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It is important to address metabolic and heavy metal issues in organic waste through sustainable development, circular economy principles and effective solid waste management, particularly focusing on composting as a crucial approach recognized in Morocco’s Green Generation Plan to reduce waste sent to landfills and mitigate greenhouse effects and gas emissions to fight against environmental pollution. This study aims to elevate the significance of organic waste in agriculture by employing composting technics, thereby mitigating its heavy metal content and safeguarding soil and farmland against various forms of contamination. This approach aligns seamlessly with the principles of sustainable development and the circular economy, advocating for responsible waste management and the augmentation of natural resource value. The findings of the study indicated a decrease in heavy metal levels across all composts, with a minimum values at the end of the composting in Gr compost recorded in all heavy metals analyzed (Pb – 0.1125 mg·kg-1, Cd – 0.08 mg·kg-1, Cr – 2.22 mg·kg-1, Zn – 10.88 mg·kg-1, Mn – 28.85 mg·kg-1, Cu –8.30 mg·kg-1, Fe – 545.18 mg·kg-1 and Ni – 1 mg·kg-1). The findings from the assessment of heavy metal levels in the examined compost samples demonstrate their adherence to regulatory standards. Consequently, these composts can be confidently employed as organic soil enhancers, contributing to the enrichment of agricultural soils and fostering plant growth, all while avoiding the potential hazard of undue metal contamination. This study comes to confirm and consolidate previous works findings regarding the valorization of organic solid waste through composting and to minimize their major environmental risks by reducing trace metal elements through this biological process.
The aim of the work was to develop a mathematical model using equations of fluid mechanics that describe the dynamics of air flow in a part of the compost aerating system integrated with a stationary reactor. The results of the simulation show that adjusting the flow resistance along the entire length of the compost aerating duct, depending on the distance from the connection of the duct with the fan's pressure conduit pipe through gradually increasing the air outflow area by increasing the number of repeatable gaps, yields a uniform pressure distribution above the grate. The process parameters used for computation were relevant to composting a subscreen fraction separated from mixed municipal waste using 80 mm mesh screen (Fr<80 mm) under real conditions. Microsoft EXCEL 2010 software and STATISTICA version 13.3 by StatSoft were used for numerical and statistical analysis of the test results. The research results are presented in four tables and five figures and discussed in the text of the article. During tests performed in real conditions, various variants were tested for reactor filling level and air outflow active surfaces in subsequent grate parts (Fc (i)). It was found that the target waste layer thickness i.e. 3.0 m and Fc (i) changes, in accordance with the values of the developed model, result in a stable pressure distribution pd, amounting to 1506 Pa and 1495 Pa at the grate front and end part.
. Celem pracy było opracowanie modelu matematycznego wykorzystującego równania mechaniki płynów, które opisują dynamikę przepływu powietrza w części instalacji napowietrzającej kompost zintegrowanej z reaktorem stacjonarnym. Wyniki przeprowadzonej symulacji pozwalają stwierdzić, że regulacja oporów przepływu na całej długości kanału napowietrzającego kompost w zależności od odległości od połączenia kanału z przewodem ciśnieniowym wentylatora poprzez stopniowe zwiększanie powierzchni wypływu powietrza poprzez zwiększanie liczby powtarzalnych szczelin, zapewnia równomierny rozkład ciśnienia nad rusztem. Parametry procesu przyjęte do celów obliczeniowych były odpowiednie dla kompostowania frakcji podsitowej w warunkach rzeczywistych wydzielonej ze zmieszanych odpadów komunalnych za pomocą sita o oczkach 80 mm (Fr<80 mm). Do analizy numerycznej i statystycznej wyników badań wykorzystano oprogramowanie Microsoft EXCEL 2010 firmy oraz STATISTICA firmy StatSoft w wersji 13.3. Wyniki badań przedstawiono w czterech tabelach i pięciu rysunkach oraz omówiono w tekście artykułu. Wyniki uzyskane w warunkach rzeczywistych wskazują, że opracowany model pozwala na prawidłowe zaprojektowanie perforacji kraty odpowiadającej za równomierne napowietrzenie kompostu. W trakcie badań przeprowadzonych w warunkach rzeczywistych, gdy badano różne warianty stopnia napełnienia reaktora i powierzchni czynnych wypływu powietrza w kolejnych częściach rusztu (Fc (i)) stwierdzono, że docelowa grubość warstwy odpadów tj. 3,0 m oraz zmiany Fc (i), zgodnie z wartościami opracowanego modelu, skutkują stabilnym rozkładem ciśnień pd wynoszącym 1506 Pa i 1495 Pa w części czołowej i końcowej kraty.
The article presents the results of the energy consumption analysis of the process of composting dairy sewage sludge in hyperbaric conditions. The experiment assumed eight different tests, four of which took place with an air exchange frequency (tAE) of 4 h, and another four with tAE = 8 h. Additionally, the tests were carried out in four different pressure variants: 0 kPa (atmospheric pressure), 50 kPa, 100 kPa and 150 kPa. All tests were based on the same input material, characterized by an original humidity of 80% and a mass of 2000 g. During the sewage sludge composting process, various parameters of the obtained compost were analyzed, including moisture content, pH, loss on ignition (LOI), C:N ratio, nutrient content (P, K), and microbial respiratory activity (AT4). Electricity consumption was measured for each of the eight experiments, and the results were analyzed. The research aimed to determine the impact of various factors on the composting process and electricity consumption.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki analizy energochłonności procesu kompostowania mleczarskich osadów iekowych W warunkach hiperbarycznych. Eksperyment zakładał osiem różnych prób, z czego cztery. odbywały się częstotliwością wymiany powietrza (tAE) wynoszącą 4 h, a kolejne cztery z tAE = 8 h. Dodatkowo, badania były realizowane iczterech różnych wariantach ciśnienia: 0 kPa (ciśnienie atmosferyczne), 50 kPa, 100 kPa i 150 kPa. Wszystkie próby były arte na tym samym materiale wsadowym, charakteryzującym się pierwotną Wilgotnością na poziomie 80% i masą 2000 amów. Podczas procesu kOmpostowania osadu ściekowego analizowano różne parametry otrzymanego kompostu, w tym Wartość wilgoci, pH, straty przy prażeniu (LOI), stosunek C _N zawartość składników odżywczych (P, K) oraz aktywność fdechową mikroorganizmów (AT4). Dla każdego z ośmiu doświadczeń mierzono zużycie energii elektrycznej oraz zeprowadzono analizę uzyskanych wyników. Badania miały na celu określenie Wpływu różnych czynników na przebieg ocesu kompostowania oraz na zużycie energii elektrycznej.
Content available remote Kompostowanie mleczarskich osadów ściekowych w warunkach hiperbarycznych
Przedstawiono wyniki badań kompostowania mleczarskiego osadu ściekowego w warunkach hiperbarycznych. Badania przeprowadzono w czterech wariantach: pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym oraz nadciśnieniem 50, 100 i 150 kPa w czasie 4 i 8 h. Badania wykonano dla tego samego materiału wsadowego o masie 2000 g i charakteryzującego się wilgotnością początkową 80%. Podczas kompostowania osadu ściekowego oceniano także parametry otrzymanego produktu, takie jak zawartość wilgoci, pH, straty przy prażeniu (LOI), stosunek C:N, zawartość składników odżywczych (P, K) i aktywność oddechowa mikroorganizmów (AT₄).
Dairy sewage sludge was composted in the presence of air at atm. pressure and 50, 100 and 150 kPa for 4 and 8 h. Moisture content, pH, loss on ignition (LOI), C:N ratio, N, P, K content and respiratory activity of microorganisms (AT₄) in the initial and composted sludge were detd. The obtained compost was granulated and the abrasion resistance coeff. of the granules was detd. Hyperbaric composting conditions increased the efficiency of the process compared to composting under atm. pressure, and the obtained granules showed a high abrasion resistance coeff.
Composting is commonly used for waste management and the evaluation of its quality is important for successful application. Seed germination test is commonly adopted due to its capacity to examine the toxicity level of compost. The seed test is usually evaluated on the final product and the results can vary with the different methods and the type of seed utilized. In this study, the evolution of seed germination tests during the composting process of municipal waste (MSW) mixed with poultry manure (PM) of two species tomato and sugar beet was examined. The impact of compost water extracts on seed germination and plant primary root growth for each sampling was reported. The chemical parametrs were evaluated on the final product. Results show that mixture C1 with a higher amount of municipal waste gave less compost yield than mixture C2. After 35 days of composting, the compost was phytotoxic for tomato and sugar beet seeds. The seeds of the two cultures reacted differently to the same compost. The compost could stimulate sugar beet germination at days 110, 140, 180, 212 and 252. Seed germination of sugar beet was increased and delayed by one day by the compost stabilized and mature as compared with the control.
Content available remote Efektywne napowietrzanie w instalacji przetwarzania odpadów biodegradowalnych
W artykule opisano metodę równoważenia hydraulicznego instalacji doprowadzającej powietrze do reaktora, wypełnionego kompostowanym materiałem. Algorytm obliczeniowy wykorzystuje zasady mechaniki płynów stosowane w układach otwartych, gdzie zmiany oporów przepływu, w zależności od wydatku powietrza, opisują doświadczalnie opracowane charakterystyki hydrauliczne. Wymiar praktyczny opisanego algorytmu polega na stworzeniu narzędzia umożliwiającego projektowanie systemu doprowadzającego powietrze do różnego rodzaju procesów, w których wymagane jest równomierne natlenienie złoża. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim kompostowania, jak również szeroko stosowanej biofiltracji w procesie oczyszczania np. powietrza poprocesowego.
The article describes a method of hydraulic balancing of the installation supplying air to the reactor filled with composted material. The computational algorithm is based on the principles of fluid mechanics used in open systems in which changes in flow resistance depending on air efficiency are described by experimentally developed hydraulic characteristics. The practical dimension of the described algorithm consists in creating a tool enabling the design of a system supplying air to various types of processes where uniform oxygenation of the bed is required. This applies primarily to composting, as well as the widely used biofiltration in the purification process, e.g. of post-process air.
The management of biodegradable waste from various sectors of economy is an essential element in terms of environmental protection. The paper discusses issues related to the possibility of bio-waste treatment using anaerobic digestion technologies and composting processes, highlighting the conditions for the processes and their advantages and disadvantages. The challenges of overproduction of bio-waste faced by highly developed countries around the world are also presented. Research showed that the anaerobic digestion of this waste combines both biofuel production and a circular economy. The popularity of this method is linked, among others to a low cost of raw materials and wide range of possible uses for biogas (i.e. electricity, heat, or biomethane). In addition, an alternative bio-waste management option, compost production, was discussed. The study aimed to compare anaerobic and aerobic bio-waste management processes.
Zagospodarowanie odpadów biodegradowalnych pochodzących z różnych gałęzi gospodarki jest niezbędnym elementem w aspekcie ochrony środowiska. W artykule omówione zostały zagadnienia związane z możliwością przetwarzania bioodpadów wykorzystując technologie fermentacji metanowej i procesu kompostowania, z podkreśleniem warunków prowadzenia procesów oraz ich wad i zalet. Przedstawione zostały także wyzwania związane z nadmierną produkcją bioodpadów, przed którymi stoją państwa wysokorozwinięte na całym świecie. Prowadzone badania pokazują, że fermentacja beztlenowa omawianych odpadów łączy zarówno produkcję biopaliw oraz gospodarkę obiegu zamkniętego. Popularność omawianej metody jest związana m.in. z niskim kosztem surowców oraz szeroką możliwością wykorzystania produktu jakim jest biogaz (tj. elektryczność, ciepło lub biometan). Ponadto omówiona została tematyka związana z alternatywną możliwością zagospodarowania bioodpadów jaką jest produkcja kompostu. Celem pracy było porównanie procesów beztlenowego i tlenowego zagospodarowania bioodpadów.
Omówiono zastosowanie metody absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej do oznaczania zawartości Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Mo, Se i As w papierowych i tekturowych opakowaniach i materiałach opakowaniowych przydatnych do odzysku przez biodegradację i kompostowanie, zgodnie z PN-EN 13432. Przedstawiono wyniki oznaczania tych pierwiastków w 280 próbkach papieru i tektury. Tylko w pojedynczych próbkach stwierdzono przekroczenie dopuszczalnych zawartości Pb, Cu i Zn, a ponad 90% próbek spełniło wymagania PN-EN 13432 pod względem zawartości szkodliwych pierwiastków.
The application of atomic absorption spectrometry method for determination of Zn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, Mo, Se and As content in paper and cardboard packaging and packaging materials suitable for recovery by biodegradation and composting according to PN-EN 13432 has been discussed. The results of the determination of these elements in 280 paper and board samples are presented. Single samples were found to exceed the permissible contents of Pb, Cu and Zn. More than 90% of the samples met the requirements of EN 13432 in terms of the content of harmful elements.
The use of disposable diapers is increasing every year, increasing generated diaper wastes every year. In Surabaya, diaper wastes have become an important issue when they are not treated properly. These diaper wastes will end up in water bodies and cause pollution. One of the technologies that can be used to treat diaper wastes is composting. Disposable diaper wastes consist of high lignocellulose and C content. It is necessary to mix diaper wastes and other wastes with high N content as a co-substrate, so that the optimum C/N ratio of composting can be achieved. In this research, vegetables wastes were used. The Objective of the research was to determine the effect of vegetable wastes adding as a co-substrate in composting of disposable diapers and volatile solid (VS), C-organic, and Total Nitrogen (TN) content changed during the composting process. The research was carried out with three variables mixtures of diaper wastes and vegetable wastes. Two control consist of 100% diaper wastes and 100% vegetables wastes. The Total weight of raw materials was 10 kg for each reactor. The composting process is carried out aerobically with a composting time of 60 days. The results showed that vegetable wastes have the potential to be used as a co-substrate for diaper wastes. The content of C-organic, VS and total nitrogen decreased. All of the parameters include C/N ratio meet the Indonesian Standard of compost.
Bacterial co-metabolism in composting process has been widely used to remove hydrocarbons, aided by in-situ production of bio-based surfactants, in terms of compost humic acid-like substances and biosurfactants. The properties of compost humic acid-like substances have been shown in previous studies as potential surface tension reducers and emulsifiers for hydrocarbons. The current study aimed to analyze the properties of biosurfactant of surface tension decrease, emulsification activity, and hydrocarbon solubilization ability. Four indigenous bacteria consortia were isolated from composted materials of yard waste, rumen residue, crude oil-polluted soil, and the mixture of polluted soil with organic waste (1:1, w/w) at day 0th, 20th, 40th, and 60th. Organic waste consists of yard waste and rumen residue in the ratio of 1:1. The isolated indigenous bacteria consortia were incubated for 7 days in different media, i.e., organic waste extract, 6.00% of crude oil, and a mixture of organic waste extract with 6.00% crude oil. The results indicated that the surface tension decrease and emulsification activity of biosurfactants were 8.35–52.90 mN m-1 and 0.00–12.00%, respectively, which showed the potential as surface tension reducers with low emulsification activity. The higher hydrocarbon solubility was shown by the biosurfactant from the rumen residue (13 620 µg g-1) and the mixture (10 998 µg g-1) at day 40th, which was comparable to 1.50% of Tween 80. The biosurfactants in the current research were produced with the same materials, process, and time as compost humic acid-like substances which acts as in-situ bio-based surfactants. The respective ability to solubilize hydrocarbon might be combined and estimated to be higher than Tween 80 of 24 329 µg g-1 and 21 619 µg g-1 for rumen residue and the mixture, respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that the best composition for in-situ bio-based surfactant production to assist the degradation of hydrocarbon through composting process is polluted soil with organic waste (1:1, w/w). The solubility of hydrocarbons can be increased without synthetic surfactants addition, but through providing nutrients to maintain in-situ bio-based surfactant production with intermittent addition of organic waste every 40 days. This method is expected to be an appropriate approach in composting development as a cost-effective sustainable bioremediation technique for polluted soil.
Zagospodarowanie komunalnych osadów ściekowych może być realizowane przy zastosowaniu procesu kompostowania, który jest formą recyklingu organicznego. Ze względu na wysokie uwodnienie osadów ściekowych, ich niską porowatość oraz niską proporcję węgla do azotu (C/N), uzyskanie odpowiedniego wsadu wymaga wprowadzenia materiałów strukturotwórczych i korygujących. W niniejszej pracy proces kompostowania osadów z materiałami lignocelulozowymi (słoma pszeniczna, zrębki drewniane) prowadzono w układzie dwustopniowym (1° — napowietrzany bioreaktor, 2° — okresowo przerzucana pryzma). Wykazano, że temperatura powyżej 55°C (warunki termofilowe) utrzymywała się do 6. dnia procesu, a po 2 tygodniach uległa obniżeniu do 40°C. W kompoście nie stwierdzono żywych jaj pasożytów jelitowych oraz bakterii z rodzaju Salmonella, co oznacza, że czas trwania fazy termofilowej był wystarczający do higienizacji osadów ściekowych. Mimo stosunkowo wysokiej zawartości materii organicznej w gotowym produkcie (766 g/kg s.m.), stabilny kompost uzyskano już po 60 dniach procesu, o czym świadczy wartość AT4 na poziomie około 10 g O2/kg s.m. Kompost charakteryzował się wysoką zawartością pierwiastków nawozowych (NPK), a stężenia metali ciężkich nie przekraczały wartości normatywnych.
Composting, as a form of organic recycling, may be used for municipal sewage sludge treatment. Due to the high moisture of sewage sludge, and both its low porosity and the carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N), to obtain the appropriate feedstock, bulking agents and amendments must be added. In the present study, the composting process of sewage sludge with the lignocellulosic materials (wood chips, wheat straw) was conducted in a two-stage system (1° — aerated bioreactor, 2° — periodically turned windrow). The temperature above 55°C (thermophilic conditions) maintained until the 6th day of the process, and after 2 weeks it decreased to 40°C. There were no live eggs of intestinal parasites and Salmonella bacteria in the compost. This means that the length of the thermophilic phase was sufficient for the sewage sludge hygienization. Compost had relatively high content of organic matter (766 g/kg dry matter), however, the product achieved stability only after 60 days of composting, as evidenced by the AT4 value on the level ca. 10 g O2/kg DM. Compost was characterized by a high content of nutrients (NPK) and heavy metals concentrations were below the normative values.
Composting of rose oil processing solid wastes was experimented by two different aeration methods: forced aeration and mechanical turning. The objective of this study was to assess which aeration methods were the most convenient for the composting process. Assessment of aeration methods was performed based on the parameters such as temperature, O2, CO2, CH4 concentration profiles, and physical and chemical properties of the finished composts. The two aeration methods were also compared based on the energy consumed by aeration per unit organic matter loss (OML) of composting, which is a major proportion of operating costs. Although composting performance parameters of temperature and O2/CO2 in the function of time showed some differences, similar end-product quality in terms of moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, NH+4–N and NO-3–N and contents was obtained. These results suggested that both methods (forced aeration and mechanical turning) may be utilized for composting operation of rose oil processing solid wastes. However, in this study, energy consumed by aeration provided by mechanical turning per unit OML of composting was 1.24 times higher than that of forced aeration. Furthermore, mechanical turning created anaerobic conditions for the formation of CH4 concentration in the pile, which was higher than that of the forced aeration.
One of the most important fractions of soil organic matter which has significant environmental and agricultural importance is humus. The specific humus compounds of soil include the complex of amorphous organic humic substances which include humic acids, fulvic acids and humins. The effectiveness of the natural formation of active humic substances during composting processes depends on the chemical composition of organic residues and the environmental conditions influencing the development and activity of native microorganisms. The aim of the project was to build innovative composting boxes for chicken manure that allow to effectively obtain a fertilizer with the highest possible content of humic acids, by creating perfect and controlled conditions for the rapid development of indigenous thermophilic microorganisms and by combining it with the owned bio-acceleration technology. For perfect conditions (temperature, humidity, oxygen, pH) for the controlled growth of microorganisms, an algorithm of the dependence of the box operation parameters on the course of the biological process, was built. The product obtained after composting is an easily digestible complex organic fertilizer of brown-black colour, pH 7.5-8.0 and NPK 5:3:4 and a high content of native humic acids. Its use increases the growth of green mass of plants and improves soil fertility, which has been proved by the conducted pot research.
Humus jest jedną z najważniejszych frakcji materii organicznej gleby, która ma istotne znaczenie dla środowiska i rolnictwa. Poszczególne składniki próchnicy obejmują grupę amorficznych substancji próchnicznych, w tym kwasy humusowe, fulwowe i huminy. Skuteczność naturalnego tworzenia się aktywnych substancji próchnicznych podczas procesu kompostowania zależy od składu chemicznego osadów organicznych i warunków środowiskowych, które mają wpływ na rozwój i aktywność natywnych mikroorganizmów. Celem projektu było zbudowanie innowacyjnych skrzyni kompostowych na odchody kurze pozwalające na skuteczne uzyskanie nawozu o możliwie najwyższej zwartości kwasów humusowych poprzez stworzenie idealnych i kontrolowanych warunków dla szybkiego rozwoju miejscowych mikroorganizmów termofilnych oraz poprzez połączenie ich z własną technologią bio-akceleracji. Dla uzyskania idealnych warunków (temperatura, wilgotność, tlen, pH) dla kontrolowanego wzrostu mikroorganizmów, stworzono algorytm zależności parametrów operacyjnych skrzyni. Produkt uzyskany w drodze kompostowania jest łatwo rozkładalnym złożonym nawozem organicznym o brązowo-czarnym kolorze, pH 7,5-8,0 oraz NPK 5:3:4 i wysokim poziomie natywnych kwasów humusowych. Jego zastosowanie pozytywnie wpływa na wzrost zielonej masy roślin i poprawia żyzność gleby, co zostało udowodnione przeprowadzonymi badaniami.
This paper pertains to the influence of decreasing supplementation to transformation of chemical forms of Ni. Zn and Cu during composting of sewage sludge. A universally used supplementing material constituting a rich source of organic carbon is straw. Addition of straw to sewage sludge is aimed at increasing C/N proportion up to at least 15 due to the risk of formation of toxic forms of nitrogen, concentration of which in sewage sludge is exceptionally high. We have presented in this paper the results of speciation research of three elements applying Tessier’s sequential extraction. It’s been proven that decreasing of straw share in the composted mixture with sewage sludge down to the level of C/N value below the admissible value, has a beneficial effect on the allocation of tested heavy metals towards the forms that are permanently bound in compost matrix. A systematic increase of organic (IV) and residual (V) fractions share and decrease of mobile forms of heavy metals content in bioavailable fractions i.e. ion-exchange (I) and carbonate (II) has been ascertained.
The article describes an experiment conducted under industrial (real) conditions in a municipal waste composting facility. The waste gases emitted from composting processes were passed through an experimental installation built in a semi-technical scale. The installation consisted of two biofilters which were filled with different aluminosilicate beds with average granulation of 4–10 mm. The sorbents were inoculated with a mixture of microorganisms bred on the mineral bed, previously operating in the tank with the waste from that composting facility. Malodorous gases were passed through the installation and concentrations of organic acids and aldehydes before and after passing through biofilters with the examined sorbents. The aim of the experiment was to determine which of the two mineral sorbents better removes the analysed contaminations from post-production gases. The experiment lasted for a month, as difficult and highly variable industrial conditions caused problems with operation and the experiment was suddenly interrupted. The study will be continued after the introduction of design changes in the installation. After the month of conducting the study it can be conclude that in the first weeks of the study, before the dampness of sorbents took place, halloysite reduced the concentrations of acetic acid in 80–99%, and of acetaldehyde in 96–98%. The other aluminosilicate caused a drop in the concentrations by 97–98% and 92–86%, respectively. Moreover, in the experiment planned in the semi-technical scale, it was not possible to determine the overall performances of mineral biofilters due to unstable operating conditions and ending the experiment prematurely. The halloysite sorbent finally turned out to be potentially the more efficient than the other aluminosilicate sorbent.
The disposal of organic waste in processes such as composting is related to the emission of malodorous compounds. Owing to their character and low odour detection threshold, there is often a need for a hundred percent elimination of the contaminants from waste gases. One of alternative methods of treating the waste gases from malodorous contaminants, occurring in low concentrations in post-process air, is the biofiltration method. Most often, the method uses an organic filtration material. However, this method of air purification is still developing; therefore, there is a search for new sorbents among mineral materials, which would be an alternative for organic sorbents. The article presents the research into the application of aluminosilicate sorbents, including halloysite, for deodorization of the gases emitted from the processes of composting municipal waste. The semitechnical scale research was conducted for several weeks in a municipal waste composting plant, passing real gases through two biofilters filled with mineral sorbents. In spite of the fact that some problems occurred and the research cycle was not completed, the experiment proved that halloysite removes odours to a much higher extent than the other examined aluminosilicate sorbent. While the VOCs reduction on a bed with halloysite was 88%, the reduction on a bed with a second aluminosilicate reached 35%. The process conditions were very unstable; therefore, the efficiency of the VOCs removal process varied widely. However, halloysite has always been a better sorbent than the other aluminosilicate.
The study of the composting process is a very urgent task. The rapid growth in food production leads to the formation of waste, which should be safely disposed of in a natural way – composting. Composting the vegetable component of food waste can significantly reduce the proportion of waste falling into landfills and utilize the food waste from the hotel and restaurant industry. Additional enrichment of the compost mixture of food waste with the «Baikal EM» microbiological additive accelerates the maturation process and enhances the efficiency of the finished compost. Such compost does not contain viable weed seeds or pathogenic microflora and can be used as a fertilizer. In contrast to the control, a sufficient level of germination index is observed for the studied samples and they are not phytotoxic. The finished compost can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture for growing crops. The results obtained indicate that the index of germination of radish seeds increases along with the duration of fermentation of the composted mixture. Communities of microorganisms contained in the «Baikal EM» additive accelerate the natural process of composting, taking an active part in the destruction of the components of the vegetable mixture. The pH value of the finished compost, both under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions, is close to neutral indicators. High values of CO2 emissions from reactors were recorded in the second week under thermophilic and for 3 weeks under mesophilic conditions. The finished compost that fermented under thermophilic and mesophilic conditions can be used as fertilizer, but considering that additional energy is required to create thermophilic conditions, it is advisable to compost the food waste mixture with the addition of the microbiological additive «Baikal EM» under mesophilic conditions.
The complete elimination of odorants from the gases released into the atmosphere is a practically impossible task. This is mainly due to the fact that they are released not only during the technological process itself, but also during unloading, reloading, and transport, which are components of the technological line and also sources of emissions. It is not always possible to encapsulate these stages. Many gases belonging to the group of odorous compounds, characterized by unpleasant odors, have a very low detection threshold. Thus, for the odor to be imperceptible, the compound must be completely removed from the exhaust gas. This task would involve the necessity to take into account the complete air-tight sealing already at the stage of design and construction of the installation. This article concerns the tests carried out in the composting plant in the field of protection against odors. In the experiment, a biofilter with a permanent filling with full process monitoring was used. The research was carried out to determine the process parameters for the real object.
The compositions of bacterial communities and populations during aerobic stabilization of livestock manure have been investigated, focusing on how the aging of feedstock affected the bacterial diversity of the composting mass. The livestock manure was divided into two groups – aged and fresh, and then used to prepare the feedstock with additives. Composting experiments were carried out for 15 days using a pilot-scale batch reactor with vacuum-induced aeration. Two different aeration rates were applied to the batch reactor, and their effectiveness was evaluated. Changes in total heterotrophic bacteria count and moisture content were monitored. The associated changes in bacterial community compositions were characterized using 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene sequencing. The Firmicutes in the fresh manure decreased from 48 to 13% for the first ten days, and the dominant phylum shifted to the Proteobacteria (29%), Bacteroidetes (23%), Actinobacteria (20%), and others(15%). Under the given conditions, the use of relatively fresh manure was essential to preserve thediverse bacterial populations in the feedstock and enhance the bacterial diversity during aerobic stabilization.More research should be performed to investigate the degradability of emerging contaminants (e.g., antibiotics) in livestock manure using an engineered composting system providing well-controlled environmental conditions.
This study evaluates the common process and set-up design of a static compost bioreactor for heat recovery. A technology, which fits the goal of a sustainable, growing bioeconomy which combines the utilization of compost heat and compost material. Interest on this technology has been growing the last years but precise data of pilot scale reactors is rare. Data is required to adjust the process for custom needs and further technical development. Therefore, lignin-cellulose based biomass was composted in unaerated cylindrical compost reactors size 20 to 70 m3 for 140 days. The biomass comes with C:N ratio of about 25:1, water content of 43-48 %, organic matter content of 40.6 % d.m. and calorific value of 8.3 MJ/kg d.m. Spatial distribution of temperature and gas concentration (oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane) within the reactor shows methane production of the anaerobic core area. Maximum thermal power of 5.2 kW from a 63 m3 reactor with average temperature of heating flow about 40 °C was reached. Maximum recovered heating power of 4.8 MJ/kg d.m. was calculated for an operation of 6 month. This corresponds to 50 % of the measured calorific value. Biggest influence factors detected on the recovered heating power of the pilot scale reactor has been the size of reactor, the set up quality and the control of heat exchanger. The spatial correlation between heat production and aerobic digestion suggests a technical development in terms of aeration.
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