem osłon kontrolnych jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Propozycja wynika, z jednej strony, z dużego dopasowania infrastruktury sieciowej do obszarów funkcjonowania samorządu, a z drugiej strony z możliwości wykorzystania doświadczeń samorządów w realizacji działań integrujących różne obszary, w tym mieszkańców, edukację, służbę zdrowia, ale również sektory energetyczne i przedsiębiorców. W artykule przedstawiono elektroprosumeryzację Polski za pomocą rozproszonych osłon kontrolnych powiązanych z jednostkami JST, w tym sposób pokrycia zapotrzebowania za pomocą źródeł OZE, oraz przedstawiono koszty krańcowe i średnioroczne wytwarzania energii w osłonach OK(JST). Opisano uwarunkowania wpływu osłon na sieć, zwłaszcza ze względu na rzeczywiste jej wykorzystanie przez rozproszone osłony elektroprosumenckie. Przedstawiono funkcjonalności wybranych rozwiązań technicznych przyłączanych na różnym poziomie napięć oraz zasygnalizowano kwestię wymiany danych i bezpieczeństwa. Opisano również przykłady oddolnych działań samorządów, weryfikujące koncepcję elektroprosumeryzmu.
Bottom-up building i.e. energy transition in the mode of breakthrough innovation to electroprosumerism (TETIPE) needs inegration of many currently separate (silo) energy sectors. They are sectors of electrical energy, heat, gas, liquid and solid fuels. Integration realised in TETIPE transition will lead to phasing out of majority of these sectors and this will evoke resistance. Presented here is a suggestion to carry out the transition with the use of JST control front-ends. This suggestion arises, on the one hand, from the high level of network structure matching to JST functioning areas and, on the other, from possibility to making use of local governments in realisation of activities integrating various areas including inhabitants, education, health service and also energy and entrepreneurs' sectors. Brought forward is electroprosumerization of Poland with the help of distributed control front-ends connected with JSTs - including the method to meet demand for energy by means of RES sources - and shown are marginal and average annual costs of energy generation in OK(JST) front-ends. Described are coditions of the front-ends impact on networks, especially by virtue of their utilization by distributed electroprosumeric front-ends. Characterized are functionalities of selected technical solutions connected at various voltage levels and signalled is the issue of data exchange and security. Given are examples of JST grassroots activities verifying the concept of electroprosumerism.
In the digitalized era of the information technology the expansion of the data usage is very high accounting for about enormous data transaction in day to day life. Data from different sources like sensors, mobile phones, satellite, social media and networks, logical transaction and ventures, etc add an gigantic pile to the existing stack of data. One of the best way to handle this exponential data production is the Hadoop network. Thus in the current scenario big industries and organizations rely on the Hadoop network for the production of their essential data. Focusing on the data generation and organization, data security one of the most primary important consideration was left unnoticed making data vulnerable to cyber attacks and hacking. Hence this article proposes an effective mixed algorithm concept with the Salsa20 and AES algorithm to enhance the security of the transaction against unauthorised access and validates the quick data transaction with minimal encryption and decryption time. High throughput obtained in this hybrid framework demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic structure over the existing systems
The paper presents analysis of the possibility of using selected hash functions submitted for the SHA-3 competition in the SDEx encryption method. The group of these functions will include the finalists of the SHA-3 competition, i.e. BLAKE, Grøstl, JH, Keccak, Skein. The aim of the analysis is to develop more secure and faster cryptographic algorithm compared to the current version of the SDEx method with SHA-512 and the AES algorithm. When considering the speed of algorithms, mainly the software implementation will be taken into account, as it is the most commonly used.
Modern cybersecurity efforts require the identification ofthe risks and threats associated with the cyberenvironment by consistently increasing public awareness of the dual nature of cyberspace and its use for the purposes of cooperation, and for the purposes of warfare and crime. Raising awareness today means involving both public and private users in cooperationfor the sake of both the common good and common interests involving standards for the use of virtual space.
Współczesne działania w obszarze bezpieczeństwa cyberprzestrzeni wymagają rozpoznania środowiska cyber pod kątem ryzyk i zagrożeń poprzez systematyczne budowanie świadomości społecznej dotyczącej dwoistej natury cyberprzestrzeni i jej wykorzystywania do kooperacji i celów wojenno-przestępczych. Budowanie świadomości współcześnie oznacza zaangażowanie użytkowników publicznych i prywatnych kooperujących w imię wspólnego dobra i wspólnych interesów dotyczących standardów użytkowania przestrzeni wirtualnej.
The article describes methods of user identification using authentication based on the second factor. Known algorithms and protocols for two-factor authentication are considered. An algorithm is proposed using mobile devices as identifiers and generating a temporary password based on the hash function of encryption standards. For an automated control system, a two-factor authentication model and a sequential algorithm for generating a temporary password using functions have been developed. The implementation of the system is based on the Node.js software platform using the JavaScript programming language, as well as frameworks and connected system libraries. MongoDB, an open source database management system for information storage and processing was used.
With the growth of data stored in cloud, data may become the target of attackers in the Internet. Therefore, the end users require high confidentiality, integrity and authentication in order to protect their data in cloud. In this paper, we aim at a comprehensive studying about the data security in cloud computing. The paper will discuss the details of cloud computing data security challenges and find out which are the most important challenges as well as the efficient solutions. The existing authentication and encryption algorithms are compared in terms of users' scenarios, outstanding features and the limitation. We also review the advantages and drawbacks of the algorithms for data security in terms of cloud computing services.
The current age characterized by unstoppable progress and rapid development of new technologies and methods such as the Internet of Things, machine learning and artificial intelligence, brings new requirements for enterprise information systems. Information systems ought to be a consistent set of elements that provide a basis for information that could be used in context to obtain knowledge. To generate valid knowledge, information must be based on objective and actual data. Furthermore, due to Industry 4.0 trends such as digitalization and online process monitoring, the amount of data produced is constantly increasing – in this context the term Big Data is used. The aim of this article is to point out the role of Big Data within Industry 4.0. Nevertheless, Big Data could be used in a much wider range of business areas, not just in industry. The term Big Data encompasses issues related to the exponentially growing volume of produced data, their variety and velocity of their origin. These characteristics of Big Data are also associated with possible processing problems. The article also focuses on the issue of ensuring and monitoring the quality of data. Reliable information cannot be inferred from poor quality data and the knowledge gained from such information is inaccurate. The expected results do not appear in such a case and the ultimate consequence may be a loss of confidence in the information system used. On the contrary, it could be assumed that the acquisition, storage and use of Big Data in the future will become a key factor to maintaining competitiveness, business growth and further innovations. Thus, the organizations that will systematically use Big Data in their decision-making process and planning strategies will have a competitive advantage.
The article presents the issues covering the modern methods of securing data in both manufacturing processes and companies within the concept of Industry 4.0. In this approach, research problems arose how to implement the right method of secure data sending in sales, manufacturing and distribution processes. It is a very important issue for manufacturing companies as well as how the process of sending electronic data should be safely conducted. While current researches concentrated on the method of blockchain secured electronic documents, there is almost no research concentrating on blockchain integrator selection criteria. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a decision assistance model based on multiple criteria decision analysis technique. Also, mutual relationships between parameters for the assessment of integrators are established. In the article, a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) was used to assess these characteristics. The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique was chosen for this assessment.
One of main purposes of every enterprise is to satisfy the buyer, therefore customer service is perceived as the capability or the ability of satisfying customers expectations and requirements. The present article was devoted to the issue of the quality assessment of customer service assuring the data security on the basis of pharmacies network case study of. The survey was based on prepared questionnaire forms analyzing the quality of the customer service on the basis of three areas. Results of the survey indicate that modern IT tools are very helpful, because they can provide data for analysis of numerous distribution individuals in the context of the quality of customer service in a very fast way.
Access to data is a nefralgic information security zone. On the one hand, we do everything to protect them against disclosure, and on the other hand, we need a new employee to provide data and information to be able to do their job. Managing access to data in the enterprise significantly affects the level of security in all areas of activity. The article presents the results of research in the field of security of policy objectives in a selected production company. The purpose of preliminary research is to analyze selected issues in the field of data access, control methods and employee responsibility. The article discusses the results of research on the access to information by employees. Lack of access to the data paralyzes their work, but their excess causes information chaos and makes it difficult to make a decision. The research results clearly indicate that access to data is treated as a priority, forgetting about access to computer software, mobile devices, which can also be the security of the company.
The article describes methods for applying authentication based on the second factor for the use in an automated system. For automated control system, the model's two-factor authentication and consistent algorithm were developed to generate a temporary password by using mathematical functions. Implemented was the software implementation in the JavaScript programming language in console mode. The analysis of the software implementation of the proposed algorithm was performed.
W artykule przedsawiono opracowane dwuskładnikowe uwierzytelnianie i spójny algorytm do użytku w zautomatyzowanym systemie w celu wygenerowania tymczasowego hasła za pomocą funkcji matematycznych. Wdrożono implementację oprogramowania w języku programowania JavaScript w trybie konsoli oraz przeprowadzono analizę implementacji.
The work examines the effectiveness of the replication mechanism of the X production company database. In order to extend the functionality of the computer database of the enterprise, a model of its resource flow was created and an intensional and extensional part was created for a test database based on real enterprise resources. The model has been simplified to 3-rd normal form. The implementation was done in the MySQL database system. Two different operating systems were selected for testing: Windows and Linux. The database management system (DBMS) is working under the GPL license. MySQL DBMS offers many security mechanisms, and to secure the database, system of users permissions to objects have been selected and also an encryption of access passwords for users and connections to servers was used. A replication engine based on the binary log and the model "main server and backup server" was used to create a copy of the enterprise data.
Wielopoziomowe uwierzytelnianie użytkownika (ang. multi-factor authentication system, MFA) jest sposobem na poprawę bezpieczeństwa przechowywanych danych. W artykule przedstawiono różne autorskie sposoby wykorzystania biometrii dłoni, które mogą zostać wykorzystane jako elementy systemu wielopoziomowego uwierzytelniania użytkowników oraz wyniki potwierdzające obiecującą skuteczność działania takiego systemu.
Multi-factor authentication system (MFA) is a possible way of improvement of the stored data security. The article presents different original approaches to the hand-based biometrics that may be applied into a multifactor authentication system. Moreover, in the article there are promising research results provided.
W artykule poruszono kwestie dotyczące rozwoju technologicznego i jego wpływu na funkcjonowanie podmiotów miejskich. Przedstawione zostały problemy z dziedziny IT z jakimi borykają się głównie przedsiębiorstwa, organy i instytucje działające w sektorze publicznym. Scharakteryzowano główne trendy procesu digitalizacji, które silnie oddziałują na lokalny sektor publiczny. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono zagadnieniu bezpieczeństwa danych gromadzonych i przetwarzanych przez podmioty miejskiej struktury organizacyjnej.
The article deals with issues related to technological development and its impact on the functioning of urban entities. There were described some IT problems, that enterprises and institutions of the public sector have to face nowadays. The main trends in the digitization process, which influence strong the local public sector, were identified. The attention was paid to the issue of collecting and processing the data by urban organizational entities, and the security of these data.
Publikacja dotyczy ataków SQL Injection, które stanowią jedno z głównych zagrożeń w cyberprzestrzeni. W oparciu o badania literaturowe dokonano klasyfikacji ataków SQL Injection. Celem pracy było przeprowadzenie analizy możliwości obrony przed atakami SQL Injection. Metodykę badawczą oparto na autorskiej aplikacji, zaimplementowanej w technologii JSP (JavaServer Pages) z wykorzystaniem serwera baz danych MySQL.
Publication refers to SQL Injection attacks whose are one of the most dangerous in a cyberspace. Based on a literature studies, classification of the SQL Injection attacks was prepared. The purpose of the work was to analyse of protections effectiveness against SQL Injection attacks. Research method has been based on author application, which was implemented in JSP (JavaServer Pages) technology using MySQL database server.
The article presents a pairwise comparison method for assessing the security of an IT system. A new approach to the assessment of inconsistencies of parameters and their mutual relations was applied. The main system security criteria and the process of their analysis in the Concluder program were determined. The proposed solution allows to locate the inconsistency of the adopted model. Pair comparison method is one of the most amazing solutions to help solve difficult problems.
W artykule przedstawiono metodę porównanie parami do oceny bezpieczeństwa systemu IT. Zastosowano nowe podejście do oceny niespójności parametrów i ich wzajemnych relacji. Określono główne kryteria bezpieczeństwa systemu i proces ich analizy w programie Concluder. Proponowane rozwiązanie pozwala zlokalizować niespójność przyjętego modelu. Metoda porównywania parami jest jednym z najbardziej niesamowitych rozwiązań, pomagających rozwiązywanie trudnych problemów.
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