W artykule przedstawiono rozwój łańcucha dostaw w kontekście ekologii i ochrony środowiska. Omówiono podejście do zrównoważonego rozwoju w aspekcie ewolucji łańcucha oraz element, który ostatnimi czasy ma ogromne znaczenie, mianowicie logistykę zwrotną. Następnie przedstawiono na przykładach sposoby można ograniczenia kosztów funkcjonowania magazynu jako jednego z elementów łańcucha dostaw. Ograniczenie kosztów ma bezpośredni wpływ zarówno na wydajność, jak i na ochronę środowiska. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie możliwych korzyści z inwestycji w rozwój elementów logistyki sprzyjających ekologii i ochronie środowiska.
This article describe development of supply chain in the context of ecology and environmental protection. It is show approach to sustainable development in aspect growing and evolution of supply chain and element which in present time is very important – reverse logistics. Later in the article there are practical examples of reduce costs in one element of supply chain – warehouse. Reduce of this cost has direct impact for productivity and environmental protection.
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Purpose: In this article an attention to environmental aspects, especially the necessity of recycling usage in the engineering design was paid. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper characteristic of engineering design and individual stages of this process, tools which designer uses to its realization were presented. Moreover, the factors which should be consider in the designing process were described. Findings: In this article, on the basis of engineering design methodology the ecodesign algorithm in which the principles of recycling were considered was proposed. Research limitations/implications: Design for recycling helps protect the environment and creates a sustainable means for conserving our resources. Recycling it is not only the usage of the secondary resources. It should be the system of materials circulation, consciously usage in the process of products designing which can be many times processed. Practical implications: Ecodesign is a new approach to designing and it depends on identification of the environmental aspects connected with product and consideration them to the designing process already on the early stage of product development. Originality/value: The worked out ecodesign algorithm systematizes workings performed during designing process and shows the meaning of the ecological aspect (necessity of recycling in it) in this process.
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Purpose: Metallurgical process generates many solid, gaseous and liquid wastes. Nowadays when environmental protection is one of the most important problems and when pollution limits are very tight as well, problem of the metallurgical wastes is a strategic one. Design/methodology/approach: In present days the metallurgical and foundry plant have to utilize their own wastes, especially these which are the most dangerous and toxic or have to render harm of its and transfer to another industry branch for further utilization. Nowadays the issue of wastes management has the place both in industrial practice and scientific field too. The presented work is a result of such an approach, where a cooperation between scientific and industrial partners gives good economical and ecological results. Findings: One of the very efficient method of utilization of furnace dusts from any melting furnace or the finest fractions of charging materials is pneumatic powder injection directly into molten metal bath.The method is pretty easy and cost effective in various conditions and its flexibility allows to implement it in almost every foundry or metallurgical plant. Research limitations/implications: Further experiments should be carried out to solve some additional problems appearing during powder injection processes to make them more efficient in various technological conditions. Practical implications: Nowadays in Poland operate more than ten industrial stands for powdered carburizers injection, installation of furnace dust injection back to the melting furnace or pneumatic inoculation of alloys (mostly in cast iron foundries). Originality/value: The paper presents a few modern solutions for recycling and utilization of furnace dusts (in cupolas and EAF’s) and pneumatic carburization with use of powdered carburizers which are very often in form of grinded graphite electrodes wastes. All of the mentioned results and method had been developed in Department of Foundry and some of the designs had been previously patented.
Wdrażanie czystych technologii węglowych i opracowywanie nowych rozwiązań technologicznych w obszarze produkcji i utylizacji węgla jest nieodzowne, aby te procesy w minimalnym stopniu wpływały niekorzystnie na środowisko naturalne oraz na zmiany klimatyczne. Konkurencyjne oraz przyjazne dla środowiska produkcja i utylizacja węgla stają się równocześnie trwałymi podstawami bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski, jak i Unii Europejskiej. Wizerunek węgla w Unii Europejskiej, a także w Polsce, gdzie produkcja energii elektrycznej opiera się głównie na jego wykorzystaniu, nie był dotychczas najkorzystniejszy. W artykule zarysowano koncepcje zmiany tego wizerunku w Polsce z uwzględnieniem znaczenia węgla, jako nośnika energii pierwotnej i potrzeby zminimalizowania niekorzystnych wpływów na środowisko naturalne jego produkcji i utylizacji.
The implementation of clean coal technologies and the elaboration of the new solutions in the scope of coal production and utilisation are essential for minimising of their impacts on the natural environment and the climate changes. The competitive and environmentally friendly coal production and utilisation become simultaneously the important element of energy security in Poland and for European Union as well. The image of the coal in European Union, and especially in Poland - the country where energy production is mainly coal dependent, was not most favourable so far. In the paper the concepts of coal image changing in Poland are outlined, taking into consideration the coal role in energy mix and the needs of minimising of coal production and utilisation impacts upon environment.
In Agricultural and Industrial Works FARMUTIL HS at Smiłów were "cleaner production" program has been put in practice, elimination of odors occurring during production of the meat and bone meal is of vital importance. Concentrations and emissions of total dust, organic substances in form of gas and vapors (as total organic carbon), hydrogen chloride, fluorine chloride, sulphur and nitrogen dioxides, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, polychlorinatcd dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans were measured at emitters of the plant for thermal disposal of odors from the production of the meat and bone meal. The results of measurements and analyses of the composition of the flue gas emitted to the atmosphere revealed that the concentration of harmful chemical compounds was low, lower than the permissible values defined in the standards.
W Zakładzie Rolniczo-Przemysłowym "FARMUTIL HS" w Śmiłowie, realizującym w praktyce program "czystszej produkcji", likwidacja odorów powstających podczas wytwarzania mączki mięsno-kostnej jest niezwykle ważna. Na emitorach instalacji do termicznego unieszkodliwiania odorów z produkcji mączki mięsno-kostnej wykonywano pomiary stężeń i emisji takich związków jak: pył ogółem, substancje organiczne w postaci gazów i par wyrażone jako całkowity węgiel organiczny, chlorowodór, fluorowodór, dwutlenki siarki i azotu, tlenek węgla, metale ciężkie oraz polichlorowane dibenzodioksyny i dibenzofurany. Wyniki przeprowadzonych pomiarów i analiz składu spalin emitowanych do atmosfery wykazały, że stężenie szkodliwych związków chemicznych było niskie, poniżej wartości dopuszczalnych określonych w normach.
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The Cleaner Production strategy achieves the ecodevelopment goals at the company level by implementing proecological projects related to Cleaner Production programs. Such activities enable companies to get a wide variety of benefits, including the ecological ones related to a decreased nuisance of manufacturing process, economical profits leading to an improved productivity of the companies involved as well as advantages pertaining to enhanced employee's safety and working conditions. The paper deals with ecological and economical effects of CP project implementation in selected companies within the scope of Cleaner Production programs developed in Poland.
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Purpose: The paper presents a possibility of the sustainable technology model to the materials technological processes galvanic treatment used. Design/methodology/approach: The article includes analysis and estimation of the nickel and chromium coated on the metal elements. To selection of the best solution (about the least negative environmental influence) simple genetic algorithm was used. Polyoptimization makes possible selection of the optimum solution in view of several criteria, especially environmental. Findings: The conclusion of the work shows a possibility connecting of sustainable technology model with multiobjective optimization. This approach gives basis to collection of many modernization variants and selection of the optimum variant. Research limitations/implications: The enlargement of quantity and kind of criteria (except environmental criteria, e.g. quality, efficiency, costs, etc.) can narrow down the area of proposed solutions selection. The problem is the suitable introduction of these criteria to objective function. Practical implications: The solution presented in the paper can apply in the industry to estimation and selection of a group technological processes which characterize different environmental influences. To modernization variants optimization, except genetic algorithms, can be used other methods of polyoptimization. Originality/value: The paper presents searching for optimum solutions of the technological proces modernization with regard to environmental criteria with polyoptimization used.
The application field of clean production in different phases of product life-cycle is presented. Advantages of such production are discussed. The operations needed during product life-cycle which assure protection of the human body and its environment are presented.
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The paper presents the cleaner production goals and definitions, the source reduction as the most valuable pollution prevention method and two case studies of the cleaner production implementation. The implementation of the cleaner production technologies offers a chance to realize the concept of the sustainability development. To realize the sustainability development we need to achieve a consensual agreement for the protection of the environment which has been proposed by The Natural Step Theory TNS. There are two suggested ways of the production systems transformation using pollution prevention. The first one is the eco-efficiency, the second one - the system changes. This leads to the concept of the coefficient ,,10", one of the basic ideas of the sustainability development. It could be assumed that in the 21st century there will be observed a few jump-like system renewals resulting from a long-term research on the time scale every 20 years. These will lead to new fundamental societal and economic ecosystems.
Niedawno został zakończony 3-letni polsko-duński projekt badawczo-wdrożeniowy pt. Program transferu czystszych technologii produkcyjnych i systemu zarządzania środowiskiem do zakładów przemysłu elektro-maszynowego w Polsce. Projekt ten był częściowo finansowany przez Duńską Agencję Ochrony Środowiska. IMP aktywnie uczestniczył w realizacji tego projektu. W artykule przedstawiono główne kierunki inwestycyjne opracowane dla dwóch wybranych zakładów przemysłowych średniej wielkości położonych na południu Polski. Omówiono wdrożone rozwiązania z zakresu czystszej produkcji, niektóre z uzyskanych wyników oraz główne korzyści ekologiczne i ekonomiczne tych inwestycji.
3-years Polish-Danish project entitled Cleaner technology and Eco-management transfer program for the electromechanical industry in Poland has been recently terminated. Project was financially supported by Danish Environmental Protection Agency. IMP has actively participated in project realization. Paper presents main cleaner production investments elaborated for two selected medium size enterprises in southern Poland. Implemented cleaner producion solutions, some of the obtained results and main environmental and economical benefits with other advantages of these investments are presented.
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