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In the present work, bacteria of the Pseudomonas genus native to the Ecuadorian Amazon with the capacity to treat contaminated water and soils were selected. For this purpose, 20 soil samples from Amazon region with evidence of contamination were analysed. For identification, each sample was assigned a code according to the sampling area: Joya de los Sachas (S), Minga (M) and Siete de Julio-Shushufindi (SH). The cultures were performed in the combination of Bushnell Hass (BH) + Luria Bertani (LB) and Müeller-Hinton (MH) + Brucella agar (BA) media, all with the addition of diesel to verify their efficacy in the growth of bacteria capable of surviving in contaminated media. The combination with ideal results was that of BH + LB, by means of Gram-staining it was determined that 19 of the samples had interest microorganisms. To characterize the isolates at the species level, biochemical tests of: catalase, citrate, glucose, hemolytic activity and urease were applied, which allowed to confirm the existence of the Pseudomonas of interest. The results indicated that P. stutzeri (in samples S1 and M1), P. aeruginosa (in SH2 and SH5) and P. putida (in S7, S8, S10 and SH4) obtaining a total of 8 isolates (40%) of interest from the initial 19. With the results obtained from this work, an optimal culture method was standardized for the selection of bacteria with potential for treating contaminated soils and water.
The Podlipa dump-field material at Ľubietová abandoned Cu-deposit show high Cu, Fe, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni and Pb contents. In most cases higher metal contents were described in winter dry period as in the rainy periods. The oposite situation was very rare. The depression under the Empfängnis dump is saturated by several outflows of drainage water percolating through the dump material. For the most part it is a case of surface water of a mountain stream draining the area along the valley. In the area under the Podlipa dump field, the brook several times percolate the dump sediments. In the points of outflow of drainage water from the dumps on the surface, secondary minerals of copper (pseudomalachite?) deposit preferentially on dead plant residues. Moreover, on the bottom of the pool in the depression under the dump of Empfängnis gallery, a continuous green coat of Cu carbonates can be seen. The bottom sediment contains up to 2.15 wt.% of Fe, 15 402 ppm of Cu, 134 ppm of Pb and 220 ppm of As. The results show a significant contamination of water as a consequence of percolation through the dump sediments - above all contamination with Cu, Ni, Pb and Sb, and an increase in the contents of majority of the heavy metals in the dry season. Fe0-barrier seems to be relatively efficient for Fe and As removal and vice versa removal of Zn and S is limited. Cd, Pb and P contents are very low so the results are not unambiguous. The relation between pH/Eh ratio and of the efficiency of Fe0-barrier could not be with respect to the low values proved.
Materiał pochodzący z miejsca zrzutu wód kopalni Podlipa w opuszczonym złożu Cu w Lubietovie wykazuje dużą zawartość Cu, Fe, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni oraz Pb. W większości przypadków wyższe zawartości metalu odnotowywano w suchym okresie zimy, niż w okresach deszczowych. Bardzo rzadko było odwrotnie. Wgłębienie pod wysypem Empfängnis jest podmywane kilkoma odpływami wody drenażowej, która przesącza się przez materiał zrzutu. W większości są to wody powierzchniowe z górskiego strumienia drenującego obszar wzdłuż doliny. Strumień kilkukrotnie przepływa przez osady kopalniane pod miejscem zrzutu wody kopalni Podlipa. W miejscach odpływu wody drenażowej na powierzchni obszaru zrzutu, na pozostałościach martwych roślin, osadzają się wtórne minerały miedzi (pseudomalachitu). Ponadto, na dnie wgłębienia pod miejscem zrzutu wody Empfängnis można zauważyć nieprzerwaną zieloną warstwę węglanów Cu. Osad denny zwiera do 2,15% żelaza, 15 402 ppm ołowiu oraz 220 ppm arsenu. Wyniki wskazują na poważne zanieczyszczenie wody spowodowane przenikaniem przez osady wody – przede wszystkim miedzią, niklem, ołowiem i antymonem – oraz na podwyższenie zawartości większości metali ciężkich w sezonie suchym. Choć bariera Fe0 jest relatywnie skuteczna w usuwaniu Fe oraz As, to w przypadku Zn oraz S jest ograniczona. Zawartości Cd, Pb oraz P są bardzo niskie, zatem wyniki nie są jednoznaczne. Związek między proporcją pH/Eh, a skutecznością bariery Fe0 nie może być udowodniony ze względu na zbyt niskie wartości.
Content available remote Arsenic immobilization by nanoscale zero-valent iron
Contaminated mine water from the Kank site (Czech Republic) containing arsenic at a concentration of approximately 85 mg/dm3 was tested in a reaction with elemental iron nanoparticles. In a reductive environment there was a reduction of As to the more soluble and toxic form of As(III) depending on the pH of the solution. Oxidation of elemental iron creates oxyhydroxides which incorporate As into their structure in the form of mixed complexes and thereby remove and bind dissolved As from the solution. The addition of 0.5 g/dm3 nZVI to the contaminated water leads to a significant decrease in ORP and concentrations of As to around the detection limit. The pH of the solution is not significantly affected by the addition of nZVI. The main competing anion for co-precipitation is represented by phosphates whose concentration after the addition of nZVI was reduced to 6.5% of the original value. The resulting precipitates were analyzed by XPS, XRF, XRD, SEM-EDX and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The presence of jarosite, Schwertmannite and also arsenic probably in the form of skorodite was confirmed.
W Kaňk (Czeska Republika) znajduje się zanieczyszczona woda z kopalni, zawierająca arsen o przybliżonym stężeniu 85 mg/dm3. Została ona poddana reakcji z nanocząteczkami żelaza na zerowym stopniu utlenienia (nZVI). W zależności od pH roztworu w środowisku redukcyjnym przebiegła reakcja redukcji As do bardziej rozpuszczalnej i toksycznej formy As(III). Poprzez utlenienie elementarnego żelaza powstają tlenowodorotlenki, łączące się z As w postać kompleksów mieszanych, tym samym usuwając As z zanieczyszczonego roztworu. Dodatek 0,5 g/dm3 nZVI do zanieczyszczonej wody prowadzi do znaczącego spadku wartości ORP i obniżenia stężenia As do granic wykrywalności. Dodatek nZVI nie ma znaczącego wpływu na wartość pH roztworu. Głównym anionem konkurującym we współstrąceniu As jest anion fosforanowy, którego stężenie po dodaniu nZVI zmniejszyło się do 6,5% w porównaniu do wartości wyjściowej. Powstały osad został poddany analizie metodami: XPS XRF, XRD, SEM-EDX i spektroskopią Mössbauerowską. Została potwierdzona obecność jarosytu, schwertmannitu oraz arsenu prawdopodobnie w postaci skorodytu.
Content available remote Resistance to mercury epiphytic bacteria Lemna minor
The developing of new alternative methods of purifying the environment of mercury is extremely important in terms of growing restrictions of legal norms issued by the European Union. One of such methods is phytoremediation. The obtained results of the application Salvinia natans to remediate groundwater contaminated with mercury and the stimulation of this process through the active strains of epiphytic has interest for analogous effects phytoremediation by Lemna minor. Plants cavitation in physiological solution, corns on solid ground of morphological part of plants, seed stocks of homogenised tissue were used to guarantee the effectiveness of the isolation of epiphytic bacteria
Poszukiwanie nowych alternatywnych metod oczyszczania środowiska z rtęci jest niezwykle ważne w aspekcie wzrostu restrykcji norm prawnych wydanych przez Unię Europejską. Jedną z takich metod jest fitoremediacja. Uzyskane rokujące wyniki badań zastosowania Salvinia natans do remediacji wód skażonych rtęcią oraz stymulacja tego procesu przez aktywne szczepy epifityczne skierowały zainteresowania na poszukiwanie analogicznych efektów fitoremediacje przez Lemna minor. Dla zapewnienia skuteczności izolacji bakterii epifitycznych zastosowano kawitację roślin w roztworze fizjologicznym, odciski na podłoże stałe części morfologicznej roślin oraz posiewy zhomogenizowanych tkanek.
Municipal and industrial wastewaters discharged to water reservoirs should be characterized by a low load of nutrients. Nitrogen and phosphorus are responsible for eutrophication, is therefore necessary to find the effective solutions for their removal. The experiment has been carried in order to determine the impact of the electric current density on the course of simultaneous electrocoagulation and hydrogenotrophic denitrification in the rotating electro-biological contactor (REBC).The study was conducted in the laboratory scale, parallely in three anaerobic reactors, in conditions of the flow electric current. In the REBC unit, rotating disks made of stainless steel with immobilized biofilm were the cathode. Hydrogen donor produced on the surface of cathode, in water electrolysis process, was used by denitrifying bacteria for nitrates reduction. As the anode an aluminum electrode mounted in the reactors was used. As a result of the anode electrolytic dissolution releasing Al3+ ions combined with the hydroxyl ions emitted on the cathode, formed metal hydroxides, which functioned as a coagulant in the binding of phosphate ions. In crude wastewaters inflowing to the bioreactors the concentration of orthophosphates was 8.1 mgPO4×dm-3 and total nitrogen 81.36 mg Nog×dm-3 and the concentration of organic compounds was equal 40.52 mg O2×dm-3 . The study showed that regardless the operating parameter of the electrolysis process, effluent concentration of orthophosphate below 1 mg PO4×dm-3 was obtained. However, the lowest concentration were observed at a density 0.05 mA×cm-2 . The efficiency of 97.27% corresponded to the phosphate concentration equal 0.22 mg PO4×dm-3. The increase of electric current density resulted in a higher concentration of orthophosphate in the effluent from the reactors, because of more intensive dissolution of aluminum hydroxide with the increase of wastewater alkalinity and a limited amount of secreted Al3+ ions, as a result of aluminum oxide accumulation on the anode surface. In the same time, electrolytically-aided denitrification process affected the reducing concentration of total nitrogen in the wastewaters with the increase of electric current density, as a result of intensive use a hydrogen donor by denitrifying bacteria. The lowest concentration of total nitrogen in the treated wastewaters was achieved at the highest current density 0.1 mA cm-2 – 16.15 mgNog dm-3 , which corresponded to 80.15% effectiveness. The research has shown that bio-electrochemical reactor may be an alternative solution for reactors with suspended biomass designed for nutrients removal.
The study was carried out to evaluate the efficiencies of various remediation technologies (advanced oxidation processes and bioremediation) for removing diazinon and malathion residues from water. Nano photo-Fenton reagent (Fe0(nano)/H2O2AJV) was the most effective treatment for diazinon and malathion removal while ultraviolet alone was the least effective one. Bioremediation of diazinon and malathion by effective microorganisms (EMs) removed about 100% of their initial concentration. There was no remaining toxicity in contaminated water after remediation except for ultraviolet alone on treated rats. Advanced oxidation processes with nanomaterials and bioremediation with effective microorganisms can be regarded as safe and effective remediation technologies.
Jednym z problemów rozważanych w dyskusji na temat eksploatacji gazu łupkowego jest wpływ procesu szczelinowania hydraulicznego na stan środowiska wodnego. Wobec braku doświadczeń w tej dziedzinie musimy odwoływać się do prac i propozycji krajów, które już te działania podejmują. W pracy przeanalizowano możliwość zastosowania wskaźnika chlorkowo-bromkowego (równowagowego ilorazu zawartości jonów chlorkowych i bromkowych) do oceny stanu środowiska w aspekcie zanieczyszczenia płynami po szczelinowaniu hydraulicznym. Zwrócono uwagę na możliwości innych ognisk zanieczyszczeń, które mogą skutkować podobnym zakresem wartości tego wskaźnika, a także na niewielką ilość danych dotyczących wartości tego wskaźnika w wodach aktywnej strefy wymiany w warunkach Polski.
The impact of the hydraulic fracturing process on the water environment is one of the problems considered in the discussion on the exploiation of shale gas. In the absence of experience in this field we refer to the work and proposals for countries that already take these actions. The paper analyzes the possibility of using chloride-bromide ratio (the equilibrium ratio of chloride and bromide ion content) to assess the state of the environment in terms of contamination by hydraulic fracturing fluids. Attention was drawn to the possibility of other pollution sources, which may result in a similar range of values of this index. As well a small amount of data on the value of this ratio in the waters of an active exchange zone in the area of Poland.
A sensitive voltammetric procedure for the determination of methyl-parathion at a glassy carbon electrode (GCE) modified with a single-walled carbon nano-tube (SWCNT) / dicetyl phosphate (DCP) composite film has been developed. The electrochemical behaviours of methyl-parathion at the composite film electrode are investigated with voltammetry. The results indicate that the fabricated film electrode exhibits excellent electrocatalytic activity towards the reduction of methyl-parathion after being pre-concentrated. Experimental parameters, such as thickness of the SWCNT/DCP film, pH of the supporting electrolyte and accumulation conditions have been optimized. Under the optimal conditions, a linear response between the reduction peak current and the methyl-parathion concentration is obtained from 5.0 x 107 to 1.0 x 101 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 2.0 x 107 mol L-1>. The advantages of the proposed procedure are demonstrated by the successful determination of methyl-parathion in the contaminated south-lake water without pretreatment.
Opracowano czułą, woltamperometrycznąmetodę oznaczania metyloparationu z użyciem elektrody z węgla szklistego zmodyfikowanej błonką kompozytową z jednościennych nanorurek węglowych i fosforanu dicetylu. Zbadano elektrochemiczne właściwości metyloparationu. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że zastosowana elektroda katalizuje redukcję metyloparationu po jego zatężeniu na powierzchni elektrody. Wyznaczono optymalne wartości parametrów eksperymentalnych: grubości błonki, pH elektrolitu podstawowego i warunków zatężania. W optymalnych warunkach zależność prądu redukcji od stężenia metyloparationu była liniowa w zakresie od 5,0 x 107do l,0 x l01 mol L-1>. Granica wykrywalności wynosiła 2,0 x 107 mol L"1. Metodę zastosowano z powodzeniem do oznaczania metyloparationu w skażonej wodzie z jeziora bez konieczności uzdatniania wody do analizy.
In this work the logical trees methods have been used for the modelling of the failure scenarios that can appear in water supply system SZW. The two methods for failure modelling have been presented: the fault tree method and the event tree method. The event tree method is based on a priori thinking concerning the development of the representative failure event. The fault tree method is a result of a posteriori thinking which allows to determine the undesirable events that cause that the representative undesirable event occurs. The examples of methods application have been presented. For the fault tree the model connected with the occurrence of contaminated water in the distribution subsystem has been shown. For the event tree the model connected with the water contamination in its source (river) – peak event – has been presented. The final result of this work is the model of failure in SZW showing the possibility of using the fault tree method combined with the event tree method.
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