W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki wnioskowania statystycznego, średnich czasów przejścia i czasów oczekiwania dla wszystkich wartości, które przyjmowała zmienna niezależna. Porównywanie średnich polegało na wykonaniu dla zmiennych, które przyjmowały dwie wartości, testu t Studenta oraz jednoczynnikowej analizy wariancji. W przypadku, gdy zmienna niezależna przyjmowała więcej niż dwie wartości, wykonywano jedynie jednoczynnikową analizę wariancji. Ze względu na wrażliwość obydwu metod na niejednorodność wariancji, dla każdego porównania przeprowadzano test Levene’a jednorodności wariacji.
The results of statistical inference, mean crossing times and waiting times for all values that the independent variable took are presented. Comparison of means consisted of performing the Student’s t-test and one-way analysis of variance for variables that took two values. When the independent variable took more than two values, only one-way analysis of variance was performed. Because of the sensitivity of both methods to heterogeneity of variance, a Levene’s test of homogeneity of variance was performed for each comparison.
The present article addresses the issue of crossing time on the fairway, modeling in restricted areas, where vessel traffic flow is disturbed. Data of movement time on the Świnoujście–Szczecin fairway was grouped according to ship type. The probability distributions describing the crossing time of different ship groups were analyzed. Using the Pearson chi-square goodness-of-fit and Cramer–von Mises tests it has been shown that the best distributions describing traffic time of all ship groups are the generalized extreme value distributions.
Public and private stakeholders that operate land border crossings are increasingly concerned about long wait times for trucks crossing from Mexico into the United States. Long wait times are detrimental to the regional competiveness, supply chain operations, the environment in the region adjacent to the border crossings, and to the overall economic development. In order to have reliable and systematic information on border crossing time and delay, a system to measure travel time through the border is required. This paper describes the basic border crossing operations at the Texas/Mexico border that serves as the foundation to identify a technology that could be used to collect border crossing information. The design and deployment processes that were used for the implementation of the border crossing time measurement system for U.S.-bound commercial vehicles are described. The paper also presents the results of the system that was developed to disseminate border crossing and wait time data. Benefits to supply chain operators at land border crossings and next steps in the development of more border-related performance measures are described.
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