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Purpose: The article aims to present a proposal and discuss the investment cost calculation procedures based on data collected during the manufacturing process, according to standard SPC control chart evaluation and standard PDCA. It is applied as a tool to support the process of continuous improvement of the manufacturing process and improve profitability by proper allocation the cost of investment and resources. Design/methodology/approach: The study uses the results of a literature review on the issue of cost analysis and their modelling. Key elements are the main cost components, but also those that are considered less important and maybe overall decisive. Application cost to benefit relations - as a method of data evaluation for cost modelling to improve overall cost structure is proposed. Findings: The relationship between return on investment and amortisation time allows to easily visualise which of the proposed changes are the most cost-effective over time. Based on the analysis conducted the results, the change is proposed below, in order from the most cost-effective. Research limitations/implications: Further research should focus on the impact if a decision were based on the findings and proposals defined. Practical implications: Each production process is based on the use of resources. This applies to both production plants and other activities. A resource can be anything that will be used in the manufacturing process. Of key importance for the success of the project is their proper use and not only effective but most of all efficient. Originality/value: The considerations presented in the study may be the basis for determining the key factors of the cost of production and investment. The proposed simulation model allows for determining the efficient direction for investment. This, in turn, should enable us to define the main directions of searching for the optimisation of the product cost to achieve the expected cost and quality level.
The aim of the article is to present a proposal and discuss the production cost calculation procedures based on data collected during manufacturing process, according to standard SPC control chart evaluation. It is applied as a tool to support the process of continuous improvement of the manufacturing process and improve profitability by reducing the cost of production. Research methodology - the study uses the results of a literature review on the issue of cost analysis and their modeling. Key elements are the main cost components, but also those that are considered less important and may be overall decisive. Application of Statistical Process Control - as a method of data collection for cost modeling to improve overall cost structure is proposed. Originality/value - the considerations presented in the study may be the basis for determining the key components of the cost of production. The proposed simulation model allows for the determination of the main quality cost factors. This, in turn, should allow to define the main directions of searching for the optimization of the product cost in order to achieve the expected level of cost and quality.
The objective of this article is to carry out a systematic review of the literature on multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) charts used in industrial processes. The systematic review was based on articles published via Web of Science and Scopus in the last 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, with 51 articles on the theme identified. This article sought to identify in which industry the MSPC charts are most applied, the types of multivariate control charts used and probability distributions adopted, as well as pointing out the gaps and future directions of research. The most commonly represented industry was electronics, featuring in approximately 25% of the articles. The MSPC chart most frequently applied in the industrial sector was the traditional T2 of Harold Hotelling (Hotelling, 1947), found in 26.56% of the articles. Almost half of the combinations between the probabilistic distribution and the multivariate control graphs, i.e., 49.4%, considered that the data followed a normal distribution. Gaps and future directions for research on the topic are presented at the end.
It is essential for manufacturers to consider the interrelation among quality, inventory, and maintenance decisions to detect imperfect quality products, keep the production system in good operating condition, and manage quality and inventory costs. Hence, this paper aims to develop an integrated model of inventory planning, quality engineering, and maintenance scheduling in which the expected total cost per time unit is minimised by determining the sample size, sampling interval, control limit coefficient, along with production cycle time. In this regard, an imperfect multi-product manufacturing system is considered, in which the inventory shortage in satisfying the demand for each product type and the idle time during the production cycle are not allowed. It is assumed that the process starts in an in-control condition where most produced units are conforming. However, due to the occurrence of an assignable cause (AC), the process mean moves to an out-of-control condition in which a significant fraction of non-conforming units is produced. The efficiency of the proposed mathematical model is evaluated by a numerical example, and then the sensitivity of the proposed model to important inputs is analysed. Finally, a comparative study based on the Taguchi design approach is given to confirm the capability of the proposed model to achieve remarkable cost savings.
Fabric defects are usually manually identified by quality control staff in the apparel industry. Control charts are an appropriate tool to achieve this goal. In this study, knitted fabric often used in an apparel factory were used in both the detection and classification process. The systematic classification of fabric defects such as critical, major, and minor types was achieved. Then, by calculating the "D" scores of fabric types, the types of errors out of the lower and upper control limits were determined. According to the results of the experiment, it was shown that the fabric grading process can be performed with demerit control charts.
Wady tkaniny są zwykle identyfikowane ręcznie przez pracowników kontroli jakości w branży odzieżowej. Wykresy kontrolne są odpowiednim narzędziem do osiągnięcia tego celu. Zbadano materiały często używane w fabrykach odzieży. Osiągnięto systematyczną klasyfikację defektów tkaniny: krytyczne, główne i pomniejsze. Następnie, dokonując oceny „D” typów tkanin, określono typy błędów poza dolną i górną granicą kontrolną. Na podstawie wyników eksperymentu wykazano, że proces klasyfikacji tkanin można przeprowadzić przy użyciu kart kontrolnych.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wymagań normy IATF 16949:2016 oraz standardu VDA 6.1 w zakresie statystycznego sterowania procesami (SPC), stosowanych wobec dostawców w branży motoryzacyjnej oraz sposobów ich spełnienia przy użyciu nowoczesnych narzędzi komputerowo zintegrowanego systemu wspomagania jakości (CAQ) bazującego na programie LEAN-QS. Wykazano skuteczność zastosowania zaprezentowanego narzędzia, pozwalającego na spełnienie wymagań branżowych przy niewielkiej ilości zasobów koniecznych do nadzoru oraz prawidłowego realizowania kluczowego procesu systemu zarządzania jakością, jakim jest SPC. Przedstawione w opracowaniu wyniki analizy przypadków stanowią wyniki przeprowadzonych badań w firmie będącej dostawcą w branży motoryzacyjnej, w której wdrożono jeden z modułów programu LEAN-QS w celu spełnienia wymagań certyfikowanego systemu zarządzania jakością zgodnego z normą IATF 16949:2016.
The purpose of this article is to present the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 standard and VDA 6.1 standard in the field of statistical process control (SPC) for suppliers of the automotive industry, as well as ways to meet them using modern tools of an integrated computer aided quality systems (CAQ) based on the LEANQS program. The effectiveness of using the presented tool was demonstrated, allowing to meet industry requirements with a small amount of resources necessary for supervision and proper implementation of the key process of the quality management system such as SPC. The results of the case analysis presented in the paper are the results of the research carried out in a company being supplier in the automotive industry, in which one of the LEAN-QS modules was implemented to meet the requirements of a certified quality management system compliant with IATF 16949:2016.
The aim of the article is to present the case study of implementation of the example CAQ system, which allows to meet the requirements of IATF 16949:2016 and the VDA 6.1 standards in the field of statistical process control (SPC). The foundations of the CAQ systems concept and their specific requirements, especially for companies operating in the automotive industry, for which modern CAQ tools are necessary, in the described case based on the LEAN-QS program, are presented. The article presents the observations and results of the analysis of the operation of the quality assurance system in a company that is a supplier of car parts. One of the modules of the LEAN-QS program was implemented there, which makes it possible to meet the requirements of a certified quality management system. The effectiveness of the presented tool was demonstrated, allowing to meet industry requirements while minimizing resources necessary for supervision and proper implementation of the quality management system process, which in this case is the SPC.
Content available remote Monitoring of mean for asymmetric distributions
The subject of consideration will be control charts for the mean of the Rayleigh distribution. Starting from various interval estimators of the mean of this distribution, the possibilities of adapting the constructed algorithms to monitor the indicated behaviors of the observed feature will be shown. We also pay attention to potential computational difficulties and indicate ways to mitigate them. The proposed solution is part of the recent work on monitoring asymmetric random values. Controlling a process that exhibits asymmetry is a more difficult task than monitoring symmetric features (v. Figueiredo & Gomes (2013) ). The potential applications are to construct a chart to control the pulse which is definitely an asymmetrical process. Three control charts were constructed: to monitor average and grand mean of Rayleigh distribution and grand mean based on its approximation by the Gaussian distribution.
Rozważane będą modele matematyczne, w których zmiana parametru jest przedmiotem badań statystycznych. Specjalizowanym narzędziem do tego celu są karty kontrolne. Celem pracy jest konstrukcja kart kontrolnych do badania zmian parametru rozkładu obserwowanej cechy w oparciu o dokładne rozkłady różnych estymatorów parametrów kontrolowanych wielkości i ich porównanie.
Artykuł stanowi kontynuację prac autorów nad sposobem zapewnienia jakości i bezpieczeństwa danych oraz informacji lotniczych w całym procesie ich tworzenia, gromadzenia, przetwarzania i publikacji. W jego treści krótko scharakteryzowano dane geoprzestrzenne i podkreślono potrzebę ich regularnego pomiaru. Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę kart kontrolnych (Shewharta) i dokonano wyboru takiej karty dla mierzonych danych geoprzestrzennych, stosowanych w lotnictwie cywilnym. Następnie opracowano koncepcję wykorzystania wybranej karty kontrolnej Shewharta do diagnostyki niezgodności mierzonych danych geoprzestrzennych, załączając algorytm postępowania oraz przykład liczbowy. W podsumowaniu odniesiono się do uzyskanych wyników i zaproponowano dalsze kierunki prac badawczych, obejmujące w szczególności nawiązanie do wyznaczonych granic kontrolnych do wymagań i specyfikacji, zawartych w obowiązujących przepisach prawa lotniczego, z uwagą, że są one adekwatne do wymagań i specyfikacji oraz celu zastosowania w transporcie morskim.
This article is a continuation of the Authors’ study on the ways to ensure the quality and safety of aeronautical data and information in the entire process of those data and information creation, collection, processing and publication. In its content a brief characteristic of geospatial data was placed and the necessity of their regular measurements was stressed. The general description of Shewhart control charts was presented and chart’s selection for the measured geospatial data used in civil aviation was made. Then the concept of selected Shewhart control chart’s utilization for diagnostics of measured geospatial data incompatibilities was developed, and operation algorithm as well as an example were attached. In the summary, references to the obtained results were made and further research directions were proposed, including, in particular, the reference of designated control limits to the requirements and specifications contained in the valid aeronautical law regulations, with a note that they are adequate to requirements and specifications as well as the purpose of use in maritime transport.
A new EWMA control chart has been proposed under repetitive sampling when a quantitative characteristic follows the exponential distribution. The properties of the proposed chart, including the average run lengths has been is compared with two existing control charts with the help of simulated data. An application of the proposed chart hs been illustrated using a healthcare data set.
The aim of the paper was to determine the possibility of the use of Shewhart control charts to monitor changes in the forms of nitrogen, showing the quality of wastewater discharged from the wastewater treatment plant in Krosno in the years 2010-2015. The performed statistical analysis showed the highest number of cases of elevated nitrate nitrogen and/or ammonium nitrogen when the temperature of treated wastewater was below 8-9°C. This low temperature resulted in adverse effect on the activity of bacteria that were involved in biological removal of nitrogen. It was found that in the winter months, the second stage of nitrifying bacteria responsible for oxidation of nitrite to nitrate, exhibited higher activity than the denitrifying bacteria. Graphical presentation of total nitrogen content using control charts for the mean of the process revealed the exceedance of the upper specification line (USL = 10 mgNtot·dm-3) in the months from December to April. It was observed that the total nitrogen removal process in the months from June to November was stable with a very high 90% reduction in biogenic activity. The obtained results confirm the efficacy of control charts as a tool which can easily be applied in the statistical process control of total nitrogen removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants.
To meet the requirements, the products generally should be produced by a process that is stable and repetitive. It is however impossible to produce a certain type of product, in the same company and under the same conditions in such way to produce the get perfect parameters of this product, due to the occurrence of assignable causes. To analyze the stability of the production process (in order to detect assignable causes and statistical process control) used to Shewhart control charts, which are based on the assumption that the distribution of the quality characteristic (so called process distribution) is normal distributed or approximately normal distributed. However, the review of the literature has shown that in practice, the assumption of normality of many quality characteristics this condition doesn't hold, which in turn affects the improper assessment of the process stability. The most common distributions of measurement data, (beyond the normal) is skewed. For skewed population Type I Risk probabilities grow larger as the skewness increases. In this case four approach are plausible: increase the sample size up to a thousand, ignore skewness and use the classic Shewhart control charts, assume that the population distribution of the population is known and take a charts in accordance with the distribution or assume that the distribution of the population is not known and the use of heuristic methods. However, the use of one of the first three methods may prove to be uneconomical (e.g. due to the need to incur additional costs) and even result in incorrect assessment of the stability of the process. „Golden middle” in this situation can be heuristic methods, i.e. method of analysis percentiles distribution, variance weighted method or the method of correction of asymmetry, that were briefly described in this paper. The analysis of heuristic methods allowed for the choice of the least complicated due to the applicability in manufacturing companies. Additionally the studies carried out by the Cahn and Cui, showed that the Type I Risk probabilities of CS method is closer to the standard value of 0.27% than the other presented methods and, therefore, the effectiveness of this approach is much better, so in case study the author used CS method. The main aim of the paper is determine the control limits for the X and R charts based on the skewness correction (SC) method, including the risks associated with incorrect choice of method for determining the control limits. For this purpose, measurement data from a company producing automotive seat frames was analyze. All calculations were made in Statistica and Excel environment.
The design of a control chart has been presented using a belief estimator by assuming that the quantitative characteristic of interest follows the gamma distribution. The authors present the structure of the proposed chart and derive the average run lengths for in-control and a shifted process. The aver-age run lengths for various specified parameters have been reported. The efficiency of the proposed chart has been compared to existing control charts. The application of the proposed chart is illustrated with the help of simulated data.
All recent experiences confirm the fact that the main tasks of quality management are guaranteed only with the high skilled employees. Employees are responsible for the production plan and development, services and processes. The series of standards called ISO 9000 help to establish quality management in organization. Usage of the quality management with statistical process control is also very important for the company. Companies are spending all human, material and financial resources to improve quality management. The objective of the paper is to outline the statistical process control in production company Finalcast Ltd. Žiar nad Hronom.
Wszystkie ostatnie doświadczenia potwierdzają fakt, że główne zadania zarządzania jakością są gwarantowane tylko z wysoko wykwalifikowanymi pracownikami. Pracownicy są odpowiedzialni za plan produkcji i rozwoju, usług i procesów. Seria norm ISO 9000 jest pomocna w celu ustalenia zarządzania jakością w organizacji. Korzystanie w zarządzaniu jakością ze statystycznej kontroli procesu jest również bardzo ważne dla firmy. Firmy wykorzystują wszystkie zasoby ludzkie, materialne i finansowe w celu poprawy jakości zarządzania. Celem pracy jest określenie statystycznego sterowania procesem w produkcji firmy Finalcast Ltd. Žiar nad Hronom.
Content available remote A Traffic Prediction Method based on ANN and Adaptive Template Matching
Considering the significant burstiness in self-similar network traffic, this paper presents a one-step traffic prediction method based on ANN (artificial neural network) and adaptive template matching. Firstly control chart is used to decompose the original traffic into non-burst part and burst part. Then the two parts are predicted by ANN and adaptive template matching method, respectively. Finally, the prediction of the original traffic is obtained by fusing the predictions of the two parts. Simulation results show that the accuracy of method proposed in this paper is much higher compared with the traditional traffic prediction methods.
Artykuł prezentuje metodę przewidywania przepływu informacji bazującą na sztucznych sieciach neuronowych i adaptacyjnym dopasowaniu szablonu. Początkowo przepływ dzielony jest na pogrupowany i nie pogrupowany. Następnie analizuje się obie części. Wreszcie dokonuje się fuzji rezultatów. Rezultaty symulacji wskazują że proponowana metoda ma lepszą dokładność niż metody tradycyjne.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę jakości surówki wielkopiecowej z wykorzystaniem kart kontrolnych. Jako parametry jakościowe wybrano: zawartość podstawowych pierwiastków stopowych i temperaturę surówki. Przeprowadzona analiza miała na celu stwierdzenie, czy badane parametry charakteryzują się zmiennością poziomu i jakie kierunki zmian tych parametrów następowały w badanym okresie. Analiza obejmuje miesięczne wyniki dotyczące wartości tych parametrów z 8 lat kalendarzowych.
The quality analysis of pig iron production using the control charts is presented in this paper. The content of basic alloying elements and the temperature of pig iron were selected as quality parameters. The analysis was made to identify if tested quality parameters are characterized by variation of value and what trend of these changes was in considered period of time. The analysis includes monthly results for the values of the parameters during 8 calendar years.
The quality of product manufactured in the company is one of the most important factors influencing its competitiveness in the market. It decides on the level of achieved customers satisfaction, and thus determines the market position of the company. Many of the tools of quality management is now widely used in production. Selection of specific techniques should be preceded by an analysis of the current situation of the company. One of the major techniques is a control chart. This article presents the basic aspects of control charts selection for specific data from the manufacturing process.
Content available remote Stabilność procesu COS na podstawie składu chemicznego stali
W artykule przedstawiono proces technologiczny prowadzony w badanej hucie. Przeprowadzono badania składu chemicznego stali szynowej o gatunku R-260/1, celem określenia stabilności procesu jej otrzymywania. Na podstawie czterech wybranych pierwiastków za pomocą karty x-R dokonano oceny statystycznej regulacji procesu, a za pomocą wskaźników cp i cpk dokonano oceny zdolności jakościowej tego procesu.
In this paper technological process, which exists in research steelworks, was presented. Analysis of the chemical constitution of the rail steel in grade of R-260/1 was made, in order to specifying the stabilization of casting of this steel. On the basis of four chosen chemical elements, with the aid of the control chart x_R the estimation of statistical regulation of the process was made, and with the aid of cp and cpk indexes the estimation of the process capability was made.
Content available Two smart tools for control chart analysis
The paper deals with the analysis of process stability with the use of process control charts. A new idea of pattern recognition and two original methods of data processing, called OTT and MW have been described. The software application CCAUS (Control Charts - Analysis Unnatural Symptoms) supporting process control charts analysis withOTT and MW has been presented as well. Also the paper contains the results of the verification of the proposed methods performed on the basis of data obtained from two machining operations.
Usefulness of newest version of the JM-SPC computer program for a statistical analysis of production processes was examined. An analysis subject were results of measurements of 16 geometrical features of an Al-Si high-pressure die casting systematically controlled after machining on a coordinate-measuring machine. For analysis two criterion have been used: 1) Xave control chart and 2) a performance indicator of processes expressed by two commonly used indices: potential process capability index (Cp) and process capability index (Cpk).
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