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Artykuł przedstawia analizę eksploatacji 24 pojazdów dostawczych, stanowiących flotę transportową siedmiu przedsiębiorstw realizujących zlecenia przewozowe w ciągu dwóch lat. Celem badań była ocena efektywności eksploatacji różnorodnych pojazdów dostawczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem trzech kryteriów: w zależności od przebiegów początkowych, roku produkcji oraz modelu pojazdu. Zaprezentowana została również ocena efektywności każdego przedsiębiorstwa transportowego. Na podstawie analizy dziennych obserwacji określono parametry techniczno-eksploatacyjne, które były podstawą do opracowania zbioru wskaźników eksploatacyjnych, umożliwiających dokonanie oceny w aspekcie efektywności oraz zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa realizacji zadań przewozowych. Zaproponowana metoda badania efektywności eksploatacji pojazdów dostawczych wykazała istotne różnice w strategii zarządzania eksploatacją pojazdów w przedsiębiorstwach transportowych. Opracowany zbiór wskaźników eksploatacyjnych może stanowić narzędzie wspierające podejmowanie decyzji w zakresie bezpieczeństwa realizacji zadań przewozowych oraz efektywności procesu eksploatacji pojazdów.
The paper presents an analysis of the operation of 24 light commercial vehicles that constitute the transportation fleets of seven companies carrying out transport orders over a period of two years. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of operation of various light commercial vehicles with a focus on three groups formed according to their initial mileage, year of manufacture, or vehicle model. An evaluation of the effectiveness of each transport company is also presented. Based on an analysis of daily observations, technical and operational parameters were determined to be used as the basis for the development of a set of operational indicators that would enable evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of the performance of transport tasks. The proposed method for examining the effectiveness of operation of light commercial vehicles showed significant differences in the vehicle operation management strategies of various transportation companies. The developed set of operational indicators can be used as a tool to support decision-making in terms of safety in the performance of transport tasks and the effectiveness of the vehicle operation process.
Extractive and processing waste accumulated on the landfills and heaps are potentially raw materials. The waste can be used in various areas of economy. Re-using of this waste should be regarded as an important element in the development of the circular economy model. The idea of circular economy is a maximum use of manufactured products until their useful function is completely exhausted. Cost effectiveness is a basic criterion for the imple-mentation of this action plan. The total cost of rehabilitation of waste facilities is included into the components which will be taken into consideration before making a decision of using waste from facilities. This paper presents the conclusions from cost effectiveness of re-usable waste accumulated on three selected reclaimed sites.
Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia Czytelnikowi stosowanych często zamiennie pojęć „automatyczny” i „bezobsługowy” na przykładzie prac związanych z obsługą stacji regazyfikacji LNG. Stosowane zamiennie pojęcia w swojej istocie teoretycznie oddają tę samą intencję, natomiast na poziomie zarządczym i operacyjnym w przedsiębiorstwie mogą oznaczać zupełnie odrębne pojęcia, zjawiska bądź procesy, mogące prowadzić do zupełnie odmiennych wniosków. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na proces eksploatacyjny, jakim jest tankowanie stacji regazyfikacji LNG.
This article is an attempt to present the frequently used interchangeable terms “automatic” and “maintenance-free” on the example of works related to the LNG regasification satellite station (small scale LNG). These terms used interchangeably in their essence theoretically reflect the same intention, while at the management and operational level they can mean completely separate concepts, phenomena or processes that may lead to completely different conclusions. Particular attention was paid to the operational process of refuelling the LNG regasification satellite station.
The development of energy efficient buildings has been on the increase in recent years. This trend in architectural engineering reflects both the binding legal regulation and the rational approach of investors to the construction or refurbishment of buildings. When planning such an investment, it is necessary to scrutinize the underlying guidelines and the conditions in which the building will be developed, as well as its future useful life. Economic analysis of the effectiveness of investments in the building sector employs simple and discounted methods. Depending on the scope and complexity of envisaged construction work, it is possible to apply methods from both groups. However, simple methods should suffice for simple building projects, an example of which will be discussed in the article. Three variants of planned additional thermal insulation of external walls of a residential building will be presented. The results of our calculations showed that the payback period for such an investment would be too long, which is why it is recommended to combine the thermal insulation of outer walls with some broader measures so as to shorten the time needed to achieve a good return on investment ratio.
The cost-effectiveness of a range of variants of single-house sewage treatment plants is analyzed in the article. They include plants with drainage pipe, with package drainage, with tunnel drainage, constructed wetlands, activated sludge chamber, biological filter and a hybrid plant. The analysis focuses on different ways of discharging treated wastewater, i.e. drainage pipe, package drainage, tunnel drainage, pond and soakaway. Selection of the most financially efficient system was made on the basis of the minimal rate of the average annual treatment cost. The total cost was compared with the construction costs as well as the operating costs of a holding tank. The analysis shows that, on the average, the total average annual cost of single-house sewage treatment facilities is almost 2-times lower than the cost incurred on the construction and operations of a holding tank. This ratio, however, depends largely on different prices for emptying a tank. Materials (avg. 83%) and equipment rental (avg. 12%) constitute the greatest share of the investment costs incurred on the construction of sewage treatment plants. Among the analyzed sewage treatment plant technologies the lowest investment outlays are required for drainage pipes and packages as well as constructed wetlands. The lowest treated sewage discharge costs are generated by ponds, whereas the highest by tunnel drainage. The lowest operation costs are generated by constructed wetlands, whereas the highest by holding tank, activated sludge chambers and hybrid plants. The most cost effective, characterized by the lowest average total annual cost, is constructed wetland with discharge by a pond. The greatest average annual cost of wastewater treatment is generated by hybrid plants with treated wastewater discharged into the ground by drainage tunnels. The conclusions of analysis carried out by other authors are similar to those presented in this paper. However, the presented research shows that the average annual outlays for wastewater treatment for all plants are greater. This is because additional cost factors, such as the purchase of gravel, human costs, equipment expenditures or maintenance of periodic inspections carried out by qualified personnel, were taken into account. These are costs without which it is impossible to achieve the required quality of treated sewage.
Artykuł jest kontynuacją publikacji wyników badań nad opłacalnością finansową modernizacji sposobu przygotowania ciepłej wody użytkowej w budynku mieszkalnym wielorodzinnym. Proponowane przedsięwzięcie modernizacyjne polega na likwidacji dotychczas używanych indywidualnych kotłów gazowych użytkowanych w lokalach mieszkalnych oraz doprowadzenia c.w.u. przygotowanej w węźle ciepłowniczym zasilanym z sieci MPEC. Po wstępnym omówieniu szczegółów modernizacji przedstawiono wyniki analizy zmienności cen gazu ziemnego oraz ciepła sieciowego w okresie ostatnich kilku lat, prognozę cen na najbliższe 5 lat oraz wyniki analizy finansowej w cenach zmiennych tego przedsięwzięcia.
The article is a continuation of the publication containing research results concerning the cost effectiveness of the preparation method of usable hot water in a multifamily residential building. The modernization project proposed involves elimination of individual gas boilers used in dwellings and assumes the supply of usable hot water, prepared in a district heating substation and powered from MPEC district heating network. The analysis results of price variability of natural gas and heat from the network in the last few years are presented after preliminary discussion of modernization details. The price forecast for the next 5 years and the results of financial analysis containing variable prices of the project, are included.
Content available remote Snižování energetické náročnosti budov, udržitelná výstavba
The Directive 2002/91/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the energy performance of buildings requires that investors and owners of the building fulfil requirements relating to the energy performance of the buildings. The purpose of the Directive is to support a decrease in the energy performance of the building, taking into account outdoor climatic and local conditions, requirements relating to the inside microclimate and efficiency of costs.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent hazardous chemicals and are now out of production worldwide. Although over 20 years have passed since the Helsinki Convention promoted the elimination of PCB use, it is difficult to put an end to PCB emissions in a short time because PCBs have a long lifetime in the environment and a major portion of PCBs are emitted from electrical equipment manufactured before the Helsinki Convention but still used today. PCBs have an impact on human sperm integrity in the European male population; furthermore, Arctic ecosystems such as those supporting polar bears and seals are exposed to risks due to the long-distance transport of PCBs. Most European countries have no proper facilities for PCB treatment. After analyzing extensive information about PCB treatments, it is concluded that the thermal process is technically sound and cost-effective. This study contributes to the promotion of treatments in most European countries storing PCBs with the aim of pursuing a sustainable future.
W referacie przedstawiono analizę efektywności ekonomicznej elektrociepłowni gazowych i gazowo-parowych małej i średniej mocy, opalanych gazem ziemnym. Analizowano układy technologiczne elektrociepłowni gazowych: a) z silnikiem gazowym i b) z turbina gazową oraz elektrociepłowni gazowo-parowych: a) z turbiną parową upustowo-kondensacyjną i b) z turbiną parową przeciwprężną. Dla poszczególnych rodzajów układów technologicznych elektrociepłowni wykonano analizę ich efektywności ekonomicznej.
The paper presents an analysis of cost effectiveness of gas and gas-steam combined heat and power (CHP) plants of small and medium capacity fired by natural gas. The following technological systems of CHP plants have been analyzed: gas plants with a) gas engine, and b) gas turbine as well as combined cycle gas-turbine plants with a) extraction-condensing steam turbine and b) back-pressure steam turbine. The cost-effectiveness analysis has been performed for the mentioned specific types of technological systems.
Próba przedstawienia opłacalności komputeryzacji zarządzania jakością w wymiarze finansowym.
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