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Purpose: The article investigates organizational customers response to the marketing stimulation in order to understand the moderating role of economy and emotional motives in business-to-business relationship. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in the form of case studies of experimental marketing projects facilitated in context of wholesale e-commerce B2B platform. Surveys and free text content has been analysed for statistics and conclusions formulation. Findings: The study identifies the influence of different forms of emotional motivation on the engagement of B2B customers and points out the success factors for engagement in B2B. Customers, when stimulated, demonstrate willingness to value creation for themself in form of emotional satisfaction and inside for company. They benchmark sales platform delivering inside from market. Finally, customers share their experience as the boosting factor for others. The study analyses customer engagement from the organizational and individual perspective. Research limitations/implications: The limitations are typical for the experimental projects which entail the uncertainty of the exact results replication. However, the obtained results indicate extension to academic literature as well as the practical suggestion for business. Originality/value: The research contributes to academia in the field of B2B customers behaviour when they are stimulated to creative activity on the e-commerce platform. Paper investigates reactions of individual responders to engagement projects while they are in strong organisational context.
Introduction/background: The increase in digital banking in Nigeria has made it easy for customers to experience self-service. The shift towards digital banking means that banks marketing systems will change, which makes it important for banks to understand the service quality dimensions of digital banking on customer experience. The following study was conducted as a qualitative case study to provide a grounded and more versatile understanding of the context-based phenomenon of customer experience of digital banking using three generations of customers. Aim of the paper: This study aims to explore customer digital banking experiences in terms of advancements, transformational journey of digital banking and challenges for customers. Materials and methods: A semi-structured interviews conducted from 25 digital banking customers from Nigeria about their experiences with digital banking. The interviews were thematically analyzed to produce themes around customer experiences. Results and conclusions: The findings of this study revealed customer digital banking experiences, the advancements through digital banking (convenient, comfort, paperless economy), digital banking transformational experiences (delightful, modern, transparent, reliable), and challenges (network infrastructure, electric power supply). The study contributes to bank marketing research in terms of customer experience in digital banking service. It explores the experiences of customer digital banking service which is important for banking marketing and theory advancements. Introduction/background: The increase in digital banking in Nigeria has made it easy for customers to experience self-service. The shift towards digital banking means that banks marketing systems will change, which makes it important for banks to understand the service quality dimensions of digital banking on customer experience. The following study was conducted as a qualitative case study to provide a grounded and more versatile understanding of the context-based phenomenon of customer experience of digital banking using three generations of customers. Aim of the paper: This study aims to explore customer digital banking experiences in terms of advancements, transformational journey of digital banking and challenges for customers. Materials and methods: A semi-structured interviews conducted from 25 digital banking customers from Nigeria about their experiences with digital banking. The interviews were thematically analyzed to produce themes around customer experiences. Results and conclusions: The findings of this study revealed customer digital banking experiences, the advancements through digital banking (convenient, comfort, paperless economy), digital banking transformational experiences (delightful, modern, transparent, reliable), and challenges (network infrastructure, electric power supply). The study contributes to bank marketing research in terms of customer experience in digital banking service. It explores the experiences of customer digital banking service which is important for banking marketing and theory advancements.
Providing clients with public services that will meet their needs and expectations requires not only testing their satisfaction. In order to better improve service processes in the context of customer orientation, customer experiences should be identified and taken into account in the process of continuous improvement. A tool that can be used for this purpose is Customer Journey Mapping (CJM). The purpose of this article is to lay the foundations for a better understanding of customer experience mapping in public services, and to identify and evaluate examples of its use in the public sector. The first part of the study characterizes the client and his experience in public services. Then the results of a literature review on the use of CJM in public services are presented. The last part summarizes the results obtained and sets the directions for future research.
Zapewnienie klientom usług publicznych, które będą spełniały ich potrzeby i oczekiwania wymaga nie tylko badania ich satysfakcji. Aby lepiej usprawniać procesy usługowe w kontekście orientacji na klienta powinno się identyfikować doświadczenia klientów i uwzględniać je w procesie ciągłego doskonalenia. Narzędziem, które można wykorzystać do tego celu jest mapowanie podróży klienta (CJM). Celem artykułu jest stworzenie podstaw dla lepszego zrozumienia problematyki mapowania doświadczeń klientów w usługach publicznych oraz identyfikacja i ocena przykładów zastosowania tego narzędzia w sektorze publicznym. W pierwszej części opracowania scharakteryzowano klienta i jego doświadczenia w usługach publicznych. Następnie przedstawiono wyniki przeglądu literatury dotyczącego wykorzystania CJM w usługach publicznych. W ostatniej części podsumowano uzyskane wyniki oraz określono kierunki przyszłych badań.
Nowadays, customer experience is one of the most powerful forces to increase customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, service quality, and company profit, especially for the cosmetics retail industry that is strongly influenced by the hedonic aspects. Therefore, this exploratory study aims to analyse plausible combinations of factors to reveal commonalities of online and offline customer experience with retail stores to support retailers in the alignment of the store system design with the promising profile of millennial women. The study uses a combination of several methods to conduct a comprehensive analysis, namely Eye Tracking (ET), Customer Journey Analysis (CJA), Retrospective Think Aloud (RTA), and In-Depth Interview (IDI). The analytical methods deliver qualitative and quantitative data to explore both positive and negative experiences from the customer point of view. The study reveals many possible factors that can bring positive or negative customer experience from a cosmetics retail store. Based on the findings, the design recommendations for offline and online cosmetics retail stores (physical, interface, and service systems) were made to help cosmetics retailers produce a positive customer experience. This paper provides two research contributions to the field of service experience. First, the study uses an original combination of four methods that have never been used to explore the experience comprehensively. The combination can increase the depth of this exploratory study in understanding the complexity of all customer experience dimensions. Therefore, this study brings a fresh perspective on the development of the method that can be used by many researchers in a similar area. Second, this study fills the existing gap in that area of exploratory research on customer experience in the cosmetics retail sector. This study could help many cosmetics offline or online retailers to improve their store system to bring a positive customer experience to millennial women as their biggest customer segment. This study could also inform the system design for new “players” in the cosmetics retail industry with valuable guidelines for a positive shopping experience at their store.
Content available remote Net Generation’s Customer Experience During a Pandemic
The article presents the aspect of netgeneration client experience during a pandemic in terms of research by research companies. The aim of this article is to define the concept of netgeneration and the customer’s experience during a pandemic. In today’s marketplace, customers around the world have the belief that they will live differently in the near future as a pandemic has turned their buying experience. It should be noted that the significant determinants of the new reality seem to be greater uncertainty, less sense of security during shopping and a limited range of face-to-face sales opportunities. Consumers, therefore, can expect brands that I interact with - digitally or as restrictions are relaxed physically - to provide them with better, safer and more free interaction at a lower cost. In the modern world, there is a strong digital activism / socialism (so-called cyberactivism), i.e. a social movement in which citizens want to influence social, economic and political reality using ICT tools. In connection with this movement, one can define the development of netgeneration, which highly values the rights of the individual, independence and freedom of action, opposing institutions, including business ones, which try to limit them, and has a strong sense of common good and socio-civic responsibility, and therefore its customer experiences mainly are related to electronic purchases.
Artykuł prezentuje aspekt doświadczenia klienta netgeneracji w okresie pandemii w aspekcie badań firm badawczych. Celem artykułu jest określenie pojęcia netgeneracji oraz doświadczenia klienta w czasie pandemii. Na współczesnym rynku klienci na całym świecie są przekonani, że w najbliższej przyszłości będą żyć inaczej, ponieważ pandemia zmieniła ich doświadczenia zakupowe. Należy zauważyć, że istotnymi wyznacznikami nowej rzeczywistości są: większa niepewność, mniejsze poczucie bezpieczeństwa w trakcie zakupów oraz ograniczony zakres możliwości sprzedaży face-to-face. Konsumenci zatem mogą oczekiwać, że marki, z którymi będą wchodzić w interakcje - cyfrowo lub w miarę poluzowania obostrzeń fizycznie - zapewnią im lepszą, bezpieczniejszą i bardziej swobodną interakcję przy niższych kosztach. We współczesnym świecie zauważa się silny cyfrowy aktywizm/socjalizm (tzw. cyberaktywizm), czyli ruch społeczny, w którym obywatele za pomocą narzędzi ICT chcą wpływać na społeczną, gospodarczą i polityczną rzeczywistość. W związku z tym ruchem można określić rozwój netgeneracji, która wysoko ceni prawa jednostki, niezależność i swobodę działania, sprzeciwiając się instytucjom, w tym biznesowym, które próbują je ograniczać, oraz ma silne poczucie wspólnego dobra i odpowiedzialności społeczno-obywatelskiej - dlatego jej doświadczenia klienckie związane są głównie z zakupami elektronicznymi.
The research aims to examine the perceptions of relative novice users of self-service checkouts (SSCOs) and if these perceptions change before, during and following use. Employing a diary approach with 31 respondents relatively unfamiliar with SSCOs, the research will document their experiences with this technology across stationary, hardware and grocery stores in two Scottish cities (Glasgow and Dundee). Findings suggest that the majority of respondents were motivated to use the technology because of time saving and convenience. However, the actual experience of using SSCOs was not always considered quicker when compared to staffed checkouts because of technical issues, lack of staff assistance and the impersonal, sometimes stressful and controlled nature of the cramped SSCO environment. Following post-use reflections, the majority of respondents’ opinions did not change from their initial perceptions and indicated that they would prefer not to use the technology in the future. Based on the findings, this study makes some practical suggestions centring on the design and usability of SSCOs, which may go some way to reducing customer dissatisfaction and frustration with the technology, especially from the perspective of new users of the technology.
StarbucksTM Coffee Company has more than 25,000 retail stores in 75 countries and is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Starbucks’ mission is „to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time” and its slogan has been to bring their customers exceptional experiences. McDonald'sTM, in turn, is one of the world's largest fast-food restaurant chains, serving approximately 69 million customers daily in over 120 countries across approximately 36,900 outlets. McDonald’s doesn’t mention any real mission in their company profile, but the strong slogan “I am loving it” describes well the company’s mission as well as the customer experience they hope to give their customers. The new trend in large international companies is that it is no longer customer satisfaction that is important, but customer experience, which along with products or services carries a lot of weight in customers’ final decision making. The purpose of this research was to examine the formation of and to measure customers’ conscious experience of products and services in the business to consumer environment with two student groups in Poznan, Poland. The research was carried out in a Starbucks coffee shop as well as in a McDonald’s fast food restaurant in Poznan, Poland with a fuzzy logic based customer experience application. The research clearly shows the possibilities to monitor, develop and improve the degree of conscious as well as unconscious areas of customer experience. Furthermore, the test results were used to verify and validate the usability and structure of the ontology and the used application. The application operated well, and the test groups were satisfied with both the operation of the application as well as the collective results, which are presented in this article. Finally, some possible future actions related to the customers’ conscious and unconscious experiences are suggested.
StarbucksTM Coffee Company ma ponad 25 000 sklepów detalicznych w 75 krajach i jest wiodącym dystrybutorem kawy specjalnej na świecie. Misją Starbucks jest "inspirowanie i pielęgnowanie ludzkiego ducha - jednej osoby, jednego kubka i jednego sąsiedztwa naraz", a jego hasłem jest dostarczanie swoim klientom wyjątkowych doświadczeń. Z kolei McDonald's jest jedną z największych sieci restauracji fast food na świecie, obsługującą około 69 milionów klientów dziennie w ponad 120 krajach w około 36 900 placówkach. McDonald's nie wspomina o żadnej prawdziwej misji w profilu swojej firmy, ale silny slogan "Kocham to" dobrze opisuje także misję firmy, a także wrażenia klienta, które zamierza dać swoim klientom. Nowym trendem w dużych międzynarodowych firmach jest silna marka i szczególny sposób obsługi klienta. Ważna jest nie tylko satysfakcja klienta, ale także wrażenia klienta, wraz z produktami lub usługami, które mają duży wpływ na ostateczną decyzję i zaangażowanie klientów. Celem badań była ocena tworzenia i pomiaru świadomego doświadczenia klientów w biznesie do środowiska konsumenckiego. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w kawiarni StarbucksTM oraz w restauracji fast food McDonald'sTM w Poznaniu z aplikacją obsługi klienta opartą na logice rozmytej. Badanie wyraźnie pokazuje możliwości monitorowania, rozwijania i poprawy poziomu świadomych i nieświadomych obszarów doświadczeń klientów. Aplikacja została przetestowana w dwóch grupach studenckich w Poznaniu. Ponadto wyniki testów i informacje zwrotne zebrane od grup testowych zostały wykorzystane do zweryfikowania i potwierdzenia przydatności i struktury użytej ontologii i aplikacji. Aplikacja działała dobrze, a grupy testowe były zadowolone zarówno z działania aplikacji, jak i zbiorczych wyników, które przedstawiono w tym artykule. Na koniec sugerowane są niektóre możliwe przyszłe działania dotyczące świadomych i nieświadomych doświadczeń klientów.
Doświadczenie klientów bankowości detalicznej jest niezwykle istotną kwestią, czego wyrazem są rozliczne naukowe i nienaukowe badania czynników tworzących wartość dla klientów. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje syntetyczne ujęcie wyników badań prowadzonych metodami naukowymi w Polsce w latach 2003-2013. Pozwalają one na wyodrębnienie i szczegółowe omówienie 4 najważniejszych w deklaracjach ankietowanych czynników wartości dla klienta, których wagi na przestrzeni lat ulegają zmianom: zaufania, ceny, dostępu oraz pracowników obsługi; z uwzględnieniem studiów przypadku banków liderów w rankingu NPS.
Customer experience is considered to be a crucial issue in retail banking, what results in many scientific and nonscientific researches on value for the customer conducted on this market. The following article presents a synthesis of scientific researches conducted in Poland in the years 2003-2013. The researches allow for extraction and grouping four main declared factors contributing to retail banking experience, the weighs of which are subjected to changes in past 10 years. The main factors: trust, prices, interaction with employees and access, are later described in detail with cases of Net Promoter Score ranking leaders on that market.
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