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Content available remote A Unified Approach to Multisource Data Analyses
Classically, Data Warehouses (DWs) supports business analyses on data coming from the inside of an organization. Nevertheless, Lined Open Data(LOD) might sensibly complete these business analyses by providing complementary perspectives during a decision-making process. In this paper, we propose a conceptual modeling solution, named Unified Cube, which blends together multidimensional data from DWs and LOD datasets without materializing them in a stationary repository. We complete the conceptual modeling with an implementation framework which manages the relations between a Unified Cube and multiple data sources at both schema and instance levels. We also propose an analysis processing process which queries different sources in a transparent way to decision-makers. The practical value of our proposal is illustrated through real-world data and benchmarks.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie modelu pojęciowego danych wieczysto-księgowych, opracowanego zgodnie z metodyką modelowania informacji geograficznej opisaną w normach ISO serii 19100 – Geographic Information. Księgi wieczyste pełnią istotną rolę w budowie infrastruktury informacyjnej państwa, pozwalają bowiem na ustalenie stanu prawnego nieruchomości rozumianego jako ujawnione w księgach prawo własności i użytkowania wieczystego, ograniczone prawa rzeczowe oraz prawa osobiste i roszczenia. Obecnie księgi wieczyste są prowadzone przez sądy rejonowe w systemie informatycznym NKW, zaś treść ksiąg wieczystych jest gromadzona w Centralnej Bazie Danych Ksiąg Wieczystych. System NKW pozwala na każdorazową rejestrację zestawu informacji dotyczących pojedynczej księgi wieczystej. W zaproponowanym modelu pojęciowym danych wieczysto-księgowych określono klasy obiektów, ich właściwości (atrybuty) oraz powiązania, stosując przy tym jednolity sposób definiowania i opisu obiektów w języku UML. Zarekomendowano również uzupełnienie obecnej struktury danych wieczysto-księgowych o nowe atrybuty służące identyfikacji obiektów oraz określające ich cykl życia. Stwierdzono, że docelowe wykorzystanie obiektowego modelu danych przyczyni się do eliminacji redundancji informacji oraz wprowadzenia licznych usprawnień pozwalających na skrócenie czasu rejestracji danych, automatyzację procesów aktualizacyjnych oraz umożliwianie wyszukiwania danych i zaawansowanych analiz. W drugiej części artykułu dokonano analizy modelu ksiąg wieczystych pod kątem jego zbieżności z wzorcem LADM. Satysfakcjonujący poziom zgodności pomiędzy modelami upoważnił do stwierdzenia, że propozycja schematu jest prawidłowa z punktu widzenia prezentowanego zakresu informacyjnego i może stanowić podstawę do dalszych rozwinięć w zależności od potrzeb i oczekiwań użytkowników.
The main objective of this paper is to present a conceptual model of land register data, drawn up in accordance with methodology of modeling geographic information described in ISO 19100 series of Geographic Information Standards. The land register plays a crucial role in developing the national information infrastructure, because it enables to determine legal status of the property, understood as rights revealed in land books (pl. księgi wieczyste) such as: the right of ownership and perpetual usufruct, limited property rights as well as personal rights and claims. Land books are currently carried out by district courts in the IT-system called "NKW". Their content is stored in the Central Database of Land Register. "NKW" system allows to register each time the set of information concerning a single land book. The proposed conceptual model of land register data specifies classes of objects, their features (attributes) and relations between them, with the usage of unified way for defining and describing objects in UML. It is recommended to complement the current structure of land register data with new attributes serving identification of objects and defining their life cycles. The target use of object-oriented data model will contribute to elimination of redundant information and introduction of many improvements allowing to shorten the time of registering data, to automate the updating processes and the use of searching and analyzing services. In the second part of the paper, analysis of the model of land register data in terms of its compliance with the LADM standard is carried out. A satisfactory level of conformity between models entitles to the statement that the proposed UML application scheme is correct from the point of view of its contents and it may constitute a basis for further developments, depending on the needs and expectations of users.
Content available UMLologia w praktyce
Po uchwaleniu ustawy o infrastrukturze informacji przestrzennej, która jest transpozycją Dyrektywy INSPIRE, w znacznym stopniu wzrosło zainteresowanie modelowaniem pojęciowym, w tym językiem UML. Transpozycja to przystosowanie przepisów Dyrektywy do prawa krajowego, co z kolei pociąga za sobą konieczność nowelizacji wielu ustaw, w tym ustawy prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne oraz powiązanych z nią rozporządzeń. Integralną częścią rozporządzeń opracowanych przez Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii są specyfikacje modeli pojęciowych w postaci schematów aplikacyjnych UML. UML, czyli ujednolicony język modelowania, to standard służący do opisu świata obiektów w analizie i projektowaniu obiektowym. Jednocześnie jest to środek formalny modelowania informacji geograficznej zalecany przez normy ISO serii 19100. Umożliwia on zapis informacji geograficznej w sposób niezależny od platform sprzętowo-programowych, zapewniając tym samym interoperacyjność między różnymi systemami geoinformacyjnymi, a więc możliwość dokonania pomyślnej wymiany danych. Na konkretnych przykładach (rozporządzeniach do ustawy prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne, aktualnie opublikowanych na stronach GUGiK) autorzy wyjaśnią podstawowe zasady modelowania obiektowego, notacji UML oraz budowy schematów aplikacyjnych UML. Udowodnią również, że to wzmożone zainteresowanie UML’em można nazwać UMLologią.
Since the adoption of laws on spatial information infrastructure from the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive, interest in conceptual modeling and UML has increased significantly. The transposition is the adaptation of INSPIRE directives to national law, which requires many changes in regulations regarding geodesy and cartography law and related laws. An integral part of the regulations developed by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography are specifications for conceptual modeling, including among other things, UML application schemes. UML, unified modeling language, is a standard code for describing physical locations in spatial analysis and design. It is also the norm for the modeling of geographic information recommended by the ISO 19100 series of International Standards. UML makes it possible to register geographic information, independent of the software-hardware platform, in a way that ensures compatibility between different geographic information systems and allows for successful data transferring. Examples taken from the regulations on geodesy and cartography laws, as published on the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography website, were used to explain the fundamentals of spatial modeling, UML notation, and rules for creating application schemes. The authors also suggest that the sudden interest in UML could be called “UML-ology”.
Content available Describing GGOS objects using standardized methods
GGOS can be considered as the set of the interrelated objects, which are assigned to each of the GGOS pillars. Both the multiplicity and the diversity of the GGOS object, but also the diversity of the objects interrelations bring about the complexity of the information structure of GGOS. To assure better understanding of the universe of discourse, deeper and more systematic analysis and interpretation of phenomena in the field of GGOS, in terms of the standardized methods and IT techniques and knowledge (such as UML, model driven approach of systems designing and the methodology based on the ISO19100 series of geographic information standards), the strict description of the information structure of GGOS should be provided. Such a description is the step in the process of designing and deployment of the computerized knowledge bases and the expert systems. In the paper some examples of GGOS issues in the terms of selected IT techniques are presented. There is both the description of the static structure of GGOS (e.g. class diagrams, the objects catalogue) and the dynamic one (e.g. activity diagrams, use case diagrams). The methodology being under discussion in this paper is a new assumption, which may be useful for doing research on the fields of each of GGOS pillars and interrelationships between them.
Content available remote Modelowanie informacji geograficznej: Podstawy
Niniejszy zeszyt specjalny Roczników Geomatyki jest poświęcony wybranym zagadnieniom modelowania danych przestrzennych, które były omawiane podczas warsztatów nt. "Modelowania danych przestrzennych", zorganizowanych w ramach XX Konferencji Polskiego Towarzystwa Informacji Przestrzennej z cyklu GEOINFORMACJA W POLSCE. W kolejnych rozdziałach zeszytu zostały opisane aspekty teoretyczne i praktyczne modelowania danych przestrzennych szczególnie istotne z punktu widzenia budowy infrastruktury informacji przestrzennej i wdrażania dyrektywy INSPIRE w Polsce. Zeszyt rozpoczyna rozdział Modelowanie informacji geograficznej: Podstawy, stanowiący teoretyczny wstęp do poruszanej problematyki. Modelowanie informacji jest najważniejszym etapem w budowie systemu informacyjnego, także w przypadku systemu informacji geograficznej. Modelowanie to polega na .cis?ym, kompletnym i sformalizowanym opisie kategorii obiektów wyróżnionych w danym obszarze przedmiotowym rzeczywistości. Ma ono szczególne znaczenie zwłaszcza w obszarze informacji geograficznej, gdzie od poprawności i kompatybilności przyjętych rozwiązań zależy efektywność współdziałania licznych, wielorakich tematycznie, różnorodnych narzędziowo oraz rozproszonych instytucjonalnie i regionalnie infrastruktur danych przestrzennych, będących przedmiotem wielu programów międzynarodowych. W tym celu stosowane są zaawansowane języki formalne, jak UML, oraz zespół metod, pojęć i narzędzi ujętych w normy międzynarodowe ISO. W artykule zostały omówione także podstawowe elementy notacyjne diagramów klas UML, reguły budowy schematów aplikacyjnych, integracja budowanego modelu ze schematami znormalizowanymi opisu położenia, geometrii i topologii oraz jakości i metadanych. Przedstawiono także przykłady wykorzystania omówionych reguł do opisu struktur informacyjnych, zgodnych ze standardami technicznymi wydanymi przez Głównego Geodetę Kraju.
This special issue of Annals of Geomatics is devoted to selected problems related to spatial data modeling, discussed at the workshop .Spatial data modeling. organized within the framework of the XX Conference GEOINFORMATION IN POLAND of the Polish Association for Spatial Information. In four chapters, theoretical and practical aspects of spatial data modeling are discussed, particularly important from the point of view of creation of the spatial inforrmation infrastructure in Poland and implementation of the INSPIRE Directive. Chapter 1 Geoinformation modeling: Fundamentals constitutes a theoretical introduction to the problems discussed. Information modeling is the most important stage in the construction of a geoinformation system. Modeling consists in strict, complete and formalized description of object categories distinguished in a given subject area of reality. This is particularly important for geoinformation, where correctness and compatibility of the solutions is essential for the efficiency of cooperation of numerous institutionally and regionally dispersed spatial information infrastructures covering several themes and using a variety of tools. In addition, SII are engaged in many international programs. For this purpose, advanced formal languages are used such as UML and a set of methods, concepts and tools contained in the international ISO standards. The chapter also discusses basic notation elements of UML diagrams, construction rules for application schemas, integration of the model constructed with normalized schemas describing location, geometry and topology as well as quality and metadata. The paper also contains examples of utilization of the rules discussed for description of information structures compatible with technical standards issued by the General Surveyor of Poland.
W pracy poruszono problem dokumentowania modeli symulacyjnych systemów produkcyjnych. Określono rodzaje dokumentacji oraz wymagania dla niej z punktu widzenia grup osób związanych z badaniem symulacyjnym. Scharakteryzowano standardy modeli konceptualnych, zaproponowano kryteria oraz dokonano oceny przedstawionych standardów. Określono dalszy kierunek prac nad dostosowaniem standardu UML do potrzeb dziedziny problemowej.
The article concers the problem of documentation of manufacturing systems simulation models. The types of documentation were presented and the requirements for documentation for different kinds of staff involved in simulation study. The standards of conceptual models were characterized, the criteria were proposed and the assessment was made from the point of view of proposed criteria. The guidelines of development of UML standard toward better characterization of production systems were outlined.
In October 2009, a course disseminating achievements of world and Polish science in the field of designing and implementing innovative geoinformation systems, called in brief Wszechnica GIS, will start. The project, implemented under the Operational Program for Human Capital (Priority IV, Higher Education and Science, the action 4.2. "The development of R & D personnel qualifications and increase in awareness of the role of science in economic development "), is aimed at students and doctorate students of geodesy and cartography, geography, as well as employees of research institutes forming a scientific network Geoinformation Systems. The course covers issues of spatial information modeling, conceptual schema and application schema, formal means for data modeling, methods for location determination, metadata, data quality, Internetbased services, harmonization of data sets and legal problems of spatial data access and use. Theoretical and practical aspects of these issues will be discussed. The course consists of two stationary 4-day modules involving a total of 40 hours of lectures and 24 hours laboratory and 4-week online module, which is implemented as an e-learning module. Participants will receive a textbook containing theoretical basis for methods of designing and implementing geoinformation systems and a set of exercises with instructions for individual execution. Lectures and workshops will be conducted by distinguished experts in the field of GIS. Demand for graduates with the knowledge of methodology for modeling geographic information is very strong and it will still increase in order to keep up with INSPIRE. It is assumed that persons trained in the Wszechnica GIS course will make the personnel conducting work necessary for the implementation of INSPIRE.
The paper presents authors. proposals concerning methodology and program of education in the area of spatial data infrastructures on Polish technical universities. The proposals are based on the authors. experience gained during the courses held in the Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (7 years of training) and in the faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology (5 years of training). The education program deals with methodology of geographic information consisting mainly of conceptual modeling according to ISO standards of 19100 series, which are the basis of the program INSPIRE of the European Union and of the spatial data infrastructures in the member countries. The problems discussed are of general application and are independent of the particular thematic scopes of geoinformation, engaged institutions and organizations as well as of the computer environment.
International standards of the ISO series 19100, as well as the European standards based on them, provide modern and universal methodology of development of spatial data infrastructure, adopted as the basis for the INSPIRE project. Up to now, 19 standards of this group have been included in the repository of Polish standards (Polskie Normy), thus providing the basis for modernization of existing and creating of new geodetic components of the Polish SDI in order to ensure their interoperability and their including in the European SDI. The paper presents required conditions, forms and ways of using standards and INSPIRE technical specifications for creation and modernization of the infrastructures. The aspects of building UML application schemas are considered, as well as the aspects of integration of the user schema with standard schemas and harmonization of the user schemas with each other to provide internal consistency. This last goal assumes the use of the FIG Core Cadastral Domain Model to define general geodetic model as an abstract basis for SDI reference data models.
Content available remote Discrete-event simulation: methodology and spreadsheet-based implementation
The paper considers a general structure of discrete-event simulation study. It starts with specifying the approach of discrete-event computer-based simulation, then proceeds to discussing the structure and main steps of a simulation study, emphasises the conceptual modelling, and finally gives an example of a spreadsheet-based service system simulation.
Artykuł opisuje ogólną strukturę studium symulacyjnego zdarzeń dyskretnych. Począwszy od specyfikacji podejścia do komputerowej symulacji zdarzeń dyskretnych, poprzez dyskusję struktury i głównych kroków studium symulacyjnego, podkreślając wagę modelowania koncepcyjnego, kończąc na przykładach symulacji systemów usługowych z wykorzystaniem arkusza kalkulacyjnego.
Content available remote Problemy normalizacji w dziedzinie informacji przestrzennej
The paper presents the role and significance of standards of geographic information for technical (in geodesy and informatics) aspects of designing, building, maintaining and using spatial information infrastructures at European, within the programme INSPIRE, as well as at national, scale. In both cases the role and significance consist in formulating methodological and technological conditions necessary to provide interoperability of GIS in separate implementations and topics. The essence of the standards is conceptual modeling, based on object oriented methodology and supported by formal languages UML and XML/GML. There is also given a general outline of the methodology. Finally, the paper presents a general structure of international standards (ISO) for geographic information, which are the basis of European standards (CEN) mainly for use within INSPIRE. They hale been alredy approved as Polish standards, as well.
Content available remote Conceptual modeling of user interface in object oriented methodologies
The paper proposes application of COOAD method of conceptual modeling of user interface in well-known object-oriented methodologies of software development like RUP or USDP. The main phases of user interface construction are presented and located in mentioned processes. The introduced ideas and notions are illustrated with a simple example.
The paper presents the object, scope and goals of standardisation in geographic information undertaken by the CEN/TC 287 (the European standardisation body in this field), as well as the resulting from them preconditions of similar standardisation activities in Poland. The last ones are done by the Technical Committee 297 on geographic information of the Polish Committee of Standardisation (PKN/KT 297). The preconditions for the activities result basically from the membership of Poland to CEN since 1st January, 2004, as well as from its membership to the European Union since 1st May, 2004. In both cases Poland is obliged to adopt European standards as Polish standards, and to withdraw national standards contradictory to the European ones. The CEN/TC 287 was reactivated in 2003 in response to the increasing needs of European community (the program INSPIRE) for harmonisation and/or coordination of actions in such fields as natural disasters (e.g. flooding), transports (e.g. European Transportation and Energy Networks), and other trans-boundary activities. It has formulated its scope as the following: Standardisation in the field of digital geographic information for Europe: The committee will produce a structured framework of standards and guidelines, which specify a methodology to define, describe and transfer geographic data and services. This work will be carried out in close co-operation with ISO/TC 211 in order to avoid duplication of work. The standards will support the consistent use of geographic information throughout Europe in a manner which is compatible with international usage. They will support a spatial data infrastructure at all levels in Europe. In the same document its main objective is to facilitate the building of the infrastructure for spatial information in Europe through: 1. adopting the ISO 19100 series as European standards; 2. development and take-up of new standards, profiles of standards in cooperation with ISO/TC 211, needed for the immediate INSPIRE initiative and other collaborative programmes; 3. facilitating interoperability with related standards initiatives through necessary harmonization and associated agreements; 4. promotion of the use of and education on standards on geographic information. The structure of the CEN/TC 287 consists of three Working Groups and the Advisory Group on Outreach. The task for the WG1 Spatial Data Infrastructure was reformulated on the last meeting of the CEN/TC 287 on 2004-10-11/12 in Ispra, Italy, to read: 1. Identification of standards and their profiles to be used for creating SDI in Europe, taking into account the following priority: Web Map Service (WMS), Metadata profile of ISO 19115, GI metadata catalogue service, others. 2. Guidelines for implementers of SDI in Europe, taking into account the same priorities as above. 3. Conformance testing and registers for SDI in Europe, taking into account the same priorities as above. Additional task is to draft a technical report on implementations in Europe including: GI metadata profile, Web Map Service and guidelines, conformance testing, GI metadata catalogue service profile and guidelines, WFS profile and guidelines, conceptual schema language tools for interoperability in Europe. The two other WG's, WG2 and WG3, have the following tasks, subject to voting within CEN/TC 287, respectively: m GI metadata profile and guidelines, and m GI Web Map Service profile For the AG 'Outreach' the following mission has been adopted: Promotion in Europe of the use of and education on the results of CEN/TC 287 standardization on geographic information. The following ISO standards have been submitted to UAP (Unique Adoption Procedure) ending by November 24, 2004: prEN ISO 19101 Reference model prEN ISO 19105 Conformance and testing prEN ISO 19107 Spatial schema prEN ISO 19108 Temporal schema prEN ISO 19111 Spatial referencing by coordinates prEN ISO 19112 Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers prEN ISO 19113 Quality principles prEN ISO 19114 Quality evaluation procedures prEN ISO 19115 Metadata The following ISO standards are expected to be submitted to UAP soon: prEN ISO 19106 Profiles prEN ISO 19116 Positioning services prEN ISO/TR 19120 Functional standards prEN ISO/TR 19121 Imagery and gridded data prEN ISO/TR 19122 Qualifications and Certification of personnel prEN ISO 19125-1 Simple feature access . Part 1: Common architecture prEN ISO 19125-2 Simple feature access. Part 2: SQL option Information on CEN/TC 287 activities is available on the following web page:
Content available remote Geoinformatyczne bezpośrednie opisywanie położenia
Obszerna dziedzina modelowania informacji geograficznej ma na celu formułowanie w kategoriach informatycznych takich sformalizowanych opisów struktur informacyjnych, które mogłyby stanowić podstawę spójnych realizacji narzędziowych GIS w zróżnicowanych środowiskach oraz ułatwiać, a często nawet wręcz umożliwiać, komunikowanie informacji pomiędzy takimi realizacjami. Z tych względów dziedzina ta została objęta normalizacją w skali międzynarodowej (ISO), europejskiej (CEN), a ostatnio także krajowej (PKN). Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest ta część metodologii modelowania informacji geograficznej, która dotyczy opisywania położenia obiektów geograficznych za pomocą współrzędnych w odpowiednio definiowanych systemach odniesienia. Przedstawia się w nim 1. Niektóre pojęcia podstawowe i ich definicje, a mianowicie: - geodezyjny system odniesienia; układ odniesienia (datum), układ współrzędnych, odwzorowanie kartograficzne; 2. Skrótowy przegląd pojęć, metod i technologii geodezyjnych prowadzących zarówno do definiowania geodezyjnego systemu odniesienia, jak i położeń obiektów w tym systemie. 3. Podstawy notacji graficznej UML oraz diagram geodezyjnego systemu odniesienia, zapisany w tej notacji. Schemat pojęciowy bezpośredniego opisu położenia jest również przedstawiony w zapisie leksykalnym w języku EXPRESS. W opracowaniu wykorzystano normę międzynarodową ISO/FDIS 19111:2002 oraz Polską Normę PN-N-02270:2000.
A large field of modelling geographic information aims at formulating in terms of computer science such formal descriptions of information structures, which could provide the basics for compatible implementations of GIS in diverse environments, as well as to facilitate, or even to make it possible, information communication or exchange between them. That is why the field became a subject of international (by the ISO), European (by the CEN) and national (Polish Committee ofStandardisation) activities. This paper deals with a part of the methodology of geographic information modelling, which concerns describing positions of geographic objects by means of co-ordinates in properly defined reference systems. There are considered, among others: 1. Some basic concepts and definitions, which include: geodetic reference system, datum, co-ordinate system, cartographic projection; 2. An overview of geodetic concepts, methods and technologies, which are used to define a geodetic reference system, as well as to determine object positions within it; 3. Basics of the graphic notation UML and a diagram of a geodetic reference system in this notation. A conceptual schema of a direct description of such a system is also presented in the lexical language EXPRESS. In the paper the International Standard ISO/FDIS 19111:2002 and the Polish Standard PN-N-02270:2000 have been used.
Content available remote Dynamic Object Roles in Conceptual Modeling and Databases
The paper discusses the concept of dynamic object roles as a facility for conceptual modeling and as a data structure to be implemented in object-oriented database management systems. Emphasis is put on implications of this concept for an object model and a corresponding query language. We discuss advantages of the concept and known approaches to implement it. A new approach is proposed, wchich assumes that a role is a distinguished subobject of an object. A role inherits dynamically attribute values and methods of its parent object. Object can be accessed by their names, as well as by the names of their roles. The role concept essentially changes the semantics of other notions of object-oriented models, such as classes, inheritance and substitutability. In the paper we discuss how dynamic roles could be involved into an object store, an object definition language and a query language built in the spirit of the ODMG standard.
In semantic and object-oriented data models, each class has one or more typing properties that associate it to other classes, and carry type information about all instances of the class. We introduce a new kind of property that we call instance-typing property. An instance-typing property associates an instance of a class to another class, and carries type information about that particular instance (and not about all instances of the class). Instance-typing properties are important as they allow to represent summary information about an instance, in addition to specific information. In this paper, we study inheritance of properties from a class to an instance, using type information about the class, as well as type information about the instance. This kind of inheritance, that we call contextual instance-inheritance, provides us with the most specific type information about the instance, in a particular context. Intuitively, a context is a metaclass of interest with respect to which this most specific information is determined. We demonstrate that contextual instance-inheritance is a powerful conceptual modeling mechanism, capable of expressing valuable information about instances. We also provide a framework in which derived instance-inherited properties can be represented and retrieved in the same way as "usual" properties.
Conceptual modeling is an important basis for developing general purpose systems for information and service management. In this paper, we present concepts for the analysis and design of a system of agents in which agents represent interests of individuals or groups. In particular, we develop a semantic model of agent domain knowledge by introducing analytical concepts for service scheduling which is the envisioned application of our prototypical system ChariTime.
Content available remote On the semantics of a semantic network
We elaborate on the semantics of an enhanced object-oriented semantic network, where multiple instantiation, multiple specialization, and meta-classes are supported for both kinds of objects: entities and properties. By semantics of a semantic network, we mean the information (both explicit and derived) that the semantic network carries. Several data models use semantic networks to organize information. However, many of these models do not have a formalism defining what the semantics of the semantic network is. In our data model, in addition to the Isa relation, we consider a stronger from of specialization for properties, that we call restriction Isa, or Risa for short. The Risa relation expresses property value refinement. A distinctive feature of our data model is that it supports the interaction between Isa and Risa relations. The combination of Isa and Risa provides a powerful conceptual modeling mechanism. The user declares objects and relations between objects through a program. Reasoning is done through a number of (built-in) inference rules that allow for derivations both at instance and schema level. Through the inference rules, new objects and new relations between objects are derived. In our data model, inherited properties are considered to be derived objects. In addition to the inference rules, a number of (built-in) system constraints exist for checking the validity of a program.
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